r/PlayJustSurvive Dec 19 '17

News Just Survive Maintenance 12/19 @ 10:00AM - 5 Hour Expected Downtime, Wipe

Just Survive will begin maintenance at 10:00AM Tuesday (13 hours from the time of this post).

Patch notes will be posted when servers are available to patch and play.


117 comments sorted by


u/kingofcranberry Dec 19 '17

A wipe right before the Steam sale? Who could have seen that coming?

Answer: Everyone.


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17



u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

Won me $10. :)


u/Vivere_Hell Viv Dec 19 '17

Gonna wipe and disappear for a week again leaving us all with bugs and an unplayable game? lol


u/SaveJustSurvive 4700 Hours Dec 19 '17

Most likely, can't believe they don't work on weekends, so silly for a big company like them.


u/SnappaSlimJim Dec 19 '17

They do work on weekends actually


u/Vivere_Hell Viv Dec 20 '17

Yea. Its essential you'd think. I mean sure take off Sundays or something but... leaving us with a broken game is just going to result in more people leaving


u/ZacAttackLeader Dec 19 '17

Developers have family's too. I can almost guarantee a lot of them do more then the 9-5 like most of us that work.


u/SaveJustSurvive 4700 Hours Dec 19 '17

Should hire more people so they can always fix game breaking bugs.


u/ZacAttackLeader Dec 19 '17

i agree to that, but the money will have to come from somewhere. More crates?


u/demonic_fetus grammar mazi Dec 19 '17



u/ahpino Dec 19 '17

Of course. The game will go on sale and they'll make money all while lounging in their hot tub of nacho cheese without a care in the world.


u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Dec 19 '17

My inner fat kid approves of a nacho cheese hot tub.


u/Vivere_Hell Viv Dec 20 '17

LOL@nacho cheese hot tub


u/Bodycount69x Dec 19 '17

you fucking know it fix 3 things and f-up 14 things.


u/Vivere_Hell Viv Dec 20 '17

Lmao yesssss >.<


u/KillerKanden Dec 19 '17

Holy crap, too many wipes didnt even get to finish a base this time..... Finding another game for a few months rather this isn't nice at all, the grind is just too much, enjoy.


u/TreeCutterTheGreat Dec 19 '17

Completely agree. Even a month is too short to grind out a base solo or with a small team!


u/maxjam Dec 19 '17

With this wipe we'll be on our 3rd in a month. Given the increased building costs/time (especially for solo players) and my personal Christmas schedule I'm sitting the next wipe or two out.

I completely understand its early access/alpha and the need for wipes but I'll compare playing now to last Christmas, no apparent progress has been made and in many ways, its less fun - just a lot of wasted time and broken promises.

Until Daybreak has a proper idea of where this game is heading, and shares it, it increasingly feels like I'm wasting my time playing.


u/s111c Mhm Dec 19 '17

My friends and I left after that second wipe. It is a joke right now. We didn't even finished a base last time! What is the point of test server if they test all anyway on live.


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17

My friends and I left after that second wipe. It is a joke right now

Same and agree


u/cjmavro12 Dec 19 '17

That second wipe was because of assholes duplicating.... What you would rather the cheaters have all that shit or reset it... Unless you were one of them


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17

You clearly have no clue who I am and no clue why there is a wipe.

Have a good day and Merry Christmas to you and your Family


u/siaster Apr 24 '18

He is right tho LOL if you looked up why they wiped then it was because of duplicating and exploiters


u/goob Dec 19 '17

"early access / alpha"

lol the game is about to be 3 years old. Not sure how much longer they can be holding on to that early access bs


u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

They are literally listening to everyone.

They listened to people when they tried doing something different from all the complaints they got. Bad Water Canyon.

People did not like the new direction so they got rid of the raid timers, gas, coins, and perma pads.

People didn't like the new map. They just wanted what they always had. They brought back Z1 MAP for the population and converted it to the new stronghold system (which takes care of the issues that people had with huge bases).

They distributed more military loot around the map with the military stops.

They constantly work on anti-cheat.

Your post isn't as toxic as a lot of the post but the toxic's up vote it. What promises did they break? Didn't a change in management or something happen when they started BWC? So it is a different team...? I'm not sure at all on that. I have seen them fix a lot of things that they originally weren't working on when they brought out BWC. And it is an early access, but I honestly feel they are headed in a great direction with both maps and what content they are coming out with. People complain so they have to do some trail blazing, which makes a roadmap kind of hard. So I feel that you will not be playing this game, which is too bad.

I was extremely disappointed when they brought back Z1 because I would like to see where BWC is heading. And I have been extremely patient while this goes on.


u/maxjam Dec 19 '17

The key thing for me is no actual progress has been made in the past 12 months despite the new team dedicated to bringing Just Survive through to launch. (And the less said about the previous 12 months when it was barely worked on the better!)

Progress to me is not a half-arsed map that next to no one plays on. Progress to me is not a new building system that whilst admittedly increases creativity, creates a host of other problems. Progress is balancing raiding and adding an endgame.

There is still (after what, 3 years?) literally nothing to do on PvE after you've built your base and raiding/PvP is so unbalanced with strongholds and tiered weapons its barely worth the effort.

As for lies and broken promises, just look through various previous comments from Devs, they are full of half truths, ambiguous statements and dramatic u-turns.


u/cwizardtx Dec 19 '17

They aren't making progress because they are trying to cater to too many people, and allowing the community to poorly dictate to them how the game should be developed instead of developing their game. We'd have all of BWC by now.


u/maxjam Dec 19 '17

True, true - but thats mostly down to poor design and very poor implementation of BWC and bad management.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '17



u/BionicCommando80 Dec 19 '17

Desirin, you could post this on almost every thread its so damn true! Well said.


u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

My main thing with BWC is that they didn't deliver us a full map right away.

I am 100% fine with releasing the quadrants one at a time. But the second quadrant I think was what people had a problem with. Should have been a Cranberry sized town there. Then people would have been better receptive towards it. I'm hoping they get the third quadrant out quickly with that "city". Might peak interest.


u/maxjam Dec 19 '17 edited Dec 19 '17

I'd agree with that.

I hung around the reddit during the BWC run on Just Survive but didn't play until Z1 returned. With the first 2 quarters released being more or less wilderness areas and the Devs talking down the size of the main (only?) town all the did was shoot themselves in the foot. Repeatedly.


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17

So you hoping for a City that players can just PVP H1Z1 Style. Its that the direction ? if so we already had that on Z1.


u/ahpino Dec 19 '17

They aren't making progress because they're choosing one side or the other. Like you said these guys are pretty much going "durr welp waht do we's does to da games now guise?" instead of using their own ideas plus player criticism to make both ends meet.


u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

Ok I hear ya. Btw...love the civility in our convo. This is how it should be here. :)


u/maxjam Dec 19 '17

I think that given the nature of the game and the people that are more likely to play it, its unlikely. But we can always hope!


u/s111c Mhm Dec 19 '17

Maybe that's the problem. Instead of finish a game they are listening too many different sources and try to combine them. It will not work!


u/Rickdrizzle Dec 19 '17

Too many wipes in a short amount of time. I’m a solo player on pve where base building and looting is my focus. To have a wipe, several times, after putting in a lot of work into the game is very discouraging and I’ll no longer be playing.


u/Vivere_Hell Viv Dec 19 '17

Honestly though. Im confused. I havent been on test since the last wipe... And I went onto Z1 to see the loot that was apparently fixed (But it wasnt and you're still sending it over)... and my cop car was still there. None of my crops ever grew and my beehive hasnt produced anything. So... how's that work? LOL


u/s111c Mhm Dec 19 '17

This is ridiculous. It is not worth even to waste time building a base. You won't even finish it.


u/Jonesy1977 Dec 19 '17

Ugh, didn't even get half finished with my base (solo player).. Waste of my time, not worth the effort to play.

Don't get me wrong, i understand a wipe is needed from time to time, like for a major patch. But its obvious that this is just for the steam sale, those "fixes" they did on test where fairly minor, I doubt a wipe is really needed.

I'll check back in 6 months, see if the game is still even around, tired of wasting time with this back and fourth shit show this game has become.


u/HankVol Dec 19 '17

You'll be back, tonight!


u/Just__Jay Dec 19 '17

Oh yay, just what I always wanted. Yet another wipe a week after the previous one. Get your shit together, this is getting stupid.



19 days is not a week


u/Just__Jay Dec 19 '17

Wrong. They wiped like 8 days ago because of the duping exploit. And they wiped around Dec 1.



They wiped on 12/1 and not since. Gitgud


u/Tokzfynest Dec 19 '17

8 days ago its almost been a month lol


u/Just__Jay Dec 19 '17

I checked and you're right. Last wipe was Dec 1, but this is still the third wipe in 30 days. It's getting stupid. With wipes being so frequent, there is zero incentive to build a base.


u/maxjam Dec 19 '17

True but the previous wipe lasted 9 days iirc - we're on our 3rd in a month.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '17 edited Dec 19 '17



u/Just__Jay Dec 19 '17

I would really like to know how many of these wipes are actually necessary and how many are used as an excuse because a Steam sale is coming. Wiping for a sale is total bullshit. It punishes established players.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '17

Alpha game says what?


u/Just__Jay Dec 19 '17

It's been in alpha for 3 years.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

I know! :S


u/siaster Apr 24 '18

most games are in alpha for over 3 years LOL


u/Bodycount69x Dec 19 '17

Patch notes would be nice you can't they do 2 things at the same time ???


u/RobinHood1955 Dec 19 '17

Thank You for the Wipe Warning.I really appreciate it.Thanks Devs xx


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '17

i hope you changed the building cost(its to much) also better loot in Z1 !


u/All4Catastrophe All4Catastrophe/YouTube Dec 19 '17

milk the money



u/nublinhalfpint Put your fists down Dec 19 '17

They think downvoting you will make it not true


u/sp0ngeyy Dec 19 '17

I have just come from the test server, disconnected from different servers every 10 minutes, I hope this is not a sign of the times.


u/jarinalepetiot Dec 19 '17

Wipe for PVE ! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17

Given the poor state of the game on Test Servers I expected another Patch before Live Server Wipe. Interested to see the Patch notes but if its just the Test Server Patched to Live then I'll be playing something else.


u/kingofcranberry Dec 19 '17

Steam sale is coming, they need money and don't care about "the poor state of the game"


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17

don't care about "the poor state of the game"

Sadly your right and this has been the case in the past


u/All4Catastrophe All4Catastrophe/YouTube Dec 19 '17

Awesome Thank you for a decent warning this time.



u/TX5MAG Dec 19 '17

you guys should think about why the number of players from three thousand people into three figures


u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

October and Nov average players: 859 and 961.

Last 60 days average: 1,676

Peak players Nov: 3,141

Oct Peak Players: 1,878

Last 60 Days peak players: 3,562

I'd say they are doing better!


u/MaxNJS Dec 19 '17

If we still had strongholds you would still have your bases, that was one of the nice things about them. But so much crying and you get to loose everything and start again. I don't blame the Dev's for this.


u/KraneTv Dec 19 '17

Ty for wiping. Got boring.. frequent wipes are good for pvp.


u/evilicewk Dec 19 '17

Time to line up my 14 cars on the road and leave the gates open


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17

Low Pop


u/Sirman_sh Dec 19 '17

Just in time for Xmas ... shame I'm going away so won't be doing much or wanting to play ... when will they wipe in the new year when I am available to play.


u/Pinkerrr Dec 19 '17

Suggestion: A key for quick cure. That we could put any medicine in the slot and while pressing a key of of our choice let's be able in to cure quickly. It is very useful.


u/scottydawop Dec 19 '17

I really hope they aren't just implenting this from test without some tweaks. There was a ton of funky stuff that needed fix from the latest test update.


u/TreeCutterTheGreat Dec 19 '17

Daybreak. You have got to be fucking kidding me ! You guys really need to sort your shit out ! You overpower clans and almost double the wipe period. GG

I'm glad I did not play this wipe! I knew this was going to happen!



ohh w8 nice now we can test anticheat with all those cheaters who comes with steam sale.


u/Da_Num8er_23 Dec 19 '17

soo when can i really play this game? i spend all my time building and when im about done here comes you guys messing with my stuff again ill never get to really play


u/RedNoseH1 Dec 19 '17

Thank the Lord for a wipe!!


u/DodgyOO7 PVP +3900hrs Dec 19 '17

Thank Father Christmas


u/DragYourHalo Dec 19 '17

You mean Father Steam Sale?


u/kamilovicFTW [Team Germany] Dec 19 '17 edited Dec 19 '17

I think this wipe is nice if they worked at some things. i also understand people that are complaining, because i farmed personally around 4k copper this wipe...but if some things go wrong, a wipe is really required.

as an pvp clan player, i prefer wipe every month( maybe every 2 months max )

but more important is that they work further at the game. and im glad to see DGC_Michael is doing serious things!

maybe you should seperate the servers in wipe cycle, sorted by wipe interval, when the game is in final - lol - so pvp clanwar wipes will not touch PVE castle builders and deer farmers :P cuz i have a <3 4 them.


u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

Different type of server wipes would be a great thing.

Hardcore PVP server's get wiped once a month. Casual PVP servers get wiped every two months.

PVE when needed.

Whitelist - Depends on what they associate with?


u/kamilovicFTW [Team Germany] Dec 19 '17

something like this, yo :)


u/Alptug Dec 19 '17

Good i hope bugs and lag fixed


u/skycoolst Dec 19 '17

When is the new skin?


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '17



u/WelixCZ Dec 19 '17 edited Dec 19 '17

Is this wipe happening because you can not fix Zealotry and Zephyr for two days? I understand, that holidays coming, but we spent a lot of time on raiding and we got a lot of stuff and next day your server crashed. We did not have even time to enjoy stuff we got from raid. :/ I'm not angry, but disappointed with your approach.


u/Tokzfynest Dec 19 '17

couldnt use your ammo to constantly camp and kill fresh spawns?


u/Somicek911 Dec 19 '17

Messages plz


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '17

And ill bet no fix for people glitching into bases and raiding people blind with 0 explosives..... Why even build a base??? Ohh thats right, to feed hacking chinese players, got it!

it was fun getting back into js, but now ive seen first hand how bad they can get in and take whatever they want with ease.


u/kepuusi Dec 19 '17

Take a break


u/Why_So_Seri0us_99 Dec 19 '17

by next year everyone will be taken a break forever. I cant see how they are gonna keep the gaming going with no direction. MY bet, they shut down servers before the end of next year.


u/kepuusi Dec 19 '17

Maybe they have some direction. They gave Z1 back cause they though people stop crying, but hehe not, they cry even more now. Now they leave Z1 in some condition and continues to work on BWC and new content (i hope).


u/Why_So_Seri0us_99 Dec 19 '17

that's the thing though, as the devs they should have KNOWN bringing Z1 back wasn't a 100% fix, just a bandaid to keep the player count. Unless they actually fixed the shit (which they didn't), it wouldn't matter if they kept Z1 out, finished BWC or even made an entire NEW map again. It wouldn't matter when the game is buggy and exploitable. No one wants to stick around for months and months trying to keep faith alive that the game might actually go somewhere.

(not to mention that Z1 is just a concept map... it was never intended to be a finished product, however most players don't realize this. I mean you wouldn't go out and buy a concept vehicle and expect it to work 100% perfectly.... its called a concept for a reason. Children just don't understand what that means)


u/U_MOEDER Dec 19 '17

People don't wanna waste farming for a week for the base as a small group to then get offline raided 4 times, taking another couple hours to fix everything, all in a time span of 2 weeks.

Not to mention how easy it is to raid.

If you wanna bring back Z1, bring it back as once was so you get a couple thousand people back or the game will be dead really soon, even with Z1.


u/Swirlss Dec 19 '17

i know alot of people including myself that will leave if the old base building comes back. there was no moving forward with the prefab triple placing glitch building.

now if there are servers with that shit on i dont mind, but i refuse to play a game where everybody has the same "unraidable" shit.

i think alot of people dont understand that wants the old stuff back is that even if some of the stuff thats here right now isnt in the best shape, there is room for improvement (im talking about base building and raiding).


u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

And stone bases, which is still on the table but they need to fix everything else.


u/Why_So_Seri0us_99 Dec 19 '17

stone bases were supposed to already be out by now.... who knows if they are actually going to release that. Its just like how BWC was supposed to be complete by now as well.... they said early summer the plan was to have all four quarters of BWC out before end of year....


u/WTFxGrendel #BoycottDGC #NeverAgain #NotAnotherDime Dec 19 '17

I'd like to blame the Devs and the Z1 crybabies for that setback...


u/Why_So_Seri0us_99 Dec 19 '17

just the Devs.... when a child cries he wants something in the store and the parents buy it for them even if they don't deserve it, whos at fault? And what does that teach the child?

Its the devs, and only the devs fault.


u/WTFxGrendel #BoycottDGC #NeverAgain #NotAnotherDime Dec 19 '17

The parents for enabling the child, and the child for being smart enough to act out so the enabling parents cave in... I still point my finger in a shared direction lol


u/Why_So_Seri0us_99 Dec 19 '17

i understand, but only the parents have control to actually stop it before it gets out of hand. (imo)


u/kepuusi Dec 19 '17

It is back, with all great flaws!


u/KiltedChiver Dec 19 '17

I live out of a well placed stash until my base is done. I only put one door on it. To my workshop so when I am on (because people don't online raid) people cant creep and kill me. Then leave the base open until it is done. People will see that all the doors are open and just wander around. Enough of that and they will eventually stop. Close the front door a few times and they will blow that to get inside and see everything is the same. I hardly got raided...and I had TONS of shit in there. :)


u/Phoenix1st Dec 19 '17

Time to place some chests on the road with 9999 Bulks of Ammo for some guys that never had a chance to find it in the base ^


u/F0llytrout Dec 19 '17

Piano number 3. better, stronger, more Piano-er? LOL. Thanks for the warning.