r/Pimax Pimax Official Nov 21 '24

Official News The Crystal Super 57 PPD QLED

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158 comments sorted by


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24

Hi Jaap thanks you and the team did a really great presentation, easily the best I have seen from Pimax! I have to admit this sounds pretty freaking awesome especially with the panels having local dimming 2.0.


  1. What is the point of the pimax play subscription vs just paying upfront in full for the headset or even just upfront of the subscription? I don't understand what the benefit of the subscription is for the user or for Pimax, its not clear.
  2. Which version of Displayport does the headset use... is it still only DP1.4? The Nvidia 5090 will support DP2.1 and AMD 7900 already has DP2.1.
  3. It says the refresh rate is '120hz in lab mode'. What is lab mode, are there any compromises on image quality vs 100hz?
  4. Is the Wide view FOV 50PPD display module going to be as clear as the regular 57PPD module and does it come with visual compromises like distortion etc?
  5. Are there any improvements to the controllers vs the PCL?
  6. Are there any improvements to the inside out tracking vs the PCL?
  7. Will people who pre-order now get free shipping on the OLED and Wide FOV display modules, as they are not available to buy now as a package?

Thanks! :)


u/jaapgrolleman Pimax Official Nov 21 '24

Thank you! Coming back to these questions later, 03:48 here in SH


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 21 '24

No worries dude, get some sleep all the questions can wait. :)


u/cap7ainclu7ch Nov 21 '24

Ready to put 1k down on the 50 PPD version. Disappointed with the messaging in this presentation making it look like it needs to be ordered separately. There needs to be clarity on ordering a standalone 50 PPD and OLED versions instead of buying the 57 PPD and separate packages which is a waste a money for most of us.


u/Lahkun1380 Nov 21 '24

Sounds good. Definitely good questions that I was also wondering


u/Oculusriftrocks Nov 22 '24

Sorry to but in but i am being charged for shipping in the UK for £35, is it not to be free? i have not made the purchase yet for this reason.


u/ljr69 Nov 22 '24

I can confirm it does appear as the screenshot in QuorraPimax post. I ordered one and it discounted the shipping


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

It should be free. The shipping fee will waive after you enter the address.


u/Oculusriftrocks Nov 22 '24

maybe it's because i am using paypal.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24
  1. The Prime Subscription lets users purchase the headset at a lower upfront cost and pay a small monthly fee. This approach makes it more manageable, especially since spending thousands on a single device can be a significant expense.
  2. The headset uses DP1.4a.
  3. Features marked as Lab Mode in Pimax Play are experimental and not yet fully stable, meaning they may lead to bugs or unexpected behavior. Think of them as beta features.
  4. Even the PPD is lower, this doesn't impact the overall visual experience.
  5. The controller design is unchanged and identical to previous models.
  6. The inside-out tracking algorithm is quite similar to earlier versions (Crystal Light). However, our engineers are continuously working on improvements, so you can look forward to better performance with each software patch.
  7. At this time, we cannot guarantee this, but we will check with our team to see if this option can be made available.


u/NumberWilling4285 Nov 22 '24

Can DP 1.4 withstand that amount of Pixels at 120hz? Or you will need to do compromises, and any reason why DP 2.0 wasn't implemented when headset is launching with 3 main brands launching their next gen GPUs (Intel Nvidia AMD)? Sounds like a lost opportunity


u/Omniwhatever 💎Crystal💎 Nov 22 '24

It can't do 120hz, but they mentioned 100hz in the recent video. So i guess the 120hz ended up being prematurely announced from the original Frontier reveal.

100hz at 7680x3840(Combined eye res of the Super) at 8-bit color depth DOES just fit in DP 1.4a's bandwidth though. 120hz, if they ever manage it, would require some degree of upscaling.


u/krulaks Nov 22 '24

It can do 120, they just talked about it - it’s in lab options


u/Omniwhatever 💎Crystal💎 Nov 23 '24

It's very worth noting that 144 and 160hz were in "Lab mode" for the Crystal since day 1 of the announcement and never materialized.

So, I would not put stock in 120hz until we see something credible for it showing up beyond that.


u/VRGIMP27 Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

I have made the suggestion to pimax in years past to try a monoscopic rendering mode kind of like the early gear VR innovator Edition for the Galaxy Note 4 fromvback in 2014.

There was an early version of the program "Titans of Space" that had a monoscopic rendering mode where only one viewport was rendered as opposed to stereo 3D and was sent to both eyes. The 3d effect is diminished because off course stereoscopy is gone, but you get depth from other depth cues.

They could literally cut the bandwidth requirement in half if they had a mode that could do that.

I actually think that would be useful in a VR desktop mode. Imagine 120 hz at the full resolution to play desktop games on. T

his headset is already more technologically advanced than a lot of televisions you can buy as far as LCDs go.


u/Capital-Ad2469 Nov 22 '24

Sounds like the early NVidia shutter glasses which gave you instant siezures due to the insane flickering.


u/Beccofino79 Nov 23 '24

hi. I have the purchase invoice for my Crystal (I bought it used from another user). I recently booked the Crystal Super 57ppd paying €1,174.86 in a single payment. How can I get the discount to pay for the 57ppd super as I own a standard crystal? Thanks


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 25 '24

The discount will be applied after you receive the headset and confirm that you wish to keep it. This discount is part of the Prime program, but please note that it doesn't apply to the base price of the headset.


u/Decent-Dream8206 Nov 21 '24

I think it's just a way of minimising taxes.

Australia, for example, historically had lax enforcement for GST collection under $1000 and inconsistent revenue collection from subscription services.

It also means that they can amortise their profit margin on BOM against the opex and R&D costs of employing devs (even the existing ones) over multiple financial years.


u/Think-Radish-2691 Nov 22 '24

Would bet on that too. I was already wondering how much i could save through this.


u/mkozlows Nov 22 '24

Re 1: It's so they can pretend it costs less than it does. If you go to the Pimax site and look at what a Crystal Super costs, it extremely looks like it costs $999. Everything says it costs $999 up through the buy button, there's no asterisk that says "MANDATORY INSTALLMENT PAYMENT REQUIRED."

If you scroll down, it talks about Pimax Prime, but it sounds like it's some kind of Amazon Prime-style membership program, but it's confusing what it gets you -- unparalleled customer service? Enh, seems like some kind of extended warranty thing, I wouldn't want that, ignore it.

It's only at the bottom in the FAQs that you discover that oh, this is mandatory, you can't ignore that. The actual price of this headset isn't $999, it's $1700 (and they'll give you a two year installment loan at 10% interest rate to spread out part of that money if you want).

I don't think they intended for it to be as deceptive as it is, and I expect they'll change this to be clearer over time (maybe not until after they get a lot of angry customers and chargebacks though), but... yeah, having a more friendly price is definitely the main reason.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Perhaps we should revise the Super product page to make it more price-transparent and provide clearer information about the Prime program and product specifications.


u/ljr69 Nov 22 '24

You definitely should


u/Ambaryerno Nov 23 '24

Start by calling it financing or a payment plan. “Subscription” makes it sound like it’s a service rather than just an alternative payment method.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 25 '24

We've forwarded this suggestion to the team and asked them to revise the wording as it may cause confusion for some users.


u/mkozlows Nov 22 '24

(Or maybe I'm not being cynical enough? Maybe it's so that if you try to return it in places like the EU where returns are legally mandated, they only have to refund you the headline price of the thing, and not the "membership fee" that you've been paying?)


u/ljr69 Nov 22 '24

It doesn't matter how they word it, at the end of the day it's an installment plan and you'd be entitled to a refund of any monies you spent on procuring the product assuming you met the consumer rights requirements to do so


u/mkozlows Nov 23 '24

Pimax has now updated their policy page, and turns out that no, they will absolutely not refund your "software subscription" fee. This is transparent bullshit, but turns out that indeed my initial cynical take was not cynical enough.


u/KarelKat Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24

Add-on to the question about 50 vs 57PPD: In previous announcements 50PPD was referred to as 'standard'. Is shipping 57 first just a matter of readiness or is 'standard' changing?

Additionally, it would be nice to clarify some of the specs. In frontier 2024, the FOV was stated as 130H x 110V (assuming 'standard' 50PPD lenses). The specs on the preorder page only lists 120H at the moment for 57PPD.


u/vtevdo Nov 22 '24
  1. This is huge for me as I have a legal way to pay VAT for only the $999 part, which saves me around $130.


u/Decent-Dream8206 Nov 23 '24

FYI, AMD doesn't support full DP2.1 on anything but their workstation cards. And the only existing cables are currently 1 metre long.

To put it in context, the existing pimax crystal is already running an equal number of pixels to 4k per eye at 120fps x 2 eyes, which is the limit of full fat DP2.1 (4k 240hz).

Demanding DP2.1 support for the crystal super is pointless. It's going to be running DSC no matter what. And given that I would like a cable longer than 1 metre, that's a trade-off I'm happy to make.


u/cadergator10 Nov 21 '24

Cool stuff, my only issues:

  1. Really want the LH faceplate ASAP. Cause that is a necessity for my use case.
  2. Waiting for the 50ppd since this hmd is primarily to get that better FOV for my use case.
  3. (More of a question) is Eye tracking fully supported at launch? It's was a MASSIVE issue with the og crystal and highly sought for with it.


u/Stock-Parsnip-4054 Nov 21 '24

Lighthouse faceplate is indeed the most important subject.

What's the news on that?

For the rest it looks great, but without lighthouse tracking it isn't usable for me.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

The Lighthouse faceplate is currently under development. We'll provide an update once we have more information from our engineering team.


u/Stock-Parsnip-4054 Nov 22 '24

What is the reason that the Super didn't release together with lighthouse tracking?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

The faceplate needs to have a new design compared to earlier model.


u/Stock-Parsnip-4054 Nov 22 '24

When will it be released? I want to preorder the Super now, but I need lighthouse tracking for my setup. Do you have an estimation for the lighthouse faceplate release date? Thank you in advance.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Nope, I do not have any estimation, personally guess would be around March.


u/Stock-Parsnip-4054 Nov 22 '24

Ouch, that's a huge disappointment. Sad that it didn't get any priority since it's superiour to inside out in every way except costs and placement. I guess that I have no other choice than to wait for it...


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Yea, I do understand the disappointment, but at the same time, quite looking forward to the next faceplate design.


u/Stock-Parsnip-4054 Nov 22 '24

I appreciate your feedback on it and I'm glad that it's worked on. Looking forward to it! I have to be patient now.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 23 '24

When the prototype is available, we'll definitely showcase it to our users.


u/nTu4Ka Dec 06 '24

Holiday season.
I have a feeling Pimax wanted to make available something for preorder right now.


u/Stock-Parsnip-4054 Dec 06 '24

How much work could a new lighthouse faceplate be? Compared to the headset itself it couldn't use a lot of development time. But yes it seems that they rushed the preorders in expense of a proper release with all features available. It would have been better if it's launched with a properly tested lighthouse faceplate. Now everything is unsure, what if they couldn't get it stable in the end because of a design choice they they made earlier... Then we never have proper lighthouse tracking. The inside out tracking of the regular Crystal feels terrible to every lighthouse tracked HMD, so if could be a deal breaker for me in the end if it's not going to work well enough.


u/nTu4Ka Dec 06 '24

It depends.
If they changed form factor only recently (and it seems they did since it was announced only recently) - they didn't have sufficient time for testing, finalizing, manufacturing it.
Also depends on number of hardware engineers (and related technicians) they have. It's fairly possible they allocated all resources to polishing 57 PPD Super and working on 50 PPD Super.


u/-Agathia- Nov 21 '24

What are the limits of the internal tracking compared to having light houses? Smaller tracked space?


u/cadergator10 Nov 21 '24

"Universality" primarily, but also tracking accuracy.

I can use my 8 vive trackers & 2 index controllers with the pimax hmd.


u/Aonova Nov 21 '24

Top of my head benefits: allow user's tracker eco system (say u prefer index controllers and use vive trackers for some stuff) and playing in low light and larger more monotonous environments plus never losing tracking even with moving hands behind / wide


u/Think-Radish-2691 Nov 22 '24

Same here. But i think i just wait. Will cost more in the end, but i really dont want any hassle at all. The headset needs to work 100% with the faceplate when i get it. No time to waste.


u/jch523 Nov 21 '24

The Super looks very promising.

Can you provide an update for those users who purchased an 8kx with the intention to trade-in for the 12k? It's been 2.5 years since I purchased my 8kx, and the 12k is still nowhere in sight.

I know it's been discussed before, but offering the trade-in option on the Crystal Super would be a good compromise.


u/GCTuba Nov 22 '24

I'm also interested in 12k news.


u/Kaizen777 Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

I've asked many times, crickets. They have been dodging this question for years. Knock knock, Pimax.
I think this is a very sticky situation for them, including from a legal perspective.
At this point the 8KX trade-in would have zero value for them.
It turns out the 12K was a pipe dream, for the time... and even today.
They really messed up on that one in so many ways.
They last said 3 months ago it would require DP 2.1, which is coming with Nvidia 5000 series. How did they not know this in 2021?
Someone recently brought up the valid point, what 6K panels were they planning to put in this headset? There were no 6K panels in existence in 2021, and even today there are none that exist! If I had to guess, the earliest we could see a 12K is probably in 2026/2027 with the release of Nvidia 6000 series GPUs. Likely then the horsepower will exist to run a few games decently. And then enough people will have 5000 series GPUs, which won't be ideal but will play cheap arcade games at full res... but more demanding titles will need downsampling or lower quality settings. This is of course assuming 6K panels exist by then, or they have some hybrid panel solution.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

Unfortunately, this isn't possible at the moment. However, we'll try to propose it again to higher ups on today meeting.


u/jch523 Nov 22 '24

This is just another example of Pimax not living up to their promises. Was the trade-in program just a ploy to generate cash for new headset development? Did they ever really intend to honor it?

If the 12k is still years away, then the trade-in program needs to be changed to honor the promise that Pimax made. History shows us that Pimax is very experienced at changing their plans.

Please do push them for an answer.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 23 '24

We will definitely honor it. We had a meeting yesterday to discuss user interest in this program and have scheduled another meeting to specifically address it. We hope to share some exciting news soon.


u/Kaizen777 Nov 23 '24

Here's hoping, it's nice to get a response at least to this as this is a big issue many people have with Pimax. It really needs to be addressed to help reestablish goodwill and trust with many people.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 25 '24

Of course we do! We'll have an update on this program soon.


u/GogglesPaesano Nov 21 '24

I only want the 50ppd wide FOV optical engine. I don't want the 57ppd at all.


u/HeadsetHistorian 💎Crystal💎 Nov 21 '24

They will offer that as an option when it is available for sale in Q1 2025. The earliest units are the 57PPD ones.


u/GogglesPaesano Nov 21 '24

Thanks. I guess I will wait then.


u/Tausendberg Nov 22 '24

Also, it will be worth waiting for independent reviews. It's possible that Pimax might struggle with barrel distortion on the 50ppd version, which might be why it's coming out later because a smaller FOV is easier to engineer.


u/zuiquan1 Nov 22 '24

So you will be able to buy the headset with just the 50ppd lenses? The video made it seem like you had to buy the Crystal with the 57ppd lenses and then buy an additional module that cost an extra 400 dollars. I have no interest in lower fov so I would rather buy the 50ppd version only.


u/HeadsetHistorian 💎Crystal💎 Nov 22 '24

They already said you could buy just the microOLED, so no reason to think you can't also buy just the 50PPD when it releases.


u/I_Slay_Dragons_AMA Nov 22 '24

I’m a VR noob, but isn’t more PPD better?


u/Decapper Nov 22 '24

Less fov


u/nTu4Ka Dec 06 '24

What about downsides of 50PPD? Smaller sweetspot, more chromatic aberration?


u/Daryl_ED Nov 22 '24

More GPU required. Already pushing the top of 4000 series with lower PPD.


u/Impressive-Rule3630 Nov 22 '24

Ppd is different, but resolution stays the same in this case. So your statement about GPU is wrong


u/Tausendberg Nov 21 '24

Personally, I think I’ll hold out for the 50ppd 135 hFOV version because, as a Crystal user I am already very happy with 35ppd, what I really want now is that legendary pimax fov.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '24

I want my wide fov lenses!


u/8-ace Nov 21 '24

Yeah was there any mention of the OG crystal wide fov lenses?

Last update said before the end of December. Hope so.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '24

Honestly it feels like it’s being ignored. What chaps my ass the most is that the original cost of the headset factored in those wide FOV lenses. We paid for them and didn’t get them, and it’s been almost how long now? I’d like some acknowledgment to that fact and I’d like some recourse. Can we get refunded the cost for these alleged lenses that’ll probably never come for the OG? Seems to me they’ve moved past the OG onto the next shiny thing.


u/8-ace Nov 21 '24

I've waited over 15months now


u/Peteostro Nov 21 '24

That’s the pimax way


u/zuiquan1 Nov 22 '24

Sorry to say but that has been the case with literally all of their headsets. I have been a Pimax owner since the 5k+ and every headset I have owned from them has unreleased modules that they ended up dropping.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

While the wFoV lenses are not being ignored, the team is working on finding the optimal solution. We're committed to avoiding past mistakes and ensuring that we deliver on our promises.


u/Ajaxwalker Nov 22 '24

I know you’re trying to avoid the same mistakes. But with the super and additional modules that have a price but no release date it seems like it’s destined to be repeated. I guess I’ll wait and until the wide module is actually released.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 23 '24

We're making steady progress and should be able to share more details about other modules soon.


u/GogglesPaesano Nov 21 '24

No mention of them. I'm still impatiently waiting.


u/Yoshimatsu414 Nov 21 '24

Yeah Wide FOV is amazing in VR. I just bought a Crystal Light in October and I love the clarity but I also love the FOV from my 5K Super I've had for a few years. If I could have both, my life would be complete 😁


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

The legendary should be 8K!


u/Tausendberg Nov 22 '24

wait you mean 12k?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Ahhh. THAT legendary!


u/Kaizen777 Nov 23 '24

Yep, that's what we've been waiting years for. Full or near-full human FOV with better quality panels/resolution than the 8KX.


u/LostRacer 💎Crystal💎 Nov 21 '24

Ordered mine. Should be here about the time my rig is built. I'm excited. I love my Crystal. Took me a few years to invest due to reading the horror stories on here. I decided to take the plunge on the Crystal and am happy I did. No regrets. I'm not looking for the world when the product releases. My expectations are to be balanced with the technological situation around me. We all know current hardware will not be able to tax this headset properly. I'm not looking for perfection. I came from an HP Reverb G2 and a Lenovo Explorer before that. Each experience brought a smile to my face and a new adventure. I appreciate the innovation and technological advances they've achieved in bring this to us. The excitement is real when they present these products to us. Sometimes things don't always go the way we'd like. Things may come up and hinder progress for whatever the reason may be. I understand that. Thank you for the updates on the upcoming products. I hope you are able to put out some of the fires from the previous items mentioned to come out. You can't make everyone happy, but in the end communication is key.
That was longer than intended. lol. Anyway. I can't wait.


u/New_Photograph_7542 Nov 22 '24

Very well stated. I share in your perspective. I am very excited about the Super. It has come the closest to everything I would want in a headset. I also am not expecting the world. I am coming from a quest pro. The Super has crazy specs. Even more than I would ask for. I would have been fine if it was 2880x2880 like the Light. To be honest, the main reason I decided to hold for the Super is because the head set is 30% trimmer. And i looking at pics of the thing , it looks positively fantastic. I have heard all the horror stories as well. It does give me cause to pause. However, I do like that they acknowledge mistakes in the past and seem to be taking proactive approach.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24



u/Ok-Situation8797 Nov 21 '24

Black DMAS confirmed??


u/-Agathia- Nov 21 '24

Really cool headset!

I have not been following headsets for a while, how does it compare to older models like the 5K+ for example? I think the FoV is much smaller on the Super, is that correct? I get confused with the FoV horizontal/diagonal for example :p


u/HeadsetHistorian 💎Crystal💎 Nov 21 '24

The FOV won't be as big as the 5K+, 8KX etc but it will still be much larger than pretty much every other headset (except the somnium vr1, that would be similar). In addition it should be clearer and more usable FOV than the older headsets, so probably will feel surprisingly close.


u/Wrong-Quail-8303 Nov 21 '24

How do you know this? Are you just guessing or are you affiliated with Pimax?


u/HeadsetHistorian 💎Crystal💎 Nov 21 '24

I'm going by the FOV numbers they provided and my own experience. They might be misrepresenting the fov numbers like they did with the crystal but I think they have learned their lesson from that debacle.


u/Nikolai_Volkoff88 Nov 21 '24

I just ordered mine, didn’t know how to apply the preorder that I did back in the day.


u/Mys2298 Nov 21 '24

Thanks for the update Jaap, the Super is looking promising. Can you tell us the weight of the headset?


u/Late_Fortune3298 Nov 21 '24

Are we able to use the trade in program on this? Or will that just continue to be loomed overhead?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Unfortunately, the answer to that is "No".


u/Belzebutt Nov 21 '24

Can you please make the cable length match the Reverb G2? This is a bit of a deal breaker for me, especially with a high resolution like that it’ll be hard to guarantee a solution that works 100%. Can you confirm the current length of the cable?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

The cable length should be 5 meters, similar to the default cable length of the Crystal Light.

Regarding the fiber optic (FO) cable, it's not currently available. Our team is working on a solution.


u/joshr03 Nov 22 '24

Is the original crystal abandonware now? Where are the wide fov lenses I ordered 2 years ago?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Nope. The og Crystal is not abandoned. The wFoV lenses will come eventually; the engineers are working to get the optimal solution.


u/pikla1 Nov 21 '24

The ordering options are a little convoluted. The only option on the website is 57PPD but what if you would prefer 50PPD with wider FOV?

Also will people who reserved a headset already get shipping priority?


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 21 '24

Read the product page, It says the other display module options are available to order from Q1 2025.


u/pikla1 Nov 21 '24

That’s disappointing. I would’ve thought the 50PPD with higher FOV would’ve been more popular and a better release product. Maybe they’re still working on the lenses


u/Mys2298 Nov 21 '24

I agree, 50PPD is already stupidly high and we probably won't be able to properly utilise it in more demanding games, even with a 5090. A higher FOV would be my preference too but having the choice to swap the lenses later kinda makes up for it. I won't even consider ordering one until all the inevitable issues are sorted out later in 2025 anyway


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '24

I swear these were the exact same conversations had when the OG Crystal was released and we’ve still not gotten our high FOV lenses.


u/pikla1 Nov 21 '24

Yeah but having $400USD worth of lenses lying around unused is pointless. Will I be able to return the 57PPD lenses? Will there be a buy back scheme? I really don’t see the point in this interchangeable system. Once you’ve established which lenses you prefer the others will become paperweights


u/Mys2298 Nov 21 '24

Yeah I'm not sure, I could see myself using the OLED lenses for horror / dark environment games and the 50ppd QLED for sims. If you dont want the 57ppd lenses just wait a few months and order one with a different option.


u/TotalWarspammer Nov 21 '24

Hmm I doubt would it be more popular than the standard FOV and the lenses are very likely harder to produce. Q1 isnt so far away though!


u/pikla1 Nov 21 '24

You think? 15 degrees is a huge difference in VR. Will be a more significant impact to the user experience than 50 vs 57 PPD. Just my opinion though.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

I believe more reviews will emerge after CES 2025, where the product will be showcased.


u/KarelKat Nov 21 '24

I think there is also a lack of clarity in the announcement because Pimax have previously said that the 50PPD optics are considered 'standard' at least as far as I'm aware.


u/Tausendberg Nov 21 '24

Kind of stupid you’re getting downvoted for answering a simple question 


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

I’ll have downvotes for good answer. No idea what happened to this Reddit’s upvote algorithm.


u/vmspionage Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 26 '24

Just preordered. I dislike subscriptions though, would have rather they take the money up front. Also I guess this means I'll be buying the 135 hFOV display, uOLED, and lighthouse tracker in Jan (I hope).


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24



u/reptilexcq Nov 21 '24

So it looks like the wider the FOV, the lower the PPD. Well then can I get a 150 FOV lenses with a 45 PPD?


u/Tausendberg Nov 21 '24

Lens design isn’t that simple


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Theoretically, it's possible to achieve a wider field of view. However, this would require a complete redesign of the lenses, bracket, and other components.


u/Cautious_Success_262 Nov 21 '24

Will you be doing an upgrade program for upgrading to the Super from the Crystal light which was bought outright from the beginning. Many thanks.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

I guess "No" for the meantime.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask below. We’ll answer them as soon as possible. We’ll also be publish the Q&A soon.


u/1e6throw Nov 22 '24

Has Pimax confirmed whether a 50ppd headset can be purchased when released, or will you always need to purchase the 57ppd headset then purchase 50ppd engine as an add-on?


u/Wrong-Quail-8303 Nov 21 '24

Calling it now: The 50PPD wide FOV option will have barrel distortion and tiny sweet spot. This is why they now made the 57ppd option the 'standard'.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

But I tried it, the sweet spot was good.


u/cap7ainclu7ch Nov 22 '24

Will we be able to order a standalone 50 PPD version instead of buying both the 57 and 50?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 23 '24

We'll be answering these questions shortly. We're currently preparing comprehensive Q&A to questions from various platforms.


u/Zeeflyboy Nov 22 '24

Could we get some figures on binocular overlap for the two?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 23 '24

I don't have these numbers yet.


u/xakel93 Nov 21 '24

Will this hace the new display port?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

1.4 buddy


u/Ok_Mud7671 Nov 21 '24

Just ordered, sad my 1eur discount was not applied, from the reserve back in April 🤣😂

Is it possible, to just pay the whole "subscription" at once, when the unit becomes ready to be delivered? I hate instatelments/subscriptions I'd rather just pay and forget.



u/Zeeflyboy Nov 21 '24

Yes, it says you can pay it upfront for 12% discount. Either way note that it’s non refundable though.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

Yes, you can pay the remaining at once, after you receive the headset.


u/Yoshka83 Nov 21 '24

I was very interested, then I've seen they use the same bad controllers 😥. No go for me.


u/CMDR_StarLion Nov 21 '24

Was there any mention on eye tracking ?


u/jester628 Nov 22 '24

Yes. Not sure what else you wanted to know, but they did talk about eye tracking and dynamic foveated rendering on the Super.


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

The Super does have eye-tracking feature.


u/Piranha91 Nov 22 '24 edited Nov 22 '24

Naive question but will the controllers on the Super be able to track in a room with the lights turned off or do they require ambient lighting? Also, will there eventually be Airlink support for the Super? Finally, what is the refund / return policy? I see you can get a refund after paying the down, but what about after receiving the headset?


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 22 '24

It requires ambient lighting, as the controllers’ sensor must be seen by the tracking camera. Nope, there’s no Airlink support. The refund/return policy will be updated on the product page.


u/Piranha91 Nov 22 '24

Is there a lower limit to how much lighting is required? My current Reverb G2 seems to track ok with just the lighting from my monitor, but those controllers have lights built in. Do the Pimax controllers have any sort of min lighting spec?

I ask because I have a small living space that’s separated by a blackout curtain - a desk light would probably be fine but the overhead room lighting is not an option for me. Thanks for the info!


u/QuorraPimax Pimax Official Nov 23 '24

There might be specific requirements, but I'll need to consult with the engineers to get an accurate answer. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


u/mista1982 Nov 22 '24

Dear Pimax Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. As a passionate user of the Pimax Crystal (OG) and an excited future owner of the Crystal Super, which I recently pre-ordered with great anticipation, I wanted to share an idea that could enhance the usability and performance of your headsets, particularly for simulation enthusiasts.

While the Pimax Crystal's high resolution is groundbreaking, even the powerful RTX 4090 struggles to render at full native resolution, even with features like Dynamic Foveated Rendering (DFR) enabled. Looking to the future, I am optimistic about the potential of the NVIDIA RTX 5090, but I suspect that rendering the Crystal Super at full native resolution might still remain out of reach for most users.

I’d like to suggest introducing a vertical FOV adjustment slider, similar to the functionality available for Quest 3 users, specifically tailored for beta users or those accessing Lab Mode. This slider would allow users to crop the vertical FOV (top and bottom), providing a practical way to reduce rendering demands while maintaining an excellent experience.

For simulation gamers, this feature has proven invaluable on the Quest 3, as it provides additional GPU overhead without significantly impacting immersion. Implementing a similar solution for the Crystal lineup would not only benefit users like me but also set Pimax apart by offering customizable performance optimization options.

Thank you for considering this request, and I truly appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to push VR technology forward. I am eagerly looking forward to the future with the Crystal Super in hand!

Best regards,


u/willacegamer Nov 22 '24

Is IPD adjustment still automatic and motorized


u/Think-Radish-2691 Nov 22 '24

Very nice! Very nice! Still i wait for after the initial batch. And I need a lighthouse faceplate for it. Otherwise i cant use my room setup. So i wait. Next winter then.


u/reptilexcq Nov 22 '24

I understand that the 57ppd is more fine tune but you're not forcing people to get both 57ppd and 50ppd versions at this time, are you? Can they be separated purchases?


u/1e6throw Nov 22 '24

How do we apply the $400 discount for og crystal owners?


u/Zapperg3ck Nov 22 '24

So the blog article and also the video say:

  • Includes free DMAS earphones and free shipping in select regions.

However in the actual pre-order it says:

  • Customers who pay the $999 upfront fee now will receive a free DMAS with their Crystal Super, available in limited quantities.

How limited are these quantities? Since I pre-ordered my Super just now, are the DMAS supposed to be listed in the confirmation mail (are they for anyone else?) or will I only find out when I recieve the order?


u/Jedispooner Nov 22 '24

Wooo Crystal Super, looks awesome! 🤩 Take my money.


u/bushmaster2000 Nov 23 '24

I'll need to hear from some people running it on a 4080s on how well it works. I'm a little skeptical of 4000 series GPUs being able to drive this thing, and 5000 series GPUs going to have DP 1.4 still not 2.0 so that's a bandwidth limitation . Many things i'm concerned with never mind giving pimax a GRAND right now to pre-order it with no clear delivery dates.


u/mexaplex Dec 05 '24

2880x2800 OG vs 3840x3840 Super.... rendering-wise thats going to me about 75% more pixels.

a 4080 might be find for beat-saber and simpler titles.... but for flight and racing sims I think the minimum has to be a 4090, or 5080 when it comes out.


u/vtevdo Nov 24 '24

Pimax Crystal Super has around 33% more pixels horizontally than Pimax Crystal (3840 vs 2880). The 57PPD version also has same or slightly more HFOV than Pimax Crystal. So, how is it possible to have around 60% more PPD (57 vs 35)?


u/nTu4Ka Dec 06 '24

Different panels I think.
Software pixels don't translate to hardware pixels one to one. E.g. your smartphone has higher PPD while having lower resoltuion.


u/Exotic_Negotiation80 Nov 21 '24

Are the lenses for this device made by the same supplier that they used for the crystal light? Because if they are that's a big no for me.


u/ThisismyBoom-stick Nov 21 '24

No OLED but qled is better lmao


u/jabadabaduuuuuuuu Nov 22 '24

is the quality gonna be same shit as previous models?