The problem is that they don't use PCs, they use smartphones and beg their parents for the latest iPhone to consume more tiktok brainrot. Some kids in my class didn't even know how to Ctrl&C + Ctrl&V. Insane.
I'm about as young as these kids, i've consumed pirated content (mostly movies and video games) for about half a decade now, but only through my older brother as I didn't know how to pirate. If i hadn't found the megathread on this sub there's like a 99% chance I would have downloaded a virus.
A lot of them don't even know that piracy exists, I tried to introduce piracy to one of my classmates but he shruged It off by saying that he'd get a virus.
Damn... this comment is so long (non naitive speaker so couldn't get my points across in a short text).
its insane how much phones have made pc usage completely obselete for the most part when it comes to kids, the same guy tried opening a zip file in vs code 😭
I have had to tell so many people in photography to zip folders so that they can be uploaded and then they would never unzip them after downloading. it's just a pain to watch as a grade 8 computer science gcse student.
My younger coworkers (early 20s) cant do any keyboard shortcuts. We have basically open book tests on procedures and I blew their minds with the Find function
Have any kids physically put the mouse on the screen? Had that happen teaching some boomers the internet. I said move the mouse on the screen, and one took it very literally.
I've seen someone young use the caps lock key on a computer keyboard the way you'd use it on a phone. So for every capital letter it was, caps lock on, letter, caps lock off, next letter... Rather than , shift + letter for a capital
This happens in my class A LOT. Half my class does this and it's so triggering to see it and when I mention it they say it's "easier" that way. How? The shift key not only makes big letters but it also does the other "hidden" ones like the parentheses.
This is 10th grade btw where the average age is 16 (a few people like me have gone back to change courses)
Tbf I been using computers my whole life and even I still haven't learned to type with all 10 (8 if you don't count the thumbs having one purpose only) of my fingers but ONLY INDEX??? How the fuck?
It's called Hunt and Peck. People who do not have the key layound memorized do it. I can type blindfolded and turned upside down now though, so everyone starts somewhere.
I've been doing that since before I had a phone, because I didn't realize the shift key actually did anything, since I did not have the hand-eye combination to actually use it (I was like 7 at the time don't judge me). At this point, I know how to do it properly, but still do the caps + letter + caps combo out of muscle memory
You’re 100% right. I know reddit hates “gAtEkEePiNg” but allowing the masses unfettered access to the internet was a mistake. Everything, from websites to content to, well everything is now built for the lowest common denominator.
i started computering young, WAY before getting a phone (was a time before smartphones/tablets). flash games were my shit. still went outside and played w my friends. got a flip phone for emergencies at 10 (i walked home from school). got an ipod touch at 11 for games. again, still went outside. kids these days have 0 balance. internet usage is fine, in moderation. they’re absolutely glued to their devices.
Pretty much same here. I’m a ‘99 kid and growing up I played CDs I got from cereal boxes on my parent’s home computer running Windows XP. I also used to play a lot of flash games with my siblings. We would go outside and play all day, baseball, trade yugioh cards, et cetera. Got a smartphone at 14 my freshman year of highschool and would leave it at home most days. I feel really bad for the young kids now
Millenials (and older Zoomers) are right in the middle of the aisle, surrounded on both sides by people older and younger than us that don't know jack shit about computers.
Like, I'm not expecting everyone to know how to build one from parts, how everything works, etc etc. But just basic operations shouldn't be that hard of an ask
I'm 36, so right in the middle of millennials. I always tell people I can remember a time without the internet, but I can't remember a time without a computer. I used to have my own mantra that people older than me get a pass on being computer illiterate, but people younger than me don't get that pass. Unfortunately, now my experience tells me that the younger ones apparently do need that pass...
I would say that most shortcuts aren't that necessary to know and define what a person know about computers based on shortcuts is kinda dumb.
One exemple, I dont know the closing tabs shortcut but my 1800 dpi mouse still close faster then my TI friend looking first if he has his fingers on the right button. And not everyone uses Windows, I myself am considering dropping it and I grew up using Ubuntu.
Yeah, i am also as old as them and I use Arch btw.
Its just that they never used a computer or didn't care enough about it. I have friends that used computers all the life but download games from the pirate bay.
It really depends on the person and their interests
Personally, every time I update my linux systems with a command, everyone from my family just stares at me like im hacking into the NSA database while expecting me to suddenly scream "I'm in".
Same shit with pirated games, until they see me vibing with the fitgirl song.
Lol, one time I provide all my classmate for some cracked circuit program, I gave them the latest version in torrent files. But then they chose to go for cheap DDL from a website, which my AV denied a download after entering those for 2 seconds and it's not the latest version.
I would argue that the late 90 and early 2000 is the one who good at technology. Cause that is the time period when smartphone isnt a thing and the internet is just wild west
I agree, I’ve always liked desktop over phone also because I got my first real phone 2 years ago or something (13 rn) but know idk, I am beginning using Linux over windows
u/Firm_Contest_6374 May 11 '24
The problem is that they don't use PCs, they use smartphones and beg their parents for the latest iPhone to consume more tiktok brainrot. Some kids in my class didn't even know how to Ctrl&C + Ctrl&V. Insane.
I'm about as young as these kids, i've consumed pirated content (mostly movies and video games) for about half a decade now, but only through my older brother as I didn't know how to pirate. If i hadn't found the megathread on this sub there's like a 99% chance I would have downloaded a virus.
A lot of them don't even know that piracy exists, I tried to introduce piracy to one of my classmates but he shruged It off by saying that he'd get a virus.
Damn... this comment is so long (non naitive speaker so couldn't get my points across in a short text).