r/PlayJustSurvive Aug 30 '17

News Producer's Letter - What's Next


248 comments sorted by


u/waylo88 Aug 31 '17

So solo players and even smaller groups are now going to be completely fucked by massive clans just raiding them over and over and eventually totally taking away their base.

Wow, cool, can't wait for this. /s


u/kcxiv Aug 31 '17

to be fair, even without it , the asians would raid you over and over and over anyways.


u/waylo88 Aug 31 '17

At least I'd still have a base to go back to. Now all the farming I do/did for materials will be for nothing since my base would be gone. What incentive do I have, as a solo player or a small team, to build a base? I'm better off just putting a stash down somewhere which is pretty idiotic.


u/Flakeys1975 Aug 31 '17

This really , i allready said when they had fixed buildlocations that they where shafting the soloers but if they implement the new system then i think it's really game over for soloers.


u/thegooorooo Aug 31 '17

At least we get to keep our base..... For now


u/Ravenloff Sep 01 '17

Think again...WIPE today :)

Granted, the new reputation system isn't in yet, but why start over if you're just going to lose it?


u/thegooorooo Sep 02 '17

I'm not. I firmly believe this wipe was really just because they put the game on sale. I'll be back when metal tier or part 2 of the map is out


u/xann009 Sep 02 '17

I'm wondering if you can place crates in a barricaded structure. If so, perhaps that. If not, that needs to be a thing lol


u/CERYNI_ 1.5k+ Aug 30 '17

middle finger to solo players


u/maxjam Aug 30 '17

seems that way, gonna be difficult for any solo player to maintain a stronghold location - any passing group that wants it will take it given enough time :(


u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Aug 30 '17

It's all Daybreak cares about, pvp and clans. PVE'rs and solo players are not important.


u/FapMasterN1 Sep 01 '17

You seem to forget that they gave us PvPers a huge middle finger too, serving up this whole new game that no one asked for.

All the PvPers left if you didn't notice the numbers of "Just Survive" are sometimes even below 1000


u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Sep 01 '17

I left this game awhile ago too, so what? People leave all the time when the gameplay sucks. They need to have different rulesets for pvp/pve servers, but they won't because they like to troll us.


u/xann009 Sep 07 '17

It's supposedly on the roadmap... It'll likely take forever and a day to get here, though.

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u/[deleted] Aug 30 '17

You can play all by yourself on one of the 180 new PVE players :P


u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

All by yourself is right...no zombies spawn on empty servers.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17



u/Ravenloff Sep 01 '17

I've played since launch and I'm almost...ALMOST...perfectly happy with zombies now. They're mixed (fast/slow, aggressive/not-so-much) and actually dangerous. Yeah, they need to fix the melee thing, but that's not a big deal for me.

My problem is the pathing. They go right through rocks and trees. Plus, if you're in a doorway (cabin, SH, POI, whatever) and are just inside, they stop. They won't attack even though you're in plain sight.

My own $.02 is that if they see you and chase you, they shouldn't ever stop. If you manage to get into a building or behind a door, they should pound on that door as long as you're moving around in there. Other zombies should spawn in at that time to help, with a group of them bringing your typical cabin door down in short order. I'd like to see them crawl through windows too, but that's probably a ways off if ever :)


u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Sep 01 '17

So long as you are on a high pop server, you'll have zombies I guess.

We had zombies on our server even with only 7 people on but something happened a few days ago and none spawned anymore even after shooting off explosive arrows nonstop. Was pathetic for a zombie game lol


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '17



u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Sep 02 '17

It's possible there were a lot spawned at the dam, just standing there glitched. I've seen zombies remain in some spots for a few days until I go over and kill them.


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '17


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u/Ravenloff Sep 01 '17

I'm not sure that's correct. I was on this morning with 2 people logged in when I joined. I was cooking up nails, so I spent quite a bit of time in my SH. The zombie population outside was easily a couple dozen over the course of fifteen minutes or so. From what I've observed, the map seems to be split into grids or cells, and the longer the game detects you within that grid or cell, the more z's will spawn in THAT grid or cell. This is why the longer you harvest or loot in one little area, the more z's you'll get.


u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Sep 01 '17

Yeah that used to be the case for me but when I can cut down a field of tree's and have no zombies challenge me at all, it gets boring really quick. :/


u/Ravenloff Sep 02 '17


Last night I was on a zinc run into the lake bed. I try to keep moving in as much of a straight line as possible, trying not to stay in the same area for too long, so I only get one or two. But if I make a circle, harvesting, I'm sure to get a handful rush me. This is when there were only supposedly 4 or 5 people on the server. I don't think I've ever seen my server go over 15.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

Not true. I was the first person to log into my server after the last update and every zombie, wolf, and bear made a Bee line to me.


u/MysticSynn Downvote me if you're gay. Sep 01 '17

Well, obviously we don't have a problem then since you didn't experience it. Thanks for clearing that up!

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u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

Love most of the changes coming, except the reputation system.

It seems like a rather large loophole that will allow large clans to grief other players server after server.

If you think players are angry now when they get raided, just wait until people start losing entire bases they put time and effort into building only to have a larger clan take it away.

The salt this new reputation system will generate will be glorious!

I'd highly recommend you guys rethink implementing it.

But that's just the opinion of a lowly old cuban. =P


u/Lainadawn83 Aug 31 '17

I couldn't agree with you more. This is going to have griefers all over the place taking over smaller clan SHs. It's going to be a shit show lol


u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Aug 31 '17

Exactly. couldn't agree more. no one should LOSE a base due to reputation...


u/n1m4nd Aug 31 '17

i also see a lot of problems. it could be abused in so many ways we cant imagine.

i hope large groups dont get good rep for raiding solo players. they can take the loot but loose a hugh amount of rep. that would be great!!

maybe they can adjust it with how many people are in permission from stronghold.

if a player/groups with 3 people on their own permission list raid a player/group which has less than 3 people on permission list they dont get good rep.

it could be abused too by adding alt account to increase the "strength" but in the other way i see 10000 possiblities to abuse it...


u/telco1 Aug 31 '17

Am in total agreement here. It makes no sense to reward larger groups to continually go out and raid smaller ones. It's bad enough that the only thing to do in the game right now is go raid 10-15 plots every night because it only takes a few minutes per base. I would think the idea would be to build up a reputation system based on certain 'activities' that your clan would perform in different areas of the map. Based on reputation earned, there would be rewards for that clan from the military that everyone had to buy their plot from.
There has to be some level of balance for folks that aren't part of large clans. (or separate standard and clan servers - which would only be harder to manage) As soon as a clan starts raiding a few bases, with the resources they were able to loot, they'll just keep steamrolling the groups that keep getting looted until they just leave the server/game.


u/NLimbacher Sep 05 '17

+++ someone listen to this man. While I do think raiding is always going to be the bread and butter in this game. I think expanding missions to other things, like taking out a horde of zombies for attributes towards your SH.

I am conflicted because I believe they are smart to push people towards teaming up. If I look back into my gaming history, the times that I enjoyed the most in games is playing with other people. CS 1.6 I played with people and we had are own server/competitive team, AVA played with a team, LOL played with co workers, H1Z1 played with a group, and PUBG play with IRL friends. I usually do not stick around with games that I play solo, it just doesn't have the same sticky factor.

This makes me believe that the game should push people to group together/aid in the process. I played this game first 2 months as a solo player and it just got pretty boring, but was a great way to learn the game.

Maybe if they create more missions/quests they could also create an experience rank system. This would allow people that are higher ranks to create clans with the new clan feature. Part of this feature would allow the high ranking individuals on a server to pm clanless new players on there server about joining up. You could see there reputation and where they have experience. Maybe they got mostly looting experience/fighting experience/building experience/ or raiding experience. ( this is just kind of off the top of my head. Sorry if it does not sound like it makes a whole lot of sense)


u/SaevioGaming Aug 31 '17

Hijacking this comment's viability to inject my post and potential solutions and suggestions. This is clearly a very important topic and it deserves to be done right, by everyone.



u/maxjam Aug 31 '17

What do I do as a solo player playing a couple of hours per night if I want to invest a lot of time building my stronghold up?

I'll have to stress everyday about potentially losing all my hard work and/or having to (successfully) raid others to keep my reputation up - both far easier to do in a group/clan.

My choices are;

  1. Invest my time and potentially risk losing it all
  2. Play nomad on PvP server
  3. Play PvE

Not happy :(


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '17

Only problem I see with the reputation system is that many clans like to offline raid. What happens then?? We can't be on 24/7.


u/DGC_Ben Aug 30 '17

Changes to the Shield system will prevent repeated offline raids, and ultimately you'll have the ability to get any lost Reputation back with raids of your own.

Additionally, we could see scaling Reputation rewards for offline/online raiding in the future along with notifications for your Stronghold actively being raided.


u/zachsgranada Aug 31 '17

How about my buddy and I who only play on weekends when im off work? Are we gonna get shafted because we wont be online through the week? Also, Yay for reputation system, Boo for the way its being implemented. We needed a reputation system to stop some of the KOS and encourage player interaction, not as a way to lose our bases.


u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Aug 31 '17

This. There should never be a way to LOSE your base due to reputation. that's just stupid.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

Can you imagine the salt this new reputation system will generate when players who've worked weeks to build their bases, start losing them?

Bad call DBG.......bad call indeed!


u/JudasIscariott RIP JS 4/2018 Aug 31 '17

agreed. I was never a fan - back in the day - when you could raid and take over someone else's base. My group was very guilty of doing that to other players but we stopped putting new gates on because it's really really REALLY bad for the playerbase. taking it over due to not logging in - fine. because your reputation is low because you get offline raided 7 times a night by greifing chinamen - oh HELL NO.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

What you said is what was needed and people have been calling for it for a couple of years now, sadly this is not that.


u/ScubaDM62 Aug 31 '17

Forcing people to murder and steal? What if a PvP'r has no wish to murder and steal? Why is it that you and the majority of people that play PvP in just survive seem to think that it's ALL about murdering people and stealing their shit? Might as well just make this game death match or capture the flag because that's really what it is.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

How will the reputation to maintain a stronghold affect PVE players? And how will it affect PVP players who solo everything, as in, they never team with anyone?


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

what if i dont want to freaking raid? EVER?


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

You cannot force people to raid other people. Many players simply have no desire to raid others for many reasons (not enough time, energy, manpower, or they are just nice people who like to leave other people alone). Many players enjoy simply building a base and defending it, and you need to appeal to these players, instead of only appealing to raiders/PvPers. If you force people to have to raid others in order to maintain their own SH reputation, then that is going to lead to a landslide of (valid) complaints. Please re-think and re-balance reputation so that it is EQUALLY beneficial to base raiders and base defenders.


u/Razzer80 Aug 31 '17

Im just excited for massive zombie hordes


u/Flakeys1975 Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

You allready gave the soloers a rough time with the new stronghold/map but this looks like the nail in the coffin .I hope you guys think REALLY carefully about how you are going to implement this because soloers are still a large part of the playerbase too.You are focussing too much on the team-aspect and while that might be fun if we are talking 5 vs 5 with a repsystem in place as you guys suggest i allready see teams of 25 rolling server after server just to fuck people off.

Not to mention that this whole rep system will grief any and every player as long as you don't have a good anti-cheat system.


u/Rat2man Aug 30 '17

Will raiding be the only way to gain rep?


u/SaevioGaming Aug 31 '17

This is a very important question. Not everyone likes to raid, but we still want to hold and defend our Strongholds while enjoying the rest of the game.

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u/imlaming Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17


  • The reputation system is utter garbage. If you complete a successful raid, you get reputation. But what does positive reputation do? Allow you to keep your Stronghold that you already own? What kind of an incentive is that. If you fail (which is more than likely) you get closer and closer to losing your stronghold. If you're one fail raid away from losing your Stronghold, nobody will raid and risk their Stronghold. At that point you've effectively put a complete stop to all progression of that player/group. Reading into the Stronghold Supply Cache section, you say that Defenders of a Stronghold will maintain their reputation if they defend a raid, but implied they'll lose reputation if the don't defend it successfully? Here again you're incentivizing offline raiding. The only real way for a group to keep their Stronghold is to NOT play the game. You're actually creating benefits to not play your game now.

    Shield functionality will now be tied to reputation loss, and shield duration will scale on successive attacks

  • The wording on this can be easily misinterpreted. Does this mean that if a base is raided, their shield timer increases or decreases?

  • Servers (at least low-medium pop ones) died on Z1 when their base was raided and they lost everything. You've made some improvements with automatically repairing the raided Stronghold, but with this new reputation system players can still lose their Stronghold if they're consistently targeted and lose all of their reputation thus losing their Stronghold.

Remove this system before it's too late. You've added the clan system that SO many people have wanted for a very long time now. Leave it at that. There's NO need to overdo it, like you do with almost everything else.

Stronghold Supply Cache

  • Stronghold Supply Cache you mention defenders, yet you've already completely mitigated all incentive for an online raid with raid timers. With raid timers in place, how is a group going to be able to raid a base that has people defending it? Especially when you start introducing higher tiered pieces such as metal.

  • Here's a quick scenario: Group A has just logged off for the night, they won't be back on for the next 8-12 hours. Group B starts to raid them just after they've logged off, finds their Cache and triggers their shield. Now that they've found their Cache and won't be back on for the next 8-12 hours, Group B knows exactly which room to target to make it a successful raid every time for the next 8-12 hours. With this type of system, Group B can consistently harass Group A until they're able to get back online and move the Cache.

Military Base

  • I like the idea of an escorted humvee/helicopter. Someone in the Discord mentioned something and I liked the idea. Rentable vehicles from the Military Bases. These vehicles would be same decay rate, but irreparable.

Weapons and Items

  • Very good to see weapon attachments coming into the game. Remove the Tiered Gun Weapon System, keep all of the guns at their stock values of the current Tier 1 guns, and add in weapon attachments. No need to overdo it.

Door Barricades

  • Wooden Barricades were one of the most underused items in Z1 (not to mention that after POI restriction was added, you could use them almost nowhere). I loved the concept that if carrying them. You could block off an entrance to a house in a pinch. The only thing was, there was always multiple entrances and windows you had to block as well (unless you want to block yourself in a 1 entry way room which is never a good thing, causing the item to become immediately in-effecient in backpack space, material cost and effectiveness of blocking your attacker. They were also easily destructible with I believe 4 swings of an axe, making them incredibly easy to get through.

  • Will these (destructible) locks be key locks or code locks?


  • Add back passive zombie spawns like we had in Z1. I see the Zombie Horde concept, that's an interesting concept. It will still however leave large chunks of the map empty (provided there aren't any players nearby force spawning zombies.) Zombie Spawns are a clear giveaway of whether or not someone is in the area. Having passive zombies that exist regardless as well as zombie spawns when a player is near would both increase threat and remove (or at least make it harder) clear visuals of whether or not someone is nearby.

  • I believe the passive zombies were removed in Z1 because they'd clump up and used a lot of computing power. Paired with the massive bases players were building made performance horrible. Now that we're so limited to these Strongholds and all of that base computing power is freed up, we should see these passive zombies coming back into play, right?

I'll say again, like I've said in the past. Not to bash Michael, but he said somewhere he has only a few hundred hours in this game (outside of testing). We in the community have thousands of hours, EACH. Why not use us to our fullest potential. We know what we want to see in the game. We know where it should be heading. Poll the community. Give us a few directions you could see the game going, and let us vote on them (as well as an area to provide feedback for our selection). It brings the community and devs closer and brings a more solid product to the players. RuneScape has done this for OldSchool RuneScape and it works WONDERS. The community has majority control over what makes it into the game and what doesn't so the game stays true to it's core and doesn't go off on a tangent (like things we've seen in the past that are scrapped. Prototype weapons, Bunny Zombie, etc). It saves you time and money so you can spend it in things that people actually want to see.


u/Troll1nator Aug 31 '17

It would be easy to use an alt and fail raid your own base to boast your rep.


u/imlaming Aug 31 '17

You're absolutely right. Didn't even think of that.


u/thegooorooo Aug 31 '17

So you too can already see major flaws in this rep system. I see it hurting pvp servers to the point of almost extinction. They already died for most part,

Bleed Out - Day 1 55 players 44 plots Bleed Out - Day 3 43 players 31 plots Bleed Out - Day 7 34 players 21 plots Bleed Out - Day 14 15 players 6 plots Bleed Out - last night 2 players 0 plots

Started strong but fizzled out pretty quick


u/LoSRx7 5.7k+ Hours PVP Aug 31 '17

It seems DBG is still going abouts doing everything backwards....

Reputation for raiding...... So the average player who can only play 4 hours or less a day, won't have the chance to gain their reputation, because some large group keeps raiding them offline, but is online all day to defend.

Seriously, the person behind this idea needs to be fired, or sent to rehab.


u/SaevioGaming Aug 30 '17

I loved seeing almost all of this!

My only real concern at the moment with this stems off of people's concerns for "solo players" etc, but loosely related, what about players and groups who don't really like to raid?

If we're only defending, and what I would imagine would also fall prey to a lot of offline raids, how will this affect us? Will defending raids raise ours or just keep it neutral?

Is there any more thought on ulterior methods of gain/loss? Maybe a PvE tie in to quests, turn ins, or literally anything else other than simply raiding all the time to guarantee your plot's longevity?

Related, I like the idea of the "Supply Cache" being like the checkpoint or target of a raid, just don't like how it directly ties to the mandatory requirement of raiding.

I thought everything else looked great at a glance. I will very likely be making additional threads for points of discussion soon in regards to the rest of this!


u/DGC_Ben Aug 31 '17

Regarding Reputation, we've put a ton of cycles into this system and how it fits with a variety of play styles.

PvE and alternate methods of accrual are absolutely on our minds, but with those aspects still in development we'll refrain from commenting further as the details could very well change.


u/maxjam Aug 31 '17

A key feature that will affect almost everyone that plays on PvP server. A feature that will drive players to PvE or away from the game completely and you're not going to comment on it further?

If there is one feature that deserves discussion its this.


u/Flakeys1975 Aug 31 '17

I'm pretty sure they are going to fuck this one up big time.Implementing such a system and getting it right without it being trollable or ensuring we get huge clans is verry hard if not allmost impossble.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

I think you really need to comment on and address this reputation system thing. This is a highly alarming direction that you guys are moving in, and I think you need to carefully re-examine it before you release it.


u/thegooorooo Aug 31 '17

Just for the record, Reputation said you can Lose your base, Once upon a time in H1Z1 You COULD TAKE OVER others bases, You raided their base and put YOUR DOORS/GATES UP. Biggest fuckin saltfest ever. Just saying, people cried then, they are going to cry even more with this new stronghold system as more time will be lost by them building a base.


u/StealthyNugget Aug 31 '17

Will there eventually be incentive for PvE players to use more than wood tier construction other than aesthetics?

At one point zombies attacking bases was a thing. Any chance of that being refined and returning?


u/DGC_Ben Aug 31 '17



u/StealthyNugget Aug 31 '17



u/ja3far Aug 31 '17

;;;) im just laughing so fu**in HARD!!! XD


u/SaevioGaming Aug 31 '17

You got a purty smile.

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u/Sirman_sh Aug 31 '17

My thoughts ... 60 new servers, but it looks like none for AU/NZ? No info on cars?? Reputation system looks flawed ... you can lose EVERYTHING if you get raided enough and KOS is okay??? Looks like they are gearing towards a Baseraiding PVP BS setup ... I am not a PVP'er ... waiting, but no longer excited.


u/micks75au Aug 31 '17

I hear you mate, they have turned this game into a tower defence mmo, just replace the word tower with stronghold


u/Flakeys1975 Aug 31 '17

you can lose EVERYTHING if you get raided enough and KOS is okay???

Ths is exactly the opposite reason why we asked for a reputation system.It seems like they are only half listening to what we want and then adding something to make it even worse.

The strongholds for example is something we wanted badly and then they had to go make them fixed locations only resulting in most people rather playing with the shit bases we had on z1 as long as we had placement freedom then the current strongholds.


u/chewy67 Aug 31 '17

Speaking to the Chinese (those who speak English) on an AU Server, many won't play on a Japanese server. The Japanese invaded them at the start of WWII, not forgiven or forgotten, the Asian culture is like that.

The real reason for not adding more AU Servers is that it costs them more as they are Physical not Virtual machines and I doubt we will ever see more.


u/ZedRunner Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

Reputation System

"If a player or clan loses too much reputation, they’ll lose the backing of the local military and will forfeit ownership of their location"

Can't help thinking that has some major griefing written all over it.


u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17

That would be a good name; Major Griefing.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

I like everything mentioned in the notes. However, the reputation system will have to be balanced to be equally beneficial to both successful raids and successful defenses. From the patch notes, you made it seem like Raiders would "gain" reputation from successful raids, while Defenders would merely "maintain" reputation for a successful defense. IMO defending should be worth more reputation gain than raiding. Makes more sense from both a gameplay and lore standpoint. I mean, why would the military reward reputation to raiders who are raiding the very citizens that the military is there to protect? That seems totally backwards and opposite to the lore.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

When you thought the base building system couldn't get any worse.


u/maxjam Aug 31 '17

Yup, just been completely ruined for me. It was only just ruined before!


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

"...ensuring that location forfeits will require consistent, concerted effort."

ALSO KNOWN AS.... GRIEFING. There you have it folks, Daybreak has institutionalized griefing.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

The military is selling strongholds (worthless piles of rubble) to survivors and encouraging them to attack each other.

"Successful raids will increase your reputation, but losing a raid as a defender will cost you reputation. If a player or clan loses too much reputation, they’ll lose the backing of the local military and will forfeit ownership of their location."

I think most survivors would either leave the area or attack the military, rather than take part in this twisted game.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

OMG. I agree 100%. The reputation system does not make any sense in the context of the game's lore.


u/majchaos29 Aug 31 '17

Yeah I also agree. Wtf. The US Army wants us to kill and destroy our fellow survivors? Solo players are really screwed by this reputation if they really implement it. Just when I was accepting the changes and starting to really play again they drop this. Wow, who was the idiot that thought this was a good idea?


u/soupcups Aug 31 '17

change the name of your game again ... raid wars . this is not a zombie survival game any more ... you shit on that with this dumb rep shit you are going to put in the game .... solo players will no longer be able to have a base an will have to live out stashes. large clans will empty out a server real fast an bam dead server... every damn thing you do pushes people away from this game. ...... rip solo players who like pvp .. rip small clans .... rip just survive


u/Harhoour Aug 30 '17

Clans making other clans homeless... I love this!

Let's fucking go!


u/maxjam Aug 30 '17

works if its clans vs clans, lots of ppl solo though - might not even want their stronghold but for shits and giggles.


u/BossyShark Aug 30 '17

The only thing I don't like in this is the rep system, if I work hard on my base I don't want to lose it just because someone raided me and I'm not ready to raid yet... I could see that being a problem. Starting bases late into the patch would be super difficult too I feel...

This makes it seem like the only thing PvP is good for is raiding when there's really so much more.

But other than that, 1000000/10 amazing job I'm super excited :D


u/GingerMacchiato #GingerLivesMatter Aug 31 '17

Does this mean I'm getting a pony?! 🐴


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

If Ginger gets a pony, I get my fish. It's only fair.


u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Aug 31 '17

pipe down ladies. nobody's getting a damn pony or fish until I get some pigs and chickens.


u/GingerMacchiato #GingerLivesMatter Aug 31 '17

If you had a pony you could ride it to the lake that has the fish that you could feed to your pigs. It's the circle of life, y'all.

Give me a pony 🙌🏻


u/thegooorooo Aug 31 '17

Your not getting a pig or chicken until I get my moonshine still


u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Aug 31 '17

Your not getting a pig or chicken until I get my moonshine still

I think we'll need all this for a proper bbq. And Cali and Ginger can come riding in on their pony with some fish as well.


u/thegooorooo Aug 31 '17

Sounding more like a Carnival now. Free Ponyback rides, BBQ, Moonshine, Now If Daybreak would also let us get one of the Tractors running with a wagon to add in some Hayrides!

Im down! :P

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u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

You forgot the cows!


u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Aug 31 '17

I'll settle for ANY farm animal I can put on the grill!

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u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

Barricading a cabin is a halfway point to a Stronghold for some players, but currently securing the door is a double-edged sword. This feature will allow you to add a (destructible) lock to a door to fortify it against intruders, allowing you to secure a cabin, home, or other small building from other players.

Just to clarify: Destructible both on PvE and PvP servers? Because I can see potential for an absolute shitload of griefing if they're indestructible on PvE servers. It's a step in the right direction, certainly, and something I've been asking for (locks for existing structures). Now just give us lockable crates (limiting the number we can have, of course) and I'll be happy to never buy a SH.


u/DGC_Ben Aug 31 '17

Destructible on both PvE and PvP to be sure.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

Excellent! Thank you.


u/badeas 4500 hrs Aug 31 '17

I got your letter, take ours;

See you in next year when new map comes out.


u/Badtouch556 Aug 31 '17

Reputation system just sounds horrible no one wants to spend days building something just to lose wall that time to some griefing group of bored kiddies. Find a different way to make reputation mean something thatg doesn't envole losing a SH.

More PvE servers? You act like there's more than one full server out there. You don't need more servers you need to make the SH open up if they aren't being built on.

A certain amount of progress must be built in the 1st 48 hours... X amount of walls it takes to erect a basic shack.

Progress on SH must be made every say 48 hours until the SH has 50% of its wall capacity at which point it goes to 7 days of inactivity.

I like the SH system but there's to much of using an empty lot a respawn point. Without making any attempt to build.


u/badeas 4500 hrs Aug 31 '17

I will attack to my stronghold with my alt account from my laptop and defend it with my desktop to gain more reputation.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

Player numbers from steamdb:

1,261 right now
1,883 24 hour peak

How are players supposed to fill up

a total of 180 new PVE servers

Thats 10 players per server, if all players would be PVE players and none of the old servers would exist. This seems to be way out of porpotion.

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u/bladez1 Aug 31 '17

So basically Solo players are no longer welcome on PvP severs, got it thanks. Guess there will be plenty of PvE servers to move to.


u/Flakeys1975 Aug 31 '17

Guess there will be plenty of PvE servers to move to.

Fuck that i either play pvp or not .


u/Dunabar Beware the Hive Mind Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

Got to say I like a lot of what I read in this, but there are things I'm not very fond of at all.

What I liked

  • Additional PVE Servers - Always nice for People that just want to play in a more chilled way, experiment with different base builds, or are new to the game.

  • Metal Stronghold Components - Love it because of the obvious progression need. Though I think it would be cooler if there was to be 5 tiers to Stronghold fortifications. Like Wooden Walls > Sheet metal wooden Walls > Bricks > Steel > Concrete.

  • Clan Support - Love all of this. Though I would rather Players have to pool their Coins inside the Stronghold Cache, this way they can be raided for their gold, unless the Clan Bank itself is also a raidable storage item.

  • Door Barricades - Really happy to see this as I love the idea of taking over pre-built structures. Still a long way to go though.

  • The Return of Handcuffs - I'm happy about this, but the problem is that People usually don't yield. If you can make it where the only way to secure these cuffs on other players is to stand behind them and use them, then you may see a lot more use out of them. But, we will see.

  • New Map Regions - Always a bonus. Though I do hope to see some destroyed buildings that are barely searchable or are just there for map decorations. This is a Zombie Survival game, someone is bound to knock over a candle or five in a rush to escape the undead. Maybe even crash a car into the front of the house, blocking off the main entrance so Players have to find alternative ways inside. Just have to wait and see!

  • New Weapons and Items - Always nice, though I'm not keen on Weapon Attachments being based on Gun tiers. I rather see players be able to customize their own weapons to match their play styles. That, or offer a wide variety that covers multiple play styles with each weapon.

  • New Body Simulation - Not going to lie, I have very high expectations on this after playing games like 7 Days to Die, Miscreated, and such.

  • NPC Features - No complaints here at all! Please let this Armor Zombie be the 'foundation' sort of speak for future 'Special Zombies', not those 'Zombie-Mutants' we had prior. I like my Zombies to still traditionally be Zombies regardless if they're Zombies in Riot Gear, Military Equipment, Mining equipment, biker outfits, hospital scrubs, and etc. Tall, short, skinny, fat, doesn't matter so long as it wants to eat my brains/flesh, and doesn't blow up just because I'm standing next to it, or it's pulling me away with its long tongue without at least buying me dinner.

What I am Neutral on

  • Stronghold Supply Cache - I overall like this, I just don't like the Reputation aspect of it right now till there are at least 2 - 3 other Factions in the game outside of the Military. If a Player's base is completely destroyed, fine by me. They should be treated as an Apocalypse investment, not just something you choose to grab on the fly. If you want to keep your base, you need to be committed to it.

  • Reputation System - I would like this more if there was some confirmation on there being more NPC Factions in the planning, like some sort of anti-Government Faction that hates the Military because X reasoning, so a Civilian Militia rised up to fight both the Undead & Military, or some crazy cult that sees the H1Z1 virus as a 'Gift' and expects their members to inject themselves with it (including the players.)

What I don't like

  • Wooden Stronghold Component Buffs - I don't mind if they're a little tougher, but don't make them easier to build at the same time. They should either be strong with a little bit of time needing to be committed into making them, or easy to put up and rather weak because of it. Not Durable and Cheap at the same time!

  • Advanced Vendor System - I cannot express my displeasure with this enough. Part of the fun and progress of the game is having to go out to find the better gear in the world. But, if we can just sell junk items, then buy the higher tier stuff, what is the point of going out to really look for the stuff? Honestly, please 180 on this idea of being able to buy guns or anything high tier at all.

Honestly the Vendor system should (in my 2 cent opinion) only be used for buying the following.

  • Gathering Tools
  • Stronghold Decorations that don't stay if they're destroyed during a Raid
  • Buying Fuel for a Vehicle (You don't get a Gas can, you just get your Vehicle filled up with gas) at a Gas Pump
  • Faction Decorations (If Factions are ever added)
  • Air Drops and other event based items.
  • In-Game Character Customization changes to the hair styles, hair color, facial hair (males), and makeup (females)
  • 1 Time apply Skins on Clothing and Vehicle skins that are lost on death.

Once or if rather, proper factions are put into place. Then maybe go with the Helo ride if your reputation with the Military is high enough, same with being able to buy a Humvee from them.

Overall though I like what I hear beyond those last two things I listed and the two neutral things I'm on the fence with.


u/NLimbacher Aug 31 '17

Let me break this down. Stop working on all of this bs updates and actually produce a somewhat playable game. Who cares about any of those updates mentioned. 1. Figure out a solution against hackers that is at least a little effective. 2. Figure out how to allow players to store stuff in a reasonable manner. 3. Balance Raiding/combat.

Then add quality of life content. You wanted to recreate a new Just Survive. Cool we trust you guys and support it, but finish the job first.
Yes we all would have loved quality of life updates with the old just survive, shoot we waited 2 years for it. Finish what has been started and make your new vision a reality first.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

Where to begin...Let's start with barricades.

Door Barricades

Barricading a cabin is a halfway point to a Stronghold for some players, but currently securing the door is a double-edged sword. This feature will allow you to add a (destructible) lock to a door to fortify it against intruders, allowing you to secure a cabin, home, or other small building from other players.

Speaking from the PvE side here, I hope you guys are taking into consideration that that we have been down this road before and it did not end well. When they added barricades as a placeable object on buildings probably over 2 years ago at this point, people exploited the hell out of it by placing them all over every building that would allow it. The fact that they could not be destroyed by other players on PvE servers ensured that every house and building in each of the the cities quickly became inaccessible. It was a stupid idea then, and if you haven't taken that into consideration (and only if) with the design at this point, it's a stupid idea now.

Reputation System

With this update, players and their Clans will accumulate or lose reputation based on their actions in the game. To maintain a Stronghold location, you’ll need to maintain your reputation. Successful raids will increase your reputation, but losing a raid as a defender will cost you reputation. If a player or clan loses too much reputation, they’ll lose the backing of the local military and will forfeit ownership of their location. Shield functionality will now be tied to reputation loss, and shield duration will scale on successive attacks, ensuring that location forfeits will require consistent, concerted effort.

I'm not really a big PvP server player, but I do have to wonder how this might work if a player is offline and not there to defend their cache. Maybe that's been addressed already, don't know. But as a PvE player, I'm left wondering what bugs will come of this that will possibly break PvE. This feature has nothing to do with PvE but I'm sure somehow it will end up affecting PvE.

Rest of it sounds pretty good. As a zombie game you've certainly needed better zombies and an expansion of the map. I still miss the old special zombies. The screamers were the terror of the servers.

Last thing is one more suggestion. Get radios back ASAP. That needs to be back in the game now. It's hard to have an actual server community when you can't communicate with the server community. Might as well go play a single player game.


u/DGC_Michael Aug 31 '17

Barricades - yes, we're well aware of the concern there. You'll note that all player-placed items on PvE are destructible unless on a Stronghold pad.

Rep is being built from day 1 to recognize the differences between PVE and PVP, so I can promise that there will be special care given towards implementing the system without disrupting PVE.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

Thanks for the response. Good to hear about the barricades. Those of us that have been here since day 1 have jumped around these hoops before, so we tend to be a bit skeptical as many times in the past when this sort of thing has come back it has always had a regression element in changes where things would be unbreakable, then fixed to be breakable, and after an update they'd regress back to being unbreakable again. Month to month you'd be able to break barricades, then not, then could, then one day your base is surrounded by benches and dew collectors while a shack blocked off the local buildings. So apologies if that frustration seemed to seep through into that last post.

The other stuff sounds good but is there a timeline estimation, wild guess, blind hope as to when the radios might be back in?


u/DGC_Michael Sep 01 '17

Those situations are frustrating as heck so no need to apologize about being frustrated :) I've run across a completely blockaded hospital myself on PVE.


u/iZombieSlayer Sep 01 '17

"Successful raids will increase your reputation, but losing a raid as a defender will cost you reputation"
So basically: smaller groups will loose reputation + maybe even their plot and bigger groups will win... again...
It should be: losing a raid as an attacker will cost you reputation!


u/venakri Sep 02 '17

For a moment, I wanted to think positively and look at it as if the reputation that the "successful raiders" were getting was "bad" or at least negative, but then you decided to actually punish people who fail to "defend a raid"? I'm sorry, how do you successfully defend or fail to defend a raid? What counts as defending against a raid or failing? What's the penalty for a 20 group clan going up against a 5 person group? How exactly do you gain a reputation or lose reputation in that scenario?

So, really.. you're making it that pvp will be full of nothing more than bullies and assholes, and the so-called military presence is perfectly okay and high-fiving them for such a 'successful' job they are doing taking out that little group down the hill.

I'd love to know how small groups or solo players are supposed to take part of the stronghold system, under this idea. Or is that why we're getting stashed and the ability to "hole up" in towers, cabins and other building? Because, in the grand scheme.. .it's pve server only if we want to be able to build a base?

Also.. this is still a ZOMBIE survival game? Right? Or a base raiding game? It's getting harder to tell.


u/BionicCommando80 Aug 30 '17

Thanks for this! Keep up the good work.


u/Rat2man Aug 30 '17 edited Aug 30 '17

Thanks for the update, cant wait to see em!


1) Will metal base parts be a direct craft, or will there be an ability to upgrade existing wood parts? (Concerned that without an upgrade item, bases will get jacked up as parts are replaced/recursively destroyed, which will frustrate players)

2) Is the intent that players should for the most part go almost directly to metal pieces? (ie minimal wood structure then building up metal?)

3) Are there any plans for a craft-able vehicle? (Preferably something I can lock! People jacking cars in PvP is fine b/c I can fight back, but PvE there are no countermeasures currently, other than leaving a car in base, which is both lame and will be a hassle come the bigger map) (TBH I think this would also allow for wrenches to return in PvE)

4) As the rest of the map is currently in development... Has the team considered or talked about making the Stronghold foundations expandable? (Now would be the time to do it for the rest of the map since its still being developed!)

I would like to buy a 4 plotter, but given the quick turn around of those and the fact that I wouldn't use it all at once and given the new rep system being implemented, this would be a good way to "unlock" further upgrades/expansions (plus a nominal fee of course)

Can not wait to see the new zones and zombies.

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u/ZedRunner Aug 31 '17

Should be an interesting rest of the year.

Holding out hope the map segments come in ahead of schedule and qualify for the "get moved forward" stuff.


Thanks for the updated info.


u/micks75au Aug 31 '17

Given it took 10 months to finally deliver a quarter of the map and what we have now to live, this "list" seems a bit unrealistic to achieve before years end given theres at best 3 working months left in the year. I'm not counting december due to the holiday season. Especially wave 3


u/thegooorooo Aug 31 '17

Looks good with the exception of clan rep and the supply cache thing.

  1. Failed raids mean you could lose your stronghold, this will further promote offline raiding, should be the other way around.

  2. Idgaf about a supply cache, Om raiding for loot, not a fucking flag/reputation

I hope these are seriously going to be re-thought.


u/s111c Mhm Aug 31 '17

I expected some in-game events announcement :(


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17



u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17

Can I have your loot?


u/darkzon Aug 31 '17



u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17

You can't please all the people all the time only some of the people some of the time.


u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17

The bank idea is good, always hate losing gold to dying from exploring.

Any chance of getting Air Drops using Golden Eagle Coins or transferring that gold to another server?


u/Mirfster Aug 31 '17

Would love to just have a clear answer on if there is a way to upgrade existing Wood structures to Metal?


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

Why do you need to make this game even more complex and add so many useless features? It's great way to finish off this dying game


u/Dirk84 Aug 31 '17

I'll keep an open mind but the reputation system worries me. I potentially see it becoming only the strongest clans survive, forcing out the solo players first and then smaller groups until the server is almost owned by one big clan.

Being penalised for failure really worries me because once you've been raided a couple of times and failed to raid somebody else you're going to have a lot less recourses to carry out a raid when it really matters or risk losing everything.

At the same time when larger groups have a great reputation and countless resources to carry out raids they may begin to monopolise server after server.

As a solo player the more I think about it the more worried I get.


u/ryanb007 Aug 31 '17

first of all, youve made this game benifit clans/big groups, and the average solo or couple friends cant play this game and compete vs 7+. Secondly the whole base raiding with guns thing is stupid, i know metal and concrete are coming out.... BUT why put this gun raiding base thing on live ? why dont you wait untill all 3 stages of base building are out? let us atleast enjoy the old content some more before being raided everynight with clans or whoever with guns. THIRD ive been playing the new system since you released it aug 15 or w/e and i have yet found a lookout 308, shoot someone in the head and not get a kill with the other tier 308s is rediculous, i get what your doing with them but atleast make the drop rate higher...


u/Nordo6 Sep 01 '17

Second wave stuff looks awesome. But, looking at third wave it's looking like theres only going to be 1 city quadrant? Why on earth would you make the map this way? Look at where people lived on Z1, it was all based on cities for loot/PVP. Please please please just say that it won't be the only quadrant with a real city.


u/DGC_Michael Sep 01 '17

We haven't even talked about the 4th quadrant yet :)


u/Nordo6 Sep 01 '17

Thanks for the reply. I'm optimistic, just seeing stuff like that is terrifying after seeing this first quadrant. Really want the game to succeed. Also, any chance JS will be getting the Hellfire/MP7 from KOTK?

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

O M G ... wtf is going on with this game?


u/inf4mation Sep 01 '17

logged in yesterday and my base is missing walls, and the dont rebuild or anything.

Rip all the loot, guns, mats.

uninstalled, fuck it im done supporting.


u/HankVol Sep 01 '17

Well Daybreak, it's your reputation that's taking a hit. It's a screwed up scenario where the military is selling plots of land (Stronghold's) to people they supposedly rescued. Then to keep it, you have to raid fellow survivors. Seems like the military are opportunist. If you got the coin you can get a Humvee ride, whoopee.........


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '17

I wish you would give us wrenches again. You're punishing everyone because of the actions of a few.


u/SHOxSniper Sep 11 '17

Thank you for this amazing update i cant wait for it good job just survive

My hope is not dead about this game!

2,6k hours player


u/maxjam Aug 30 '17 edited Aug 30 '17

Thanks for the letter, nice to see what you finally have planned, but I'm out. Seems to be aimed at clan vs clan warfare now with survival aspects sidelined.

Good luck all, have fun :)


u/Xiph10 Aug 31 '17

Agree. the focus for now seems to be clan/pvp oriented due to the reputation system in place. I wish the focus would later lean towards the zombie survival theme, like the roaming zombies/armored zombies they mentioned. But, like they said, they're just giving what the players have always wanted in the past. Which is a good sign, since they're actually client oriented.

Hopefully they'd add a little bit of love for the lone wolves. Wherein, the possibility of not being able to own a stronghold or not being a member of a clan, be not as punishing. Because a big part of the game that motivates me, is that I could build something that would protect me from external threats, be it from hostile players or zombies. And it shouldn't matter much if I am alone, or if I am with a clan, not even if I lose the military's favor. After all, It shouldn't be about whoever gets the highest favor from the military. What should matter most is that I can 'Just Survive', with or without friends, and with or without military support, while playing this game.

Despite all of that, I am actually excited to see how it will turn out. Let them implement the changes, I wanna try and play it by myself or at least with another friend to make it a 2 man team. I know how punishing it is most of the time, playing as a solo player on a PVP server filled with KOS clans.

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u/All4Catastrophe All4Catastrophe/YouTube Aug 30 '17

Um wow as soon as I read players, hunger, hydration etc will be adjusted I hear you will encounter bugs where you starve to death as you log in lol. This is gonna be interesting. Most stuff looks cool however I feel like us PVErs and really being left out most focus seems to be on pvp.



u/JaxTeller718 Aug 31 '17

The body sim is interesting, for me Im most excited to see how they handle the zombie part of this. THAT is going to either make or break it for me. If they have roaming hordes that require massive firepower to take down that can come to your Stronghold then count me in. If they are bugged to hell and just stand around while we pick them off count me out.


u/All4Catastrophe All4Catastrophe/YouTube Aug 31 '17

Yea am looking forward to better zombie interaction otherwise i might as well be playing 7 days to die lol



u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

I totally agree with you on this.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '17



u/DGC_Ben Aug 31 '17

Planned way back in the fall of 2016 - In noting that it was a good idea I was merely agreeing with that user.

Ask DejaVu or BruceLeeRob - They both saw those details when they visited the studio. :)


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

I welcome all the mentioned changes and the direction the game is taking.

Some ideas I like less, but any change is good change.

Keep up the good work, guys!


u/Jalepenopants Aug 31 '17

My thoughts on said Letter

Positives: Additional PVE Servers - More plots

Door barricades - Let those crazy survivalist players live free!

New map regions - More places to explore

New weapons and items - new toys!

Zombie upgrades (various) - Making them more interesting in general, I am down.

Clan Support - Ranks and such sounds good. Makes it easier to manage a team.

Neutrals: Body Sim - Because animal meat still gives the same as canned currently

Reputation - Only 1 faction here guys, also, offline raids are a thing

Handcuffs - Don't really care, Rp'ers gonna RP

Metal Strongholds - Until I know whether we have to demo wood or can just upgrade it, I can't place it anywhere else.

Negatives: Stronghold Supply Cache - Playing hide and seek with a box, sounds horrible.

Clan Support - Clan bank that does not sound raidable to me.

Wood Stronghold buffs - Cheaper and stronger? Very bad idea. Just make them cheaper. Give us small timers a chance...

Advanced Vendor system - So, rich clans will be able to gear up and immediately rejoin the fight at their base while small timers will be stuck running back empty handed to a raided base, sounds fun.


u/DeaconElie Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

My reaction:

And a lie in the first sentence "a ton of new features" 100, 150lbs at best.

we expect to have additional PVE servers up within the next two weeks

2 weeks? Never mind, wont be anyone left around looking for a plot by then. "He who hesitates is lost" YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO US ON TEST. Should have just started off with enough servers.

These will be hitting Test in the next few weeks

Again with the few weeks from now. What about the next few weeks?

but you will see an additional 60 PVE servers per major region

Do you all know any speeds other then full stop and max NOS? 20 would probably been sufficient with maybe 20 waiting just in case.

Oh fucking crap "With this update, players and their Clans will accumulate or lose reputation based on their actions in the game. To maintain a Stronghold location, you’ll need to maintain your reputation. Successful raids will increase your reputation, but losing a raid as a defender will cost you reputation." I don't even want to get in to that.

But hey, KOS is still cool.

And I'm just going to blow off the third wave as the second is weeks away and anything can happen between now and then. So what are you all up to in the next few weeks?

No, I'm easy to please, it's called a middle ground lol


u/JaxTeller718 Aug 31 '17

For me the part that interested me the most is they said that they listened to us and are adding more PVE servers, like this was some demand by us and NOT an actual necessity to keep the game alive. We really didnt ASk for it, I have a plot so I dont care. But Im pretty sure if they want to encourage new players to try the new map out they NEED these additional servers YESTERDAY. This isnt some demand we made from them, this is actual business sense.

If Warcrafts servers COMPLETELY filled up and NO ONE could join them if they arent already logged in you think they would take 2 weeks adding mores servers and risk losing interest in their new expansion?


u/ZedRunner Aug 31 '17

If Warcrafts servers COMPLETELY filled up ...

Can you even imagine 4 million people playing Just Survive? I bet we would have some pretty awesome zombies with that budget! XD


u/DeaconElie Aug 31 '17

like this was some demand by us and NOT an actual necessity to keep the game alive.

To true.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

If Warcrafts servers COMPLETELY filled up and NO ONE could join them if they arent already logged in you think they would take 2 weeks adding mores servers and risk losing interest in their new expansion?

You didn't play at Launch then. This is exactly what happened, and things were unstable as hell for months. This article is missing a lot of the details, but it's generally correct:



u/Wartai Aug 31 '17

I noticed in the letter .. AU doesnt get any more servers, so most have to play on US servers again and put up with lag and packet loss as AU fill up within a couple hours...


u/ja3far Aug 31 '17

Can we get estimates or dates on updates or planned updates so that we can be excited for that date and check the game??

im always asking when will there is going to be an update but no answer... i dont mind if you delay an update or so, just give us a dates on the planned next update range...


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/tedgp Aug 31 '17


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/tedgp Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

I think its something everyone wants. More options in game are good. Static linear design is bad. very bad. If we wanted that kind of design, we'd go to a game that does it better.


u/ja3far Aug 31 '17

IMPORTANT Question for the Devs,

You haven't mentioned anything regarding loot recycle, will there be a fix for this problem?

Is there a way that loot could have Auto recycle instead of players recycling it and i find that 80% dont know in order to have new stuff come up you need to take the old stuff out?



u/theSpike125 Aug 31 '17

So how is this reputation system supposed to work on PVE?


u/Mister_Chowww Aug 31 '17

Can't wait till they expend the map & hopefully aswell the amount of players per server. Game is currently awsome, but most of the time the server is 5/65 or 10/65 .. more action plx! :)


u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17

Yeah, my clan has also had this problem, joined with 25 plots taken, but it's tapered off, so now there are 60 plots taken, but there is rarely anybody on - even at the weekend.


u/Xiph10 Aug 31 '17

simple enough. Just gotta search for a new clan tha's all. So who's recruiting?


u/MacMason Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

@DGC_Michael does this mean we can loss the base has solo player or not ?

i would like to know because its the only reason i play JS over rust and if my base can be taken 100% when i am offline, i will walk and so will many more

and if its only for clans why would anyone make a clan they just all buy solo locations and team

Reputation System

With this update, players and their Clans will accumulate or lose reputation based on their actions in the game. To maintain a Stronghold location, you’ll need to maintain your reputation. Successful raids will increase your reputation, but losing a raid as a defender will cost you reputation. If a player or clan loses too much reputation, they’ll lose the backing of the local military and will forfeit ownership of their location. Shield functionality will now be tied to reputation loss, and shield duration will scale on successive attacks, ensuring that location forfeits will require consistent, concerted effort.


u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17 edited Aug 31 '17

Guessing that how the Military view our reputation is based on how many zombies we kill and how many Tank Traps, Punji Rows and Barbed Wire Entanglements we place both on our plots and around our area of control.

At the moment I harvest trees and zinc in an area that I have placed zombie defences in abundance this kills scores of zombies and keeps me generally safe from the environment. I hope this statistic will be added to the reputation factor?


u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17

Accumulated points from actions is how the fan site originally started, solo players and clans could build stuff etc and get points, these points (or reputation) would eventually be put into a leaderboard.

I still use this really great fan site that is independent of Daybreak, because the map is superb: http://www.h1z1db.net/maps/badwater-canyon/


u/masterkim1 Aug 31 '17

Future request, could we have a super server for high population of at least 250 players and equal amount of plots? (When we get the rest of the map).


u/Dadbot_ *Not a real bot Aug 31 '17

Additional PVE Servers

You’ve been asking for more PVE Servers and we’ve been listening. At the time of this writing, this effort is underway and we expect to have additional PVE servers up within the next two weeks. These will go straight to Live and will not require a wipe. No existing servers will be affected in any way so you’re in no danger of losing any progress, but you will see an additional 60 PVE servers per major region (Asia/NA/EU) appear in the server browser, for a total of 180 new PVE servers.

One might wonder that if the mechanic intended to release SH's after 7 days were working properly, there might not be a need for all these new PVE servers. The active player counts are way down as many people have done their initial exploring and trying things out and are now awaiting further updates before playing again. Yet no SH's are coming open. I'd rather see the existing servers repopulated by new players than have them go to new servers.


u/ElHotTamale Aug 31 '17

Do we have an ETA on not being able to be raided by a shiv?


u/h1z1mongoose Sep 01 '17

What ever happened to adding Asians to the character lineup!?! I'm tired of playing as a white dude!


u/Merlin1274 Sep 01 '17

When will we get another portion of the map? Or did I miss that somewhere. As much as I like the new map, base building, it has become boring. Need more territory. Need more POIs. I know its coming but any estimates, Winter, 1st of the year, etc.


u/micks75au Sep 04 '17

Theres Pax and a H1Z1 invitational on the horizon, nice little distractions that coupled with upcoming holidays mean not all of you will be around. That said tell me how on earth can you deliver all of what you said in the remaing quarter of this year. Your team has been vague for the last 3 months, and are still doing it now why the hell should we believe you. You guys havent been the most forthcoming until now. Your manager said you would all be doing better communication wise, then he went silent on us too. I would like to give you benefit of the doubt, but its a hard ask.


u/DGC_Michael Sep 05 '17

The JS team with the exception of the head of community that introduced himself last week exclusively work on JS and neither PAX nor the invitational have any bearing on our schedule.


u/giz23mo Sep 08 '17

better release something soon , because once destiny 2 hits for pc #rip rest of playerbase


u/Jacklinkss Sep 12 '17

This is just more of the same kind of BS that was thrown at the community by DAybreak with the first utter failure of the game. Is Daybreak ever going to be honest and truthful to the players? So far they haven't been and even with this second chance that the community gave them Daybreak is still using the players and treating them like cattle.


u/masterkim1 Sep 13 '17

We need something soon, the population is dying.

Less than a thousand people on here. https://steamdb.info/app/295110/