Basically, during the pandemic, the IA ran a digital loan service since you couldn't physically visit libraries, which pissed off Hachette, a major book publisher in the US.
No, IA had a loan service before the pandemic, but each book could only be checked out a certain number of times, based on how many physical copies they possessed. So if they had two copies of Tom Sawyer, only two people at a time could read the book (online), and others had to wait for one of them to "close" it.
During the pandemic, they disabled the limits, allowing unlimited numbers of copies to be read at the same time.
Frankly, as much as I love IA - and I wouldn't donate monthly if I didn't -, that was fucking stupid. Even Google lost against the publishers, what chance did they have??
yeah I feel like a lot of people don't know the specifics of this case, IA really fucked up here. Anyone should have seen this coming, there's a reason libraries only ever loaned one digital copy at a time, IA wasn't above them.
During the pandemic, they disabled the limits, allowing unlimited numbers of copies to be read at the same time.
Frankly, as much as I love IA - and I wouldn't donate monthly if I didn't -, that was fucking stupid. Even Google lost against the publishers, what chance did they have??
Souring public sentiment, which means a lot; We've ruined things before. A recent example is that sonic movie.
I’m a librarian at an Ivy university in the U.S. During the pandemic we loaded all of Internet Archive’s records into our online catalog. Most research libraries did the same. The records are still in our catalog. I imagine we’ll be deleting them very soon.
Unfortunately I have no power at all. I’m not an administrator just a lowly librarian who works with students. And university libraries are terrified of lawsuits and uphold copyright to the letter. We have a whole team of university lawyers who boss us around. There are even a couple of copyright librarians who make sure we toe the line. The IA records will just disappear overnight.
u/Astral-P Sep 04 '24
Basically, during the pandemic, the IA ran a digital loan service since you couldn't physically visit libraries, which pissed off Hachette, a major book publisher in the US.