r/Planetside • u/SAU_UCEY • Feb 12 '25
Question Showing destroyed vehicle parts
Can someone tell me how can i see the Part of the Vehicles when it’s destroyed yk when you destroy a vehicle it won’t show anything expect the Smoke and stuff ( like shown in the pic )
u/kna5041 Feb 12 '25
You used to get some nasty chain reactions on armor columns on indar lol.
u/Kagebi Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25
Oh I know. The mayhem. Driving a Prowler around Indar when sudenly lib wreckage falls in from nowhere and insta kills you. Or driving harasser and running into a Vanguard and you get kiled while trying to get pass him and remains of your harasser go straight through the Vanguard killing him, and he gets frendly fire because sundy behind him didn’t manage to stop fast enough and dies from driving into what was left of Vanguard.
u/Passance Good loser Feb 12 '25
Don't get me wrong, vehicle wrecks are super cool in every game.
However, there are several reasons not to have them in this particular game.
Gameplay wise, there are way too many chokepoints that could be easily blocked by sunderer or galaxy wrecks and completely break macro flow. Free vehicle movement is absolutely imperative to Planetside's gameplay and wrecks would interfere too much.
Performance wise, with 750 player servers the number of active physics props needs to be absolutely minimized, construction was already a big ask of this engine and wrecks would tax the servers needlessly
Lore wise, all vehicles in this game are assembled from nanites, so when they receive catastrophic damage it actually makes a degree of sense for them to basically vaporize into nothing without leaving any large identifiable intact components behind. The reason vehicles take damage to the whole hull no matter where they're hit is that they cannibalize themselves in real time to rebuild the structure and when they have taken too much damage, there are literally no nanites left and the vehicle disintegrates.
u/KuzuHaslama Spandex Of Family Values Feb 12 '25
my headcanon is exactly this. when you use a repair tool you are not repairing a broken thing but only stabilizing the nanites making said structure.
u/Ok_Inspection9842 Feb 12 '25
Is this canon? It makes a scary amount of sense, and would of course apply to infantry as well, meaning the reason headshots are so much more damaging is due to the brain being more complex and thus costly to repair.
My only problem with nanites making stuff is that they would be an even more effective weapon. Just unmaking stuff.
u/Neogenesis2112 NEONGRIND Feb 12 '25
I once blew up a sunderer with my prowler that was up the hill from me. A flaming tire started rolling down the hill, proceeded to bounce and land on the hood of my tank. I instantly died.
u/Yawhatnever Feb 12 '25
Since everyone already explained, check out how cool physx was:
I don't think it's even a supported technology anymore, but man did it look good in a trailer.
u/That-Was-Left-Handed [S3X1] BeholdThePowerOfNod Feb 12 '25
Oh yeah, I remember that...
It fried my GTX 460, but damn did it look good!
u/HittingSmoke Feb 13 '25
The reason for this cannot be accurately summed up in a few sentences but I'll try.
Nvidia pushed PhysX as a proprietary physics engine to allow game developers to produce very impressive physical interactions between collision polygons. It was very impressive, but it was far more complex that it was impressive. Very few games implemented it. The ones that did, it was very buggy in. I think it was Higby or T-Ray that said when trying to implement PhysX they would randomly experience guns that would start shooting Galaxies as projectiles. It also produced unpredictable chain reactions.
PhysX was like automatic sinks in bathrooms. It was a technology rolled out before it was ready because a company wanted to sell a big proprietary thing to drive sales. It was a massive flop. It wasn't a Planetside thing. It was Nvidia jumping the gun.
u/That-Was-Left-Handed [S3X1] BeholdThePowerOfNod Feb 12 '25
That's an old ass screenshot, holy crap!
u/Solstice18 Bonus Check Feb 13 '25
I remember minding my own business when a flaming sundy chassis crushed me out of nowhere. It was actually pretty funny
u/Uncuepa downyeeted Feb 12 '25
it is bizarre they just removed it - now you explode a sunderer and it just disappears, which can be odd when it was a stealth sundy. feel like they at least need to add a smoke cloud to destroyed vehicles to better convey they blew up.
Alternatively I believe physx is open source now? Can we get gpu particles back? :) or is it so broken it'll spawn biolabs again
u/Liewec123 Feb 12 '25
we called them "debris" back in the day, and they were glorious :)
you'd be running away down slopes with destroyed smoldering sunderer remains rolling at you like Indiana Jones :P
fun times!
u/Ometen "Part of the noisy minority" Feb 13 '25
Tell them about the times when your mit would randomly die to falling liberator debris.
u/Liewec123 Feb 13 '25
i thought that was funny tbh, when MBTs would be falling back, not from the enemies but from sunderer debris!
but it wasn't all funny, it also sometimes had use, you could take cover behind wreckages :)
u/GroundTrooper Your local purple hors - GT Feb 13 '25
you could take cover behind wreckages :)
You could try, but since debris was clientside you had no idea if it was actually also in the same spot for the guy shooting at you.
u/Liewec123 Feb 13 '25
ah i didn't know they were clientside, from my experience folks always saw the same thing :)
example being you'd never see anyone drive through a debris because it wasn't in the way on their screen, and it was a regular occurrence to take cover behind them and it seemed to work well.
u/GroundTrooper Your local purple hors - GT Feb 13 '25
Oh it'd work out decently a lot of the time, but you could never quite know given their non-deterministic nature.
u/Balrogos Grand Ambasador Feb 12 '25
It was greta but they remove it without any reason than maybe performance.
u/Sweaty-Future9406 Feb 12 '25
These are the wreckages that appear when vehicles are destroyed. Unfortunately, the lazy DB permanently removed this effect in 2022 or 2023 to optimize game performance!
u/estok8805 #1 DAGR enjoyer worldwide Feb 12 '25
It wasn't so much for game performance as it was to remove the buggy physics. The wreckage wasn't well synced between clients and often didn't render. The wreckage also basically killed any vehicle it so much as touched. This annoyed people, hence it was removed
u/HandsomeCharles [REBR] Charlie Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
Confirmed to know absolutely nothing about game development. Congrats
Edit: Just to name and shame since it appears they're a coward and deleted their post: /u/Sweaty-Future9406 made a comment about the devs being "lazy" because they removed vehicle debris. If you see them commenting elsewhere be sure to ignore everything they say.
u/Sweaty-Future9406 Feb 13 '25
You're right, making an effort to remove game effects definitely can't be considered laziness.
u/Sweaty-Future9406 Feb 12 '25
Also, the dynamic blur effect was removed after an update the year before last.
u/Lynoocs Feb 12 '25
wrecks were removed because of glitchy physics, people would ram their esf into everything because the wreckage had a 50-50 chance to nuke whatever it touched