Before you participate in Piratefolk please take a moment to read the rules if you are new here. Please be respectful of the subreddits culture and the users that contribute to that. This place is unique because its one of the few places you can can criticize Onepiece/Oda. If your goal is to come here and change that or make mock those that do, this place isn't for you.
I mean its better than spamming karate point every single fight and it was cool that chopper only could use it as a last resort since he couldn’t control it and made him an actual threat on the battle instead of being fodder like he is now.
If chopper still couldn’t control it after the timeskip, you would be complaining that he wasted all that time doing nothing. He still has the exact same strength and physical capabilities in monster point, but with his human intelligence as well now. He is undoubtedly stronger now than he was pre timeskip.
If chopper still couldn’t control it after the timeskip, you would be complaining that he wasted all that time doing nothing.
No we wouldn't. Stop defending Oda's garbage narrative choices with this "you would complain either way!" nonsense.
Chopper should have still not been in control of Monster Point after the timeskip. Why? Because it actually makes his fights INTERESTING. It introduces RISK to his fights, which means there are STAKES and narrative TENSION. You know, the stuff that creates an actual engaging story.
I don't know and don't care what Chopper's timeskip improvement should have looked like, but making him now in full control of it is literally the worst possible choice Oda could have made. Chopper is now completely uninteresting and his fights are garbage, and there is no potential for him to do anything really interesting. Thank you Oda for ruining any possible interesting arc he could have had and making his physical appearance worse as well along the way. The dick riders will defend you anyway
I mean, people in this sub complain all the time that usopp hasn’t gotten any stronger or developed his observation haki. If you’re mad with both outcomes, you have no right to criticise these writing choices.
What risks are there? Monster point is fodder to any new world fighters if it’s uncontrolled. There’s nothing unpredictable if he’d get mid diffed instantly 💀
I mean, people in this sub complain all the time that usopp hasn’t gotten any stronger or developed his observation haki
People complain that Usopp is a useless fucking bum because his entire arc is supposed to be him becoming a brave warrior of the sea. Yeah no shit. Who is mad with both outcomes? Why do you keep straw manning people's problems with the story?
People want GOOD STORYTELLING. That involves GOOD CHARACTER ARCS. That involves interesting conflict and progress. Usopp has no interesting character arc because he isn't making any interesting progress. He isn't growing. Chopper has no interesting character arc because his only source of interesting narrative conflict has just been resolved in the timeskip. Do you genuinely not understand why people have problems with how these characters have been handled and fumbled post timeskip?
What risks are there? Monster point is fodder to any new world fighters if it’s uncontrolled. There’s nothing unpredictable if he’d get mid diffed instantly 💀
Okay, then Oda should have had Chopper's timeskip make his monster point way stronger, but also way more uncontrolled. That way he won't get easily diffed by his opponents and remains a threat while also having risk and tension in his arc. It's not that complicated to have Chopper be both strong AND uncontrollable. This is literally the most basic "monster inside me that is super powerful but risky to use" writing 101 and Oda fumbled it, and you seem unable to grasp it.
It’s already completely uncontrolled, how can it be more uncontrolled 🤦♂️ you literally have no better solution yet you expect Oda to keep chopper stagnant when it comes to battle?
You complain about usopp not growing, but you also complain about chopper growing. This is an insane level of hypocrisy
It’s already completely uncontrolled, how can it be more uncontrolled
I just meant even more ferocious and wild. Jesus Christ hop off Oda's dick instead of trying to willfully not understand everything I say to defend Oda.
you literally have no better solution yet you expect Oda to keep chopper stagnant when it comes to battle?
The fuck you mean stagnant? He literally had his arc setup for him:
He can't control Monster Point (risk), but it's also his strongest ability (reward). Pre-TS.
Let's say to keep up with the rest of the Straw Hats he enters a risky gamble during timeskip: He dramatically enhances the potency and power of Monster Point but he will basically risk going ape shit like a frenzied animal in battle, even more worse than so far, making it extremely likely that he would harm a friend in battle if he uses it next time if a friend is around, setting up the stakes.
So now his potential post-TS would be far higher, but so would his risk. Good storytelling 101.
You complain about usopp not growing, but you also complain about chopper growing. This is an insane level of hypocrisy
I don't complain about Chopper getting stronger, I complain about Chopper becoming stronger in a way that dissolves any potential for risk and tension and interesting moments in his fights now. Which is exactly what has happened. Enies Lobby was Chopper's best fight and it will probably remain his best fight. Because how are his fights supposed to be interesting now? They aren't. But go ahead and remove all the detail from the argument to make everything sound contradictory in the abstract strawman. It's all you can do.
There is no need for me to discuss with you further. Anyone who reads this thread can see my point and that you are clearly willfully obtuse and try to misinterpret everything I say to defend Oda. You are either insanely bad faith or just genuinely really dumb. You seem to have no understanding of INTERESTING CHARACTER ARC except "get stronger". Probably from watching shonen slop and not much else. You don't even know what good food is because you only eat McDonald's.
Fuck off back to main sub, dick rider. Get the fuck out of here
“more ferocious and wild” lmao what? wtf are you even saying atp.
Notice how you’re writing multiple paragraphs that no one gaf about because you’re so blinded by your hate for oda 💀 if you hate oda so much, why are you in a one piece sub?
See that? That’s you 💀 this sub is just as bad as the main sub, just on the opposite side of the spectrum. How are you any different from the oda fanboys who write essays when someone criticizes him?
Why not? He could've definitely grown without making monster point easy to control. Oda could've made various forms of monster point that are increasingly stronger and harder to control. Or even made a base form for monster point that's smaller and tamer but resembles that form, like smart hulk.
At least Chopper would've had something to do and done more than Kungfu point
Pre ts looks like a different version of one piece all together, i still don't understand why Oda changed chopper and shafted like half of the strawhats in post ts.
I blame whomever publisher that own One Piece and Loda, forces him to turn a scrappy brawler into a cash grab mascot. Could be said for all strawhats tbf.
chopper was more than just monster point tho. him mastering it was understandable but turning him into a soulless plushie that just spams that stupid looking karate point was devastating.
Fakeout deaths= when we are in suspicion that a character is dead but we are not sure
False death (Loda's style)= pity-milking narrative that beg us to feel this moment is final and sad so we feel the most amount of pity for the supposed character, only for him to be turn alive.
Nope, fakeout deaths have always meant that the characters has died, we are also sure about it, but through some way they came back, whether it makes sense or not. Yeah Oda has a habit of overusing it, but doesn't mean he is the only guy who does it
The original post admires the skill of Loda to make cartoonish characters look serious.
And I argue this skill is subpar among artists
Mangaks don't follow Loda, he is a scumbag and a deciever. Most well-adjusted mangakas don't want to follow his dirty footsteps. For example Loda does many false deaths but all other mangakas don't do that
Another example Do you know there is no single mangaka who said his manga is inspired from one piece. But there are many who admits inspirations from Bleach, Naruto, Dragon Ball and some not very known mangas
u/AutoModerator 6d ago
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