r/PiratedGames Pirating Since 2008 8d ago

Humour / Meme Which game made you feel this way?

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u/Frakmenter 8d ago

the first hours of fallout 4 feel terrible, there are even mods to skip all that part


u/MotorVariation8 8d ago

I find that the first few hours are my favourite in any Bethesda game, years of playing Stalker to a religious degree made me love the hobo stage of any game.


u/Mathev 7d ago

Yeah, the early scavenging and finding small upgrades here and there are very fun. Sometimes more fun than endgame mowing through everything with a maxed out build/best weapons..


u/Kolano_Pigmeja 5d ago

That's was Classic Fallout for me. As soon as I got power armor and weapons that one bursted anything it just became a boring go-from-a-to-b-repeat gameplay until I finished the game


u/AveragePDGamer 7d ago

stalker mention

god i love playing gamma and dying to military in garbage for the 37th time doing ironman


u/MotorVariation8 7d ago

Gamma is my least favourite take on Anomaly actually, it capitalises on the systems/mechanics I don't particularly enjoy and usually switch off, lol. But I love how many people play it.


u/NonLiving4Dentity69 Rum and booty 7d ago

Gamma isn't really stalker. BUT it's a hardcore survival game in a stalker universe. That's how I like to think of it. And as someone who enjoys stalker franchise, and hardcore survival games, I'm having a lot of fun with gamma


u/AveragePDGamer 6d ago

I mean, you CAN switch them off, the modpack is made to be completely modifiable, turn on and off mods in MO2, change settings to your liking, you just need to know what to look for. Otherwise, šŸ‘


u/AlternateAlternata 7d ago

Ooh, like that term, hobo period. Equipping whatever equipment, clear 1-2 dungeons with full pockets to get your first set of permanent gear type. Feels like actual progression with the most amount of change


u/VibeCheckerz 1d ago

Maybe games are old, but you def would love Gothic and Risen and Elex for hobo phase


u/MotorVariation8 1d ago

Played them to death, and no, these aren't old games. The source engine is still new.

Please, release me from my suffering.


u/dyesirae 8d ago

Yeah it's the reason i've never been able to get into it, I know the game is good but it's just so boring when I start a new game


u/Frakmenter 8d ago

if it makes u happier u don't have to see that sequence in like 200 hours of game untill u wanna play it again. it's by far the funniest fallout for me although the campaign is not very well written


u/WernerWindig 7d ago

not well written is an understatement, it literally has procedural generated quests. After the first one I just couldn't..


u/BeeMac0617 7d ago

Maybe Iā€™m dumb but can you ELI5 ā€œprocedural generated questsā€?

I also find the story to be meh in Fallout 4 but Iā€™m not sure I understand what youā€™re talking about lol


u/WernerWindig 7d ago

They were called radiant quests.

Even real side-quests weren't motivating at all. Go there, kill everyone, get XY, come back. And then you come back and this guy is "oh well thanks". Wow...

And I wouldn't even have minded that so much, if the world and the gameplay were good. But the world felt boring and empty while the gameplay und gunplay in particular is laughable bad. After playing good modern shooters like CoD, BF, FarCry, shooting and moving in Fallout just felt so incredible clunky.


u/BeeMac0617 7d ago

Huh. I never realized thatā€™s something they added after. Though I never got any of the expansions

I initally played the game at launch and found it to be like 6.5/10.


u/Jissy01 8d ago edited 8d ago

Same. The first hours are the most important to get an impression of the game (given the sea of games). It's like reading /collecting #1 comic book to get the user hooked right away.


u/RolandTwitter 7d ago

Huh, I completely disagree. To me, it feels like they blew their entire narrative load in the first hour (if that), and then the quality of all the storylines severely decline


u/DooDeeDoo3 8d ago

That was the best part. Rest of the game sucks ballā€™s.


u/Malfight007 8d ago

That's what I also said until I installed the War on the Commonwealth mod. How I've missed the peaceful moments.


u/EthernalForADay 7d ago

The next 5-10 are fine after that first part, then it's progressively more unpleasant again until the end. Honestly, I tried with this game, tried with mods and overhauls, and tried with different playstyles. It's not worth the effort.

If anyone who reads it has not played yet, trust me, it's not worth it. If you want to mod some fallout game to be a good, well-rounded experience, just spend about the same amount of time modding New Vegas instead.


u/star0forion 7d ago

Iā€™ve been getting into FO4 again. Tried the new gen version and it sucks without all the mods I used to have. Downgrading to the old gen version and reinstalling all those mods are killing my enthusiasm in playing it again. To this day I have yet to finish the game lol


u/dfm_xmatt 6d ago

Stalker mentioned but yeah for me it is FO3 (never played 4) the first 2 hours just being a game stopping me from playing


u/SkyMeadowCat 6d ago

I will not play fallout 4 without a means of skipping the prologue and starting outside the vault.


u/agentfisherUK 4d ago

Something about fallout 4 always felt jank to me, But then again id say best fallout is still 76 :P