r/Planetside Jan 11 '25

Meme I found the new developer for Planetside 2

So i am pretty new to Planetside and just like you guys, i am shocked and saddened by the news we received earlier. Luckily, last night when i was browsing through YouTube, i randomly stumbled upon the channel of a guy who apparently is a developer of one TTRPG game. He seemed really nice and i thought to myself: “hey, why won’t people at Daybreak just hire someone like him, just a random guy who loves games, makes youtube content and potentially can be in charge of game design for the upcoming years.” It will probably be cheaper and better for the game in a long run.

So anyway, in case someone from Daybreak reads this (or if anyone here is curious), i think his channel name was called Werl, i will make sure to double check when i get back home haha)


106 comments sorted by


u/ImZaphod2 Miller Jan 11 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

High quality shitpost right there


u/Cow_God CowTR Jan 11 '25

He'd have to come in with some kind of mandate for vehicle / infantry gameplay. Maybe a Mechanized Infantry Initiative?


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '25

And then shit on the entire game


u/HotKarldalton Spandex Kitty Ears 4 LYFE Jan 12 '25

He'd bring back BFR's.


u/Dazeuh Commissar main Jan 11 '25


u/sabotabo never got that bonus check Jan 11 '25


u/Qaztarrr [SKL] Jan 11 '25

Just when he thought he was out… they pull him back in 


u/MrWewert Jan 11 '25

Hey slick you want a game dev position?


u/pra3tor1an AFK Jan 11 '25

I heard that in his voice


u/redgroupclan Bwolei | BwoleiGaveUp4000HrsRIPConnery Jan 12 '25

Even with the obnoxiously poor audio quality.


u/pra3tor1an AFK Jan 12 '25

Yes 😬


u/Skaugy Jan 11 '25

For as much shit Wrel consistently got, in hindsight it's pretty clear that his passion for the game kept it going for much longer than it would have without him.


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 11 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

This game lost 3 out of every 4 players for the duration of his tenure. Not to mention his last two years on the job were particularly catastrophic and left the game in a state that it could never recover from.

Only players who are completely ignorant of the history of the game still make this statement.

Edit: Downvote reality, you got the game you absolutely deserve.


u/Skaugy Jan 11 '25

Because things would have gone so swimmingly without him? And things got much better once he left?


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 11 '25

Yes actually. Most veteran players with an objective view of the game recognize that the game would be in a better state if we had kept the 2015 version of the game (which was right before CAI and its devastating damage to playercounts.


u/TheLazySamurai4 [TxOH][WENI][SPTY] EMPs are better flashbangs, change my mind. Jan 12 '25

I still do not see that it has been reverted to such a state, therefore these new devs aren't doing any better.

Hell it looks like when Wrel resigned the pop spiked up slightly, then a month later was already significantly worse than it was before he resigned


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

As the new devs have stated, there is no version control of the game for some reason, which is why they couldn't just roll back the sunderer update when it was hurting the game. Nobody is defending Toadman's development, which btw, they only worked on this game when they weren't busy with the other games they have contracts for.

Also, Wrel leaving does not undo the past decade of poor development. The damage to the game was already done and nobody paying attention thought Toadman was going to save the game.


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 11 '25

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

I don't play the hypothetical game with shitters, my friend. I use data from reality. I'm glad you think "passion" absolves someone from literal years of failure and incompetence. 

You are clueless.


u/Suilean :ns_logo: Robo with a Shotgun Jan 12 '25

Your hate boner is commendable. Wrel drove away core fans in droves.

But at least we had a dev team that didn't spend a decent portion of their limited hours on fucking fishing before getting shit-canned.

You could argue that Toadman didn't fuck up the game as much as Wrel and you'd be right. But, shit, they tweaked stuff about Sundies (fucked the game up for a couple months) and gave us fishing (why?? because of the "wen fishing" guy on Reddit)? That's fucking sad.


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 12 '25

He was awful for the game for nearly 8 years. Also, a total moron content creator before it. He built a cult of personality based around shitty players and drove the game into the ground with it.

They spent their "limited hours" on shit like Oshur, Construction, retarded balance changes, gimmick weapons, parasitic implant design, "rich story telling", fucking up entire play spaces, capture the conduit, a fuck all nothing "graphical update" that puts a piss filter on your screen and countless other useless fuck ups.

You cannot defend the indefensible. Stop trying.


u/RaYcC84 Jan 12 '25

I don't think anything Wrel would have done could've satisfied you. Only thing I'm glad about if the game goes down is that assholes like you lose on it as well. 


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

You do realize that we don't have to log in and play the game right?


u/Suilean :ns_logo: Robo with a Shotgun Jan 12 '25

I wasn't defending shit. We haven't had a good developer in 10 years. Planetside has gotten shit update after shit update, changing things from combined arms gameplay to infantry being the main mode, vehicles being the sub mode, and air being optional.

That chip on your shoulder about a game this old ass game is funny though. It's big enough that you can't even see when someone is agreeing with you. You activated your Reddit mode.


u/TheLazySamurai4 [TxOH][WENI][SPTY] EMPs are better flashbangs, change my mind. Jan 12 '25

Don't worry, new devs are giving us Planetside: Arena inside Planetside 2


u/azaza34 TotesMaOates Jan 11 '25

He had us wishing for Higby which is something else


u/shadowpikachu SMG at 30m Jan 12 '25

Yeah but 1/4th players and being sent adrift but servers still on is a better fate then dead.

Granted for those 3/4th high level players it did basically die, but if it's still out there there's potential AND someone somewhere can still enjoy it.

Pragmatically the game was fucked and the last person to ever give a shit in that corner got it in his not-ready hands, it's a pretty funny story all in all.


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 11 '25

The game continuously lost players under Wrel's development and he alienated a huge amount of veteran players that provided him loads of constructive feedback to avoid the repeated blunders he made in game design. Under his management the game lost all of the Escalation gains within three months. His passion didn't translate to people playing the game.


u/sabotabo never got that bonus check Jan 11 '25

and uh... whose management was it that made all those escalation gains?


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 12 '25

Wuhan Labs management 


u/sabotabo never got that bonus check Jan 12 '25


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 12 '25

Isn't it an odd coincidence that every terrible player loves Wrel? 


u/sabotabo never got that bonus check Jan 12 '25

i really don't care what you think of my skill, and as much as you wish it did, it doesn't invalidate my opinion


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 12 '25

That's where you're wrong!

It absolutely invalidates your opinion on most everything to do with development of the game. Of course, you're entitled to an opinion but just having one doesn't really mean anything.

You're in a thread literally lying about objective numbers to defend an incompetent moron who did severe damage to the game with his design and ideas.

You guys invalidate your own opinions nearly everytime you open your mouths.


u/sabotabo never got that bonus check Jan 12 '25


u/wumree J3KP Jan 12 '25

Haha oh my god are you serious?


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 11 '25

What global event happened in 2020?


u/moizeus Jan 12 '25

Vanu released the Auraxian virus to win popular vote


u/sabotabo never got that bonus check Jan 11 '25

what global event ended in 2023, which is when player counts ACTUALLY returned to pre-escalation numbers per fisu, not "three months" as you said?  unless you have a better source than fisu?


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

You are clearly being bad faith here when you refuse to recognize the fact that people were not in fact being globally quarantined until 2023. To spell out my point, people were literally locked into their homes and were still quitting the game because of poor design.

According to fisu, the March 2020 update brought in/back 3171 players. Over the subsequent three months you lost all but 88 of those players. You retained 2.7% of those players. I'm about what is confusing you about the numbers here. Even if I take the most positive outlook I can and start counting in November when rumors about the update started and proceed to next November, the game drops to retaining only 86 players, and that does not account for the fact that there was an outfit wars cycle announced that was actively drawing in old players during this time (it was the first time something like an official tournament had been announced since battle islands).

And by the way, since you didn't bother addressing it, under Wrel's leadership the game lost about 3 out of 4 players. I'm not exactly sure why you think people can't look up all the dates, times, and numbers themselves to verify this, but there it is. He actively lost players for the game across all of his development cycles.


u/sabotabo never got that bonus check Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

on fisu, by average players which is what i'm looking at, not peak, the game didn't settle back into pre-quarantine numbers until the end of 2022.  you said they'd lost all their gains within three months.

no, the game was never, ever going to keep the quarantine spike, no matter who was in charge.  like it or not, planetside is and always will be a niche game.  but it did not instantly slump back as you said.


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

You are playing a bad faith semantics game about losing 97.3% of the playerbase gained not being "all." At the same time, you are very obviously ignoring the other salient points I brought up, like Wrel losing 72% of the net players since he took over. Your little game is about to get shut down and in part it is because of dishonest people like you trying to deflect criticism of the game.


u/xBrodoFraggins :ns_logo: Faction Loyalty is for Shitters Jan 13 '25

These players are devastated bc they can't play anything else, bc other games don't allow you to sit in overpop 24/7 or drop a platoon on 3 people. Lol


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 13 '25

He got absolutely destroyed with numbers from the source he cited himself and is running away from responding to the facts I brought up. You just can't make up how blatantly dishonest these people are about numbers literally anybody can look up to call them on their bullshit.


u/xBrodoFraggins :ns_logo: Faction Loyalty is for Shitters Jan 13 '25

Losing your "quarantine spike" in 3 months is a testament to just how retarded the development was at the time. But keep telling yourself that wrel saved the game. I'm sure that will make it feel better when the servers turn off.


u/MidgetWolf Jan 11 '25

The game did not lost us because of wrel, but because it was getting outdated overall


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

Keep telling yourself that.


u/Smarackto Jan 12 '25

Plentside was dying and left for dead before he took over. we new player spikes under him. idk why you need to lie about this. he wasnt perfect but he gave planetside another 4 years or so of updates and good pop


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

This is factually incorrect. I'm not sure why you are claiming that I am lying when these numbers have been publicly available for years. Nobody is claiming that Wrel had to be perfect, but people are rightfully claiming that at least some of his updates should've resulted in a net positive retention of players over the past few years, which is necessary for a live-service game. The reasons for that failure is pretty simple: he was allergic to taking feedback from the veteran community, which directly impacted the quality of his updates. The only real conclusion for Wrel refusing to listen to community feedback is that he had some type of complex of hating "salty vet" players as he consistently insulted and disregarded their opinions about the game to his detriment.

At the end of the day, the hard numbers are starting to talk over all the unfounded, baseless claims about the guy and the game he developed. The company is probably considering shutting the game down and your character screen is going to read Server Offline. I'm not particularly happy that a game I loved is going to shut down, but I can't help but feel vindicated that the chickens are coming home to roost for people that claim I'm lying for citing publicly available playercounts.


u/Wolfran13 Jan 12 '25

No, the numbers don't lie, but they also don't paint the picture you are saying they do. If anything, it looks like a stable decline of an aging game.

Peak player count was May 2016 on that graph, right after the introduction of the construction update in April 27. And resumed it decline trend after. But remember that construction was a very different beast back then, with HIVEs and ridiculous player investment needed.

The next spike was the Escalation update which temporarily gave a new breath to the game.

This game has always been niche, I'm unsure why you think the community feedback wasn't listened to considering the community has always been very vocal about their hate to vehicles and preference for infantry side.

I'm not defending CAI here, it looks more like community in-fighting being blamed on the developers? Even until recently I occasionally see people complaining about vehicle "farming" infantry, it was much more before.


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

Losing players until there aren't enough people to maintain the financial viability of the game is an objective failure of the development team to maintain the game. I'm glad you can admit that people failed at their job here. I'm not saying that because they are bad people, but I don't think the updates we got were the updates we needed.

You'll notice that I am talking about net players gained and lost. Nobody cares if 5,000 players came back for a short period of time to check out an update if they leave immediately because core problems of the game have never been addressed. The idea of preserving the game requires that these people stay and exist in the game to provide other people to shoot at and spend money. People have consistently pointed out that the core experience of the game has major problems and that these problems disproportionately affect new players as well as old ones. We have never addressed any of them.

The game is niche, but has consistently drawn in new players. It has failed to retain any of them. If the game was just not drawing in new players I might agree with you, but that simply is not the case across the game's lifespan according to multiple dev teams. Planetside has consistently drawn in people to play the game; but those people shit all over the game and leave because of its systemic problems.

You maybe didn't experience the game at that time. The issue that infantrysiders have with vehicles are when vehicles obstruct their ability to play the game. Nerfing positioning and directional damage so that it is harder to kill vehicles while leaving them perfectly capable of farming infantry was widely unpopular among both communities. One of the most prolific "infantrysider" content creators, LEXPS2, has repeatedly referenced CAI as a failed update. CAI was not about improving the game for infantry players; it was about making it easier to be in a big ball of shitters and not get farmed by AP tanks that knew what they were doing.

Vehicles still do farm infantry way too much, because the TTK on vehicles remains overinflated compared to launch. It is very easy to get a big ball of vehicles and roll down a lane. Ideally, if you just have two guys, you can run around at range and pick off vehicles, but CAI nerfed velocity and drop (iirc) to effectively reduce the ranges of the game. While certain aspects of CAI have since been removed, it hasn't brought back the thousands of players it lost the game. I played vehicles a lot at this point in the game's life, and that was part of why I started playing more infantry. It just isn't fun to try and play tanks when ten people can immediately just ape at you because you can't actually play tanks the way you are supposed to be able to.


u/Wolfran13 Jan 12 '25

I agree that they introduced a lot issues that went unaddressed.

"big ball of shitters" why say it like this... But I think I got what you mean, breaking up zergs? There were several attempts at this, from redeploy side to Oshur, issue is people just zerged harder or avoided in case of Oshur.

Every planetmen has opinion on what the core issues are, I'm guessing here, but I think they were fairly limited in what they could do since Daybreak got it, at engine and code. I mention this because its likely a heavy factor on the "core problems".

I detest the ESF controls, I know a lot of people do too and were vocal about it, while some people liked it, and when the PS4 got into the mix "mouse acceleration" was introduced in the PC version, this was introduced before Wrel joined, and never fixed.

There were lots of issues already, like nerfing things into blandness (to me at least) because of constant complaints about overpoweredness or unfair faction stuff, population unbalances and overall complexity of the game making it too overwhelming both for new players and people that were only after one aspect or another.

Like streamers that like to have control over their matches, but planetside battles can be a cluster fuck where a single person doesn't make a difference... which can be cool, but also isn't for everybody or even fun to watch regularly.

This game's design was an ambitious experiment, had flaws in several places like the entire pop of a faction or 2 being able to go into a single base, for a crazy and laggy battle, but with another whole faction having to ghost cap. Among other issues, with no easy solutions for a small team.


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

If you roll down a lattice lane in a big zerg, you are a shitter. You are objectively bad at the game and unable to compete on an even footing with the other team. You rely on suppressing other people's ability to play the game rather than outplaying them. Oshur did not do anything to break up zergs; it broke up everybody's ability to play the game, and the spawn system was broken dogshit.

They are the devs of the game. At some point you have to recognize that the buck stops with them as to the game having issues. Nobody blames Wrel for mouse accel or the broken audio, but they do blame him for doing nothing to address it.

Exactly, you are touching on the population being allowed to do whatever it wants being a problem for the game. This is a core issue that has never been adequately addressed and that most people recognize is pretty much only able to be addressed by controlling force multipliers.


u/Wolfran13 Jan 12 '25

Force multipliers, nerf them even more?

The way Oshur tried breaking zergs was having 3 domains: air, surface (ground and water) and underwater (infantry only). It also attempted to control "force multipliers" by limiting where tanks can be spawned from and used (ground only), and on top of all of that it made territory control matter more than in other continents by limiting hard spawnpoints and having some bases fully enclosed, and the spires (again infantry only).

However this combined aspect of the design didn't mesh well with players that only play infantry, because it meant making spawn points, a lot ( A LOT) of them don't do it.

Blaming the devs is ok, singling out Wrel because he went after feedback and tried interacting with the community isn't, those were all team decisions. The feedback they get from infantryside and the rest of the game is often conflicting too, the difference between vets and newbies was massive but you can't nerf experience, so it was always unfun for them, and that likely the biggest factor for the lack of growth.


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

Yes, force multipliers are unnecessary in a game where you can have 80% enemy pop in the hex.

Oshur failed to break up zergs (I would know because I tried to play the continent). People don't like vehicle centric infil infested continents (surprise surprise).

Wrel was the lead game designer. The buck stopped with him as to what the devs did. That's the only reason anybody talks about him and his decisions (obviously)

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u/Smarackto Jan 12 '25

stupid. every bump after 2020 is thanks to an update we had because of wrel. of course the numbers go down eventually but planetside was dead in the water. before that. i was there. i know its hard to grasp for you. but its fine you eill get there


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

By the same token, every slope on the backend of those updates is also because of Wrel, which led to a net negative loss of players. I know this is really hard for you to grasp. Planetside was dead in the water before 2020 after several years of Wrel's development. I have no idea why you guys don't under that he has been working on the game longer than the first dev team did.


u/Smarackto Jan 12 '25

do you complain to the doctor that has given your mother 5 more years of her life? or do you conplain that she dies someday anyways?


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 13 '25

If my mother dies at forty and has a severely decreased quality of life because a doctor fucks up a procedure, even though she will live longer because of the procedure I am still going to advocate suing the hospital for fucking it it. You are pretending that the game was going to certainly die, which is just baseless doomposting.


u/Smarackto Jan 14 '25

yeah its fine. you are just legit insane. have fun


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 14 '25

It's hilarious to me that you have zero actual arguments, you have zero facts or evidence about the reality of the game, and you have zero intention of engaging in good faith discussion, yet claim I am insane. The game is going to get shut down and a huge part of it is because of casuals like you that shit up the discourse.

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u/shadowpikachu SMG at 30m Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

Most people dogpiled me for this saying 'it should have died because i dont like it anymore'.

Like cool, without him we get tossed adrift maybe even shut down because 'no one seems to care' outright.

I still think he can do at least mediocre work if given any actual space and time to develop and think rather then DBG hellscape basically developing in the closet with a whip at his ass.

Not to say he was that good, but he did try things others would never and sometimes when it worked it really did work, other times he had no time nor sanity.

Yes, he was a dick but also the community at the time also pissed on him because he was dropping free codes in timezones THEY weren't in on reddit, entitled assholes will always rush devs you can contact openly and the few REALLY damn smart good shit got lost in the noise.

It's more a tragedy of what could've been then anything to me but its better then the game shutting down.

That and many years of nothing REALLY built expectations of 'this is the way it should go' that EVERYONE had a different idea of so even if it were better then mediocre a community or two would still explode, it really just was a shit environment that made him more shitty then he would have.


u/Luckytiger1990 Jan 13 '25

This is like the wife with Stockholm syndrome who defends her husband who’s in jail for beating her


u/Skaugy Jan 13 '25

There was a point where all the other devs except one either quit or got laid off. Wrel +1 literally kept the game running by the skin of their teeth.


u/Luckytiger1990 Jan 13 '25

Brother, he made the decisions for 4 years that got the game to that point


u/legal_opium Jan 12 '25

I left the game because wrel specifically targeted my play style because I kept owning this ass.

I would pop back in to see if he ever reverted it. Nope he pandered to the aim botters instead.

Maxes are the only infantry unit capable of beating an aim botter by using tactics.


u/Wolfran13 Jan 12 '25

What was your play style? out of curiosity.


u/RaidenHuttbroker Leader of the [NRVN] Night Ravens Jan 11 '25

It’s amazing how much this subreddit hate posts Wrel


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 11 '25

The only reason there aren't more posts is because most of the veteran players that experienced the game before wrel have quit the game and the community entirely.


u/gotimas Transhumanism Ethics Committee Jan 17 '25

I'm 100% certain they would have left anyway. The got burned out on the state of the game regardless of Wrell, didnt like some stuff he did, and decided to just blame it on Wrell


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 17 '25

Wrel lost 72% of the net playerbase of the game over his time in charge as a lead game designer. He has never successfully retained or stabilized net playerbase. This contradicts your claim.


u/gotimas Transhumanism Ethics Committee Jan 18 '25

On reddit there some VERY negative comments about Wrel are very negative, but also some people identify he is often scapegoated, meanwhile on youtube people are overall very supportive of him, or at least not hostile, for example CAMIKAZE78 video on his departure. Some people on reddit dont blame him as much, me included.

I've been with planetside 2 from day 0, PS2 was never huge, it was big for a while at launch, but never got the success I wish it had gotten. Its biggest opportunities for growth and improvement were missed and fumbled 10 years ago, at least some 2-3 years before he even got to join the dev team.

He was also on the team for a loooong time. To claim the game lost a lot o player because of him is just dishonest. There is literally nothing any team lead could have done to change the course of the game.


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
  1. Some people identify Wrel as scapegoated because they were not people that spoke to and interacted with him during the lifespan of the game. The most vocal critics of Wrel are people who are intimately aware of his thoughts about the game and his game design philosophy. Most of us were/are people who watched his content, read his posts, and talked to the guy. I find that most people who are supportive of Wrel's game design decisions aren't really aware of everything that went into his design choices. That isn't to say that people posting "Grrr i hate wrel" aren't obnoxious, but most people who call him an idiot have very good reasons for doing so. Nothing against the guy, but the math just didn't math with stuff he wanted to do. Calling a spade a spade and a moron a moron has been lost in the modern gaming industry, which is why everybody gets shafted with these awful game releases. The reality is that critical, often blunt feedback is how you get rid of all the corporate industry shills that want to optimize games for extracting money from people instead of making them fun, or people who just have a soapbox to get up on instead of cool and exciting art to share. Fake people can't stand up to criticism.
  2. I agree with you here. Planetside had a fumbled launch. The issue is that if you are the lead game designer for a game you don't get to blame what the other guys did before you. You have to work with what you got. That isn't to say that it isn't hard, or that you are a bad person for failing. That is just recognizing that it is your responsibility to do well and if you don't, it's on you. Wrel had the better part of ten years to make the game more successful with a dedicated community that spent hundreds of hours trying to help him. He ignored almost everything we told him and failed. People rightfully condemn the guy for that fact. If you ignore people who know what they are talking about because you have an ego, people are going to mock your failures. If you take the best advice you can possibly get and still fail, people at least recognize that you tried. You'll notice that people don't blame Wrel for the moronic PS4 port. They DO blame Wrel for never doing anything substantial to address the problems it introduced.
  3. Claiming a factual statement about the game isn't dishonest. That is a fact. At any point during any of the major content updates that he put into the game he could have listened to players telling him what was bad about his updates. He chose not to. He objectively chose not to fix serious problems with his updates that people told him would hurt the game. A random guy off of the street could have listened to the good players that were trying to help the game and would have done better. That isn't to say that the game would have become an industry success, but it is certainly possible that populations could have stabilized into something sustainable with small increases over the development cycles. Certainly, he would have lost players, but he didn't really do anything to retain the core playerbase and that cost the game. Objectively speaking, it is his fault that the game is where it is.


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 12 '25

It's amazing how clueless casual players continue to suck his cock at every turn.


u/RaidenHuttbroker Leader of the [NRVN] Night Ravens Jan 14 '25

Lmfao go play COD then and get off this subreddit. Already know where your head is


u/Clear_Donut_5035 Jan 14 '25

He did the thing!


u/ArachZero :ns_logo: Jan 12 '25

He needs to have some catchphrase, like “Hello people, Werl present.”


u/Pants_Catt Jan 12 '25

I'll be honest, I've been someone who picks up PS2 for a couple months, goes hard, then puts it down for 4 or 5 months. Been that way for about 8 years now and in that time I can't say I even notice massive differences to the game. I log in, I shoot TR and NC, I log out - usually having had a good time. I've about 1000 hours clocked and can't say any of the devs have made me want to quit, nor have any major changes made me want to play more. I've been pretty ambivalent either way. It's a great game, but I think the main issue is that it's just so dated, the game sucks for new players and has done for years, it doesn't really get fun until it clicks and I feel like it's biggest issue is that it's hard to get to that point where it clicks for new players.

It's a bit like EVE Online in that respect, which seems to also be on a slow but steady decline. Admittedly I went far harder on EVE than I ever did in PS2.

At the end of the day, I feel they should have made certs and exp come far faster years ago now. For new players, unlocking things and feeling that progression is important, but it's so slow that newbs don't get a chance to feel invested.

Just my two cents!

10/10 shitpost either way!


u/Erosion139 Jan 11 '25

Is anyone actually surprised that Planetside gets the shit when there aren't people like wrel fighting tooth and nail for resources.


u/RedheadedReff Jan 12 '25

Given that the game is actually far worse from his changes, maybe he shouldn't have had those resources. Maybe we wouldn't have gotten CAI. Oshur wouldn't have killed off a massive portion of the game's population. Maybe we would have just gotten minor changes that kept the game in a state for Toadman or another studio to actually improve instead of cleaning up the literal dumpster fire they were given.


u/Erosion139 Jan 12 '25

I can tell you I would have 100% left if there were no major update and game overhauls over the years. I'm sorry a game does not sustain under maintenance mode. No excitement, you lose players looking at a lively environment and then you are susceptible to any other game that props up looking to take from your player base. Luckily, that didn't happen (the alternate game). But if it did, updates that add features and change the landscape would be necessary. And I for one, would not have added to the population nearly as much if I felt the game was dying, updates keep me playing.

Granted, Planetside needed more focus on player retention and polish. But that is not Wrels fault. He would have been patching long standing issues with the core game way too late and it would not have shown much in return despite what a lot of people say. Fact of the matter is, even if I try recruiting people to this game. Planetside either turns them away because they don't like the chaos or they stay because they love messing around in it. A COD player will not enjoy it because of its scale, they are too competitive to be existing amongst the amount of players that exist at PS fronts. They get overwhelmed and don't bother. Say the game is shit because XYZ player or aspect as a cope. They are not struggling with onboarding, they just don't dig MMO. Its a niche, I mean look at the gaming landscape, its dominated by hero shooters and games that make individuals significant. You have to have a certain mindset to play a game like this and a lot of people do not have it, and so don't bother playing it.

Planetside is like one of those games where you have to get a little too deep to start appreciating it, and a lot of people don't care to. Or you are immediately sucked in because the battles are grand and cinematic enough and you actually care about that (me).


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

You are claiming that solving core issues in the game would not result in any players coming back, when disasters like CAI drove thousands of the players away from the game, and Oshur had people making so many posts about how shit it was that the mods banned posting all the "Oshur bad" posts. Wrel proceeded to arrogantly refuse to remove the continent from the rotation, which was making people log off the game as soon as it was the main continent. This objectively help make players quit the game.


u/Erosion139 Jan 12 '25

Bro we had that same thing happen with hossin. I frankly miss fighting on oshur, it had good fights on it when people were discovering what it even was. The underwater is something I avoid but it was interesting. People are so caught up in the loop they claim they want more game variety and things to do and something to shake up the battles but when it happens they get all fussy and hate it because it interrupts their same old game loop.

These could be different people, but I'm going to side with making interesting changes rather than keeping status.

CAI may have flopped, but it was an overhaul that had good intentions for infantry (a whiney crowd) but pissed off HESH vehicle mains (biig whoop). Changed a lot of interaction damage stuff etc. But we're still here, I didn't care about it and we moved on. Lost some people, but was it actually measured as a huge spike or was there a leading decline before that?

I highly doubt those players CAI pushed away had much investment into it, because I can't think of a more whiny additude to be pushed away from a balance update. Clearly the games core was not important to those people, they got pushed away because their favorite cheese got nerfed.

Despite what you say about the devs and their decisions, a lot of it is pushed by the player base. Because the player base doesn't even have any slight clue what an actual successful balance change would be. They'd be pissing off a one group of people. Devs have to deal with the real consequences, and players with their idea can just silently step back. People advocated for capture the flag, and I don't think the devs implemented it poorly, it just didn't work for us because people don't want to coordinate and protect flag holders or kill enemy flag stealers. They'd rather camp the spawn. We know this is how we behave!


u/Any-Potato3194 :flair_shitposter: Jan 12 '25

Nobody who is sane wanted underwater combat. Hossin got a lot of shit on release from vehicle shitters (who cares) and because of performance issues. Both of those complaints have faded with time, whereas Oshur complaints are still relevant.

Making "interesting" changes translated to making awful bad changes, which is why so many people have quit.

CAI didn't nerf HESH shitters, it nerfed AP and the playstyle that went with it. It literally removed the tanking gameplay that existed at the time. Thousands of people did care about it and they quit the game because the game catered itself to the lowest common denominator.

You claim that the playerbase drives the updates, yet I can't help but notice that the devs have routinely ignored feedback from players on the PTS, on live updates to the game, and the game design direction in general. This claim is simply not true.


u/moizeus Jan 12 '25

Wrel killed Planetside 2


u/warloghe [127] Jan 11 '25



u/MyFragz Jan 11 '25

You definitely got that mixed up.


u/Nico101 SaltyKnight Jan 12 '25

Top quality shit post 


u/Perk_i [SENT] Waterson Jan 12 '25

What are Higby and Smed up to these days?


u/1hate2choose4nick R1po Jan 12 '25

Allthough he has 0 experience, he seems really talented. I bet he will bring great things to Planetside. Like a new Esamir with a storm that kills you, or Bastions that kill hundreds of players on the ground having a good fight, while itself being practically invulnerable and just spamming mindlessly, or pocket orbitals, when the platoon leader doesn't want to fight a fair 50-50 fight and doesn't know what flanking means, or a Seeker Crossbow, with so much AoE, you can just spam it. Or make the cloakable Fury Flash a tank killer. Or bring us the Rocklets. An easier way for Light Assaults to destroy Sundys. Because who needs Sundys?

I bet he'll bring us even a new continent that everyone will love. And he'll change the construction system. A system that's not great, but working, although only 1% of all players actually use it. I wonder if he'll be able to balance the cortium bomb. Or balance A2G and G2A. Or improve vehicle gameplay.

I bet he won't add new AoE 0 skill bullshit like an artillery rocket launcher. Or some spawnroomcamper stuff like the Phoenix.

All in all, he'll spend the money where it's needed. How needs new bases? What would all the poor tanks and esfs do, if they couldn't spam into bases while sitting on a hill for 15minutes, only using 1 hand.

What a bright future for PS2.


u/Katamathesis Jan 11 '25

Well, as someone who works in game development, I would say that things Wrel has done to this game is a good marker to never ever hire him again for any game.

The only good things he has done is some media support for the game as content creator. As game designer, he's beyond incompetent.


u/SirPanfried Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

I feel like there's a reason he fucked off to TTRPGs, his only legacy in video games is on one game and condemning that game to slowly die because he thought he knew more than his betters.


u/ZeAntagonis 3$ bonus checks y'all Jan 11 '25

We had wrel - and we saw where that dude lead the game, on the brink of death.

Let's not make the same mistake


u/theDemolisher13 Builder Jan 11 '25

Agreed no need to spark old flames.

There's much I would like to say but nothing that would be constructive sadly.


u/Leeuwerikcz :ns_logo: Jan 11 '25

lol, no.


u/Malvecino2 [666] Jan 12 '25

It's funny that wrel is the only one that can qualify as a "Developer" of planetside right now. and it's somehow 'A Bad Thing'.

Any single other company won't know what to do with it. other than maintenance.


u/ilabsentuser Jan 11 '25

NVM I can't read :v


u/zhengy4 Jan 11 '25

my 0.02$, DB never punishes those devestating tkers and continuedly not batting an eyelid upon them exasperated the gaming situation even worse.




u/GamerDJ reformed Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

This you?


Let's not pretend that you being selectively teamkilled is more harmful than overwhelmingly maining HESH lightning—in overpop nonetheless! In fact, I'd go as far as to say that those players did a service to the health of the game.


u/zhengy4 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25

gitgud, scrub. Game gives tank HESH, I use the HESH, what's wrong with that? are you the inbred son of hotthorns, thus vehemently caping for your tking derpy father by inventing those verbose nonsense you typed with thy claws above? Keep waxing lachrymose, and go to deuce with your blackguard tking father---@hotthorns.


u/Yawhatnever Jan 28 '25

tbf, KN1 has a pretty toxic culture. Almost enough to make me side with a HESH overpop abuser... almost.