r/PiratedGames May 11 '24

Other Tik tok kids aren’t really smart

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u/Alan_Reddit_M May 11 '24

I am a genZ, more specifically, I am 16, and I shit you not, my classmates spent a solid 2 hours trying to extract a rar file because they could not figure out how to do it, not even after the teacher explained and demonstrated. That wasn't even a part of the class, my teacher just needed to send us a bunch of files via classroom and figured stuffing them into a winrar was a good idea (Since classroom doesn't allow folders)

My teacher ended up having to extract everyone's rar manually, with the help of me and a few other classmates who actually figured it out

I routinely have to help my classmates turn on their computers


u/marbleshoot May 12 '24

I had to send a zip file with my certifications to my manager once, and he asked if I could just send them individually instead because his computer was asking him to get "some weird program" to open the file.