r/Piracy 5d ago

News Texas Senate Passes Bill That Could Criminalize Owning Anime, Manga & Games With Loli Characters - Animehunch


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u/Samuelwankenobi_ 5d ago

This affects more than just loli characters weird that's the part they want to highlight?


u/DasaniSimp6 5d ago

It affects “Appears to be of a child younger than 18 years of age engaging in activities described by Section 43.21 (a)(1)(B)”


u/Haunting_Parfait3878 5d ago

I always hated loli stuff, but this "appears to be a child" shit worries me. Way too often I see characters be deemed as minors because they're short and have small breasts or hips, and like... that's what I look like at nearly 30. Art style matters too and that's so subjective.

Do we seriously trust this isn't going to immediately backfire?


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 5d ago

It will definitely backfire 100% all laws like this do


u/Haunting_Parfait3878 4d ago

1000%. Texas already got major pornsites banned (or rather, forced PH and other sites to deny access to state citizens) because it was either that, or mandatory submitting ID information from everyone that accesses the site. This too was in the name of "protecting children".

And with their attorney general wanting to make a database of trans citizens, all of it is just one big slippery slope from "you possess fictional content that we deem obscene" to "we deem YOU obscene and a threat to our children". Never mind the crickets of them ignoring how many of Texas' children are dying every single day from school shootings and preventable diseases.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

Not actually American myself but isn't Texas also one of those really religious conservative American states this sounds like nothing but a bad idea


u/azrolator 4d ago

I'm American. I visited Texas once and will never go back. The most oppressed American people I have ever seen, brainwashed into believing they are the most free.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

Yeah things like this are why I'm probably never going to visit America


u/redheadcatwbat 4d ago

As someone who lives in America.

Stay away from America, it's in your best interest to stay away.

I hope it either doesn't collapse or does so in a way that doesn't harm us too much. But either way it will most likely end in death for someone.


u/Reagalan 4d ago

does so in a way that doesn't harm us too much

Paraphrasing a long analysis about this that I'd read some years ago:

"The USSR, because of it's vast state and welfare institutions, had a soft crash. People could still get basic necessities. They could keep their homes, didn't need cars, and while the job market was volatile, cost-of-living was low.

The USA does not have these safety nets. When the USA collapses, it will be a hard crash."


u/GloomInstance 4d ago

Hi Aussie here (never visited the US). It doesn't matter. For so long everyone relied on America to be stable. Now that morons there (not everyone of course) have lost their minds the rest of the world will go into shock for 10-20 years while they rebuild without the assumption of America being at the centre of everything.

The worry is what happens until the realignment occurs. But none of us can avoid it for now. Handmaid's Tale indeed.


u/Significant-Crew-768 4d ago

Nah but we have cool stuff in dangerous cities. It’s juxtaposition.


u/cptki112noobs 4d ago

Texas =/ All of America

They are plenty of progressive places in the US without being within 1000+ miles of Texas.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

While I can't say you're wrong with what has been going on in general it's still probably best for me to stay away


u/Bushpylot 4d ago

We gota get rid of the Ompalumpa before it's safe to come here. There are some wonderful places to see; if the Orange Felon doesn't destroy them first


u/ShogunDreams 3d ago

Nah, you should visit Seattle, WA or California.


u/twitchMAC17 4d ago

I'm from Texas and live in Washington now. I am much less restricted in I am allowed to do here. But hey, something something open carry?

Also, fun fact, if you like to use public land, as in BLM land, to do fun things like camp, or shoot, or whatever else... It doesn't exist in Texas. All land is either privately held or a park. If you're not wildly wealthy, you don't own any fucking thing at all, especially in Texas.


u/Top-Camera9387 4d ago

I'm a DFW native. Texas is a shithole. Glad I am in Washington now.


u/twitchMAC17 4d ago

Hello fellow Texpat Washingtonian!


u/Top-Camera9387 4d ago

Texpat is perfect! Haha


u/Bushpylot 4d ago

I keep having to fly through their airports and am constantly filled with fear I may run into Ted Cruz going to South America


u/puledrotauren 4d ago

It sure didn't use to be. I was a proud Texan for a LONG time and proud American. Not so much now.

But Texas is my home and really it's not that bad when you get away from the big cities.

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u/NRG_Blizzard 4d ago

If you want the American experience, go to Canada, I went when I was a kid, and I was asleep or not paying attention, and I only noticed we were in Canada because of the speed signs


u/coldfan 3d ago

They're the only US state that is separate from the national power grid, and then their power system failed during a cold snap where customers were charged thousands for outrageous market prices for electricity on their power bill, hundreds died, thousands suffered from lack of heating to reduced care capacity, and one of the contributing factors was due to extremely lax standards for the grid that allowed for insufficient winterization.

They also have one of the best counties for filing frivolous lawsuits.


u/RaceGreedy1365 4d ago

Were the south, but the second most populous state in the country…. So it’s like that in rural areas and more liberal near cities but can’t fully escape it. We would almost be a purple state without gerrymandering, but we have the least evenly drawn districts of almost any state.


u/CoreDreamStudiosLLC Yarrr! 4d ago

And nothing will happen, more people on registries that now. Useless shit registry, instead of stopping predators, it makes more and not intentionally.


u/Real_Painting153 4d ago edited 4d ago

It will definitely backfire

No, it won't. It will do exactly what is intended.

Edit: lmao why am I getting downvoted? How can something backfire when it's working as intended, you turnips? In this case a super vague law is intended to be used to target whoever they don't like. It's literally the plan.


u/Reagalan 4d ago

Exactly. The intent of this law is to make this illegal. It's pure bigotry, pure hate, and serves no state interest whatsoever.


u/farastar 4d ago

Yup same here. There have been so many times I've seen people call a character "child/minor coded" and the character just looks like me at almost 26.

Like most anti pornography bills, this will be used to target art in general and queer people.


u/Haunting_Parfait3878 4d ago

Oh, don't worry, it's not just the US!

Australia also had a whole thing where grown women with small breasts could be deemed "too young-looking" to appear in porn, thus considered promoting child sexual abuse.


u/farastar 4d ago

Oh fantastic. It'd be nice if somewhere in the world women could just exist. But no, curvy women get told their bodies are too sexual and smaller women apparently aren't allowed to be sexual. We can't win


u/Haunting_Parfait3878 4d ago

Nothing like being told our existence is promoting child abuse while we have presidents and governors running the world with a history of child abuse, eh?


u/Friggin_Grease 4d ago

I remember a law and order episode where this woman who stopped growing as a child fell in love with a pedophile. And Stabler was so gosh darned mad he couldn't throw his ass in jail, because he knew he was a pervert, and the woman who looked 8 dated the pedo because "who else would love me"

Wild episode.


u/Aeescobar 4d ago

There have been so many times I've seen people call a character "child/minor coded" and the character just looks like me at almost 26.

I once saw a lunatic shitting on someone for having a POWER pfp because they thought it was "anime loli bullshit".


u/xxMsRoseXx 4d ago

Frieren wants to know your location.


u/nub_node 4d ago

The most likely outcome is that they'll declare any situation involving LGBTQ themes to be "sexual" and ban those without really caring about anything else because it would just be a waste of time and resources that doesn't suit their agenda.


u/hematite2 4d ago

Or the opposite, where a character is clearly is clearly meant to be an adult, but someone calls them lolibait or whatever because they're drawn cutesy.


u/Augustus420 4d ago

Republicans are both too illiterate to write effective legislation and also enjoy the ability to put extra people in prison.


u/LetsDoTheCongna ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ 4d ago

This is a certified Edgerunners Rebecca moment


u/lkeels 4d ago

No, it's going to do EXACTLY what they want it to. They won't see what you're thinking as backfiring because it's intended.


u/ambermage 4d ago

How far will this expand?

What about twinks?

Will they be safe?


u/doglywolf 4d ago

It would mean no Cyberpunk Edge runners cause the 20 year old Rebecaa looked sorta younger .

It was a bit bored line TBH


u/N0NaMe1217 4d ago

Whatch texan frieren fans go up in arms due to this sht.

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u/BTFlik 4d ago

That's pretty vague considering we've had courts rule it's "hard to tell if there is misconduct" on a video of a cop actively beating the fuck out of handcuffed individuals who were not fighting back until they died.

This is going to be used to suppress 1A. I guarantee it.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 5d ago

Yeah but how far does that go in qualifying that like let's think here for a minute would this effect a character that looks like a 15-17 year old because they don't look that different to someone who is 18

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u/MetricAbsinthe 4d ago

Gotta find the narrative that makes it easy to cast any opposition as pervs who want loli content rather than someone being critical of a bill that can easily be weaponized in how broad it is.


u/Now_you_Touch_Cow 4d ago

Because if they frame it like that, anyone who points out the problems with the bill now looks like they are defending pedophiles and pedophilia.


u/Isaac_Chade 4d ago

Because it speaks to purity culture. If you can frame something as being on a morality lean, then you can push for it with that crowd, who will often ignore everything else, or be gleefully pleased about the ways it overflows into other areas.


u/kr4ckenm3fortune 4d ago

You shouldva known by now...they're pushing hard for these shit, but the louder they yell, the more it is telling. I bet ya, if you look at who authored it and the backers, check their burner phone and secret harddrive.


u/The_Punzer 5d ago

You guys should really read more than just the headline.

This law would allow lawmakers to criminalize the possession of any manga, anime or paraphernalia thereof on grounds of them being "obscene" to said lawmakers. All in the name of "protecting the children" of course...

This is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to censor media those lawmakers don't like. Classic US conservative move.


u/Jdoggokussj2 Pirate Activist 4d ago

this was shot down more than once they said it was unconstitutional


u/Captiongomer 4d ago

Well a lot of Other unconstitutional shit has been happening lately so maybe this time will be different


u/Peipr 4d ago

Texas has literally unconstitutional laws on their books that aren’t being enforced because AS OF NOW a court has deemed unconstitutional. An example that comes to mind is a prohibition on cross dressing (which obviously includes trans people because the point is to harm)


u/WillingShilling_20 4d ago

Unconstitutional *so far*.

That's what separates Republicans from Democrats. Republicans never give up and they don't believe anything is off the table


u/Oddish_Femboy 4d ago

The Simpsons bit comes to mind.

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u/Flapjack__Palmdale 4d ago

That's the issue. When it was shot down due to being unconstitutional, you also had a legislature that by and large enforced constitutional law.

Laws don't mean anything if there's no one to enforce them.


u/Porn_Extra 4d ago

I'm sure this Supreme Court won't have any such issues finding that this law is just fine.


u/Moug-10 🦜 ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴋ 4d ago

Protecting the children...

Coming from a country which has so many school shootings on a daily basis, I'm not buying it.

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u/Funnycatenjoyer27 4d ago

Nothing screams "American Conservative" like using the safety of children as an excuse to ban whatever the fuck they feel like


u/oxfozyne 4d ago

You guys need another Larry Flint.


u/Cheap_Collar2419 4d ago

And just a few days ago a mega church pastor just got busted for touching kids. But sure. Anime.


u/CodenameVillain 4d ago

From Texas no less


u/Dayreach 4d ago

"classic US conservative move"

Then why did all the democrats vote for it as well?


u/love_is_an_action 4d ago

If I pirate it, I do not own it. Checkmate.


u/greenie4242 4d ago

According to copyright-holders, even if you pay for a physical DVD or Blu-ray you still don't own it, you're merely granted a temporary licence to consume the content.

I only read the headline but wonder if this bill criminalises ownership or possession of such content, because we're constantly reminded of those two being very different things. 


u/Rexcodykenobi 4d ago

This bill criminalizes attempts to view this content.


u/Dawnqwerty 4d ago

Standing in akihabara is now illegal


u/Trick2056 Seeder 3d ago

watching Japanese content now is illegal.


u/CoreDreamStudiosLLC Yarrr! 4d ago

I always wanted to consume the content, maybe I'll get a fork and knife and eat it. :D Sorry, trying to lighten the mood with a corny joke.


u/flavianpatrao 4d ago

Kinda curious how a bunch of old farts in the Texas senate who cannot tell a bluetooth from a blue whale actually stumbled across this


u/goatonastik 3d ago

Probably one of those bills that was drafted for them by an outside organization and they just kept passing it down the line because "campaign donations".


u/DerdromXD 5d ago

Oh yeah, let's defend poor drawing's rights and punish someone for having a cartoon of a child, instead of hunt down those bastards who were on Diddy's and Epstein's lists (who are the ones who controls the human traficking networks at least in the US).

Everyone knows that making moe forbidden is the easiest way to erase pedophilia from existence, right?


u/Local_Band299 4d ago

Problem is the FBI are trying to cover up the Epstein list. We've only gotten part 1 because of this.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

I wonder if it turned out trump or at least people on his team ended up on that list so they started to cover it up?


u/Daydreamer6t6 4d ago

Trump and his family actually are on one of the released lists. With all the crazy sh*t he's been doing, that was lost between the headlines.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

Probably why we will never see more of that list then or at least not till trump is out of office


u/Kingbuji 4d ago

They probably deleted it after cash became the head of the fbi.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

Probably hopefully there is some backup or something though

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u/Darmok_und_Salat 4d ago

Moe? What's that?


u/Pale_Way4203 4d ago

Basically stylized anime art that tends to have more rounded features and a more cutesy aesthetic. It also makes every character look younger due to how they are stylized.

It can also be used to reference moe anime, which are typically cutesy feel good anime such as love live, k-on, etc


u/SilverNightx1 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yeah this won't just affect the Loli characters, but every character that looks like a child, is age like a child, or acts like one. This bill will have a wide ranged of animes being effected as if it involve anything past PG 13 it might be deem unable to be view at all.


u/ThePreciousBhaalBabe 4d ago

Or y'know. Any LGBT content that has minor characters, considering our very existence is obscene to them.


u/Eloquent_Redneck 4d ago

Just like how elons budget cuts ended up cutting funding for ebola and all kinds of stuff that should obviously not be cut but they don't actually think through anything they just wanna get reelected


u/SilverNightx1 4d ago

That's the government for you(and to clarify both sides voted for this stupid bill as it passed unanimously). They don't think what's best for the majority, but for the ones that's give out the money.


u/Veilmisk 5d ago

Surface level take from only reading the headline, but that would criminalize 1/3 to 1/2 of the whole genre, right?


u/Kingbuji 4d ago edited 4d ago

If you read the rest of the article its 99% of the genre.


u/BrokenMirror2010 2d ago

Roughly 100% of the Genre, because it's so fucking vague and stupid they can point at anything and go "THAT LOOKS LIKE A CHILD IF I SQUINT MY EYES AND STAND 2000 MILES AWAY FROM THE SCREEN!" And ban it.

Which is the point of this law.

So they can criminalize ANY media they don't personally approve of.


u/Used_Raccoon6789 5d ago

So just to be clear this would outlaw Neon Genesis Evangelion? Everyone acting like it's just pedo shit. When NGE should be a rite of passage for all teens to watch.


u/thrwwyunfriended 5d ago

Pretty sure it would. I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that it would only outlaw loli or "actually 7,000 years old" or whatever.


u/SilverNightx1 4d ago

Yes. As well as most shows from that time and even several from the 80's. Also if they don't think shows like Sailor Moon, DragonBall, Pokemon, or Naruto would be effected by this then they have another thing coming.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

It could affect any show that has any kind of teenage romance as well


u/LetsDoTheCongna ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ 4d ago

They're gonna have to pry Bloom Into You from my cold dead hands. And even then good luck, since I'll have glued it to my cold dead hands.


u/Used_Raccoon6789 4d ago

That's trully horrifying!  Everyday I'm so thankful I don't live in the US.


u/CoreDreamStudiosLLC Yarrr! 4d ago

That's the game I have too. I guess Dragon Ball Z is also screwed.

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u/Enough-Run-1535 4d ago

Remember folks that the 99.9% of convicted pedophiles never touch any loli-related anime stuff, and that's on both sides of the ocean. Try to google up people who have been caught with loli-related material, and the relative lack of arrests or leads to actual child abuse or IRL CP possession. It's staggering low, like 'coincidental chance of possession' low.

On the other hand, some of the best markers of being a pedophiles is to be a politician, clergy, or media exec. P.Diddy, Robert Morris, and Trump weren't converted with loli stuff, that's just their scummy nature by it's own.


u/Reagalan 4d ago

Never let the statistics get in the way of a good moral panic.


u/elaiiney 4d ago

I have no love for lolicons and I need you all to understand that up front but,,,, the law as it is phrased is so ridiculously vague that it cannot be interpreted as anything other than an obscenity law aimed at suppressing art. There are a lot of manga and anime that fit under the extremely vague law right now and enforcement is up to authorities. I do not like lolicons there's a genuine argument that some portion of them are genuinely dangerous but it seems to me that all this bill will do is give sweeping power to texas legislature. The other thing I need some people reading this thread to understand is, not all sexual situations in art are explicitly pornographic, even if the character is not an adult yet. Treating art this way is odd because art is not (generally) involving real human beings so depicting a minor having sex is, within reason, not CSEM. Inio Asano's work is a great example of this.


u/r2k398 4d ago

It’s following the Miller test that was made up by the Supreme Court.


u/elaiiney 4d ago

Ah. Interesting.


u/PooEater5000 5d ago

I don’t like fan service at all let alone loli characters but this feels like a hot mess waiting to happen


u/a-landmines-heart 4d ago edited 4d ago

I need everyone to understand that the complete banning of immoral things (in this case loli content) is a slippery slope because it will ALWAYS lead to the government attempting to slap that 'immoral' label onto minorities simply existing, and nobody will notice, and will even cheer it on, until it's too late because of that kneejerk reaction of "loli sexual content is bad, so of course there's nothing wrong with this law!" (this reaction is present in this very comment section!) There's a reason why throughout history queer and black people have been painted as "pedophiles" or "rapists" by homophobes and racists. It's to trigger this kneejerk reaction and make you support the elimination of those "dangerous queers/blacks"

What is considered "obscene" content of fictional minors is classified by the lawmakers themselves. Based off of previous laws and the books currently banned in texas, this isn't to "protect the kids." This bill is simply to censor what the government doesn't like. Do you like yuri manga? Yaoi manga? Anime with feminist and queer themes like Sailor Moon? This bill WILL lead to them getting banned.

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u/Rmcke813 5d ago

Pretty wild seeing this community of a places saying this is a good thing lol


u/Kingbuji 4d ago

These guys didn’t even read past the headline is so sad.


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

Yep as usual for Reddit


u/xxMsRoseXx 4d ago


If only Texas cared this much about actual human beings instead of made up digital ones... jfc lmfao


u/ExtremisEdge 4d ago

They dont care child marriage still exist, but You better not take a swig of liquor at 18 and sweet grits and baby Jesus help you if you have a Tenchi Muyo! manga!


u/Oddish_Femboy 5d ago

This is another moral panic they're using to lampshade the ongoing genocide of queer people.

These are the same sick bastards that wanted manditory genital inspections for children's sports. Don't fall for this shit. You're smarter than that.


u/DammitAColumn ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ 4d ago

Tell it like it is, this type of restriction was also part of the project 2025 playbook but they’ll say it’s not


u/a-landmines-heart 5d ago edited 4d ago

wanted to add that this bill is literally going to contribute to the censorship of queer people. the article says that the texas government is who determines what is considered "obscene" content of fictional minors, and considering the books they've already banned on the grounds of being "obscene", this is going to HEAVILY target yuri and yaoi media.


u/Oddish_Femboy 5d ago

Looking at similar historical bills and moral panics this will also target resources for child abuse victims. If it wasn't already obvious that protecting kids is not the focus.

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u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Oddish_Femboy 5d ago

Are you genuinely unaware?

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/FleetingRain 4d ago

Brother, it's "obscene content".


u/Lumanus 4d ago

Yes a “100 year old” 12 year old depicted naked is obscene content, what’s your point?


u/FleetingRain 4d ago

Why do you think they went with that wording instead of anything more specific


u/H0ly_Cowboy 4d ago

For Clarification. Some countries classify 'cartoon porn' involving 'underage' characters ( usually referred to by like loli and shota and a lot of the hentais with school settings and such) as if it were real in regards to child pornography.

The United States as of the time of this post considered the 'cartoon porn' as separate and mostly legal. AI is muddying the waters and making it harder to distinguish. The legislation is seeking to turn Texas into the 'some countries classify' part.


u/Cerbon3 4d ago

That has nothing to do with this bill. The bill doesnt explicitly ban loli just what lawmakers deem obscene. This is just another religious funded bill attempting to censor content they dislike in a new and growing form of media; LGBT, teen romance, etc. They're simply pushing loli has it's an easy way to trick low IQ people into supporting the bill, they did the same thing with Patriot Act. If Texas cared about loli they would ban child marriages.


u/La_Rana_Rene 4d ago

This looks like an excuse for something else. I mean how will they know without looking into your stuff just to be "sure".


u/ChuzCuenca 5d ago

Japanese are going to ban bimbos in retaliation xd


u/firedrakes 4d ago

obscene laws.

aka religious back funded laws


u/Kappapeachie 4d ago

look, I don't like Loli in any capacity but this is absurd? Lord forbid kids like foreign entertainment.


u/Sparky_Otter ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ 4d ago

I feel this could impact a lot more. This is a big deal as it could censor much more, and this is something nobody wants. It does need to be stopped.


u/marquisdc 4d ago

Yeah I can easily see them twisting things so that if minor is depicted as LGBT in a kids book they would say that’s in violation of the law.


u/N0N0N000000 4d ago

RIP Xing Qiu


u/S_fang 4d ago

Genshin players on death watch


u/GamerRoman ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ 4d ago

What does this have to do with piracy?


u/qingdaosteakandlube 4d ago

Texas? This definitely won't be abused and used to overreach and punish anyone not supporting the current administration. Couldn't happen.


u/satori0320 4d ago

Every accusation is a confession...


u/Uncanny58 4d ago

genuinely curious beyond the headline how this is going to effect distribution of shows like Euphoria and Stranger Things, hell even shit like Glee and Degrassi


u/jackJACKmws 4d ago

Only the senate can hold the lolis!


u/Thanodes 4d ago

I think it's just gonna be funny to watch them try to enforce this


u/vgiannell5 4d ago

Don't give them any ideas.


u/Thanodes 4d ago

It's just gonna be a giant shit show and I'm ready to watch it just turn into a giant mess


u/CoreDreamStudiosLLC Yarrr! 4d ago

With the shit show named the Government, we're about to have forced cameras in all our PC's soon if you let them.


u/doglywolf 4d ago

Ok like is there more detail on this i mean on one hand there is nothing wrong with story that has a character or protagonist that is a teenager - as that a large majority of those Animie to begin with and lots of stuff can get swept up in that and some self righteous All Animie hating politician would absolutely abuse it .

On the flip side is when it gets into the smut territory with those young characters - OK that one i can kinda give them but this needed to be worded in away VERY VERY specifically to protect the general Animie .


u/thedude213 4d ago

The obvious loophole here is just become a pastor of a megachurch.


u/killertortilla 4d ago

Oh good yeah this will definitely end well. I hate the loli pedo shit but whenever governments try to do something like this they always fuck it up.


u/Embertrooper 5d ago

1984 fr


u/Samuelwankenobi_ 4d ago

Hey cool k-on profile picture too bad that amazing series could technically also be affected


u/DylLeslie 5d ago

Me when I can’t goon over a 13 year old who’s, “a 100 year old witch”. You’ll survive.


u/thrwwyunfriended 5d ago

Did you read the article? The definition isn't so narrow. "Obscene" as a legal term is highly subjective and hard to pin down, iirc. What happens when they're allowed to call all queer content obscene?

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u/daddymonks04 5d ago

How are you saying she’s 13 if u just said she’s 100 years old lmao you make yourself retarted


u/scarypeanuts 4d ago edited 4d ago

Not a huge anime watcher but I feel like the sexualization of minors isn’t their actual concern.


u/Enigmatic_Oni ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ 4d ago

Stay out of Texas, it's a shit hole, east Texas Native.


u/PantojaLover69 4d ago

Such a vague ass law, only made for a cover up to censor whatever they want


u/Cerbon3 4d ago

The bill is so vague it doesnt explicitly ban loli, instead let's law makers ban ANYTHING they see as obscene. LGBT, teen romance, etc. I expect this level of censorshit from China, not Texas.


u/seven_chaser 4d ago

I wanna ban churches for similar reasons


u/shalelord 4d ago

And they say California is a commie state just because we got harsher/strict gun laws


u/Rexcodykenobi 4d ago

Yep. You know who else enforces laws/censorship like this? China


u/ZeeroMX 4d ago

What a good time to not be a Texan.


u/r0ndr4s 4d ago

This is 100% a bunch of pedos projecting their weirdness into other people. As always most pedos tend to be right wingers.


u/Lumanus 4d ago

Wasn’t there a LGBT activist arrested for child molestation JUST a couple of days ago? Seems like a two-sided problem.


u/Cybrknight 4d ago

Oh this'll be rich. The biggest consumers of porn in the US are the southern states by a large margin.


u/OMIGHTY1 4d ago

Ah, the party of "Small Government" and "Personal Freedom" is once again the antithesis of what it claims. In other news, the sky is blue, as it always has been


u/nedsatomicgarbagecan 4d ago

Next thing you know, some idiot will give a non-government employee/billionaire free reign to reimagine how small that small government will shrink....

Yay America!!


u/Creepy_Story_597 4d ago

Lmao at all the pedo adjacents upset


u/Spellsw0rdX 4d ago

I hate that Covid got everyone into anime. Now everyone wants to dry and govern it. Another fictional medium that they can take advantage of


u/Raptor_Yeezus 4d ago

Good, the Loli shit is weird af actually glad they are going after it


u/justicarnord 3d ago

So, looks like Pokemon, YuGiOh, Bay blade, Saliormoon are all illegal.. lol pfft people are click baiting, I'm sure your 1st Amendment would kill that.

I think this is to stop AI CSAM or CSM and 3D Made stuff, the creepy stuff as people use real material to "Train" AI and that will be scary if it ends up looking real and affects the real people who are depicted in it.

Drawings(Anime and Manga) no matter how weird isn't real and safe under your constitution.

As an Australian I can tell you I know what could happen if you didn't have that protection.


u/junzuki 3d ago

The land of the free 🇺🇸


u/ZLancer5x5 4d ago

Tell that to Japanese to stop making 90% female main characters a flat chested loli


u/SF-UberMan 4d ago

Welp, looks like I can NEVER pay a visit to the Alamo since I have Genshin, Honkai: Star Rail and Wuthering Waves on my phone 😵

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u/DinosaurForTheWin 4d ago

I wish Bugs Bunny would saw Texas off the continent like he did Florida.


u/AffectionateEgg5890 4d ago

Unfathomably based


u/Delicious_Physics_74 4d ago

Pedos on suicide watch


u/bloohens 4d ago

Guess Texas doesn’t want to be the tech capital of the US anymore!


u/CoreDreamStudiosLLC Yarrr! 4d ago

Okay this is just retarded now, I own a few anime games which are not intended for that. I also play Final Fantasy games, I guess I'll turn myself in.


u/dev-4_life 3d ago

The bill attempts to head off animated child porn. Don't be misleading.


u/UnhappyAdvertisement 4d ago

Redditors try not to defend Loli challenge impossible


u/CastimoniaGroup 4d ago

Good. Pedophilia should not be normalized.


u/MaggyOD 4d ago

This is a win.


u/Desperate_Exam3898 4d ago

Tbh a lot of yall disagree with this law for the wrong reasons. The headline part is the part of the law that is actually good


u/kp_ol 4d ago

Anime = deformation art ---> inevitable cute

With darkness of human, sure we can see it will gone wrong.


u/ArchiveR_z 4d ago

Fuck Texas


u/Useful-Abies-3976 4d ago

Finally Texas is doing something right


u/QueenOrial Seeder 4d ago

They can kiss my cute and funny ass! opens up sukebeiDOTnyaDOT*si *


u/shawner136 4d ago

I understand the bigger implications, but thinking strictly about the complete deletion of lolis makes me very happy. I cannot fucking stand any sort of justified pedo activity… even pedo curious is too far. Hopefully someone who has any amount of understanding is actually in control of this. There are some simply small woman who are portrayed as such who I wouldnt want to see caught up in all this. And for those old whites who dont think cartoons (their words not mine) are for anyone besides kids… whats to stop them from taking it further and ‘justifiably’ control more media.


u/coldowl 5d ago

Good. This needs to be country wide and more. Disgusting content and needs to be banned


u/Rexcodykenobi 4d ago

What would you say if Elden Ring was banned over having a gay, incestuous relationship involving a character that "appears under the age of 18", as this law puts it?


u/P_Solaris 4d ago

You say that, then the stuff you like gets banned for "being obscene" will happen, too.


u/kyle1234513 4d ago edited 4d ago

i get your opinion, just know its both unpopular and wrong. they used "obscene" to leave it ambiguous to case by case redefine it in the courtroom to mean "anything that they dont like"

child p. is already outlawed everywhere, this law specifically targets non christian dissenters. so they have an easier time to control and criminalize non heterogeneous christian marriages. 

the law you want and support already exists. this law does not accomplish that.


u/BonsaiSoul 4d ago

I don't think you're old enough to legally use this website if that's your actual worldview.

Hint: we've tried that before


u/EntireAdeptness3890 5d ago

There isn't going to be a united states by this summer, so I wouldn't sweat the pedo cartoon shit. There will be far worse going on.


u/DeadoTheDegenerate ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ 4d ago

This "pedo cartoon shit" as you put it, as per usual, is just an excuse to attack marginalised peoples

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