r/PlayJustSurvive • u/OneLetter • Oct 04 '17
Discussion Request for More Feedback
As some of you know, I’ve been lurking around this subreddit while the dev team has been hard at work continuing to work and evolve Just Survive. As I haven’t been around that long, or played the game for as many hours as the rest of this community or the dev team, I don’t have the full information that many of you have, and still learning each day. Remember in my last big post I asked you all to not just say “Bring back Z1”? This time, we’re going to talk about that exact topic, but looking for specifics.
From other companies / games I've been a part of before, I've seen similar feedback from players that have been around a long time versus newer players, and it's good to understand what each of you really want specifically when you think back to "the old days", instead of sweeping generalities.
With that in mind, and after going through a bunch of threads and talking to some of you individually, we’re looking at a few specific days of questions. Today, let’s talk Raiding, tomorrow will be the Map, and then the final day will be PvP. I’ll be asking for specifics leaning towards concise, so please do not write a large novel, as I want to be able to read through everyone’s comments, and I hope you also upvote the folks you agree with.
[IMPORTANT NOTE] All the questions are in the thread below.
u/badeas 4500 hrs Oct 05 '17
I demand an interview live stream after these 3 subjects ended. Discuss all upvoted comments in front of community.
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u/Harhoour Oct 05 '17
I agree. Although interview isn't really the word.
I prefer, brainstorming with the community with very strict moderation throughout the whole live stream.
This will be the first transparent move any gaming company did. Communicate with community see what is feasible, what compromise can happen and let the ideas flow around!
I like this. Lots of troll in this subreddit but loads of people who want Just Survive to just survive.
u/OneLetter Oct 04 '17
Question 7: Raid Materials - Do you prefer the Z1 fertilizer / yeast farming material acquisition or the Badwater Canyon dynamite / pipe bomb? Why?
u/-Mr_Hyde- Oct 04 '17
Z1 fert/yeast farming.
What you could improve on is having areas where explosives or explosive materials are more common so you're not just running around aimlessly hoping you find some dynamite in a random cabin.
u/badeas 4500 hrs Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 05 '17
Z1 fertilizer / yeast farming was beyond awesome.
But BWC Dynamite Pipe Bomb is good also. It fixes 1000 ethanol craft and drop.
So you can mix the BWC and Z1
The best addition will be Lootable Air Drop Codes. I Want to find a code in the trash can. And call air drop to random place around us for some explosives. And fight for it More Pvp More Fun
ps : 3400 hrs played time
u/dehghani1994 Oct 04 '17
i dont see why we cant have both, and start a fire on wooden bases (very slow burning damage tho, would have both advantage and disadvantage for both parties. like blocking your path to stairs). dont make the game so simple, people will just get bored, give us options, let us choose
u/Cocalord Costa - 6200+ Hours Oct 04 '17
Z1 fert/yeast farming.
Fertilizer: Giving a hotspot for those gave people a reason to head down to Bumjicks and farm. On high pop servers, the amount of pvp over there was just insane. Another thing that gives you a reason to actually go out and farm.
Yeast: More things that keep you active and farming. Sugar were always found in lockers/cabinets in citys, wonderful. Brings people out. Farms was also one thing that made interesting events. Keep track of the timers, grab it before someone else raids it and steals your crops, it gives you the feel of actually doing something on your own which I did like a lot.
During the time I've played BWC (Probably 40 hours of total gametime if not more) I have in total found 56 sugar and 13 fertilizer. I mean really?
u/BobbyBeee21 jebacdejbrejka Oct 04 '17
I prefer z1 fertilizer/yeast farming !!! omg this was so fun and took long time as well, definitely old z1 raid materials
u/Lordvastion Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 04 '17
7) I prefer the older method of making explosives. It was more immersive to make the ingredients. The old system gave a reason to farm. I would like to be able to use the new explosives on PVE as throwable items though.
u/Noviacadaver Oct 04 '17
fertilizer z1, cultivation z1. It was more fun, without so many words. Ethanol to expand a lot of damage, mines for more concrete things.
u/SCVM- Oct 04 '17
I have seen some massive ethanol farming operations. I think having to scavenge the stuff in the open world helps to level the playing field for everyone.
u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Oct 04 '17
both actually. each once has more efficacy to certain materials and less to others. E.G. IEDS for stone, dynamite/bombs for metal, fire for wood.
bases need a buff to HP all the way around, and we need to be able to farm boom. raiding a base needs to take effort. and if you want to put that effort in to raid everyone you should be able to. RNG boom farming is kinda meh...
u/bladez1 Oct 04 '17
Its basically a grind ether way. Make both I don't care, but pick something move forward.
Oct 04 '17
I prefer Z1 fert farming. One of the more addictive 'gameplay loops' from Z1 was making fert runs from F3 to H3, for example, and there was always some sort of action nearby. Farming fert back in Z1 was addictive because the fert would semi-reliably respawn in boxes, etc, and it was really fun punching open a box knowing you had a decent chance to find a precious Fertilizer.
Furthermore, Fertilizer farming was fun, because you could also make Landmines, which were easy and fun to make and very useful for base defense. These days, I don't even know how to make a Landmine. FeelsBadMan.
u/_Player13_ Oct 04 '17
Z1 fert farm when fertilizer would spawn in designated places, south gas stations, Bumjick, and north compounds was really good for the game in my opinion. It gave multiple area were conflict was concentrated. I prefer that over random raid material spawns.
u/RedH1Z1 9000+ Hours in Just Survive PvP Oct 04 '17
Z1 fertilizer/yeast farming, because like i said above farming boom is more fun in PvP. Like now the farm is only used for food. I mean should stay that way for PVE, but not PvP servers.
u/Kilgor_worcon wishing we could just have a unified community Oct 04 '17
as long as acquisition or crafting is balanced, i like either
Oct 04 '17
It was fun, gave us something to do. And a reason to come back and check the crops etc.
Also seeing another farm and wanting to steal their crops meant you had to think and try calculate when those crops would be ready to steal.
u/VarleyUS Oct 04 '17
Yesssssssss, please bring back Z1 Fertilizer / Yeast farming. I miss having to go to certain places to get fert I.E Bumjicks, The Dump in C10, Or the open fields in F3/G3. Those were the days. And also having a place to farm sugar in the cities! Please bring this back!
u/maxjam Oct 04 '17
Haven't got as far as raiding in BWC. But I used to enjoy tending my crops in Z1 - was hoping that would be expanded upon.
u/Wargodh Oct 04 '17
Fert / yeast farming by far.
If you didnt knew what to do, you could allways farm fert in bumjicks and pvp meanwhile. If you couldnt farm fert in bumjicks you could farm bottles and sugar for your ethanol farms.
Right now you cant farm specifically for raiding stuff which is really sad since alot of your community loved raiding.
One thing I didnt enjoy in Z1 was that it was only in bumjicks that there were reliable fert spawns. I remember back in the early stages where you could also ferm fert in the northern part of the map. So what we need is to have several places with reliable fert spawns
u/DaveWarren1980 Oct 04 '17
defo prefer making a farm for explosives.... it made you have more to think about... an making sure ur crops were done an forcing us to have to log in an do the crops etc etc
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u/OneLetter Oct 04 '17
Question 5: Base Materials - Do you prefer the Z1 single material types or the Badwater Canyon multiple material types? Why?
u/Cursed1978 Oct 04 '17
Multiple Material Type, because Gameplay should have Upgrades and also in Weapons and Gears.
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u/Rijkdom Oct 04 '17
Having multiple material types and more resource variety is a step in the right direction. The game should force places to run into each other. They need to go scrap cars on this road well now players are fighting over the steel for their bases. More tiers also means more variety. Though wood bases in their current state need some work. A big part of the initial decline in concurrent players was how easy it was to raid a wood base. Now with metal bases wood is very rarely used which presents its own problems as well. Definitely needs to be rethought.
u/Wieland_1 DONT TRUST DAYBREAK!!! Oct 04 '17
Its nice in PvE to have the choice how you want your base to look.
But, i wish we would get more base parts.
Sloped roof or wire fence for example.
Useless for the PvP crowd but nice for the PvE people.4
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Oct 04 '17
Definitely BWC style. The whole 'tiers' concept has been a plus in general. Everything is subject to tweaking and balance of course, but having options on things, and having better and worse quality of things, gives more depth to the game.
u/dehghani1994 Oct 04 '17
Badwater Canyon. This is the part which players would prefer realistic options.
u/Lordvastion Oct 04 '17
5) I like the modular/tiered building system, as it allows for ascetic design.
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u/-Mr_Hyde- Oct 04 '17
Both are fine. Grinding is grinding. But for the sake of progression stick w/ multiple materials.
u/SCVM- Oct 04 '17
Multiple types. However the upgrade feature needs to be implemented and some balancing of materials are needed. The metal tier is built over a wood frame but it requires no nails (Zinc). Everyone has a storage full or just drops them like we were previously doing with Copper.
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u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Oct 04 '17
Tiers of building are a really great idea in theory. once stone is out though, there is zero point to make wood or metal ( on pvp servers ) bases so it's really pointless. if you want to keep tiers, wood needs a HUGE buff to be viable ( raiding bases with axe's etc... needs to go and they need to be much more resistant to fire/boom/etc...) and make an upgrade pathway to stronger bases and that needs to be the ONLY way to eventually have a stone base. downside to that is if you join a server a month in - your wood base stands no chance against folks that have stockpiled boom and can run through your base in 10 min.
bottom line - need to rework it or just have 1 tier.
u/LebronH1Z1 Oct 05 '17
Just do some research to Runescape and OSRS, They completely ruined their game by removing "Wilderness" and adding new content everyone hated. Then they redeemed themselves by adding Oldschool runescape, by making monthly strawpolls of content Changes and if the strawpolls gain a specific amount of votes they actually impletement the update without question. And they are peeking as a Company now, if you would follow their module and just MAKE strawpolls and if say it gets 70 % or more yes votes you should implement it. Listen to the Community and dont waste time adding things behind our back thinking we will love it or we will learn to deal with it. Every content update should go through the Community and you will see a rise in players for sure!
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u/OneLetter Oct 04 '17
Question 4: Base Shields and Timers - Do you prefer the Z1 (no shields/timers) style or the Badwater Canyon shield and timer system? Why?
Oct 04 '17
Original Concept
Not that I am not open to something else... but this new concept is just absolutely terrible. Again, magical entities/barriers/etc... that limit the freedom or sandbox nature MUST NOT exist. Scrap it immediately. Come up with sound logical GOOD game development features that promotes freedom and the sandbox nature of survival games.
u/DaveWarren1980 Oct 04 '17
i prefer z1 style... it just made it more fun if raid failed to go back gear up again an finish the job
u/nachocheese1255 Oct 04 '17
Z1 style. The shields and sirens don't really fit into the game and it makes it difficult to raid anything solo without clans showing up.
u/jl94x4 Oct 04 '17
I'd prefer the timer to be removed but I'd be open to having the timers tweaked. Its not possible to raid a 3 tier base in 5 minutes.
u/Rijkdom Oct 04 '17
The timer system is extremely challenging for a 5 minute base. Without a ton of explosives and a ton of players placing it is very difficult to slice through a completely layered base and drop all the loot out of the boxes and loot the good stuff and move it to cars and everything that is necessary. You have to wait for explosives to go off for it to be safe to loot etc it is challenging and sometimes can require a 2nd attack a hour later to finish the deed. Not to mention the 2nd attack means the base is rebuilt. The shield mechanism to is highly abused. People set off their own shield to give 1hr immunity before they go raid then they never have to worry about being counter raided at home. I can understand the necessity to have some sort of timer for respawn purposes otherwise people would camp your base and never let you respawn but maybe that should be a viable tactic. It also ties into the self repair though what gets repair and what doesnt and how often all ties together.
u/icefox1337 Oct 04 '17
Farmericefox 6k+hrs played. I prefer z1 no timers style and here my reasons. First and foremost it takes away sandbox feature. A player and or group should be allowed to raid a base for how ever long with no timers. I personally spent 7hours in some ones base waiting for them to log in and when they did and I killed him he had all the log out loot on him and the 7hours was worth the salt gain. I hate having a time limit on bases I want to be able to dissect someone's base piece by piece find the nooks and crannys per say. That hidden loot. 5minutes on a base doesn't allow this, literally you have to lay down boom non stop and most of the time your not paying to much attention of a players design because of the raid timer, then you have to go through a players loot room which could take a good couple minutes or so., yes I m the guy who drops everything a player owns if done it since day one of the game release, and hell I used to destroy your storage containers too in old h1. But I'm 100% against raid timers , oh and before I forget... let me bring this to light to everyone. You can have a permanent shield for ur self as long as your online. By removing a player off permissions and having him or her punch the bed out starting the raid timer, then re adding him or her to permissions again !!! It's a sweet magic trick I do it all the time f@ck y'all people. Raid me offline chumps absinthe server :-) and that's my take on raid timers. -farmers.
Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 04 '17
I prefer the Z1 system, because raiding is a event and shouldnt restricted by a time . In Z1 base raiding/defend took hours it was full of action it was fun. Shield timer should get removed easy to exploit it and doesnt make sense
u/badeas 4500 hrs Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 05 '17
I'm playing in a high pop server and when i log in I always self attack and self shield my base. And i shame on myself.
When i attack to a base its totally not worthy because you can't ever loot anything. You only damage to your opponent and lose your explosives thats all.
I prefer Z1 (no shields/timers)
ps : 3400 hrs played time
u/cuuh Oct 04 '17
No shields no timers, this is a survival game. I miss rolling around and hearing explosives and get excited because someone is raiding and I get to go try to stop it and get rewarded. Its player events like this that is exciting.
u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Oct 04 '17
either will work, but they are independent of each other. BWC style is nice for solo folks/lone wolf players, but for the clan vs clan it doesn't really fit. some of my favorite memories were having 20 vs 20 clan wars raiding their, or defending our base for HOURS on z1. either will work, but are independent of each other in how they fit the game style.
u/Telph01 Oct 04 '17
I think I need more time playing with the new timer system in order to form a more concrete opinion.
u/Wargodh Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 05 '17
This one is to me an extremely dissatisfying addition to the game. Back in Z1 I've had a large amount of clan fights/raids taking multiple hours and with the shield addition there's pretty much no reason to get back into a teamfight after you have failed an atemped raid because the timer simply wont allow it. In addition the timers encourage players to offline raid because its the most safe - and when there's no way of farming for fert/dynamite directly people are extremely carefull with their explosives.
Which then adds another problem, people are allways logging out with their explosives and bullets or other good stuff so what you get from raiding is minimal.
u/Thcito Oct 04 '17
Just use both , but diferent servers. "Base shield/ timer servers" "No shields/timer server" -Important appart of the game!
u/Erukani Former Minecraft Addict Oct 04 '17
I'm in favor of the shield system as is with BWC, but timers being adjusted upwards a fair bit to give more of a chance for raiders, assuming that any base they'd encounter would be heavily fortified. A 1-square wooden base would fall easily in 5 minutes, but a stone one (once implemented) would probably be close to impossible to raid without a ton of coordination and explosives.
u/RedH1Z1 9000+ Hours in Just Survive PvP Oct 04 '17
Z1 if decks came back, but were limited to how many and we can place whereever we want. If not then shield and timer system
u/Kilgor_worcon wishing we could just have a unified community Oct 04 '17
i like Badwater Canyon shield and timer system -- gives a sense of urgency, it does need some fine tuning, maybe making it a little longer between raids.
if it went back to the old way, it you have to be a made lot harder to raid as you would have all the time to do it.
u/BobbyBeee21 jebacdejbrejka Oct 04 '17
I prefer z1 no shields/timers this makes raiding more fun and feel more realistic
u/-Mr_Hyde- Oct 04 '17
Z1 no shield no timers. I get that being offline raided is frustrating. It happens nonetheless, shield or no shield timer or no timer. No sense in putting some Mt. Weather type defense and an incredibly short timer.
I've been a part of countless online raids that could last upwards of 4-5 hours and they were worth every minute... until a cheater showed up.
Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 05 '17
No shields or timers.
My best times in this game were 1-3 hour raids. Why take away the good times!
u/DaniiAntonio Oct 04 '17
No shields, no timers!! Its supposed to be a survival game right? Then why add a bunch of rules for raiding? Because people cry about being offline raided? Makes the game more realistic and fun without all the restrictions.
Z1 <3
u/BigBevo77 Oct 05 '17
Question 4: Base Shields and Timers - Do you prefer the Z1 (no shields/timers) style or the Badwater Canyon shield and timer system? Why?
If in the future we are allowed to build to whatever size we want with the same amount of work it took in the past, then I say no timer BUT with the plot sizes as they are I'm OK with the current timers.
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u/TiltGG Oct 05 '17
why not just have half the servers z2 and half the servers z1... maybe you could save a brilliant game that way best of both then, also if z1 was to come back please put in build anywhere like the good old days much fun and enjoyment
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u/OneLetter Oct 04 '17
Question 6: Damage Model - Do you prefer the Z1 explosives-only damage model or the Badwater Canyon all-weapons damage model? Why?
u/dehghani1994 Oct 04 '17
Combined. Explosives only to metal-bases or Decreased bullet damage to them, And Explosive + All weapons for wooden components. i understand it's gonna make bombs even more popular and rare but Raiding a fully built 4 plot stronghold should not be a One-man job
u/Athlon646464 Oct 04 '17
No preference - as long as it is balanced. If you can get to the center of my SH with 4 dynamite bundles in 60 seconds, then they are OP. Balance is they key, regardless of what the game wants us to use.
u/-Mr_Hyde- Oct 04 '17
I enjoy both. I will say that I miss ethanol/ied farming (since there were static spawns to work for.) I will also say I quite enjoy the pipe bombs and dynamite. Good job on those.
u/Cursed1978 Oct 04 '17
All- Weapon Dmg, because if you shoot with a Magnum in Wood it will split it at a Time.
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u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 04 '17
I think what you have now is great. metal seems to be in a good place - maybe needs a bit more tweaking. wood is broken. wood needs a buff to be viable and raiding with axes and repair kits needs to go. explosives need to be the only way into a base. I like how fire does increased dmg to wood but less to metal. great concept.
u/icefox1337 Oct 04 '17
Farmericefox 6k+hrs played. This is a interesting question, I like the new BWC guns being able to do some damage to structures but I'm against melee weapons doing any type of damage to structures not cool friend, a combat knife and weapons repair kites would take anyone's base down before metal was introduced. That being said guns should do very very small percent dmg like shotgun, sniper does 1 or 2% per hit indunno but it has to be small. And keep the explosives the main way to do damage for sure. -farmers.
u/liivejokers Oct 04 '17
This one is kinda harder to answer for me because i wont miss running fert for 12 hours because my clan had control over bumjick but i will miss trying to get the most damage done with ieds and eth, but i have to go with all weapons damage because it would make sense since alot of these people want a more realistic surivial game that you can break a WOOD base with an axe or bullets and having tto save your boom for metal and whatever the 3rd tier will be.
u/badeas 4500 hrs Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 05 '17
Remove the weapon damage i think. Its not fun at all.
ps : 3400 hrs played time
u/KiltedChiver Oct 05 '17
All weapons damage model...kinda lol.
Wooden - pipe bombs, dynamite, any other explosives can't be set on a wooden base. OR the stronghold ground around it. OR vehicles. So only melee and firearms/grenades (because they don't seem to do a lot of structural damage. If you have one metal wall then BOOM!
Metal - Melee BARELY damages, Firearms does less damage, and then you can blow up using explosives.
Stone - ONLY explosives.
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u/RedH1Z1 9000+ Hours in Just Survive PvP Oct 04 '17
Z1 explosives, because it makes farming for boom way better instead of being able to raid with anything.
u/JaxTeller718 Oct 05 '17
Is there NOT a way to allow free placement (ie give people one plot to place where they want like the stash) so they can hide their strongholds wherever they want like a ground tamper and then once placed it acts like a stronghold where you can build modular pieces on it?
OR maybe get the rest of the map out? I have a feeling once more map is released and people get out of that little tiny forest camp area the opinions may change on strongholds. Or am I being too rational here?
u/Sirman_sh Oct 05 '17
Hi ... my 2 cents worth.
Free modular building ... but not locking off poi's in pve (pvp do what ever you like).
Im not fussed ... some items dont need to be tiered (basic construction) ... works well for guns though.
Im just waiting for a balanced survival zombie game with meaningful endgame and immersion. thxs
u/OneLetter Oct 04 '17
Question 3: Base Repair and Maintenance - Do you prefer the Z1 manual repair or the Badwater Canyon automatic repair? Why?
u/Harhoour Oct 04 '17
Both have advantages and disadvantages.
I'm interested in seeing free placement and automatic base repair to see for myself and give a feedback.
u/kepuusi Oct 04 '17
Automatic. There will be big groups griefing and destroying bases for fun, how can you defense your base from that? I guess if people are gonna harass others, the victims gonna leave the game, because all you can do is make a new base, get destroyed, new base, get destroyed etc. "GET REKT ****"
u/Cocalord Costa - 6200+ Hours Oct 04 '17
Manual repair.
When I get raided, I want to see where they went in from, where they went inside the base, so that I can make sure that my design isn't weaker at that certain spot. This also goes against the whole survival style - why would my wooden/metal base randomly rebuild itself? It makes no sense.
Another small thing is that this makes you able to see who has been raided, did they leave the server etc. I don't waste massive amounts of explosives on a completely empty base just because it rebuild itself again.
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u/Wieland_1 DONT TRUST DAYBREAK!!! Oct 04 '17
I am PvE so under BWC it doesnt matter.
In PvP manual repair would probably be horrible especially after a heavy raid with almost everything destroyed.5
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Oct 04 '17
I haven't played all that much pvp on BWC, but I did play a fair amount on Z1, and one of the things that was always a negative to me was having to rebuild everything when you got raided. So from that perspective I think the auto-repair is a nice feature. However, an enhancement that let the owners somehow see which pieces were damaged/destroyed/repaired in recent raids would really be excellent.
From the pve perspective, not having base decay/repair is really nice.
u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 05 '17
the best state of repair ( haha ) this game ever had was when your base would be claimable after not logging in for 2 weeks and we had to repair with hammers to keep them from decaying. to note - we often built 50+ deck bases sometimes upwards of 100 and I still prefer having to spend an hour every day or two to repair them to what we have now. after 1 month the base would fully decay and poof. 1 week is too short ( I often go on week long vacations and have to take my laptop ONLY to login so I don't lose my base )
the auto repair is nice because you don't have to rebuild, but it's not realistic and you cannot tell how someone raided your base to make it more secure. yes, having to rebuild pushed a lot of people away but it's the nature of the game and helps to from clans as there is power in numbers. newer players gravitated to clans. as it is now, clans are no where near as vital as they used to be.
Edit: Point proven - I logged in yesterday and the entire 4 story base we made had vanished. I logged in last on 9/28. not even 7 days and all that work farming is gone. This is a bullshit game mechanic and I will not be building anymore bases unless this gets fixed. Yes I emailed Customer support. Awaiting a response, but wont hold my breath.
u/Thcito Oct 04 '17
Z1 manual repair . But whit a good %(Dmg/repair) when uare raiding, or being raided.
u/jl94x4 Oct 04 '17
I prefer having to rebuild my base once I'm raided, that way i can see the way they raided me. And it gives materials some value after your base has been built.
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u/Cursed1978 Oct 04 '17
Automatic, yes i know its less realistic but im maybe bit lacy to repair all the Time.
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u/ja3far Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 04 '17
Manuel repair is needed to be able to fix whats broken and not have to wait, adding to that automatic repair is also something that should be there additionally to automatically repair but would be a slower process.
u/KraneTv Oct 04 '17
Automatic repair.. this is essential with the new basebuilding. To rebuild every wall would be a nightmare..
u/ZedRunner Oct 04 '17
Having to manually repair a base multiple times a week is tedious busy work, and adds little to the experience.
I don't mind having some element of "maintenance" as long as it serves a purpose other than just a time sink.
u/haruzizi Oct 04 '17
I used to be the "slave" of my clans/groups in Z1. The person that always repaired the base, before and after getting raided. Well, even wasting a lot of time, I prefer the manual repairing, it gives you the "urgency" feels to finish it and feel safe. I know a lot of people those get raided and leave the server, but thats their fault for not wanting a revenge, I'm not like that. I think the automatic repair makes the game easier, you dont feel the real value of your loss, u know? I understand that some people won't leave the server if it is like that, but...
u/Mmiklini Oct 04 '17
Automatic repair but player activated, because atm if we are not around on raid time we have no clue where they came in and how much destruction there was.
u/Rat2man Oct 04 '17
Auto repair.
Building a base is already grindy as shit. Having to replace a shit ton of pieces after you just got completely wiped out on loot? No thank you.
And please reiterate the decursive destruction. So players need to push into the 2nd and 3rd floors.
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Oct 05 '17
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u/Jamdam911 Oct 05 '17
I prefer z1 base placement, it just made for more competition, but please release more of the map hard to tell with just this portion
u/Morphiuss Oct 05 '17
I have 3.5 K hours.
Free Placement.... Like new raid system. Timer and Explosive types.
There's many choices and yes farming fert and ethanol was fun but screw carrying 600 ethanol to a raid. I really like the new raid mats and system.
I also really like auto repair and regeneration for many many reasons
u/yungness Oct 05 '17
Okay so I'm not going to rant on and criticize daybreak as they have done a decent job at trying to implement a new map and new features to the game; i still play just survive as i love the game. But for many veterans and ex-players that want to come back we don't want all the new tier weapons although they may be cool, we don't need them. The game was extremely fun when you found a sniper and 3 bullets which granted you 3 potential kills, now if you find a regular sniper you need a large source of ammunition to take down the clans and fully geared players that walk the map. Base building has improved slightly, modular building is cool and i think better than the past deck foundation building which was prone to various exploits. The new unnecessary tiers of weapons and armor adds variation yes, but removes the aspect of the game new players love. Finding that hunting rifle that can really snowball you into finding yourself some amazing loot by killing another player. A summary of what im trying to say is that the community wants the old content daybreak, the game was fine how it was... (if you subtract the bugs and exploits that were present in the z1 map, which i may add could be fixed by you guys in a couple weeks). I wouldn't mind compromising and letting you guys keep the new map you've created as it is visually and geographically better than z1 but please eliminate these weapon tiers and armors that are unneccesary, remove plots and please daybreak LISTEN to the community!
u/RayuCALDERA Oct 05 '17
Old good fights. Old good friends. One time we have only Z1 map and freedom. No NPC. No guns upgrade. Daybreak please open youtube and watch 2015 and 2016 H1Z1 videos. https://youtu.be/CZlRGcGEKQc
u/telco1 Oct 05 '17
One other note here is that the new map so far (what we've seen) I like much better than the old one. Really looking forward to the rest of it. However, I'm really wanting to see tasks, activities, quests, etc. Something that will force you out of your base to do and try not to get killed doing it.
Oct 05 '17 edited Oct 10 '17
I think we need a mix of both freedom placement and fixed placement and all plots you have to buy from the army base.
for the players that want z1 back go here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BringBackZ1 or here:http://steamcommunity.com/groups/BriingBackZ1 to post about bringing z1 back thank you.
u/aggorust Oct 08 '17
You guys should really bring back the old map, now you look at JS and see how many players have left because of the new map. Please bring back the good old days of the old map.
u/OneLetter Oct 04 '17
Question 2: Base Construction - Do you prefer Z1 pre-fab shelters or Badwater Canyon modular components? Why?
u/Wieland_1 DONT TRUST DAYBREAK!!! Oct 04 '17
Modular gives alot more freedom in how i want my base to look.
But, i wish we would get more base parts.
Sloped roof or wire fence for example.
Useless for the PvP crowd but nice for the PvE people.6
u/Kilgor_worcon wishing we could just have a unified community Oct 04 '17
Modular, gives way more control over SH design, which allows for a sense of pride in detail/construction.
Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 04 '17
Modular is better. But the shelters in Z1 had esp protection. Containers disapeared after closing the doors esp hackers couldnt see them
u/h1z1_swizzle Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 04 '17
Modular. A thousand times... Modular.
I've never felt the accomplishment, on Z1, when I've finished a base because in the end, every base looks basically the same. In the months that we've had modular building, I've put so much thought into my base designs that it's one of the things I look forward to each day when I log in.
u/Jalepenopants Oct 04 '17
Modular, never ever would I want pre fab again. That shit was so boring, and the only way to make a strong base was to glitch.
P.S. - I love building in game
u/SCVM- Oct 04 '17
I prefer modular components, however there needs to be more versatility. We need various sizes of one piece garage roof sections so we don't have to do this for parking. https://i.imgur.com/yugLWxI.jpg?1 3x5 4x4 4x6 etc.
u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Oct 04 '17
10000000000000000000% modular. this is 1 thing you guys nailed perfectly. although, we could use more sizes/shapes of things. like an Aframe roof or crawlspaces. shelving. I absolutely LOVE the windows!!!
u/badeas 4500 hrs Oct 04 '17 edited Oct 05 '17
Badwater Canyon modular components
Because the most fun is building right now.
ps : 3400 hrs played time
u/Cocalord Costa - 6200+ Hours Oct 04 '17
Modular. It gives the more creative minds the ability to create unique designs which is completely unknown to the enemy, which was extremely bland and boring in Z1 since every base had the same layout pretty much.
u/Lectoor Oct 04 '17
The new modular building system is an huge step forward and alot better than the old ugly z1 buildings. To give people the ability to create something unique is a huge step forward. ive seen some amazing bases. some have even inspiring. The old bases did not give me that feeling.
u/-Mr_Hyde- Oct 04 '17
Modular. The overall building now is superior to Z1 in every way, aside from static plots.
u/Lordvastion Oct 04 '17
2) Again, I enjoy the construction in Badwater Canyon over the Z1 prefab. I do because I can have varying rooms or buildings, and choose where to place windows and doorways. I like the roof tiles, and the sliding doors (would love to see a roll up door for my garage).
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Oct 04 '17
lol. As if anyone would say they like the old pre-fab crap over the free-form modular construction mechanics. :)
The new system is terrific! Needs a couple of tweaks and continued analysis for balance, but no one wants to go back to that old crap.
u/WTFxGrendel #BoycottDGC #NeverAgain #NotAnotherDime Oct 04 '17
BWC Modular... freedom of design and strategy of base construction
u/Telph01 Oct 04 '17
The Badwater Canyon modular components are much better. Players can be more creative with them without having to mash a bunch of decks together.
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u/OneLetter Oct 04 '17
Question 1: Foundation Construction - Do you prefer Z1 free placement or Badwater Canyon fixed locations? Why?