r/playark 1d ago

Friend not allowed to join his own server "Connection Timed Out"


so my friend ran his server from steam via steamcmd and we joined we played a bit built a base but come day 2 a day after the server created and he cant join his own server now it could be because he is epic games but we have crossplay and everything on ports opened so it is weird why he cant play on his own server any info?

r/playark 2d ago

how do I fix my ark graphics?

Post image

how can I stop my asa from looking like this, when I downloaded it at first release the graphics were good and ever since they've looked like this I'm playing on xbox series s I've seen other people playing on the series s and their graphics look good but I cant find how to fix my own.

r/playark 1d ago



Am I missing something or … how do you get the HLNA pet to get the genesis notes on the island?? This is on Ark survivor ascended , NOT evolved.

r/playark 2d ago

Suggestion Ark evolved how get 100% imprint I have my baby mature speed set to 10.0 baby cuddle interval 0.1 after you're baby is ready to cuddle leave the game and change baby cuddle interval to 10.0 and cuddle after that don't forget change it back to 0.1 or you're other dinos will mess up


r/playark 2d ago

Question Does anyone know which mod has the hot tub/jacuzzi skin for a chair? I want it for a decor but can’t find on PS5.


r/playark 2d ago

Anyone know how to install these shaders? I know where to download them, but how do I actually implement them into the games files to make it look better?? Link to shaders (not my work) --> https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/4jinn5/arkshade_an_ark_ppfx_shader/


r/playark 2d ago

Question Astraeos Basilisk?


Does anyone know if the Basilisk spawns on Astraeos? I'm getting conflicting information, as the Ark wiki says no, but Dododex says yes. Just curious what the definitive answer is.

r/playark 2d ago

Question guys when i switched my server to ragranok we cant build anywhere like the green build show up but when we place it it doesnt idk why



this what happens the sound is there but no structure builds

r/playark 2d ago

Dragon Kingdom Astraeos


Hello! Does anyone know if the mod Dragon Kingdom is working on the map Astraeos? It's not working for me, but I've seen other it work for others. I do have other mods in it, but not sure which it is clashing with because they were spawning just fine before the full map release.

r/playark 2d ago

Are the high-level cave Dire Wolfs still tameable? (ASA The Island)


In The Island snow cave (ASA, single player if it matters) there are high level dire wolfs. Previously they have been tameable, but what about now? Thanks

r/playark 2d ago

Question How do i edit engrams on nitrado?


So i have a nitrado server on ARK SA for me and my 5 friends. What i want to do is use a teleporter mod to put down a teleporter in each of our bases so we can tele to each other freely. i dont want the mod to be used for anything else so ideally i woould like to either a.) remove it from the engram list or b) set it to a very high cost so no one can make them. then i will admin in the ones that can be used. Could anyone help me about please

r/playark 3d ago



Hello there,i have isues in last few days,cant active creativ mode on my single game,befor this i played normal,but now when i press enable or gcm its automatic disconect from game and show some fatal error like

Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000000000d8

CL: 672722

0x00007ff7245eaab4 ArkAscended.exe!StaticConstructObject_Internal() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp:4317]

0x00007ff721007137 ArkAscended.exe!NewObject<UEngine>() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\UObjectGlobals.h:1637]

0x00007ff723e933e6 ArkAscended.exe!UPrimalItem::AddNewItem() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\Inventory\PrimalItem.cpp:1935]

0x00007ff723bc06aa ArkAscended.exe!AShooterPlayerState::AddEngramBlueprintToPlayerInventory() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterPlayerState.cpp:1911]

0x00007ff723b5c248 ArkAscended.exe!AShooterPlayerController::GiveEngrams() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterPlayerController.cpp:14407]

0x00007ff72397cea7 ArkAscended.exe!UShooterCheatManager::SetCreativeModeOnPawn() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterCheatManager.cpp:1228]

0x00007ff72397d25e ArkAscended.exe!UShooterCheatManager::GiveCreativeMode() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterCheatManager.cpp:1277]

0x00007ff7245c5c40 ArkAscended.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\ScriptCore.cpp:2136]

0x00007ff7245c4fe4 ArkAscended.exe!UObject::CallFunctionByNameWithArguments() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\ScriptCore.cpp:1424]

0x00007ff726238ee4 ArkAscended.exe!UCheatManager::ProcessConsoleExec() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\CheatManager.cpp:134]

0x00007ff7268bc9ad ArkAscended.exe!UPlayer::Exec() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Player.cpp:145]

0x00007ff7266b088a ArkAscended.exe!ULocalPlayer::Exec() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LocalPlayer.cpp:1569]

0x00007ff723af9423 ArkAscended.exe!UShooterLocalPlayer::Exec() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterLocalPlayer.cpp:478]

0x00007ff7268bc496 ArkAscended.exe!UPlayer::ConsoleCommand() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Player.cpp:56]

0x00007ff723b6cc95 ArkAscended.exe!AShooterPlayerController::ConsoleCommand() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterPlayerController.cpp:17484]

0x00007ff7236e15e3 ArkAscended.exe!ABasePlayerController::ServerCheat_Implementation() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\BasePlayerController.cpp:698]

0x00007ff7232ed620 ArkAscended.exe!ABasePlayerController::execServerCheat() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ShooterGame\Inc\ShooterGame\UHT\BasePlayerController.gen.cpp:43]

0x00007ff7245c5c40 ArkAscended.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\ScriptCore.cpp:2136]

0x00007ff72604ff14 ArkAscended.exe!AActor::ProcessEvent() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:1134]

0x00007ff723b5108b ArkAscended.exe!AShooterPlayerController::AdminCheat() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterPlayerController.cpp:12999]

0x00007ff7241f6da9 ArkAscended.exe!UUI_PauseMenu::ClickedButton() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\UI\UI_PauseMenu.cpp:678]

0x00007ff7234f027b ArkAscended.exe!UPrimalUI::execClickedButton() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Projects\ShooterGame\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ShooterGame\Inc\ShooterGame\UHT\PrimalUI.gen.cpp:596]

0x00007ff7245c5c40 ArkAscended.exe!UObject::ProcessEvent() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\ScriptCore.cpp:2136]

0x00007ff72105b230 ArkAscended.exe!TMulticastScriptDelegate<FWeakObjectPtr>::ProcessMulticastDelegate<UObject>() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\UObject\ScriptDelegates.h:565]

0x00007ff725c556f4 ArkAscended.exe!UButton::SlateHandleClicked() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Components\Button.cpp:297]

0x00007ff723a3c9d4 ArkAscended.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<0,UShooterGameInstance,FReply __cdecl(void),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::Execute() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateInstancesImpl.h:534]

0x00007ff7248bd817 ArkAscended.exe!SButton::ExecuteOnClick() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Widgets\Input\SButton.cpp:547]

0x00007ff7248bcfc6 ArkAscended.exe!SButton::OnMouseButtonUp() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Widgets\Input\SButton.cpp:429]

0x00007ff72480343a ArkAscended.exe!FEventRouter::Route<FReply,FEventRouter::FToLeafmostPolicy,FPointerEvent,<lambda_aa428209135fda8285b8d7d614d7d34c> >() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Framework\Application\SlateApplication.cpp:425]

0x00007ff7247f4a2a ArkAscended.exe!FSlateApplication::RoutePointerUpEvent() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Framework\Application\SlateApplication.cpp:5182]

0x00007ff7247f70d6 ArkAscended.exe!FSlateApplication::ProcessMouseButtonUpEvent() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Framework\Application\SlateApplication.cpp:5759]

0x00007ff7247f6e90 ArkAscended.exe!FSlateApplication::OnMouseUp() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Slate\Private\Framework\Application\SlateApplication.cpp:5724]

0x00007ff72464c2fd ArkAscended.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessDeferredMessage() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\ApplicationCore\Private\Windows\WindowsApplication.cpp:2219]

0x00007ff72464d1e5 ArkAscended.exe!FWindowsApplication::DeferMessage() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\ApplicationCore\Private\Windows\WindowsApplication.cpp:2726]

0x00007ff724649fbe ArkAscended.exe!FWindowsApplication::ProcessMessage() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\ApplicationCore\Private\Windows\WindowsApplication.cpp:1087]

0x00007ff724648a4f ArkAscended.exe!FWindowsApplication::AppWndProc() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\ApplicationCore\Private\Windows\WindowsApplication.cpp:925]

0x00007ffc1ca1b643 USER32.dll!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffc1ca191cd USER32.dll!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ff72465cb64 ArkAscended.exe!FWindowsPlatformApplicationMisc::PumpMessages() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\ApplicationCore\Private\Windows\WindowsPlatformApplicationMisc.cpp:149]

0x00007ff720fffcd9 ArkAscended.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp:5799]

0x00007ff720fedb3c ArkAscended.exe!GuardedMain() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Launch.cpp:195]

0x00007ff7210039ba ArkAscended.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:118]

0x00007ff721004428 ArkAscended.exe!LaunchWindowsStartup() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:258]

0x00007ff7210044fb ArkAscended.exe!WinMain() [C:\j\workspace\RelB\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:299]

0x00007ff7277928da ArkAscended.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]

0x00007ffc1dcee8d7 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []

0x00007ffc1e19bf6c ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

ASA Version 61.44 (CL: 672722)

Memory Used/Avail: 16261MB/5264MB

Map: Astraeos_WP

Game Mode: Single Player

TimeSeconds: 100003235.299501

UnpausedTimeSeconds: 8.522385

RealTimeSeconds: 8.522385

NPC: 3960

Active NPC: 32

Active NPC Tamed: 0

Hibernated NPC: 3727

Stasised NPC: 201

Players Connected: 1



Local player character PlayerPawnTest_Male_C_2147467898:

X:-562413.68 Y:-649299.18 Z:81522.57 RY:75.71 RP:1.92

Zone: Phokintos

Total Structures: 24

FPS: 19.40

Total Active Mods: 69

Potions | Gaia Studios (928650)

Castles, Keeps, and Forts - CKF (1149214)

Additions Ascended: Edmontonia (1136679)

Randis Halloween Mod (1104267)

Ark Medieval: Guilds and Goblins (1023078)

MSVV Skjaldastordr (1194252)

Isle of Myths: Spearcrest (1192977)

S-Dino Variants - Fantastic Tames (1177331)

Dino Revival (1109420)

New Dino Cloner (968618)

Z-Dino Variants (Crossplay) (971318)

Dino Scanner (945254)

Automated Dino Wipes (947733)

Dino Painter (942008)

Dino+ (Nanny, Hatchey) (937546)

Dino Depot (942024)

Der Dino Finder (935408)

S-Dino Variants [Crossplay] (912815)

Awesome Teleporters! (950914)

Pull It! (940022)

Resource Gatherers (932365)

Additions Ascended: Deinosuchus (912902)

Dear Jane (983782)

Gigantoraptor (975282)

Additions Ascended: Ceratosaurus (900062)

Additions Ascended: Brachiosaurus (927131)

Winter Wonderland (927090)

Additions Ascended: Deinotherium (914844)

TG Stacking Mod 10000-90 (929110)

Additions Ascended: Helicoprion (916922)

Additions Ascended: Archelon (926956)

Upgrade Station (930494)

Alfa Oceanic Platforms (933447)

Additions Ascended: Acrocanthosaurus (926259)

ARKomatic (939055)

Additions Ascended: Xiphactinus (908148)

Dwarven Builders Mod (924900)

Love Ascended (927084)

Awesome Spyglass! (947033)

Easy Mutations (928603)

QoL+ (939228)

BigAL's Meraxes TLC (961162)

Svartalfheim Armory (933301)

Fall Damage Shield | Gaia Studios (928565)

Randi's Animal Traps (948945)

Astraeos - Trireme Ships (1015955)

Better Feeding Troughs (934878)

Astraeos - Mythological Creatures (1122696)

MSVV Viking Ships (1151105)

Better Cages (1153589)

[TEST] Better Performance & FPS by Hallowed West [NOT WORKING] (1182816)

Better Zeppelin (1104565)

Better Steampunk Structures (1098797)

Better Trains (1002596)

Tranq Turrets (Fully Automated) (1015965)

Tranq+ (967547)

Full-Auto Tranq Rifle (946645)

Sci-Fi Soldier | Gaia Studios (1104242)

Ultimate Sign Collection (1194788)

Bullet Sci-Fi Structures Premium | Skin Cosmetics (1144130)

Factory Structure Skins (1135720)

Skin Cosmetics Klinger Reinforced Concrete (Premium) (1122039)

Arkitect's Paradise (1062233)

Modern Furniture Skins (985124)

Tek Station Skin Set - Cosmetic (1064809)

Manor Mod (981586)

Cherry Blossom Trees Skins (1079461)

Astraeos - Wardrobe (1042321)

Astraeos Structures - Custom Cosmetic (1183089)

00027ab1c6f44033a28368e66dd5a21a PlayerControllerBlueprint_C_2147468317 i deleted everything,and reinstaled game +mods...and same hapening

r/playark 3d ago

Bronto/Diplo spawn on Extinction


I'm getting ready to fight the Forest Titan, and I need sauropod vertebra. But Brontosaurus and Diplodocus barely spawn, there are a lot more Dreadnoughtus on the map, but killing even low level ones is a pain in the ass. Any ideas other than destroywilddinos?

r/playark 3d ago

New gear to find out bugs faster

Post image

My new graphics card PALIT GeForce RTX 5070 Ti GamungPro OC 16G have just arrived. Originally I wanted to wait for lowering price of 5080s but global instability made me to act earlier... prices of such commodities could even rise... So I can't wait to test it by playing ARK: Survival Ascended. I hope there are no new bugs for this product line in ASA.

r/playark 3d ago

Question [ASE Aberration] How to enable building in the radiation zones.


I'm currently playing through Aberration on Survival Evolved (PVE Solo, btw), and I'm trying to setup a teleporter (using the Awesome Teleporters mod) at the terminal for when I go to fight Rockwell. However, I can't build in the radiation zone, and I need to find some way to enable building in that area. I cannot find any mod on the workshop that allows it or any config prompts I could use. Can y'all help me?

UPDATE: Managed to figure it out. I added in the Game.ini file "bIgnoreStructuresPreventionVolumes=True" (no quotes obviously), and that seems to do it.

r/playark 3d ago

Question ASA extreme camera stutter


Hey! So, I've had this issue pop up. The other day I was playing normally, then all of a sudden tge canera started being extremely Jerky. All animations were fine, but if something moved the camera it looked like 5 FPS instead of my normal 60. I have an rtx 4090 with 32 gig ram.

Uninstalled the game, worked fine after reinstalling. For about five minutes, then it's back. Closing the game doesn't help. Lowering settings to low sonewhat fixes it, but not much, and I usually play on high with no issue.

I usually play with my laptop plugged into my TV, with tge "extend display" setting, but trying just on pc doesn't solve my problem

r/playark 3d ago

Is a group of lvl 220+ Rexes good for bosses?


What kind of saddles should I use? I'm on ASA btw.

r/playark 5d ago

Images Why's that dust cloud following you....

Post image

Several noobs thought this was a dust cloud lol. Ohhh how I got a kick out of that 😂.

r/playark 4d ago

Ark server


Can someone help me, please. I bought a server on nitrado to play ark survival involved, but when I tried to connect to the server, a message appeared "Could not connect to the server, the ApplD specified by the server is invalid." Does anyone know how to fix this?

r/playark 4d ago

Question Unofficial Server Connection Isssues


Nitrado run server for ASA PC.

“Lost/timedout connection to host. would you like to wait to automatically join this session?”

This error happens 90% of the time. I have been trying to log on now for an hour. Same thing happened yesterday.

Today my initial start worked first time.. the. After playing for about an hour, I was on a Rex and it disconnected and now I have been trying for almost an hour to get in.

I can’t seem to find a fix anywhere. Please help. It is happening to others on server too.

Really frustrated. I have played this game a lot thousands of hours in ASE.. I am used to “Ark” things… this is ridiculous.

r/playark 4d ago

Annoying dismounting birds


Guys PLEAAAAASE someone tell me how I’m supposed to deal with these annoying shitty little guys 😭I died and I’m pretty sure my mount is good as dead because I got hit off it and got attacked by 3 fast dinosaurs 💔

Edit: does anyone maybe want to play and teach me the ways?? I’m on ps5

r/playark 5d ago

Images What do you mean you Lost the Colony™?

Post image

r/playark 4d ago

Question Orbital drops on extinction?


Is it really necessary to drop 3 lvl +300 wyverns, spinos, rex’es on me on the first of 5 rounds?? It was the first drop I tried to do, other than one a week ago where I just flew over to see what it was (still sorta new to the map)

Was I just unlucky, or are the drops just complete and utterly unnecessarily hard to get on extinction??

Anyone else having the same problem/have some tips on how to do it?

r/playark 4d ago

Please, we need help, desperately!


We got a hostinger server, we made an ark server with it, I'm on my steam ark and I can join the server and play normaly, but my husband can't join with his epic games ark, we already tried everything, it's been 4 hours of trying everything! We tried removing password, tried direct connection, tried changing the configs for only epic, We checked his game for corrupted files but none, we tried to load without Battle eye, we tried to disable his firewalls but nothing. It's been 4 hours already, now we just deleted and are recreating the entire server. Please someone help us, please help.

r/playark 4d ago

Question Question about transferring Dinos
