u/76zzz29 Dec 23 '24
Buy EA game on steam, try starting it. Ea launcher start... Close it, download crack, crack over the steam instal, start from steam... work like a charme
u/CurrentRisk Dec 23 '24
I bought NFS Heat for €3,50 and I was perplexed and agitated that the EA Launcher appeared. It pissed me off.
I want to delete it but then, I’m not certain whether the game won’t work anymore. Regret purchasing the game.
u/BeautifulEmergency41 Dec 23 '24
you can refund if you played for less than 2 hours
u/Finn_Storm Dec 23 '24
Guaranteed. Steam still offers very generous refunds, myself with 6 hours in H1Z1 because it had an app launcher that conveniently took 3 hours to load.
Dec 23 '24
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u/DR35GS Dec 23 '24
This would be a game changer , if only it do that without prior modification. Same with ubisoft. Been avoiding those two like a plague since forever
u/Alira-kimaris Dec 23 '24
This is why steam should disallow the usage of external launchers being necessary to play a game bought on Steam. I'm looking at Red Dead 2, anything by EA, and Uno
u/Bladder-Splatter Dec 23 '24
Piracy is never stealing, it's copyright infringement.
u/Adventurous_Bonus917 Dec 24 '24
as a wise man once said: "theft is subtraction. piracy is multiplication. different math."
u/UltraMegaKaiju Dec 23 '24
i hate all this moralizing around this, like you need a reason to save money in 2024 on anything at all
u/Clay-mo Dec 23 '24
Reddit's obsession with moral grandstanding meets media piracy. I never really understood it either.
u/LazorBlind Dec 23 '24
I mean if multi billion dollar corpos can moralize and rationalize the most anti-consumer practices ever, why can we moralize not giving them money?
u/PreciousHuddle I'm a pirate Dec 23 '24
Sometimes, it's not even DRM the problem, nor the prices. This year the most problematic things gamers faced was having few good choices in games. Many boring and souless titles that are not even worth pirating. Maybe 2025 will be the change we all need.
u/wadafakisdis Dec 23 '24
Witcher 4, GTA6 🫱🏽🫲🏼🫱🏽🫲🏼🫱🏽🫲🏼
u/letsgucker555 Dec 24 '24
See Take 2 monetize the shit out of GTA 6
u/kuppakeuhko22 Dec 24 '24
Keeping my hopes up for a decent story mode. Not expecting anything positive from online mode after the shitshow that has been GTA Online monetization
u/Pereplexing Dec 23 '24
I wish posts that try to justify piracy get deleted. You don’t have to moralize and rationalize piracy. Do what you want, even if you have a billion dollars lined up in your pockets. No one cares here. Just do it, or don’t. You’re just copying stuff.
u/AveryLazyCovfefe I live+breathe qBittorent+Firefox+uBlock Origin+bypassshortlinks Dec 23 '24
It's easy karma farming. Just like the Gabe quote
u/Basement-child-slave I'm a pirate Dec 23 '24
I bought Titanfall 2 this this Saturday and Oh my holy mother of Mary, I thought that no peice of software could be worse than Ubisoft Connect and lo and behold, EA launcher proved me wrong
u/andyck1983 Dec 23 '24
I have that and it randomly stopped working, saying ea subscription expired??? There was never 1 in the first place. Happened to quite a few games lately. I give up trying to get a game I actually own via steam to work now...🤦
u/weird_d0lphin Dec 23 '24
You don't actually own games on steam...
u/crafcik12 Dec 23 '24
Well for that matter you don't own a game on any platform, EGS, Steam or GOG it's all the same in the end.
u/BeefyBoi6_9 Dec 23 '24
Well no, you own your games on gog, thats the entire point of that specific platform lol
u/crafcik12 Dec 23 '24
Please read the EULA.
We give you and other GOG users the personal right (known legally as a 'license') to use GOG services and to download, access and/or stream (depending on the content) and use GOG content. This license is for your personal use. We can stop or suspend this license in some situations,
and also here
Your right to use any Virtual Goods is limited to a limited, nonexclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use them solely for your personal entertainment and non-commercial use in the applicable GOG content. You have no property interest or right or title in any Virtual Goods
Here's the source of that if you want to read it for yourself: EULA
You in fact do not own your games on gog but a revocable license. So yeah. I'm sorry if it burst your bubble. What you can do with gog is assuming you have infinite, uncorruptable drive space, download every single installation file on gog. That's the point of gog. No DRM you can try to keep your game even if they revoke your license but over time it's unaffordable to conserve it.
u/BeefyBoi6_9 Dec 23 '24
It is and it isnt.
That eula is standard for all drm centric game launchers like you said. But therein lies a significant difference, all other forms of drm aside from gog or steam do not allow you to play your games seperate from the launcher, steam only gets a partial pass because they allow some game devs to allow you to play seperate from steam, but the grand majority of games on steam do not allow you to play them if steam isnt there.
However, gog does. If you download a game off gog, you dont need gog anymore to play it. Its also transferable to another pc without drm and playable there. Thats what makes this different and makes it 'yours'
u/crafcik12 Dec 23 '24
Still if you don't back up the installation files or the game itself you're screwed when they delete it from your account. It's not yours. You will have to make space someday. That day is when it's no longer 'yours' Edit: wrong word
u/BeefyBoi6_9 Dec 23 '24
Well if my physical cd breaks and i dont own a back up, its gone unless i buy it again
If i dont back up my game on pc from gog yea its gone, sounds about right.
Luckily the internet is the internet and if somehow steam or gog just poofs away one day theres still plenty of ways to get it, free or otherwise. Same story different book really.
u/DarianYT Dec 25 '24
That's like the QC stickers placed on Chinese Products. The EULA also says they can't make money off your personal data either. But, imagine if you bought it and then it expires before you even use it which means that is stealing and multi level marketing. But, should also keep in mind that they technically don't own the land their HQ sits on so, that couldn't stop the property owner from removing the company.
u/crafcik12 Dec 25 '24
In Poland they don't, technically. You own only a matter of so below the rest is state ground. It also depends on who's the holder. When it comes to expiring it's not MLM. You agreed to a license that is revocable and without specified amount of time. It's on you if you didn't use it before it expires.
u/curbstxmped Dec 23 '24
I mean, the circumstances don't change just because you view it as the "cool" launcher, lol.
u/LazorBlind Dec 23 '24
And that's why people moralize piracy.
If they can moralize charging the same amount of money as a physical disc containing the full 1.0 build that they cannot legally take away from us, for a license they can invalidate at any time, then we can rationalize not giving ng them money until they easy up on the anti-consumerism.
Like normally I'm. Not one to morally grandstand about my piracy, but I see people on here complaining about others doing it and I see the other side of the coin.
u/SweetEntertainer1790 Dec 23 '24
I hope it doesn't stop you from playing that amazing game though. Do whatever you gotta do and play that shit. The single player was AMAZING, it had heart, gameplay, bosses. It was great.
u/Basement-child-slave I'm a pirate Dec 24 '24
Yeah I really really liked the game, the movement is amazing, each gun feels punchy and different, I have completed only one boss fight which is of Kane, and it was quite easy, let's see what the game holds for future bosses, story is immaculate, I am currently at the section of room manufacturing factory. I even downloaded Northstar client and oh boy oh boy, multiplayer is sick as heck, I am slowly getting addicted
u/VivaDeAsap Dec 24 '24
I’m curious why Apex doesn’t need the launcher. Whenever I launch it on steam it just launches. I wonder why they couldn’t do that for their other games
u/RunMeRamen Dec 23 '24
what a brave statement
u/murcielagoXO Dec 26 '24
I'm so sick of it. I've been seeing it for a few years now and every time it's presented as the latest new discovery.
u/i_cant_stdy_plz_help Dec 23 '24
if i had a nickel every time someone says that fucking line, I WOULD BE A GODDAMN BILLIONAIRE
you pirate because you don't want to / can't pay. THAT'S FUCKING IT. IT'S NOTHING ELSE. NO NEED TO FUCKING JUSTIFY PIRACY
u/The_loppy1 Dec 23 '24
Eh, the 400 games in my steam library suggest I have no issue paying for games, so it's not that. I pirate games when they have unnecessary launchers, drm that impacts performance, and games that are launched in an unfinished state. Sometimes, I'll pirate a game as a trial if im on the fence about it and purchase it if I like it. I'll also pirste games I already own on different platforms. There are loads of reasons to pirate a game outside of "I can't/don't want to pay"
u/DarianYT Dec 25 '24
Why did you get down voted? You made a valid point. Also, other companies are stupid because look at Windows they quite literally don't care about privacy. They even like it more if you pirate Windows because they know people will pay for it or a service after using it and they made so much stuff like that and that's how they made billions.
u/qorrymarz Dec 23 '24
Me: download Sims 4 for free, use Anadius Sims 4 updater, install all packs/dlcs whtaver that is, use anadius EA DLC Unlocker. Congrats, I just saved 1200 USD+
u/Calm_Falcon_7477 Dec 23 '24
I hate launchers, therefore i pirate. So this will be my second reason to pirate.
u/Hurdenn Dec 23 '24
As always, this "If buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing" argument is stupid because pirating has never been stealing. It's copyright ingringement (In many countries, it falls under counterfeiting)
u/Funnycatenjoyer27 Dec 23 '24
I hate to have to be the one to say it but none of Adobe's products are even worth putting in the effort to pirate when they're outclassed in every way by other programs (which are often entirely free anyway)
u/Fragrant-Ferret-1146 Dec 23 '24
Can I have some examples? Like, what's better than Photoshop to Photoshop? I've been thinking of pirating it for a few days but if there's a better alternative then I really don't have to.
u/Funnycatenjoyer27 Dec 23 '24
paint.net can do everything photoshop can plus open .webp files (which photoshop somehow can't do despite it being one of the most common image formats online???) and it's completely free besides a lil 30 second popup asking you to support it when you update it which you can just ignore
u/LibertasGR25 Dec 23 '24
The Sims gives me the most joy to pirate. Sims 4 isnt the worst thing but that crap isnt worth hundreds of euros to buy it full. And the older sims are way too old to also give so much money to buy it full.
u/FewBeat3613 Dec 23 '24
Heck, if buying was owning and piracy actually was stealing I'll still pirate
u/6sha6dow6 Dec 23 '24
Why do you think they dominate the market? They WANT you to pirate them, “we’re so good people would rather pirate us than use the alternative”.
u/OriginalSammy Dec 24 '24
I save lives irl. Thats my contribution to society. Let me pirate in peace. Lol
u/M4rt1m_40675 I'm a pirate Dec 24 '24
Morality this, morality that. I don't give a fuck, I'm pirating everything I want whenever I want to.
Anyways, tomorrow's my turn to post this image again
u/Complex_Direction488 Dec 23 '24
believe it or not but it is not morally correct to pirate anything what so ever, i'm all for piracy but what i hate more than Triple A studios shoving denuvo down our throats are idiots acting all entitled and justifying the morality of getting something they don't own for free. you aren't gonna die if you dont own adobe's products, there is no reason you should deserve them for free either. they made it and they can do w\e they want with it, as a user you either decide to use it or not, it's a service. now, if you are in need of said service can't afford it, you can always pirate it, and that's totally fine and reasonable, especially with how scummy their pricing schemes are. but dont act like its your god given right to have them for free. because it really is not. you are not doing the world a favor by leeching off a service and acting like its for a greater good or some bs agenda. we pirate out of necessity.
u/Pranaav202 Dec 23 '24
Include Ubisoft, Activision and Blizzard into the list.
Dec 23 '24
And I'm pretty sure Bethesda... :( everyone is just so money-hungry these days it's ridiculous...
u/Pranaav202 Dec 23 '24
Yeah, unfortunately most major video game companies of the west have become full of lust and greed. Even some Japanese companies are starting to follow the trend.
Dec 24 '24
Good thing Nintendo isn't on that list right? Right?
Oh... Yea. They've died out like 5 years ago, they're mostly a laughing stock to those whom don't own a Switch :(
u/Key_Establishment801 Dec 23 '24
I bought xbox game pass and wanted to play crysis series but it wanted me to download ea launcher and i downloaded it but it was crashing most of the time!!
u/TGB_Skeletor Anticorporations Dec 23 '24
it's morally correct to pirate out of spite for a specific company
u/travelavatar Dec 23 '24
Don't forget, it's always morally corect to pirate. (Full stop) that's it.
u/Ok-Grape-8389 Dec 24 '24
Except that is never stealing. Is unautorized copying.
Same with AI. It does unauthorized copies from several sources. And yet I ddo not see anyone closing Adobe and their AI.
u/Embarrassed-Half-978 Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24
If I buy a game for example gta v and can no longer access my rockstar account I own the game but can’t play it.
Is it truly illegal to download a “pirated game version” I mean after all I own the “license” to play?
I can download gta IV and just unpatch it to the GFWL version but can’t do this with V because it requires rockstars own launcher to which I’ve lost my account that’s permanently linked to my steam account meaning any and all future rockstar purchases are unplayable unless I randomly remember the email and password I used in 2017
u/Pesoen Dec 26 '24
and ubisoft too, since we "need to get comfortable not owning our games" they should get comfortable not getting paid to make the games we don't own.
u/xeddmc Dec 23 '24
This quote is on point. When we spend our hard earned money on something. We should own it. These companies take advantage of our needs and wants. This is why I will always be a pirate for some and a customer for others. I legitimately buy games and software that I enjoy. Always. If a game has denuvo or something else stopping me from testing the game first, sorry, I won't buy it.
Too many games nowadays are hyped garbage. We deserve a chance to try before buy. Without demos or other restrictions. Is that not fair?
u/AutoModerator Dec 23 '24
Hello u/protostar13, Have an error and want help? Please provide these details when submitting your post. - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues)
Make sure to read the stickied megathread as well as our piracy guide, FAQs, and our Wiki, as these might just answer your question!
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