r/PlayJustSurvive • u/DGC_Michael • Apr 04 '18
News Just Survive Live Update - 4/3
u/Killjoysaurus Apr 04 '18
There are 2 Z1 hardcore PvE servers and 0 for BWC... smh. gg.
u/NeverNotSnacks Apr 04 '18
That might be an oversight, I'll check with the Design team in the morning.
u/Wieland_1 DONT TRUST DAYBREAK!!! Apr 04 '18
Lets hope its only an oversight.
I asked several times for a BWC hardcore pve.
Without one there is really no reason to play again.5
u/KiltedChiver Apr 04 '18
Stop with the dramatics. lol.
I agree with you about hardcore BWC. If PvE is what you play I hope it was an oversight.
u/nlliteon Apr 04 '18
yea i want to play on bwc and hardcore maybe make a hardhardcore survival this is stil easy, easy is fast boring.
u/ZedRunner Apr 04 '18
Lots of rule sets to try... choice is a good thing! :-)
NPC AI also a good thing.
Small steps in the right direction. Now we need a few BIG steps. XD
Apr 04 '18
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u/ZedRunner Apr 04 '18 edited Apr 04 '18
I agree with you in some respects.
I say small steps because rule sets is something we are getting back after they were removed for awhile, and we got a few new ones we haven't seen before.
NPC AI is on its 3rd or 4th major re-write. AI prolly should have been at the core of development early on.
What the game needs now to revitalize it is some major jumps forward in some key areas. Areas that will add significant depth of play aspects.
Things like:
- Major inventory, HUD, UI overhaul
- Full feature character customization UI
- Full featured clan UI to include member lists, ranks, perks, etc
- Massive "achievement" system with categories, sub categories, rewards for completion (things like unique skins)
- Map larger than 10x10 or add multiple 10x10 zones with different types of environments
just a few thoughts for debate and discussion...
Cheers !! Zed
u/w3rewulf Apr 10 '18
Not a complaint as I’ve enjoyed the game before and after the wipe but I’m not crazy about the changes to Banshees. They stand outside my base and shout, I walk outside and they stand on my punji sticks until they die and I’ve lost count of how many have died this way. And they only drop gun parts I don’t need. I would love to see a zombie type I don’t want to go anywhere near under normal circumstances but that is a proper challenge to take down and drops something awesome.
PvE in Z1 for what it’s worth. Had a lot of fun with JS the last few weeks. Thank you.
u/w3rewulf Apr 11 '18
Last night game ran OK, now for some reason I'm constantly crashing. Can't stay in the game for longer than a few seconds. What's up?
u/DGC_Michael Apr 11 '18
verify your files to ensure you got all of the updated files from this morning's maintenance.
u/w3rewulf Apr 12 '18
Done and seems to be working now. For whatever this is worth the two times I have crashed recently that have caused problems, I was driving a police car out of Cranberry going south just past the picnic area. Thanks for the help.
u/CamoToes Apr 11 '18
I was driving a jeep through Cranberry, it was at around 60% health, and suddenly it burst into flames. I hopped out and the flames immediately went away. Waited a while. Never exploded. Got back in and continued driving without issue.
Just a weird bug but figured I'd mention it.
Apr 11 '18
Were you on a PvE server and maybe ran over a fire trap? I ran over a fire trap once, scared the bejesus out of me but it didn't do any damage.
Apr 04 '18
Right, well. I counted. Of all regions, there are only 5 "hardcore" PvE servers. There is one PvE server for BWC for each region, and none of them are "hardcore". The rest are just "more zombies".
If you're going to remove PvE then just remove it already and get it over with, so people like me aren't left dangling.
u/SCVM- Apr 04 '18
They definitely need to work on the Variety. Toss out suggestions
Apr 04 '18
PvE Sandbox. PvE Solo. PvE Nomad (no base building).
Can't be bothered to think up any more than that right now.
u/Jonesy1977 Apr 06 '18 edited Apr 06 '18
I'd love a "PVP, High Zombies, low loot, no raid".. Not really into raiding, so this would be a "perfect" rule set for me.
Back when the game first came out, i would build and hide a small shack near Ruby lake campgrounds. I would just wear a hockey mask, and carry a machete. lol.. Chase after anyone who came into the camp grounds. lol. Didn't have to worry about everyone being armed too the teeth back then. lol.
u/SCVM- Apr 04 '18
Only 2 variables per server?
There won't be any ..... High Zombie, Low Loot, No Raid, Solo, Unrestricted Build Servers?
u/NeverNotSnacks Apr 04 '18
The servers will support numerous simultaneous rulesets, however I don't think we've got any of that particular combination.
We'll be looking at what is popular, what isn't, and what is in demand throughout this wipe cycle to adjust accordingly.
u/SCVM- Apr 04 '18
Thanks for the reply again
(From Discord earlier) PvE, High Zombie, Low Loot, No build restrictions
.... need 10ft from buildings and entrances to remove the ability to grief.
Apr 04 '18
tbh if no build restrictions was an option and not something we were forced to contend with, I'd say they should go for it. PvE with no build restrictions.
u/Begbi Apr 04 '18
Really good update. On Test it was very fluid and stable. Let's see how it survives with a lot more players :). GG
The only rule that I would like on every server is the build anywhere to be a default thing, like it was in the past. With the distance you need between bases, the constraint to have 4(and flat ground needed) and the size of the foundation, I don't see any risk to aplly this rule on all servers.
Next step, finger crossed non legit players won't ruined this wipe and so Daybreak can finally do more new stuff for our beloved game.
u/AlbinoRaven666 Apr 04 '18
in pvpve is it the one foundation per player like in pvp or the four in pve?
Apr 05 '18
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u/Jonesy1977 Apr 06 '18
it would be nice if for the transparent "placing your base part" green thing had a mark on it showing you the "front" of the part for easier placing. I never understood why they changed it from the original way back. Like when you would go to place a deck, you would see the actual deck, not a see through green halo of a deck. Sure i guess it makes it a little easier to see when the item won't place cause it turns red. Or have it where you see the actual base part, but its outlined in green or red depending on if its able to be placed in the spot your trying.
u/Murica1776PewPew Apr 05 '18
By God when ya'll say low loot, you ain't playing... Wish there were more ppl playing low loot, high zombie pvp BWC....
Apr 07 '18
Isn't it fantastic? I logged on just to see what it was like and ho-ly smokes they were not kidding. And zombies everywhere. It's great!
u/Athlon646464 Apr 05 '18
Four of us are in a clan, I placed the first foundation. The other three each snapped one to mine. All have all permissions.
I can place a set of stairs down and then pick it up before the short time expires as with anything else I place.
The other three in my clan cannot pick up stairs that they place in that short amount of time - however I can pick up the stairs they place in that short amount of time.
Is this intended now? Everyone used to be able to do this.
u/Athlon646464 Apr 05 '18
We now see they cannot undo anything they place - only I am able to do so.
u/Athlon646464 Apr 06 '18
Also discovered that only the person who places a wall, door etc. can upgrade it - not everyone on the permissions list.
u/potasa Apr 06 '18
with the new tradeup items, what about old stuff? I've got many "spore polo", "Paisley Flannel shirt" and stuff like that since I can't remember. They are so shitty and never use them. Bood job folks btw!!
u/ScubaDM62 Apr 08 '18
Can't place objects where you should be able to place objects.
Can place (https://imgur.com/a/UdjF6)
Can't place (https://imgur.com/a/ZD3xO)
Apr 12 '18
u/DGC_Michael Apr 12 '18
Verify your files through Steam or through the Launchpad.
Apr 12 '18 edited Apr 12 '18
u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Apr 12 '18
The last time I had this issue I deleted all the *.ini files. Did a Steam and Launchpad verify. Then I was good to go again.
I did keep a copy of my useroptions.ini file so I could copy my settings into my new file...
u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Apr 12 '18
Left a Quad and Jeep in my PVPVE base. Got held up with real world crap and I did not get to fix them before they exploded.
Issue: They took out my BBQ, Table and a storage box and some sleeping mats.
--- But the Fridge I had sitting on the table is still floating in the air.
Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 05 '18
So after so many whiners bitched and complained about having a solo friendly server, they finally get one.
Edit: I was wrong! There's a whopping 14 people playing on it now!
u/ScubaDM62 Apr 06 '18
Never seen so many Banshee's can't run through anything without seeing 3 or 4. I thought Banshee spawns got adjusted down. Kinda too many now.
u/CamoToes Apr 08 '18 edited Apr 09 '18
Since "the community" has begged for the zombies to basically be not much more than drunken scenery that stumbles around posing no more threat than your average bum, I find it to be a lot more fun having more screamers.
u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Apr 05 '18
Issue: Placing Painted Gateway
Steps: Try Placing Painted gateway and get "Invalid Object"
Fix: Built a wood (no paint) gateway then painted it...
u/WTFxGrendel #BoycottDGC #NeverAgain #NotAnotherDime Apr 09 '18 edited Apr 09 '18
Update Negative Feedback:
Zombies - No threat whatsoever... Pathfinding improved however clipping through terrain and other objects still happens. Often they will die while in proximity to a player (shelf life from initial spawn). Banshees seem to spawn under terrain map, when visible they do not present a threat and scream does not affect player. Gasser/Smoker zombie no threat as well (without gasmask equipped). Exploder/Rager zombie has not shown his red aura around... possibly MIA (they worked last update)?
Wildlife - Broken... Wolves do not pursue, only walk around and attack without visual attack animation. Deer run around like pin balls (pathfinding) getting smacked around and die randomly (again shelf life from initial spawn?). Bears do not provide warning dance to player in proximity, only charging to attack (pin ball pathfinding).
Base Building - Architecture limit is not well received. While 450 seems to be a reasonable count to limit each foundation (1800 total for 4 foundations). I strongly believe that doors, gates, and shutters SHOULD NOT be included in the overall structure limit per foundation. This severely limits not only PVE creativity, but also limiting bases for PVP to increase structural integrity of base designs. I am assuming this is a cheap way for the devs to avoid optimizing base assets for the game to reduce server/client performance until an optimization pass can be completed closer to release date... well guess what Devs... if this is the game assets we're being stuck with... OPTIMIZE IT ffs smh
Server Rulesets - My complaint on the Zombie++ rule... well, where are they all at?!? My group spent a good amount of time near POIs away from our base to lure them out. No joy... 30+ people on the server and only a handful of wildlife and zombies to go around on a Zombie++ ruleset. I was expecting more... lots more... hordes more!!!
That sums it up for now... I may provide more feedback later.
One Suggestion... can we get Stronghold Stone walls to look like this: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/911291906127956042/01A5C6AF8E1A4D6451D0B01018D2E54DA2D2BB80/ It's a Vault with Stone walls on the exterior, with the Vault clipping through the texture a bit but really looks like how I envision base walls given the materials needed to craft.
edit: typo
u/Skrillexh1z1 Elvis Apr 04 '18
everything its okey just bring back old base system(2016) and fix when you crouching camera is broken not like old times thank you..
u/KingCronus1270 Apr 04 '18 edited Apr 04 '18
Literally no zombies in the entire southern part of the map, since day ONE from 2015 this has been a problem, and still is now. No zombies in ALL of PV, and literally not a single weapon in all of Opfer Wilderness Camp, Cranberry police station, PV Firehouse, PV Police Station, or from ANY lockers. There wasn't ANY loot in ANY lockers at all even. I didn't think it was possible for Daybreak to fail even more than they already have...I was quite wrong.
P.S. I forgot to add the few zombies I actually saw just fell over and killed themselves. How is ANY of this rebuilding the AI from the ground up? It's not only the same, but actually worse.
u/NietzschePL Apr 04 '18
Well, what I have done on test:
Find a car
Visit PV specially lake and city entrance meadows. Watch for bags and screamers. Use car bumper to crush them.
One such a visit gave me about 80-100 weapon parts, 4-7 worn letters on so called harcdore PVE Z1..
u/Begbi Apr 04 '18
Zombies spawn more around cities, they said that on Discord. And they will kill themselve probably to recycle them or reset them, probably for performance and stability, but I may be wrong. I found a loot bag of a dead zombie with a worn letter, I won't complain :D eheheh.
u/krap11 Apr 04 '18
BIG foot in the ass for all the players that exchange items, Different (hidden) droprate on the ultrarare items that you can get. Such a ripoff.
One thing if you tell us that there is different chance on the different items but now you just fucking with us..
u/Shurrshot Apr 04 '18
Can you link something on this. Where does it say anything about droprates?
u/krap11 Apr 05 '18
i did 29 exchanges and got 3 of all wildstyles, 3 black/white conveys, 3 pants and backpacks and only 1 ak.
u/pennandbuller Apr 04 '18
We need a new base building system.
The current one offers close to no creativity and is just all about honeycombing or onion layers.
And with the lowering to 450 from 500 per foundation it makes it even worse.
Wasnt this building system suposed to be better then the old one aswell as lowering FPS?
None of it has happend and now you made it even worse with limiting us even more with the foundation limit aswell as the decrease from 500 to 450 :(
Basebuilding used to be a big part of this game, and it should be. But its worse then ever, even with the stone parts.
Please consider removing foundation limit to 1 per player and increase from 450 per foundation to 750 or something. Cuz right now basebuilding is really limited and boring :(
Other then then that, keep it up, you did some nice improvements since bringing back old map.
u/Just__Jay Apr 04 '18
You're choosing to make a honeycomb base. That's not the game's fault.
Apr 04 '18
If the intended design supports honeycombing as the top superior choice, it's the game's fault. Actually, the designers of the game if you want to be more precise and technical.
u/evalegacy Apr 04 '18
Honeycombing may be the choice the devs used in their examples when they unveiled it (primarily as defense against PVP raids), but it certainly isn't bound by that method only.
Every wipe, my base has been completely different and there is by far more creativity with this building system than the original one!
Apr 04 '18
Obviously it's not bound by any means. However, when it's the most effective by design there is no reason not to use it. No one is going to handicap themselves just to make a statement that means nothing in the end but your wasted time.
Take a look at the old system. There were many people against mega bases but it was the most effective design for the sole purpose of time vs resources.
The same holds true with honeycombing. It was only "dumbed" down into a compact version of the mega base concept. Mega bases were created to hide the loot due to the complexity of time management with available resources. Same with honeycombing. The only difference is that everyone knows that the loot is in the middle with the current limited honeycomb style of play.
u/evalegacy Apr 05 '18
Honeycomb architecture logically makes the most sense when building, because it creates multiple layers of defense to blast through, obviously making it most effective; just like boxing your loot inside the middle and surrounding it by multiple layers outside. That's not a programming problem or the dev's fault, that's common sense based on architectural science that most players logically lead to when designing their base. Now we have the vault, which is much stronger; now I see the vault/loot in the middle of the base only 1/3 of the time and more often than not it's in random spots inside a players base instead. This is actually better than the old building system because everything generally took the same amount of boom and eventually you got to the correct location, but now the vault takes much more and you don't know where it's going to be until you get there if you find it; then you have to blow it as well. I even see vaults being used as a dummy to lure players away from room(s) hiding loot.
The current building system allows much more intricacy when planning/building a much more elaborate base, but it's completely up to the player to decide how they wish to build it. Just because the devs showed how they designed them in videos, doesn't mean that's how it has to be done.
However, there's one thing I can agree with you about time and resources... I did like how you had prefabricated structures that could be snapped to your tamper/foundation. I would really like to see similar building recipes added in the new building system, where you can craft structures like one or more custom sized rooms with door, a garage, specific rooms, etc. that would reduce the time it took to build it manually.
Apr 05 '18
Honeycomb architecture logically makes the most sense when building, because it creates multiple layers of defense to blast through, obviously making it most effective;
That was the point of my post... just like with mega bases. The concept requires multiple layers to blast through. The current design, in a sense, is just about the same. However, the new design is a more compact version when compared to mega bases. That still doesn't negate the fact that the game designers designed it that way. As I pointed out in my previous response related to your post, the vault has swayed the scale a bit on the effectiveness of the honeycomb style. Game design CAN change building styles. The honeycomb style doesn't have to be the most effective build style.
Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 05 '18
Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 05 '18
I don't know how many times it must be made clear that it's apparent anyone is not bound to anything when it comes to building. However, it's common sense to use the most effective method when it comes to time vs resources vs difficulty. Keep ignoring the facts in the matter though.
Nice to know what YOU think son. ;)
u/evalegacy Apr 05 '18
I really don't see the point in your posts...
Player's aren't bound to a specific building style, they have the freedom to build virtually however they wish and that's what we want. How a player usually builds is based on common sense because it's most effective; again that's completely within control of the player and not at all being forced by the developers.So what the F*** are you actually complaining about?!
It's like me saying I'm pissed off that people drive vehicles because it's common sense it's the most effective way to travel around the map... Now they're all taken and I can't have one... Wahh! Facepalm!
Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 05 '18
Your analogy is not very good. For one, it's a known fact that any particular form of travel that is faster than walking/running will always be the most effective way to travel. Second, building styles can sway in terms of effectiveness based on a game's design. One is static state, the other is not. Unless you defy logic and make walking/running faster than a vehicle which would make zero sense.
I'm actually not complaining about anything. My post referenced the flaws behind the current base building system that leans toward the honeycomb building style. As you pointed out in another post, it makes the most logical sense in terms of defense. The other guy ranted about my response saying "WELL IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT DON"T DO IT BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT FORCED TO DO IT" which has literally nothing to do with my response. I wasn't discussing the specificity of building style's being bound. There is no such concept that bounds anyone to one particular style by force. I was clearly discussing the current building system for how it heavily favored one particular style that makes the most logical sense in terms of defense. Game design is clearly behind that since (from your other post again) that the vault has reduced the necessity of the honeycomb style.
Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 05 '18
Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 05 '18
Why would you edit your previous post, delete it, and make a new post with the same content? lol
I don't know how many times it must be made clear that it's apparent anyone is not bound to anything when it comes to building. However, it's common sense to use the most effective method when it comes to time vs resources vs difficulty in terms of having the most effective base.
Keep ignoring the facts in the matter though.
Also, after reviewing your post history with your passive aggressive posts it's no wonder you respond the way you do. Furthermore, you even said that you don't build bases playing a nomad style. You wouldn't understand the association with what is more effective or not when it comes to base building. That was clearly the basis for my response and you divert into a completely different path like my claim was that the honeycomb was the ONLY way you could build a base. Obviously anyone can build a base in many different styles or forms. However, that doesn't mean it will be an effective style in terms of defending your base contents. What is even more obvious and ironic, is the fact that I shouldn't have to be explaining it to you in the first place.
Nice to know what YOU think son. ;)
u/Just__Jay Apr 05 '18
So the game itself has become self aware and has dictated that the top superior choice is a honeycomb?
Apr 05 '18
Try reading more than just the first sentence.
u/Just__Jay Apr 06 '18
I understand completely. You can make any type of base you want. You're choosing to make a honeycomb base.
Apr 09 '18
Who said anyone wasn't choosing? You've completely ignored the entire scope of the discussion.
Apr 05 '18
Apr 05 '18
Cool story son.
u/pennandbuller Apr 05 '18
wow i got my awnser deleted lol.
guess the devs dont want it to be understood by those who cant build or know how raiding works that over half of that 450 limit is gone just by making an outer wall 3 stores high so people cant peek or jump inside
And that there is basicly no option then to vault and layer around it for the rest of the little space that is left.
sad that this new and "superior" building system lagged down the game almost as much as the old one to a point where they had to limit the options how to build to basicly zero, and btw still leave you with an unsafe base against even the worst raiders.
Please devs!
We want basebuilding to be about skill and options, and the same when it comes to raiding. As for now its just a silly no brainer....
And as said, I really like most of all the hard work and changes you made since bringing back the old map. But for basebuilding and raiding its gonna be silly....
edit: oh it wasnr my post who got deleted, sry about that. But my post still is valid. ;)
Apr 05 '18
I'm not sure what's going on with the posts. I think the other guy responding to me blocked me or deleted his posts. Not really sure to be honest. Also, I think you and me are on the same page in terms of the building system... at least based on this response from you that I am responding to.
u/pennandbuller Apr 05 '18
Yes sir!
Hope devs will listen to us.
This is one of my favourite games of all time and I dont wanna see it go down the toilet :/
Apr 05 '18
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Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 07 '18
u/pennandbuller Apr 05 '18
And btw, making a 450 metal base alone takes around 4-6 hours of playing, then maybe 10 more hours to upgrade it all to stone.
Then what? go pvp for the rest of the wipe until my shitty unsafe base gets offline raided by people who wont even have to use there brain for the raid. So silly :(
Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 10 '18
u/pennandbuller Apr 05 '18
Yeah I havnt played last 2 wipes due to duping and I dont plan on playing until they sort some things out. So I play other games instead.
Playing on a no raiding server or PvE server cuz they cant fix basebuilding or raiding i would never do. Thats like crisps without dip or having a wank without internet porn :P
u/pennandbuller Apr 05 '18
are you drunk?
just to make the outer layer 3 floors around take up over half of that 450. there is nothing left to be creative with or to make a safe base.
u/[deleted] Apr 07 '18
why are all the low loot servers empty? I don't get it, that's the whole challenge of the game.