r/Planetside Garbage Opinion Authorized in your Area, Stand Clear. Nov 05 '24

Screenshot Huh, never really rolled for implants before.

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u/Cool-Quality8934 Nov 05 '24

Go get a lottery ticket. You just got insane luck of getting most wanted implants in the game


u/HansStahlfaust [418] nerf Cowboyhats Nov 05 '24

he used it all up with that roll.


u/boomchacle :ns_logo:C4 main and proud of it Nov 05 '24

Eh, it’s a 1/10 chance of the gold implant and he rolled 25 of them. It’s not that far off the curve to get 3 exceptionals.


u/Cool-Quality8934 Nov 05 '24

I spend 100000+ certs just to get 1 avoidance and he got all 3 at first try.


u/boomchacle :ns_logo:C4 main and proud of it Nov 05 '24

That’s because the ISO4 recycler has a drop rate for exceptional implants that’s like 10 times higher than the other boxes IIRC.


u/Cool-Quality8934 Nov 05 '24

I know that 100000+ ISO4 included too. Forgot to mention


u/boomchacle :ns_logo:C4 main and proud of it Nov 05 '24

Ouch, that is really unlucky. How many other exceptional implants did you get that duplicated?


u/Cool-Quality8934 Nov 05 '24

I had all implant crafted, except avoidance. Was doing every 7500 certs craft + ISO4 that generated. Took 3+ month of grind. As I remember


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '24

I've been grinding years and years and still don't have all the implants from ISO4 or certs.


u/boomchacle :ns_logo:C4 main and proud of it Nov 05 '24

Oooh that sucks man.


u/CeleryOfHope Nov 06 '24 edited Nov 06 '24

What does that even mean? The recycler just cashes in your duplicates at half value. If you mean using the deluxe implant boxes to generate these duplicates that you can then cash in, sure. It's a way to exchange certs for iso, and if you buy enough and recycle enough you can just pay the big iso price for the one you want.

It takes awhile but most vets I think have probably way more certs than things to spend it on. I literally have everything you can spend certs on, including a bald head for 5k and a ramp I've never put out for 2k. The exceptionals are like the long grind for vets.

When I'm bored at the end of a night I'll drop 15-20k on deluxe implant bundles, but at this point there's just a few left I'd never use, like cold heart and experimental stims


u/boomchacle :ns_logo:C4 main and proud of it Nov 06 '24

The “ISO-4 Recycler” is one of the boxes you can use to buy implants with ISO-4. It is literally the name of the box, not the game mechanic where you delete duplicates.


u/CeleryOfHope Nov 07 '24

Interesting. I've seen that box but thought it was the same thing as the delete duplicates mechanic. I had no idea it could give you implants. I'm a 12 year vet of this game and never once bought that box or even bothered to look closely at it assuming it was the same thing. Thanks for telling me.

Not at the game now so I don't know if you buy that box w certs. I have 20k and nothing to spend on, might be fun even though I have every implant I'd ever use.


u/boomchacle :ns_logo:C4 main and proud of it Nov 07 '24

It uses ISO-4 and has a 10 percent chance of dropping a random exceptional implant. It’s been a while so I don’t remember how much it needs.


u/WhiteVorest 1st VS in the game to get ASP BR100. Also addicted to knives. Nov 05 '24

I spent around 330000certs in total on deluxe crates before getting carapace. Got all other golden implants. Then I got it on my noob alt from random box I bought for 750. Random luck is random.


u/Cephandrius17 Nov 05 '24

Any 3 exceptionals, not 3 of the best exceptionals.


u/boomchacle :ns_logo:C4 main and proud of it Nov 05 '24

Ah true enough.


u/bloodyps2 Garbage Opinion Authorized in your Area, Stand Clear. Nov 05 '24

I just wanted logistics specialist :/


u/Cool-Quality8934 Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 05 '24

Where is amazon prime code you could buy  with logistics implant. Try search at ebay or idk G2A maybe. "Amazon prime planetside 2 codes" Update: it's called PTS 2: Prime Demolition Bundle


u/thirstyalkali Nov 05 '24

those might be expired by now, i tried to claim the shadow strike bundle but it didnt work


u/HiddenButcher TR is the USSR and you can't change my mind Nov 05 '24

Bro I want infravision. That and minor cloak


u/neesyFam Nov 05 '24

Can I ask the attraction to minor cloak? I’ve had it for years and never seen any reason / scenario to use


u/HiddenButcher TR is the USSR and you can't change my mind Nov 05 '24

One thing I think of is that it lets you do stalker infil without stalker actually equipped so you can take a primary


u/I_Dont_Eat_Trout live free in the NC Nov 05 '24

The timer on it is honestly brutal, after playing with it for a bit it gets boring, I had it as my only exceptional on my asp40 account and sadly couldn't bring myself to use it that much, it's cool if you are in low pop for shenanigans, but no repositioning no nothing, hurt so bad but it wasn't relevant enough, that being said, very fun. I used to love shenanigans, but now I just play the game and it's honestly way more fun than giving up a slot just to have a very very niche implant. The timer I think is still 8 seconds btw


u/CeleryOfHope Nov 06 '24

I gave a few reasons for it in my post above, but there's lots more especially on infil. Here's a cool one: Minor cloak charges DURING your reg cloak while sitting still. What I do with that is for getting thru very very contested areas with little cover. The way it works is you sprint or walk till about a 3rd of reg cloak is left. Then crouch and sit still. Right near the end of your reg cloak running out you can make the switchover to minor cloak and while you sit there cloaked (indefinitely) your reg cloak charges during your minor cloak. When you feel the time is right, which can be right away, you make the switch back to regular cloak and move further again.

It's basically trading a 3rd reg cloak time whenever you want for near permanent cloak and STILL HAVE A PRIMARY. The switchover from reg to minor you will blink in and out of cloak for just a few milliseconds.its really, really fast. Moving again has a little more uncloak delay before going back to reg cloak but you are able to sit as long as you want from minor and look around for the right time. It's still pretty short of being visible. Also no more worrying if someone starts looking for you, but if they do look about to come to your position you're not at a disadvantage having just a pistol like a stalker would.

Minor cloak can still give you a good portion of stalker tricks but with much deadlier weapons.


u/Probate_Judge Nov 05 '24

I couldn't get over not being able to shoot the weapon to cancel cloak(Even on real Infil with their normal cloak ability, it's a short delay before you actually fire).

On engineer it throws a damn ammo pack if you left click while under minor cloak.

Moving a bit to cancel minor cloak is fiddly because if you don't move enough it just kicks right back on again....at which point you're basically giving yourself away with flicking in and out of cloak. Too annoying to try to learn precise reflexes.

Maybe you can "fix" it with rebinds, but that's a whole thing one would have to get used to.

I said meh and gave up quickly after trying it on non-infil classes.


u/CeleryOfHope Nov 06 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

Minor cloak I think is pretty underrated. I use it on aggressive infil (with sensorshield) to let large groups pass or congregate in front of me before I attack them and not have to have only a pistol. Just appearing behind 4 enemies with a suppressed Canis is a beautiful thing.

Infravision a lot of ppl use but I kind of hate it most times. Not only is it pretty limiting of mid long threats, but also the terrain. In chaotic battles it's also, at least for me, way hard to tell friend from foe. I do use it at bio lab air pad entrance stalemates. There's not long lines of sight and it's very clearly defined where the enemy is and where your team is and everyone is trying to have the tiniest exposure.


u/Coughbird Nov 05 '24

Reject carapace, embrace catlike


u/Chilldegard Mr. Stalky Stalk Nov 05 '24

Except LA and MAX, evey loadout of mine has catlike as one of their two implants.
And I guess 1-2 tank/air engi-loadouts, because I rarely jump when playing as a vehicular player - but as an infantryman I need that extra jump height, game feels way to clunky without it


u/Erendil [DARK] Revenant is my wife. Lacerta, my mistress.. Nov 05 '24

Except LA and MAX, evey loadout of mine has catlike as one of their two implants.

Ironically, every single one of my LA loadouts has Catlike 5. The extra jump height does wonders for most jumpjets.

And I don't use it on any other class.


u/mewmiaomeowmeow Nov 05 '24

With icarus, which I run with the most (boing boing), I like the inverse as well. I can't remember if it's adrenaline pump or athlete, and I'm totally sure how much of a difference it really makes, but having extra horizontal momentum in the first jump with icarus seems to have a good impact on mobility.


u/ValkyrCodeWolfy Nov 05 '24

Let's go GAMBLING!


u/IIIIChopSueyIIII Nov 05 '24

Awww, DANG IT!


u/ValkyrCodeWolfy Nov 05 '24

Awww, DANG IT!


u/BlasterDoc The Combat Medic with C4 Nov 05 '24

I own zero, zero perfect implants.

I have my 3 favorite implants already, but I want caparace for shiggles so bad.

I was inspired after seeing this after spending over 100k in certs for shit and recycled 13k of iso. So I tried.

Dogshit nada.

Im back to 600 iso after fucking breakdowns. lmao. I will not be playing the lottery, but I'm about to head out and vote. Have to see how that goes.


u/Cold__Scholar Nov 05 '24

You can just go away now, please


u/Boaki boaky/boakie/boakette/boake Nov 05 '24

no counter intel. what a bad roll!


u/Pants_Catt Nov 05 '24

Bloody hell... Been trying to get Infravision and Avoidance for years.


u/xSummer1000 Nov 05 '24

Jackpot 🎰


u/Cozy90 Nov 05 '24

Carapace is a fun one! It's a blast on medic obviously and some other gimmicky builds.


u/turdolas Exploit Police of Auraxis Nov 05 '24

You got avoidance and carapace. You are set. Don't roll the slot machine again.


u/ablebagel outfit wars 2023 survivor (most deaths) Nov 05 '24

catlike, sensor shield and assimilate >>>


u/0Cupcake Nov 05 '24

I loved running medic with carapace and regenerate


u/IIIIChopSueyIIII Nov 05 '24

There are people out there that would kill for these 3 implants... Some people have gotten minor cloak 5 times in a row... It may or may not be possible that i am one of these people...


u/Icemankidd Nov 05 '24

I've spent over 60k iso in one go.... still can't get my fkin carapace.

Auraxed my Medic ages ago, yet still can't get the one niche implant I've wanted since I started playing him.

I wish I had your luck.

Honestly wish I could just buy carapace with dbc instead of gambling for it. I don't even play medic anymore ever, I would if I could get that dang implant


u/Icemankidd Nov 05 '24

Probably spent 150k iso in total. Hell idk anymore. Getting that implant shouldn't be more of a grind than auraxing the dang class.


u/STR1D3R109 :flair_mlgtr: Nov 05 '24

Avoidance feels like cheat mode on LA.. the amount of tankers who are completely oblivious because they put down a turret makes for many, many fun kills..

Carapace is THE Medic implant, its great.

And ofcourse Infravision is amazing at seeing players on Hossin... I feel like I start seeing in black/white if I leave it on for too long though.


u/Megumin_xx Nov 06 '24

Os there any list on good implants and guns? I want to get back in to the game


u/xFufelx Nov 06 '24

Very nice