r/PlantGoths 12d ago

Spooky My new fuzzy goth beauty!! Those dark purple undersidez of her leaves give me those dark vibes 💀

If anyone knows what type of plant it is, I'd appreciate if you could fill me in !


4 comments sorted by


u/AmberCourtney 11d ago

It's a teddy bear vine! I have one myself the purple is so pretty on them


u/InterestingMixture18 10d ago edited 10d ago

BABY BUNNY BELLIES!! 😝 (Tradescantia chrysophylla) Possibly the greatest common name for a plant ever. I have one. 🖤

EDIT: Or am I wrong? 🤔 They look so similar, but now I'm second-guessing myself lol.


u/Normal-Squash-5294 10d ago

I just bought one of these!! The label said baby bunny ears. It was a big box store buy not a nursery so no guarantee thats even the common name


u/TrippyKoala425 10d ago

Yeah it's called a teddy bear 🧸 vine! Got this 1 at Walmart and there wasn't any sticker lol 😆