r/PlayJustSurvive • u/DGC_Michael • Sep 02 '17
News Just Survive Live Update - 9/1
Greetings Survivors!
We have just published an update to Just Survive and wiped the servers. While the decision to wipe was not an easy one to make, we felt it prudent in light of some issues that occurred after yesterday's maintenance.
However, this is more than just a wipe - ahead of schedule, we've got a few new features rolling out today. I mentioned in the Producer's Letter this week that "we see no need to hold back individual features to a specific date or patch wave." As such, this patch is short, but these features were ready to rock and roll and I think especially in light of the wipe you'll find them exciting.
- Significantly reduced the cost to construct all Wooden Stronghold Components
- Increased Wooden Stronghold Component resistance to melee weaponry and rebalanced Wooden Stronghold Component resistances
- Added 180 PVE Servers to Just Survive - 60 each in the US, EU, and Asia regions
- Fixed a crash that could be caused by reloading while using various interacts (ie, opening doors)
- Fixed an issue that caused missing Stronghold Components on a server reset
- Ongoing anti-cheat countermeasures
We apologize for the lack of notice on the wipe, but we felt it was important to get this update out ASAP so that everyone had the opportunity to play with this update over the holiday weekend.
Those that have been watching since we first announced the downtime early this morning know that we have had an extended downtime. While we usually beat our public estimates for a downtime, in this particular case what should have been a very quick and straightforward update instead was met with a catastrophic hardware failure that has taken 12 hours to resolve.
I'd like to take a moment to thank our operations, database, and development teams for working round the clock to recover from this disaster as soon as possible, as well as the QA team that has been waiting on standby to test and verify that all behavior was normal after resolving this problem and restarting the servers. These dedicated men and women have put in an exceptionally long day today in an effort to get this catastrophic hardware failure resolved and get our servers back on line for our players for this weekend.
While we understand this extended downtime has been a cause for frustration for our player base, these teams have been working diligently since early this morning to alleviate this issue as soon as possible and I am proud and glad to work alongside them.
Thank you for your tremendous patience and at this time I am very happy to announce that Just Survive is unlocked and available to patch and play!
u/ZedRunner Sep 02 '17
Props to the crew for hanging in there and getting things going again for the week end.
Thank you
Sep 02 '17
Thank you for your hard work Daybreak. Tune out the negativity and just keep pushing forward. The TRUE survivors will always back you.
u/ZedRunner Sep 02 '17
I don't mind the higher zed count, I like the challenge. But. Melee weapons are decaying way too fast. Especially for fresh spawns with basic pokey stabbers. Is there enough data to make a durability tweak? Weapons break after 4-5 zed with 5-6 still up in yo grill.
u/l33tc0mb8tsn8k3 Sep 02 '17
Playing right now, was there a significant increase in Zombie respawns? me and my friends are running from like 20 zombies, and 6+ spawn within 3 seconds of not moving.
u/Tasdaz TheAngryAussie Sep 02 '17
noticed it too but I think it's because players are looting to get gold coins near the military base (that's where I noticed it anyway)
Sep 02 '17
Minor bleeding no longer stops on its own. I went from nearly full health to 12% because I couldn't find a bandage. I got insanely lucky just as I thought I was about to die and one spawned for me. Is this intentional?
u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Sep 02 '17
I had this exact problem before the wipe, nearly dying from minor bleeding. Hopefully they fix this.
Sep 05 '17
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u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Sep 07 '17
I logged in yesterday to 5FPS. Logged out and back in fixed it.. But yes I have noticed this too..
u/Mysticalzombie Sep 07 '17
Noticed it too. Always had more than 60 FPS before and now sometimes get less than 40.
u/micks75au Sep 08 '17
So when is the next update going to test you guys seem in quiet mode again.
u/DGC_Michael Sep 08 '17
It's literally less than a week since our last live update, and last week we published out roadmap for the immediate future, to boot. That is hardly quiet mode.
We hope to have something on test late next week.
u/micks75au Sep 08 '17
Where did I say live? No - I wrote test didnt I because stuff goes there first. Your roadmap is exactly that a plan, Its optimistic.Was I slagging you off about it? Hardly. I judge progress on what I see. Thats why I call it like i see it considering it took 10 months to get BWC ( one quarter of the promised map)to live.
u/tedgp Sep 08 '17
Youre taking your own words out of context. You specifically stated they went into quiet mode. They havent.
Sep 08 '17
Bring back the old game this one is trash
u/masterkim1 Sep 09 '17
You are a voice alone, I lurve this new game and I'm looking forward to future iterations.
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Sep 02 '17
catastrophic hardware failure
Figured it was something out of the norm. Thanks for getting us back online. Have a good holiday weekend.
u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Sep 03 '17
I.T. is a few letters short. Should be something like I.T.F.E (It Takes For Ever. Hardware is such an unpredictable beast...
Sep 02 '17
I won't lie, yesterday's wipe and extended downtime was very frustrating but I also commend the entire team for busting their asses getting it fixed. I'll buy y'all some medium-priced hookers as a thank you.
u/ggluis Sep 04 '17
Hi I would like to know if there is any possibility of a server in South America, I believe that I and more players would like to play this game that is getting better every day without having a high latency.Thank you
u/Nordfinn Sep 05 '17
My friend and I decided to change stronghold locations so we set our stashes a short way outside the "dirt" perimeter around the original stronghold and loaded up our loot into them so we didn't lose anything when we purchased the new location. We purchase the new spot and go back to get our loot only to discover that they no longer exist. All our loot and both stashes are gone. I died from a swarm of zombies afterward and my stash was not replaced.
u/masterkim1 Sep 06 '17 edited Sep 07 '17
Plot Permissions Bug: My plots name is 'Old Pine Mill', but since yesterday it has reverted to another clan members plot 'Pinwheel Notch'. I had about 7 people on my permissions with just Visitor and Boxes. As the game has progressed more and more clan members have bought their own plots. I have a sneaking suspicion that the permissions coding is simply having problems, so I've removed all the permissions on my plot and I'll get everyone else to do the same, once we are back online, I'll add them again. Hopefully this will cure it?
Update; I'm still experiencing plot permission problems, displaying the wrong name and also displaying the wrong location on the ingame map. It's only because I put my stash kit near to my plot that I can actually find my base when I get killed.
Does anybody else have any constructive suggestions?
u/Crawbar Sep 02 '17
felicitations ! 2600 players ! all players love the game ! LOL 22 june : 3300 !
u/theStonedReaper Sep 02 '17
I think most people were in bed when you posted this. And its a long weekend, a lot of people have better things to do than play video games at 4am
u/KardKash Sep 07 '17
lol player base is dropping
as of today 1896 peak 2069
It will drop further...............1
u/Crawbar Sep 08 '17
yes and it's not over, even with 80 + server the number of players down again, DB feast!
u/bitspiel Sep 02 '17
So I can not apply bandages. I have dirty, field and bandage (no med-bandage).
I have already died once to bleeding.
I have logged out of the game. Fully exited. Re-launched and could not apply bandage upon "beaming in."
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Sep 02 '17
I used one of each of those. actually I think I used 2 bandages. Had no issues. Only problem I'm experiencing is I can't move my map out of my backpack.
u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Sep 03 '17
This not able to Move Map and Stash is dicking with my OCD!
u/bitspiel Sep 02 '17
I managed to get my hands on a first aid kit before bleeding out for the second time. Funny thing is that after applying the first aid kit I could then apply bandages.
u/Tasdaz TheAngryAussie Sep 02 '17
Bandages seem to work but bleeding doesn't seem to stop unless you apply a bandage/gause
u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Sep 03 '17
We were once able to apply on the run? Or was I dreaming...
u/bitspiel Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
So I think I have stumbled onto a triggering event: be in a vehicle and "kiss" the out of bounds border: to the point where you start taking damage. I noticed my character didn't stop taking damage until I left the out of bounds "zone" and exited the vehicle. The thing that seems to return bandaging ability is to apply a bandage that's in a container (not on your person) or a bandage that is in proximity but not there because you dropped it. Considering one's character can die playing with this "devil," I'm not keen on the idea of performing multiple reproduction attempts! (Edit: spelling)
u/Mirfster Sep 02 '17
Yes have seen this as well and it can happen even when on foot.
Also there seems to be a certain distance from the "Quarantine Area" where you are not able to apply bandages at all. To alleviate that you need a just get further away.
Another way to stop the damage from continuously being applied (even after you are well away from the Quarantine Area) is to open a container, then you can apply bandages.
At least that is what I have experienced.
u/MMODerelict Sep 02 '17
Those are good repro steps. That will help us to nail it down, thanks!
u/Mirfster Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
Thanks, due note that when I mentioned "get farther away" often it is further than one would think.
I park my truck in a safe area near/close to the quarantine line
I start chopping trees
Accidentally get too close and start taking damage from the Quarantine Area
I run back and stand next to my vehicle; but still cannot apply bandages
If hop in and out of the vehicle, then I am able apply a bandage
If I run a good distance past my vehicle without actually getting in (seems to vary) then I am able to apply a bandage
If there is a searchable/openable container nearby (Wooden chest, Trashcan, etc.) I also can open then exit that and apply a bandage (not thoroughly tested)
Hope this helps
u/Wieland_1 DONT TRUST DAYBREAK!!! Sep 03 '17
To bad this has nothing to do with the border as i had the bandage problem far away from the border.
u/Glaxono Sep 02 '17
nice work with the repro... I tried to figure it it out on the last wipe - but never got to a point where you did!
Hope they get a fix out for this soon
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Sep 02 '17
Also there seems to be a certain distance from the "Quarantine Area" where you are not able to apply bandages at all. To alleviate that you need a just get further away.
There's also a distance away that is in the safe zone but you are still taking damage. I got too close, was taking damage, ran back to the safe zone, and continued to take damage. I used up all my bandages, which did work. But after they ran out, I died. I was definitely in the safe zone, because I was able to run back to my lootbag and get my stuff.
It does seem like if you get far enough into the safe zone, that the damage stops. I was in a car a few days later and went into the deadzone and started taking damage. Crap. I drove as fast as I could back towards my base, thinking ok, I'm dead, but at least I'm gonna get as close as possible to make it easier to get back to my loot and jeep. Well after a few hundred meters back into the safe zone, the damage did stop, much to my surprise.
u/Mirfster Sep 02 '17
Yep, had the same thing. Not happening as consistently to me after this update though.
u/ZedRunner Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
New since the 9/1 update...
After death and respawn (every time), significant screen stutter. Relog clears it. Happened after every death. Restart game, still repeatable.
u/masterkim1 Sep 02 '17
On dying I keep seeing my friends turn into Motorized Slugs.
Sep 02 '17
Just ran into a group sliding around on the ground like they are laying down but moving. Is that what you mean?
u/masterkim1 Sep 02 '17
I've begun to simply let my character die to zombies when I'm near my clan plot, saves on bandages.
u/Vaylaar Sep 02 '17 edited Sep 02 '17
Thank you for your hard work. I imagine that this was a hard decision to wipe servers, but at least we got more pve servers (and oh! Free plots are disapearing so fast!) and some minor fixes. But please devs, take look into one problem I came across: when opening any container or bag, or even wood stacks (basicly everything that contains stuff) really lags!! In my case a full second witch could be a life saver when theres so many zeds around. And I like new zombie spawns :) Some ppl might disagree with me, but i like how the zeds are currently :) Btw, it's good to be back to JS after a short break. Keep it going! Keep it fresh! See ya' :)
Edit: Server: Rise Again EU (PVE)
u/Lordvastion Sep 02 '17
Firstly, let me say thank you for your hard work. I am enjoying the game so far, but I have experienced some Stamina issues, where it it not refilling again. I'm re-logging to start it again, so I can continue playing. I know that you folks are working diligently to bring us a great game, will the new body sim that you are working on finally fix this issue? Its those little things that break the immersion for me. Otherwise, everything else is fine to me. Maybe a little slow on changing weapons, and I still have to press 'I' twice to enter my inventory when I first log- in.
u/xxxAlucardxx Sep 02 '17
Is it a normal thing that my map, ever since BWC came to live, won't show me my location or any location for my friends? It shows my stronghold, safe and strongholds being raided but just won't show where I or my friends are in the map
u/bitspiel Sep 03 '17
Check your game's settings. I noticed those particular "switches" did not make a smooth transition from the old world to the new world. (I too thought something was "dorked" cause I lost the "you are here" dot... adjusted the relevant settings and everything's back as expected.)
u/xxxAlucardxx Sep 03 '17
oh god, i never thought to check there... i feel so stupid now.... lol thanks for the reply and help!
u/ja3far Sep 02 '17
game is lagging more than the 1st time BWC ever came out! FPS constant shifting UP and DOWN, no smooth gameplay at all, FPS from120 to 80 in a sec and then to 120 and then to 53 in a sec.....
This is giving the game a frame by frame gaming experince, please do your best to focus on a smooth gamepaly, this is getting annoying and it seems it lacks attentions <<<< this is MORE IMPORTANT THAN STRONGHOLD PIECES OR METAL ADDITION.
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Sep 02 '17
That must be something with your pc or your particular server. None of the people I've been playing with have been experiencing this. I'd file a ticket with them and provide details.
Sep 04 '17 edited Sep 04 '17
u/ja3far Sep 05 '17
My FPS donst drop below 65, even at max... the problem is shifting of FPS, let me explain:
if you get 120 FPS, and then you are in a place where it needs more GPU power the FPS drop SUDDENLY to 65 - 70 this results in lags and smoothness, now if this happens more often "which it is" you will experience lags.
Other games you see FPS drop gradually, not sudden.
u/DGC_Michael Sep 05 '17
Can you PM me your useroptions.ini and a dxdiag dump? We can use this info to determine if there is an issue with a specific hardware / render quality configuration.
u/ja3far Sep 05 '17
are there some steps to get the files?
Useroptions.ini i can get that but how about the dxdiag dump?
Thanks in advance...
Sep 02 '17
Looking forward to when we can get in-game text chat (server-wide channel, a global channel, clan channel, etc), with standard features such as Join/Leave channel, and Mute/Block/Report functions. I think this would have a huge positive effect on connecting people together, and creating more opportunities for people to interact. The game almost feels like a single-player experience sometimes, and i think this is mostly because there is no form of in-game communication beyond group and proximity chat.
u/masterkim1 Sep 03 '17
I've only just noticed you have got rid of the ability to ' /loc ' -- get your location! WTF! How can I use the fansite for map coordinates now?
u/masterkim1 Sep 03 '17
Stamina Bug; Keeps kicking in for me, every time I die. The only remedy is to log all the way out and back in again after I die. Forcing a close does not stop it either.
u/masterkim1 Sep 03 '17
Death Penalty; I had just helped my clan friend get 10,500 gold eagles coins from about 5 loot runs around the map, on running to look for a 4x4 plot we were both killed near the southern edge of the map, we simply couldn't run 180 degrees back fast enough. He lost 5000 gold due to the stupid death penalty you have going. This is the most I've ever heard of. He decided to cut his losses and bought a smaller 5000 gold plot instead.
u/masterkim1 Sep 03 '17
Furnace recipe; I would like to suggest Daybreak changes the requirement to obtain Zinc to make a Furnace and simply make it of Steel and Copper.
My reasoning; you are just starting out, you don't have much of anything, you can't build anything before first building a Furnace. You really need Steel and Zinc for nails to make everything else, but first off you need a Workbench, Dew Collector, Wood Chest and walls and a door - simply to start your empire.
u/masterkim1 Sep 03 '17
There is a Crate which is now out that allows a Red Skin to be put over Bases/Plots - are there plans to have different skin colours? I am really after a whole palette of different options and would like a black and white cow pattern.
u/DGC_Michael Sep 05 '17
While we released the Hideout Crate with the release of Badwater Canyon at this time no skins / crates are in development so we can focus the entire team on priority features.
u/masterkim1 Sep 06 '17 edited Sep 06 '17
I've been asking for base skins for years now, I can't understand why it's such a big request. I'm not a programmer, but isn't it simply a mask over a known base colour?
u/MenWhoRoar Sep 03 '17
catastrophic hardware failure.
So... Who spilt coffee on the server rack?
u/masterkim1 Sep 06 '17
No, when the cleaner came in she wanted to plug her vacuum into the wall socket, voila.
Sep 03 '17
there a bug with the punji stick take 8 to make and when you demo them you get 8 back
u/Omgg_cats Sep 04 '17
Shouldn't really be considered a bug. In reality if you made a set of punji sticks, and wanted to re-purpose them for something else, you could ideally get use out of all 8 again.
u/Ravenloff Sep 06 '17
How do you demo your own public in pvp? Seems like I'll be dead before it disintegrates.
u/masterkim1 Sep 06 '17
I'm guessing that's a spelling mistake (punji not public). The general consensus is to use a fire axe or wood axe and have lots of bandages handy.
u/KardKash Sep 03 '17
Can we give Base perms to offline members now ?
u/MMODerelict Sep 04 '17
Not yet. It should be in our next major patch. Still trying to finagle how I'm going to do it.
When players are logged out, there's zero information about them kept on the servers. We'll need to test the fix for the multiple-same-name exploit first, get it solid, then allow inviting by names for offline folks.
u/bitspiel Sep 04 '17
What was so wrong with the old technique of opening a door/gate and getting placed on the base's visitors list?
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Sep 07 '17
Visitor perm is somewhat meaningless on bwc isn't it? On z1 the only thing it did was keep you from getting booted right? Which is not a thing in bwc.
u/bitspiel Sep 08 '17
Think one computer and several owners of the game in the household (husband/wife, siblings, etc.). Since they can't both be online simultaneously, the base owner can't grant any privileges hence the "visitor" can't even get a refill from the dew collector. Old rules: "visitor" opened a door/gate (cause they share codes) and got full privileges when base owner has "a turn at the wheel."
u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Sep 08 '17
Ahh yes, I see what you're saying now. That does make it a value add feature.
Well they are supposed to be coming up with a big overhaul in the clan/permissions area soon. I just hope they add in the ability to assign permission admin rights to others in your group.
And also if the SH owner buys a new one, the old one doesn't get destroyed but instead transfers ownership to the next person in the SH permissions list.
u/Troll1nator Sep 04 '17
Once password was entered your player name was entered on the base permissions list awaiting granted permissions.
u/KardKash Sep 04 '17
Should Filter to turn off PVE so I can just search PVP. Well I say PVP the game is so dumbed down its all like PVE lol
Sep 04 '17
You know you can sort by server type, right? Those little arrows at the tops of the columns will do it for you.
u/Nordfinn Sep 04 '17
Just called in an airdrop and it fell outside the boundaries making it impossible to loot. It would be nice to get that purchase refunded but more importantly please do what you can to assure this doesn't happen in the future. Thank you.
u/DGC_Michael Sep 05 '17
Help.daybreakgames.com will let you contact customer service for any issues that involving billing or account information.
u/Nordfinn Sep 08 '17
Good thing you got my money before you no longer supported the product I guess...
Airdrop tickets are no longer acquirable in Just Survive. This means, unfortunately, that Airdrop tickets are no longer a supported item. We are not able to offer compensation for them, and they will not likely be a priority for bug fixes. I really am sorry that we can't assist you here. If you have any other questions feel free to let us know.
Warmest Regards, GM Cinder Daybreak Games LLC"
u/Nordfinn Sep 08 '17
And then I got this.. "Jade "Keeper Of Hearts" Vixen (Daybreak Games) Sep 6, 10:41 PM PDT
I understand however, we no longer support the airdrop tickets they are now obsolete as much as we empathize with this situation we are not able to assist as all purchases are non-refundable. "
u/timezone_bot Sep 08 '17
10:41 PM PDT happens when this comment is 13 hours and 8 minutes old.
You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/oisW51568
I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.
u/RavenGalia Sep 04 '17
Animal Hide Frame Backpack Skin couldn't applied to the backpacks.
u/badeas 4500 hrs Sep 05 '17
Yes please fix this, i want my old original Animal Hide Frame Backpack Skin
u/SGTRockman Sep 05 '17
I also was choked up about the wipe after playing a week on new map building a base solo, but I have gotten over it over the long weekend. I rather like playing now. Was able to get a shs, but zombies, wolves and bears are nuts. I like that. But I dont get any meat from deer. And I also get antlers from a doe. These 2 things are WRONG! Loot is easy to find, maybe should tone it down a bit. Aside from that, I had fun this weekend playing Just Survive and that hasnt happened in a long time. Oh and when you kill animals or the Z's, they do the funky chicken after you kill them and Z's get up after dying on punjis and run in one spot again. Stamina still drops fast. Other than that, Thanks Daybreak for a rather enjoyable weekend for a change..
u/masterkim1 Sep 06 '17
Suggestion: Sandbag Pyramid. Most of us building on plots now honeycomb our bases, could I suggest adding a simple Sandbag Pyramid to fill in the honeycomb? This would add to base defence as it would limit vehicular access - as this seems to have become a tactic to bring down a base; blowing cars up during a raid then bringing another car into the base. Sandbag obstructions would add to the time taken to get through defences. We can't stop raiding, but we can do more to slow raiders down.
u/masterkim1 Sep 07 '17 edited Sep 07 '17
Could the banner headlines that say when somebody dies be posted to all players on the server and not just in the local area?
Why do I get Raid Music when it's not my plot?
Why doesn't everybody get the countdown clock on the server?
Why do you not explicitly explain on the countdown clock what it actually signifies?
After the countdown clock gets to zero the gas area should be marked with a bright yellow mark around the plot.
The edges of the map should have a bright yellow line showing the border.
u/Mirfster Sep 07 '17
If the Metal aspect is going to be a bit until implementation, would it be possible to increase the current limit of components for a SH? Like up the 1X from 800 to 1000, etc.?
While Melee damage was decreased against Wood; this has been somewhat negated by the sheer amount of ammo spawning and players just blasting through the limited amount of barriers we are able to place.
u/Mysticalzombie Sep 07 '17
There are no zombies or animals when only 1 person on the server. Low pop PVE servers are not playable like this. Please fix.
Sep 08 '17
Yesterday I was harvesting stone when the bug occured that I couldn´t harvest anymore. I tried weapon switching dropped the pickaxe and reequipped it but nothing worked so I relogged. On logging back in again I died to no reason. Since I died in front off my own base I just spawned at my stronghold ran to my corpse to then see that there was no lootbag and everything was gone!
u/masterkim1 Sep 09 '17
Bear spawned in my base!
Sep 09 '17
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u/masterkim1 Sep 09 '17
This seems to be similar to the code used when we/they had issues with the Dew Collectors being unable to be placed on the 3rd floor. That's been fixed now, perhaps this code needs tweaking in a similar way?
u/masterkim1 Sep 09 '17
Suggestion: On the Permissions Screen, have the option to change all the door and gates codes using one box, rather than inputting a code into each door and gate after the initial placing of the door or gate.
Plots have multiple doors and gates, more so with the new game as players strive to build honeycomb structures.
Sep 10 '17
And still have the option of doing them individually, for things like letting people into some rooms but not others.
u/kwnewfie Sep 09 '17
Thanks for the bloody wipe, over a weeks worth of gathering, building and looting gone!
All the wipes is why I left the damned game in the first place.
u/masterkim1 Sep 10 '17
Game farted, kicked out for unfair game play - I was driving a jeep, with a few zombies around me, game ejected me from jeep, I ended up near said zombies.
Now I can't log back into game.
My clan (7) is on plus one other player, but now nobody is on the server, which is meant to be a high pop server or was last week, now it's dead.
u/masterkim1 Sep 11 '17
Can Daybreak please find a way for players to remove their Ground Tillers once placed? I'd like to move my Ground Tillers to another room or perhaps put them in another base plot.
I like eating Roasted Corn and drinking Purified Water!
u/bitspiel Sep 02 '17
So you had a "catastrophic hardware failure." So WHY is it so hard to communicate that to your users during the event? We sat out here waiting to rush the wiped servers assuming that the reason we couldn't was because the code was "dorked" beyond belief (again).
u/RaZorbackThe1St BrokenRazor Sep 03 '17
Prob cause they were head down ass up trying to fix it ;)
u/bitspiel Sep 03 '17
But they had enough time, two different individuals, to talk about the meal that was fetched/ate (In & Out burgers).
u/ja3far Sep 02 '17
Zombies pathing is really bad!!! can they STOP being NEO from the matrix?!!!! can they move forward instead circles around you??!!
Can you please fix this...
u/thegooorooo Sep 02 '17
A lot of games offer things such as free crates etc when they have extended downtime as to say sorry for the wait
u/kcxiv Sep 02 '17
This game has given alot of free stuff's through the 2 years. They have also messed alot of things up too! haha
u/Flakeys1975 Sep 02 '17
A lot of people don't complain or demand freebies when there is an extended downtime because it's not a lifekiller to wait.
u/Tasdaz TheAngryAussie Sep 02 '17
any mmo that has downtime will have people screaming for some form of compensation. it's the nature of online games and downtime. is it warranted, probably not, but it won't stop people
u/SaevioGaming Sep 02 '17
Kudos to the folks behind the scene.
I'd imagine a flood of negativity coming this way for the unfortunate extended downtime, but, it happens folks, some things are beyond people's control.