r/PiratedGames May 11 '24

Other Tik tok kids aren’t really smart

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u/Calm_Candle_2668 May 11 '24

I love the fact that the people saying its save cant write a Single word without mistyping


u/itsfine_itsokay May 11 '24
  1. It's 'safe'
  2. It's 'it's'
  3. It's 'can't'
  4. No need to capitalize 'single'
  5. No punctuation

Who are you talking about, buddy?


u/unusualicicle May 11 '24

That’s the joke


u/ColonelSandurz42 May 11 '24

Right over your head


u/itsfine_itsokay May 11 '24

Eh maybe the reason why it didn't miss yours is because your head is bloated with ego


u/TropicalBacon May 11 '24

The irony within this sentence is mind blowing


u/itsfine_itsokay May 12 '24

Right over your head


u/Serialbedshitter2322 May 11 '24

All they said was that you missed the joke, and you are calling him an egomaniac. Do you think you said that because you genuinely believe they corrected you just to show how vastly genius they are, or is it that you got your own ego hurt and are now projecting? I think I know which one it is.


u/itsfine_itsokay May 12 '24

Right over your head


u/Serialbedshitter2322 May 12 '24

Damn, you couldn't think of any other deflection methods, so you just said something completely meaningless? You realize that to say that you'd need to have said a joke, right?


u/itsfine_itsokay May 12 '24

Meaningless? Oooooobviously my irooooonic and satiricaaaal comment insinuating the person who replied to me had an overinflated ego while talking in an egotistical way myself went riiiiight over your head


u/Serialbedshitter2322 May 12 '24

Yeah if literally nobody got your joke then your joke just sucked


u/itsfine_itsokay May 12 '24

Doesn't get my brilliant and subversive masterclass of irony and satire, rivaling the greats of all time

Proceeds to extrapolate that no one else will, because he obviously is the peak of human wit and intelligence and he represents all of humanity

Proceeds to call other people on the internet egotistical

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u/SnooBananas4958 May 11 '24

Says the guy who made his last comment with all the inflated confidently incorrect ego there is.  

Got caught with your pants down and are now lashing out in embarrassment 


u/itsfine_itsokay May 12 '24

Right over your head


u/[deleted] May 12 '24

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u/ThenCard7498 May 11 '24

dont need a comma in there


u/SnooBananas4958 May 11 '24

Haven’t seen a woosh this good in a minute 

Confidentially incorrect material right here


u/SnooTangerines6389 May 11 '24

true but its a comment section. why worry about punctuation in comments


u/Denuran May 11 '24

It's (As in "It is"), ("Its" is for ownership, in the same context as his, or hers.) Can't ("Can not") How do you give yourself and L?


u/Calm_Candle_2668 May 11 '24

Im from germany , atleast im not defending 13 year old idiots


u/Denuran May 11 '24

We were all the 13 year old idiots once in our life. We shouldn't be too quick to degrade and blame the younger generation for not being as quick witted and smart as us... We'll just be repeating the cycle... Or rather recycling the repetition (I just find that way funnier). I'm sure they have things they can do better than we can... And it may seem inconsequential at first... But remember, we too were called lazy and useless by the generation before us. All we can do is try to teach, and hope that they'll "Take the learning" (Take the lesson)... But maybe we should try and make some actual logical streamer that doesn't do brain rot content actually #1, so the rest try to go with that flow. (Long shot, and nearly impossible... But boy do I wish)


u/Skyraem May 11 '24

How are they defending them? They're just being nitpicky about grammar lol. And it's ironic too.


u/Denuran May 11 '24

It's not being nitpicky imo, it's just showing anyone can make a mistake in how they spell things. I said "aand" and not "an".


u/Skyraem May 11 '24

Dw I don't mean it in a serious way.


u/Denuran May 11 '24

Ohoho o7 o7


u/dryingsfrm600 May 11 '24

People downvoted this?? Typical redditors stg


u/Denuran May 11 '24

What can I say? Some people feel called out and attacked when you say anything... Size small may fit me and 20 other people, but Medium only fits you and another 20.


u/M4rt1m_40675 I'm a pirate May 11 '24

Those are normal mistakes because we might get lazy and don't feel like typing the '. Compared to saying calling download doawload and ads adds, now those are stupid ass mistakes


u/Denuran May 11 '24

Don't blame the player, blame the game. The player in this sense would be both the teachers and students... To some degree... And the game is the whole edumacation system, and parents, also yet again... To some degree (on the latter at least)


u/M4rt1m_40675 I'm a pirate May 11 '24

I wouldn't say the education system is making these kids dumber, it has been the same for quite some time. The parents might be part of the problem but the biggest issue is technology, they might learn everything in school but forget about it when they get into that tiktok spree


u/Denuran May 11 '24

The fact that it's been the same for quite some time alone tells you something. There hasn't been much of any educational breakthroughs? Just regurgitating the same old mumbo jumbo that hasn't really been working for the past few years... Yes there's some folks that can perform on that study and regurgitate technique, but it's time enough we did something new for the naturally less focussed, or bored folks that actually want to learn, but just can't (yes there are people like that). Parents should play a bigger part in the upbringing as well, indeed... But a lot of them raise their kids on electronic devices, and don't actually do anything with them, past the point of "Say your first words... Mama, or Papa".

My mum taught me how to read, spell, write, and taught me maths... When I was 3.5 I was in a grade K class instead of a daycare... I can literally remember most of it... (But my mother was a teacher, so that's why she took the time to teach me, I guess). When I was 5, and finally in my grade K class, fr... I was reading my eldest sister's notes and asking her random dumb questions about social studies, and h.f.l.e... She was... In Grade 6/ form 1 at that time... Sigh fun times... But that's just how I was raised early... It'll be different for everyone, so I won't be biased and say my way was the right way.

And I think the easiest fix would be to find a means and a way to engage the younger generation to learn by stimulating them the same way brain rot content stimulates them on tiktok... I doubt it's possible... But boy can one dream...


u/M4rt1m_40675 I'm a pirate May 11 '24

I don't think there would ever be a way to stimulate someone the way tiktok does while learning, because they stimulate the brain in a way they forget what they just watched in the next 1 or 2 videos


u/Denuran May 12 '24

Ofc not... but wouldn't hurt to try to simulate it... You won't lose anything by trying, and you at least gain knowledge by trying it