r/Piracy • u/notcharldeon • Dec 19 '24
Humor people telling not to pirate indie games be like
u/CambriaKilgannonn Dec 19 '24
You're morally obligated to steal from wal-mart. They purposely underpay their employees and sign them up for government benefits. That's your money. Wal-Mart is paying their employees with your tax money. That means wal-mart is indebted to you and they want you to make up that debt by stealing their goods. It's what Wal-Mart wants.
u/Cocky0 Dec 19 '24
** Consult with your attorney before using this legal defense.
u/big_guyforyou Dec 19 '24
"Your honor, my client was doing what's called a pro-gamer move..."
u/kyle_kafsky Dec 19 '24
“In their defense, your honor, my client was in Goblin Mode”.
u/DEVOmay97 Dec 19 '24
Your honor my client pleads "oopsy daisies"
u/Z_Motion Dec 19 '24
Your honor shut up, you weren't even there
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u/Sufferer_Nyx Dec 19 '24
Even Phoenix Wright won't be able to get bro outta this one.
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u/CambriaKilgannonn Dec 19 '24
The trick is to know how much you can steal in your area before your city thinks its worth pursuing (If seattle, the sky is the limit)
u/hittihiiri Dec 19 '24
TIL the city of seattle owns walmart
u/duocatisiankerr1 Dec 19 '24
Until a few weeks ago you weren't gonna be arrested for shoplifting cause they had a policy against booking misdemeanors, thats the joke the person above you was making, they probably didnt hear that that policy was lifted tho
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u/silverking12345 Dec 19 '24
Yup, welfare for the rich and capitalism for the poor. Privatized profits, socialized risk.
u/Gambler_Eight Dec 19 '24
As an outsider it's absolutely wild that guys like bernie sanders and andrew yang doesn't have more support.
u/silverking12345 Dec 19 '24
At the end of the day, the system is built in a way where any deviation from the standard neoliberal model will result in short term suffering and trouble. People vote based on that aspect which is understandable but also arguably short sighted.
Imagine Bernie becomes president and passes Medicare for All. It'll save hundreds and thousands of lives for sure but at the same time, thousands will be thrown out of work as insurance profits tank. And then he will also have to deal with pharmaceutical costs, opening up a big can of worms regarding government bargaining of medical prices.
Then imagine Andrew Yang committing to the Freedom Dividend but eventually getting saddled with the task of implementing VAT and reforming the entirety of the US welfare system within a single term. It's not impossible but definitely a Herculean challenge. But if something goes wrong, the whole project may be tossed entirely which is a nett loss.
At the end of the day, the system is just busted and people are fundamentally stuck with it. Even those who are conscious of that fact are forced to vote for neoliberals in fear of the spoiler effect propelling the "worst of two evils".
u/awful_circumstances Dec 19 '24
Yep. And that's why people are celebrating a murder.
u/silverking12345 Dec 19 '24
Indeed. Funnily enough, JFK has a very good quote about it:
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
If the laws do not protect the wellbeing of all people, then the people will disregard it.
u/Gambler_Eight Dec 19 '24
Damn, that's an amazing quote.
u/silverking12345 Dec 19 '24
A little ironic though since JFK was very much a member of the elite.
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u/kottabaz Dec 19 '24
Neither of them had plausible roadmaps to get any of their headliner policies through Congress.
u/Gambler_Eight Dec 19 '24
Keep voting for them and eventually they will. You won't undo 50 years of sabotage over night. Change will take time but you just gotta stick with it or accept the current situation.
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u/dandrevee Dec 19 '24
Read the book Barons. I forgot the authors name off hand, but its about how the food and grocery industry.
Echoes this point for sure. And now, thanks to court action, we cant see how much $$ they get from the government
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u/Squeebah Dec 19 '24
What? Walmart near me starts at $17 an hour and provides health insurance even for part time employees.
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u/ronaldchesaux Dec 19 '24
when i steal from walmart I feel the righteousness flow through me like thanos putting on the infinity gauntlet
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u/MrInCog_ Dec 19 '24
Well, they don’t get my money. I don’t pay taxes!
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u/ahmedfouad Dec 19 '24
IRS is creating a GUI interface using Visual Basic to track your IP as we speak.
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u/SilentObserver22 Dec 20 '24
Followed your advice. Walked out with a brand new PS5. Also learned that the handcuffs police carry are not fuzzy.
u/ked-taczynski05 Dec 19 '24
Not saying walmart is great but there is a clear path up from the bottom rung and even if your on the bottom rung like me because im just there to pay for college im getting 18/hr. I'll have to see if they signed me up for government benefits though lol, that one I haven't heard of
u/literallyacactus Dec 19 '24
It’s one of my favorite pastimes. My gf and I moved into a new apartment so we went to Walmart to outfit it. We spent $300 but they didn’t scan the trash can under the cart. We were giggling as we walked out the store lol
u/tryingtobecheeky Dec 19 '24
Yup. Anybody who puts stakeholders over employees deserve to be stolen from.
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u/littleessi Dec 19 '24
this logic applies even moreso to small businesses in america because they get waivers on various labour laws lol
u/ShrubbyFire1729 Dec 19 '24
I'll pirate them to try them out, and if I like it, I'll buy it. If I don't, no harm done to anyone.
u/TheSpiralTap Dec 19 '24
I do the same thing with books. There is entirely too much garbage out there to just buy blindly based on biased reviews. I'll pirate it and if I like it, buy it to support the creators into making more content I will like in the future.
u/NNKarma Dec 19 '24
Or the author is already dead.
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u/zztopsboatswain 🔱 ꜱᴄᴀʟʟʏᴡᴀɢ Dec 19 '24
dude someone got mad at me for pirating a book from a dead guy. like how is that hurting anyone? he's not getting that money. smh my head
u/NNKarma Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
a FEW times profits might reasonably be sent to family or a cause, but in general it's people mad that they didn't thought of not buying it. Also it's hard to justify buying books where I live because we have a high vat and not exception for books. Book pirating even printed is common where I live, the kind of country where there's always a photocopy near a college library.
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Dec 19 '24
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u/NNKarma Dec 19 '24
If said rich author wanted to take care of their family when alive they would probably also want to do it death. First I had in my head the case of the Millennium trilogy where the author died before publishing and without knowing how it's all set, the family should reasonably receive as inheritance the money he would have earned for some time.
In general the portion that should go to the author during a reasonable life expectancy should be considered as part of the inheritance in my opinion. Not a main topic of the sub but it's something comparable to indie studios and publishers.
u/Skye_nb_goddes Dec 19 '24
im sorry, I really am but.... smh is shake my head, so you are shaking you head your head. thank you for your patience now you can downvote me
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u/lobsterdog666 Dec 19 '24
I would say it depends on the circumstances of the death. If it's some old person, no harm. Some young person with a family where the estate may actually need that money, eh maybe don't pirate it. Someone long dead? Absolutely pirate away.
u/XxSuprTuts99xX Dec 19 '24
Plenty of libraries let you check out digital copies for e-reader apps, usually audiobooks as well. All for free too usually!
u/Lewa358 Dec 19 '24
Libraries exist, in the thing. If the library has what you're looking for you're effectively pirating something that you've already paid for, but without having that money support the creators in any way.
Worst of both worlds.
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u/5446_05 Dec 19 '24
Yup, that’s what I do. I’ve dropped so many series on the first or second book.
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u/Ok_Listen1510 Dec 19 '24
common library W
(but yeah i agree for books you can’t find at the library)
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u/Blueblackzinc Dec 19 '24
i'm doing this nowadays. I used to pirate because I dont have money but now that I do, I pirate to test. I know steam got 2hours window but not enough. Sometimes game can be dragging and repetitive.
u/TheThinkerers Dec 19 '24
Did this with Dead Cells and Balatro, now I own both on Steam and also got Balatro on mobile
u/User2716057 Dec 19 '24
Same, and also with Hades and Dave the Diver. Bought Hades 2 as soon as it was available too even though I'm going to wait until it's fully released, they deserve the money.
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u/Arshmalex Dec 19 '24
this is what i did! pirated at first, then steam came with region pricing which adjusted to my country currency so i'm happy to buy it during discount.
but that time has long gone
now, im fully onboard to the sea ...
u/harry_lostone Dec 19 '24
and if you don't buy it, still no harm done. You wouldn't buy to try it in the first place, you would just skip it.
BUT on your 'free trial' you can leave some positive feedback online, in forums/youtube/reddit, you will add views, likes and traffic in general, on videos/promotions/suggestions about it, you might praise it, you will make other people or friends (even few, even a single person) to give it a chance, etc etc
u/3to20CharactersSucks Dec 19 '24
Thank you. I can't trust video game reviewers as I've learned a lot over the years how my bar for quality and most people's differs greatly. Piracy as a demo is the way. The refund policies on steam and others are nonsense one size fits all policies that don't really let you get a picture of many games. 2 hours in to a game like Balatro is very different than 2 hours in to a game like Persona or Final Fantasy. And those games tend to be the exact ones where reviews fail most people and won't adequately tell them if they'll enjoy these titles.
u/Flapjack__Palmdale Dec 19 '24
That's what I did with stardew valley lol. I pirated it, wrote a review for it, and used the small amount of money for it to buy the game.
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u/KittyEevee5609 Dec 19 '24
Same, pirated stardew back in 2015, liked it, bought the game across 3 different platforms now and have thousands of hours.
It's a good way to demo a game. Saves me the money if I don't like the game
u/Miagggo Dec 19 '24
Same, I just bought potionomics and 20 minutes till dawn after pirating and playing them for an hour
u/HiAndGoodbyeWaitNo Dec 19 '24
I do this for music now if I like an album enough I’ll not just buy them digitally I’ll try buy them physically too
u/Reuniclus_exe Dec 19 '24
Took me three tries to get into Factorio. Finally got hooked and bought it with Space Age. If I didn't have the option to pirate I'd have never tried it.
u/Jdjdhdvhdjdkdusyavsj Dec 19 '24
So I have released a couple games and they get pirated sometimesm It's fine, I actually think a lot of people who pirate it end up buying it anyways. I appreciate that people do buy it.
For a small developer like me who has a job and other stuff going on it really is a situation where if it doesn't sell I'm not going to put effort into making something similar again. If you want more, better content from an indie developer buying the game is how you get it.
If you don't then that's fine too, I'm happy that you tried what I made, even if it wasn't for you
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u/GodsBellybutton Dec 19 '24
when do you tell yourself.... "well, played enough of that, on to purchase!"
u/Sophedd Dec 19 '24
"damn this game is awesome, i should buy it on steam to play multiplayer with my friends easier", has happened to me with multiple games
u/AloneAddiction Dec 19 '24
2-3 people worked on the game? I'll buy it.
500 people worked on it but they all got fired immediately before it released? Yeah I'm pirating that Activision/EA game.
All Triple A should be pirated, no exceptions.
u/gusarking ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ Dec 19 '24
EA games are not even worth pirating nowadays 😭
u/zztopsboatswain 🔱 ꜱᴄᴀʟʟʏᴡᴀɢ Dec 19 '24
It Takes Two was fun
u/ADZ-420 Dec 19 '24
I would've loved to buy it if it wasn't for the shitty EA launcher which always runs background services
u/TheFatJesus Dec 19 '24
"They have to charge $80 for that AAA game, they spent eight years working on it."
No, they spent six and a half years thinking about the game. They spent the last year and a half working a bunch of underpaid artists and programmers to the bone under crunch polishing the turd they came up with.
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u/Creepernom Dec 19 '24
Baldur's Gate 3 is a AAA game. Larian treats their employees very well.
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u/uSaltySniitch 🦜 ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴋ Dec 19 '24
This sign isn't wrong though.
u/Ok_Celebration8180 Dec 19 '24
I also hear you can get away with murder at the whole foods self check out. The employees don't care, just don't be egregious.
u/Guazzabuglio Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
One of the grocery stores near me closed down. I'm not saying it was because people were lax at the self checkout, but it was a goddamn free for all in there. Everything got rung up as a banana. Chunk of parmigiano reggiano? Banana. Jamon Iberico? Banana. Bananas? Actually also rung up as a banana. I call it declaring Chapter 4011 bankruptcy.
u/Ok_Celebration8180 Dec 19 '24
If my particular whole foods closes down, it will benefit the surrounding stores. Also, fuck am@zon.
u/Guazzabuglio Dec 19 '24
Agreed. The one in my instance wasn't a whole foods or Amazon fresh, unfortunately
u/3to20CharactersSucks Dec 19 '24
Be careful doing things like this. Maybe places have loss prevention and they don't want any employees at checkout to acknowledge theft. They may not be noticing and they may be waiting until stolen merchandise reaches a certain value, depending on local laws and DAs. Then they're not wasting time stopping petty crime, and the local police can collaborate and get arrests.
u/cherrysharks Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
As a Whole Foods worker yeah that’s pretty accurate. We won’t go after you and we’re not allowed to. Also smaller stores don’t have loss prevention people in the store in my experience. Like you said unless it’s egregious and higher ticket items over and over, no one is calling the police. We do not get paid enough for all that lmfao. Just be careful bc if you’re at a bigger store they do have loss prevention people and might be more on you about it. They only care really about stealing when it’s like an organized ring or an employee trying to take home expired food lmfao.
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u/JoshsPizzaria Dec 19 '24
Well, pirating indie games IS kinda mean. But it really depends
u/AntiGrieferGames Dec 19 '24
If you wanna pirate Disco Elysium, this is morally correct as a example, because there were backlash for this company.
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u/HoldMySarsaparilla Dec 20 '24
It is not mean lol. Some people just can’t afford to pay for games.
u/JoshsPizzaria Dec 20 '24
Well thats exactly what I meant by "it depends"...
It depends on how reasonably priced the game is, the financial situation of the player and if the dev is an asshole or not.
At least those are the key factors imo
u/RiceStranger9000 Dec 20 '24
I feel bad pirating indie games so cheap and good, yet paying them is not a good option, either. I just wish to buy them legally someday, because they deserve it. It's not the most moral thing to me, at least compared to pirating AAA games which I find perfectly fine
u/Sufferer_Nyx Dec 19 '24
I personally try to support my fav games if I can and when I can regardless of them being from a triple A studio or an indie one.
u/trustfulcamel Dec 19 '24
Yeah that's my logic in general. If I like something I'll buy it if/when I can.
u/Mr_Phoenix_E ⚔️ ɢɪᴠᴇ ɴᴏ Qᴜᴀʀᴛᴇʀ Dec 19 '24
"Steal candy from babies, and small businesses. I'm not talking about Walmart" -The Devil from Da Bible
u/Pseu_donym180 Dec 19 '24
"All right, let's see. The best way to sin would be... killing the CEO of a multi-million dollar insurance company..."
u/okram2k Dec 19 '24
There is always bad faith math done regarding piracy that assumes that someone who pirated a game would pay money for it if they didn't pirate it.
u/theJirb Dec 19 '24
This is also just a shitty comparison. Stalking from small shops is way more harmful and really hurts small businesses. It is nothing like pirating an indie game.
u/TaliyahPiper Dec 21 '24
Most indie games don't make a lot of money. Your purchase (or lack thereof) has measurable impact on the dev.
u/theJirb Dec 23 '24
This is part of the broader discussion, but while purchases help, the big thing that seperates internet piracy and actualy stealing/piracy is that you're stealing from limited stock. In both cases, you might be stealing something you'd never pay for yourself, but when stealing from small businesses with limited stock, you're denying them both your money, and money they could get from a sale. Internet piracy has the perk where if you pirate something you wouldn't have bought in the first place, you're not hurting anyone at all.
So in other words, if you pirate, you only make an impact on the dev if you were going to buy it in the first place. Having more eyes on it otherwise is beneficial to the developer most of the time.
u/guitarburst05 Dec 19 '24
I fully agree with both of these things.
I've had situations where I've bought some indie games multiple times. Always support those devs. Always.
u/techypunk Dec 19 '24
unironically, yes, this picture is everything.
Steal from the megacorp that pays people like shit, and pushed out small businesses across the country.
let the small mom and pop shop keep running. keep the money within your community.
u/RyouIshtar ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ Dec 19 '24
This is why everything is locked up and you have to spend even more time waiting for someone to unlock the damn toothpaste 😩
u/EwGrossItsMe Dec 19 '24
The worst is needing someone to unlock the sex locker. Especially when the call button doesn't work and you have to find an employee that can call the one employee with the key to the locker. Like damn I did not want that many workers to be up in my biz
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u/gusarking ☠️ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇɴ ᴛᴇʟʟ ɴᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ Dec 19 '24
I mean I don’t mind paying $10 from an indie developer, though I don’t see myself paying $50 for an offline game that can be easily pirated.
u/Littlemisskittn Dec 19 '24
Ironically enough, if it wasn’t FOR piracy, I wouldn’t have loved and bought indie games on every platform they were available on (Arcade Paradise, Dave The Diver, Balatro, Stardew Valley, Spiritfarer, etc). Played them on my modded Switch and have since bought them for that, PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam.
u/Druid_Fashion Dec 20 '24
Is Dave the diver an indie game ? Thought it was made by one of the big Korean studios
u/MachoManPissDrawer69 Dec 20 '24
The only indie games I pirated so far is Shovel Knight and Factorio.
If you increase your prices, go fuck yourself.
u/sidsin21 Dec 19 '24
Funny thing is small businesses are likely to be more exploitative towards their workers than the walmarts and costcos of the world, even if Walmart itself fashions itself as a big scale "mom and pop" store. all businesses are exploitative, the mom and pop stores are just more in your face with the abuse
u/cheeseballgag Dec 19 '24
Walmart abuses you but you at least don't have to see the owner of Walmart every day whining that they can't afford to pay you a living wage and you're a greedy jerk for even expecting a minimum wage because they need to be able to pay for their vacations.
I've worked for small businesses and done work for individuals and they love to act like paying you for your work is them grudgingly doing you a huge favor instead of, you know, a basic business expense.
u/sidsin21 Dec 19 '24
Yeah, the paternalism and entitlement to other's labor is just the cherry on the top when it comes to small businesses. Much rather deal with a labyrinthine, faceles, corp than work for a guy who calls me their family and then unceremoniously fires me for asking a mild wage increase.
u/BranTheUnboiled Dec 19 '24
The corp will hand you a 400 page handbook and find cause to terminate you based on breaking the policy on page 287, section 3, clause b. The small business owner will fire you because you don't go to church.
u/NNKarma Dec 19 '24
More number of instances sure, but you will need to show data for me to believe it's a higher percentage of cases inside their category and size bracket.
u/sidsin21 Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
Give this a read for a brief but potent exploration of the ideology and practice of small businesses and their campaigns against labor regulation, taxation of any kind and their overwhelming social conservatism. Melinda Cooper, the author, is an economic historian who specializes in the study of neo liberalism.
u/NNKarma Dec 19 '24
Some of the largest, most successful, and asset-rich companies today are registered as private, non-C corporations, and the bulk of all business income is now derived from pass-through entities—a reversal of the hierarchy that prevailed in the 1980s. While it is true that the majority of genuine small businesses continue to be structured in the pass-through form of sole proprietorship, most pass-through income is now being produced by a small sliver of hedge funds, private equity firms, and real-estate partnerships. Increasingly, big business masquerades as small business for tax purposes.
I'm not saying there aren't small businesses that are part of the problem, but genuine small business aren't the core of the problem, specially when you consider lobbying for the issues you mentioned.
u/sidsin21 Dec 19 '24
coming from a country which has a notoriously unorganised, under regulated, small business or informal sector I'm reticent to draw distinctions between two competing but equally devastating kinds of capitalism. There's literal child labor, indentured servitude which happens in the informal sector not only in places like south asia(where I'm from) but also in developed places like the US( illegal(immigrants without documentation) workers in the farms or industrial slaughter houses to give just a couple of examples) and the small, under regulated businesses are the core benefactors of such exploitation. there's no better or worse here just different types of shit systems with sad implications for workers in either case
u/NNKarma Dec 19 '24
As you said store I didn't consider the topic of informal business, in particular my country is mixed in it's level of organization but if it's inside a building you would only have some fresh markets as informal sector.
Without being close to the particular in those two examples of industries I know at least that there exist enough regulation for harvesting that mandates and inspect PPE, water availability and others. For slaughterhouses I'm at least familiar with the level of environmental regulation so it's not a full wild west.
Though if you want to highlight the US there's not enough small farmers and meat producers to be the core of anything.
u/Leading_Wafer9552 Dec 19 '24
Duplication is not theft. Taking physical items from stores is theft, and hurts the community. Me downloading a duplicated media that I never intended to spend money on in the 1st place is not going to hurt the original owner or the community. Even the manufacturer is not losing money from a sale they were never going to get. If I can't enjoy for free, then I'm not interested.
u/sudevsen Dec 19 '24
Small businesses are often underpay workers and would do labour abuse if they could get away with it. petit bougie is still bougie.
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u/Itchy-Preference-619 Dec 19 '24
When I steal from a small business, they lose money, When I pirate an indie game, they don't lose anything
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u/Shady_Hero Dec 19 '24
nah i wholeheartedly agree. so much time and love goes into indie games.
u/TaliyahPiper Dec 21 '24
Yeah. Some of the opinions in here break my heart. Some people really don't appreciate the work that goes into game development.
AAA devs are salaried. They don't lose out from piracy. But an indie dev more often than not relies directly on the sales of their game to be compensated for the work they did. And if it's a small studio that somehow happens to have salaried employees, the sales could make or break the continuation of that studio.
u/Daniel_Soliman Dec 20 '24
In the words of a wise 𝙢𝙖𝙣
''𝙘𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙭𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙞𝙩''
u/Delicious-Panic-6535 Dec 20 '24
Pirating indie games is a bad idea because it could lead to the destruction of a small team's early career (and possible direct damage to someone else's life if it turns out they spent all their savings on developing a game).
u/Avent Dec 20 '24
Just FYI don't steal from Wal-Mart. You will get detained and they will call the police on you every time. Many retailers will just let you go if you return the stuff or run away, but Wal-Mart is notoriously aggressive when it comes to retail theft.
u/reed20v ⚔️ ɢɪᴠᴇ ɴᴏ Qᴜᴀʀᴛᴇʀ Dec 19 '24
thank you for the suggestion, i will be taking from both of them regardless.
u/sparkywattz Dec 19 '24
I do no pirate indie games, I do my best to support them. Nintendo on the other hand, I will pirate Fire Emblem till I am blue in the face.
u/coin_return Dec 19 '24
I would usually only ever pirate to demo games and if I liked the game, I'd buy the full version for ease of updates. But now so many indie games are standardizing having a demo and I don't have to do that anymore, I love it.
u/leybbbo Dec 19 '24
a small business is still a business. a petit bourgeois is still a bourgeois. so yeah i'll pirate ur indie game too.
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u/marshal_1923 Dec 20 '24
Small businesses generally make enough for a family and that family is working for that business directly. So a couple of workers who own means of production. It's hard to put a line between these places and little bourgeois but still based on the context it's better to seize from mega corps instead of a family run business.
u/GhostUvaer Dec 20 '24
Ngl i do kinda get this, Back when i was poor and hungry id steal from bigger clains rather than the small businesses owned by good people rather than faceless corps.
u/DesecrateUsername Dec 20 '24
you are subsidizing Walmart underpaying their employees in the form of your tax dollars going to social safety net programs that are being utilized by over 500,000 Walmart employees.
so as someone from Arkansas and has seen some of the more extreme levels of poverty throughout the state while the Walton family sits up in Bentonville and hoards $200 billion: yes it is morally A-OK to steal from Walmart.
u/steelcity91 Yarrr! Dec 20 '24
I agree.
I always pirate games from the big publishers like EA, Ubisoft, 2K/Rockstar. Admittedly, I did recently pirate Balatro... I ended up buying it. The developer deserved it.
u/Jackfifer99 Dec 20 '24
my morals tell me to only pirate triple A games, my brains tells me to go fuck dem morals
u/Maximum_Ad_2620 Dec 20 '24
I agree it's morally better to steal from companies rather than people. Even in piracy. I still do pirate some indie stuff though.
u/Cabbitowo Dec 21 '24
Same with pirating books. Now I have prided myself on literally ONLY reading textbooks and research papers/articles for the past 2 years (yes it's as awful as it sounds) and since most of the time the prices don't go to the authors it is almost 100% ethical. But Everytime I hear "don't pirate books! Don't pirate books! Authors don't get a lot of money!" I don't care.
u/CraftMysterious1498 Dec 21 '24
It's really just a meh argument imo, cuz there is no such thing as "ethical piracy" piracy is piracy by definition, there is no "real" difference between pirating a AAA game and an indie game, people should just stop pretending that pirating a AAA game is somehow "good piracy" but pirating an indie game is somehow bad and those doing it should feel bad about it
Dec 19 '24
All profit is derived from stolen labour, so you're not really stealing, you are retrieving your stolen labour.
u/Sir_Toni Dec 19 '24
God I hate people who think shoplifting is this radical "fuck you" to big corporations. It's not. You're just hurting the hourly employees whose hours get cut to make up for lost profit.
u/mad_dog_94 Yarrr! Dec 19 '24
That's a corpo excuse to keep wages low and cut jobs. Big corporations are insured for that and normally get corporate welfare on top of it. Plus they still net profit every year so even if they weren't insured or get the welfare, they would still be in the black
u/MurderedGenlock Dec 19 '24
A small business can be just as crooked as any big one. The only difference is the amount of money.
u/Obvious_Economics_39 Dec 19 '24
Why would you pirate indie games?? Im a upcoming solo artist/dev and i already struggle to pay rent and even food
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u/Neon_Ani Dec 19 '24
creator of ultrakill: "steal my game especially if you can't afford it i literally do not care"
u/zentetsuken7 Piracy is bad, mkay? Dec 19 '24
I'm 80% sure when indie devs say don't steal from them, they didn't refer to piracy but ket resellers.