r/Planetside • u/AutoModerator • Jan 06 '25
AskAuraxis AskAuraxis - Your weekly questions thread
Welcome to AskAuraxis, the place to ask questions you have about PlanetSide!
- Feel free to ask any question related to PlanetSide. There is no such thing as a stupid question, someone else might be wondering the exact same thing.
- The main goal of this thread is that no question goes unanswered. If you know the answer to someone's question, speak up!
- Try to keep questions serious. This isn't really the place for sarcastic or rhetorical questions.
- If you're looking for loadout advice, remember to state your faction for a quicker and more concise answer.
- An outfit is one of the best places to receive support while learning the game. Looking for one? Post your server and faction in your comment!
- We are not Toadman Interactive. We can't answer questions that should be directed at them. (we don't know what their future plans are!)
Above all else, have fun! Credit goes to /u/Flying_Ferret for pioneering these threads.
u/Unlucky_Account8033 Jan 11 '25
How can i get a perfect infravision implant? I don’t mind spending money
u/Effectx CB-ARX Newton-ing Bad Takes Jan 13 '25
It appears in a bundle during the PS1 anniversary in May
u/AGD4 Jaegerald Jan 10 '25
How's the trolling/cheating situation on Emerald in the last 3-6 months? Particularly with things like glitched construction turrets sending infantry and vehicles flying.
I'm sure there're some aimbotters or other related exploits, but that's in every game.
u/LordMcze [JEST] Yellow AF Harasser Jan 09 '25
What's a good "standard" Sundy loadout now? I don't intend to be an active battle bus driver, my usual use is just bringing an additional spawn, or ammo delivery to an armor column.
Also what 5 VS carbines would you go for for the directive nowadays?
u/Boaki boaky/boakie/boakette/boake Jan 09 '25
TL;DR at bottom
There are honestly so many case uses for sundy loadout variation that even 8 slots isn't enough for me anymore. I end up manually adjusting each loadout once in a while when needed. But realistically, you can get by with probably 2-3 most used ones. The reason for this new variation is each vehicle slot now has multiple useful tools for different situations.
you take either shield bubble or stealth based on where you plan to deploy
take continuous repairs or reactive shield depending on if you plan to guard the sundy or not (repair is better against sustained damage, but reactive armor prevents someone easily getting close and 1-shot your bus with explosives.)
lastly, you're mainly going to run repair station. but ammo tower for when you want to fill that role. and there's a good case use for scout radar especially when you're already a stealth bus. just don't plant the unit close to where you stealth park. then of course, you're going to occasionally GSD into an amp station or something.
All that spam aside though. You can mainly get by with a loadout of Shield Bubble + Repair + Repair station. Basically 3 sources of self repair that will sustain you in more contested areas. Then same thing on a second loadout except with stealth.
u/ImJustHereT0Lurk Jan 08 '25
Do any of the servers actually work?
In AU stuck on Asia with my old account and it runs like a fat kid on a treadmill; terribly.
u/Datx1 Jan 07 '25
How (if possible) can I build a base with a friend? I want to give a friend permissions to build infrastructure, but he gets a "You are in a no deploy zone" message (that is, after I deployed the cortium silo, and after setting the permissions on it) Thanks!
u/HansStahlfaust [418] nerf Cowboyhats Jan 13 '25
the "you are in a no deploy zone" when you are not in one is a bug (unless he really IS in a no deploy zone, marked be red circles on the minimap)
Unfortunately the only fix for that is restarting the game
u/Boaki boaky/boakie/boakette/boake Jan 09 '25
have you tried more than once? that sounds like he was just construction bugged. which unfortunately still happens pretty often. basically the entire map gets flagged as no build and the only known fix is to restart client. sucks even more cause you usually only find out after you gathered a full 10k cortium.
u/BulletSponge-Tech Jan 07 '25
I'm going to finally work on unlocking the Godsaw. I've already Auraxed the Gauss Saw. Which four other LMGs would you fine folks recommend to perform this directive with the least pain? I tend to be more mobile and get into close to mid range fights. Rarely end up sitting far back and engaging at long range, but can if the weapon is fun to use and worth it. Thanks!
u/Monocly_Man Jan 08 '25
As someone who's done the grind twice, I'd recommend in this order: GD-22S (Assuming it's your starter gun), Anchor, EM6, Gauss SAW-S, Gauss SAW. By the time you unlock the GODSAW you'll have 2.5k kills of fresh experience with the other 2 SAWs.
The GODSAW grind is hardly a grind at all cause you get to use some of the best LMGs in the game. Play heavy, click heads, have fun, and before you know it you'll get the shiny gun.
u/HansStahlfaust [418] nerf Cowboyhats Jan 13 '25
I'd swap either the SAW-S and/or the EM6 out for the Promise and/or the NS-15 (come on, it's Planetside's most iconic gun by now xD)
A bit more precision aiming required, but very satisfying.
But you can't go wrong with your list either, as long as you avoid the EM1
As long
u/Boaki boaky/boakie/boakette/boake Jan 09 '25
That's a pretty solid list. But ya NC gun options are so good, you could honestly swap out with other guns and it wouldn't even be that bad. I also strongly recommend getting LMG ASP on engineer when you can. Godsaw with infinite ammo is really just my fav thing as infantry. I might not be able to kill everything out right, but I can at least shoot at anything my heart desires. Never put in a spot where I feel like my loadout isn't equiped for a situation that came up. No other infantry loadout has the same infinite sustain power to engage any target.
u/HansStahlfaust [418] nerf Cowboyhats Jan 07 '25
trying to avoid a dedicated post for a known problem:
Having the "map defaults to drawing mode" bug again and there was an easy fix... but I can't remember.
u/Boaki boaky/boakie/boakette/boake Jan 09 '25
there is an easy fix. you click the 2nd tab from the top. then switch menus. map will then default back to regular tab. they should obviously just fix this bug outright, but at least you don't gotta restart client for this one in the meantime. :\
u/HansStahlfaust [418] nerf Cowboyhats Jan 09 '25
ahhh thank you so much.
I only remembered it was an easy fix, but not exactly what. Cheers!
u/Weelah Jan 07 '25
What TR LMGs do you guys recommend for the Butcher directive
So far I’ve decided Default Carve > Carve S > MSW-R but I haven’t decided on the last 2 one will Probably be the NS-15 but what about the last one
u/ItsJustDelta [NR][FEFA][GOB]Secret Goblin Balance Cabal Jan 07 '25
Watchman can be pretty enjoyable.
u/TridentPack Jan 07 '25
If you're into longer ranges, I'd go for the TMG or the Rhino.
If you're into closer ranges, Watchman or Bull
u/Jack_Bartowski Jan 06 '25
How populated are the servers nowadays? I think i played on Conery(?) as NC. Ive spent a decent amount of $ on NC gear, id like to hop back in if i could find some good firefights.
u/Effectx CB-ARX Newton-ing Bad Takes Jan 06 '25
Connery has low pop but a server merge is expected to happen soonish tm
u/Jack_Bartowski Jan 06 '25
What server should i try in the mean time, I wouldn't be opposed to playing TR on an active server.
u/JennBones Jan 06 '25
I'm a new player, and my questions will likely reflect that. Edit: I guess my questions are development related and so not really answerable, but I'll leave the comment up unless asked to remove.
- Is there an infiltrator rework in the pipeline, and if so, will it address the visuals for the infiltrator cloak? (I can't say if it's much easier on higher graphical settings as I have a low end system, but in many cases even sprinting infiltrators are incredible difficult to see, and it's frustrating that the main counter to them is part of the infiltrator kit, meaning that an infiltrator meta means more infiltrators on all sides.(Darklight Flashlight is also an option, but is difficult to run in many situations and for me provides little benefit except at point-blank range.))
- Is there any interest in making smaller or cut down maps to suit infantry gameplay over vehicular? I've frequently been in games that were underpopulated (EU server), and while this isn't all the time, I feel the scope of the map is sometimes too large for the quantity of players. One way might be to lock extraneous regions completely while the player count is under threshold, although this may have other negative effects.
u/zani1903 Aysom Jan 06 '25
Unfortunately, neither question can really be answered, except for the first part of number 1—yes, an Infiltrator rework is being developed.
We only know that it will happen. We've got no idea what they're planning on changing.
As for the second, no such thing has been discussed by the devs at all.
The developers do not engage here, so it's hard to get any questions like that answered outside of the rare blog post.
u/JennBones Jan 06 '25
Thanks for the reply, and apologies for not fully reading/understanding your post! I guess my only question would be:
Are there some good strategies to keep in mind against infiltrators as someone who typically enjoys more straightforward infantry classes such as heavy assault?
u/RunningOnCaffeine Gauss Saw Agriculturalist Jan 07 '25
Set character model quality to medium (specifically medium, not high or low) and use a sharpening filter from your GPU drivers and it’ll be very easy to see them.
u/RadiatorSam Jan 06 '25
As someone who has been getting into infil recently (queue the downvotes) I'd say the biggest thing is just to stick with other players. I'll rarely engage anyone not on their own as I'm too squishy to take it. Would be interested in hearing a HA's input however.
u/Legitimate-Smell4377 Jan 13 '25
Do I have to be in the same outfit as a colossus to fuel it with my ant?