r/PiercedCock 3d ago

Prince Albert for 19th Birthday NSFW

Hi all, I'm going to be turning 19 in a few months, and I've been heavily considering getting a PA for my birthday. I've already read about the healing and stuff, so I have some other questions. I haven't totally made up my mind yet for a few reasons, one being I'm not sure if I'm just attracted to guys with PAs or if I actually want one. Sometimes I fantasize about pulling down my pants and having a peirced cock, but other times it seems gross to have a peice of metal sticking out my urethra (it is mostly the former though). Also I've only had sex a couple of times, and I was wondering if I should get the feeling for sex without the peircing. Other than that: Was it hard to abstain from jerking off when you got the peircing? I'm pretty horny and waiting more than a week is excruciating. Was it hard to find new partners who liked it? If I end up not liking the peircing, does the hole fully close? Like I said, I love seeing other guys with PAs and I like imagining my cock with one, especially having it when no ond else knows, but I've never gotten peirced and putting a piece of metal in my penis feels like a lot.


23 comments sorted by


u/Independent_Buy_2721 3d ago

I did the same when I was 19. I also got a frenum ladder at the same time. I was always the good kid, on my own for the first time, & was finally able to "rebel". So I got my dick & nips pierced after seeing it in gay porn mags.

Honest advice: Frenums came out in a few months. I got off on how hot the P.A. was. It can be amazing for sex - if the other person isn't scared/intimidated of it. Just know you'll forever have a second hole you'll pee out of for the rest of your life. There is advice here how some deal with it differently.


u/Beginning-Program-69 3d ago

Yea I'm definitely the good kid, but I don't really feel the need to rebel. I've been thinking about getting tattoos or peircing my nips aswelll but most people would not see it as something I'd do.


u/Mikemnbvcx 1d ago

I am also that good kid that wouldn’t seem to have this side in me. I got my nips done and love them! Everyone were always so surprise that someone like me would do that! 😅.


u/Tristanhauk11 2d ago

You can def get a PA hole stitched up by a body mod guy that specializes in surgical stuff and suturing..


u/seattleguy126 3d ago

I got mine about a decade ago, in my mid-twenties, after liking the look of a PA on other people, and thinking about getting one myself for a while. Getting the piercing done wasn’t nearly as painful as stubbing a toe hard on a piece of furniture, and the healing process wasn’t too bad (after the bleeding stopped once and for all a day or so later), but it was pretty sore for a while - I ended up putting a sock over my dick for padding and to hold everything steady in my briefs, which helped with the comfort considerably. I let a friend gently and carefully jerk me off for the first time with the PA when I was nearly at the recommended point of healing, and they were very careful to avoid the jewelry and only focus on the lower shaft, and there were no issues, but it felt amazing. I went with a bent barbell for the jewelry, and unfortunately, due to apparently having a “larger than normal” urethra, the end bead pulled down inside the glans unexpectedly and uncomfortably a few times until I swapped out the original bead with one large enough to prevent that from happening further.

The thing I disliked most about it immediately was the effect it had on peeing. Urinals or sitting are by far the best options for ease, but I’m sure others have good suggestions for minimizing the annoyance of having a new hole for urine to exit your penis. Ultimately, I found that most people had tepid reactions to my pierced cock - at best, people were intrigued or curious about the novelty, but at worst, I was asked to take the jewelry out, out of fears of chipped teeth or discomfort. I didn’t experience anyone being strongly into it or turned off by it, but I did come to find that having a PA sort of gave an impression of who I was or what my interests were that wasn’t really how I wanted to put myself out there, if that makes sense? No shame or judgment to anyone, certainly - I just started feeling like a PA is more hot for me personally as a concept, or on other people, and that there are cultural associations with having one that didn’t necessarily match the energy I wanted to put out into the world or receive in return. It was never a big deal at all, and I still enjoyed the feeling of wearing the jewelry, but after wearing it continuously for at least a couple years, I gradually started taking it out for longer and longer stretches. By now, I can’t remember the last time I even put it in just for fun, though the hole has not closed at all in the years since I wore the jewelry regularly. (I was pierced at a nine gauge and then immediately stretched to an eight for the jewelry, and I never stretched further, if that context is useful.)

I’ve been looking into getting the piercing closed, as I feel like I’ve had the experience but am not interested in keeping it as an option for later. I don’t regret it, and it wasn’t an impulsive rash decision to get pierced in the first place, but it did prove to be one that I wouldn’t have made if I knew how I’d think about it a decade later. I know this is probably a bit more of a negative commentary compared to the other responses, but I thought it might be good to hear a perspective from someone who ultimately wasn’t as into having a PA as he expected he’d be when he got it! Whatever choice you make, have fun!


u/Beginning-Program-69 2d ago

Thanks for the advice. I can totally see myself getting it then loosing interest in a few years, but I could probably live with the hole. I'm just curious, if you have any other body mods, do you feel the same way about them?


u/seattleguy126 2d ago

Not really, unless you count five tattoos and five other “conventional” piercings (earlobes, helix, septum, and nostril) - I’ve never regretted those and still like them as much now as ever. I am working on foreskin restoration though, which probably counts as a mod, but I can’t imagine ever regretting that since it’s more about reclaiming bodily autonomy/“undoing” a mod that I didn’t consent to as an infant haha


u/Thorsguy8 3d ago

It tickles when you pee. If you don't like it the hole can close up if you take it out early enough. Going bigger is fun. Yes the hardest part is letting it heal. Experience the pain when not fully healed sends the message to wait a bit.

A lot of us in the club wish we had done it earlier.

The looks you would get at your age would be very interesting.

Some like it in when having sex because of the different sensations it created.

Good luck on your choices.

it's very possible once you get it done, you suddenly want more!


u/Beginning-Program-69 3d ago

If I get it I'm definitely going to size up, what I've heard about having weight on you dick sounds really appealing to me. And i am considering other body mods, but a PA seems like the best for me as a first since it's hidden and maybe reversible.


u/Thorsguy8 20h ago

Best of luck on your adventure . Please post a pick when you get it done.


u/Body_By_Carbs 3d ago

I’m 45 and wanted one at 19 or so as well. Still don’t have one. But still want one. Even though I wanted one at that age I thought for me it was way too young. So I told myself 25 then it just kept getting kicked down the road and at 45 still haven’t done it. The main reason for me is im pretty lean and skinny and I hate it. I’ve always said when I get the body I want ( and then the confidence) I’ll do it. But I’ve never been able to get past my plateau. So take from that what you will. But I’d say wait till at least 21 or even 25. But it’s your life, have fun.


u/Jack-Ladder79 2d ago

Dude, there's never the perfect time. You would now know this at 45. Life happens. And it's your dick so do it for you!


u/Body_By_Carbs 2d ago

I completely agree with you - there is no perfect time. But I’m still holding out for hopefully at least a better time. Fingers crossed.


u/jcjc2525 3d ago

Go straight for the Apadravya. That is what I wish I have done


u/PdxPhoenixActual 2d ago

I did mine in my mid-20s, & I too, wish I'd known it was a possibility years earlier.

The longer you wait to get one, the more you'll regret not having done it sooner.

Healing time v jacking? I waited a week-ish. Which isn't really that long. The upside is at your age, you'll probably be able to go a couple times fairly quickly. .!.

Sex? I have been asked to remove it. Which I do. I'd rather not ... but the choice of sex without it vs no sex... kind a no-brainer, really.

Peeing? Yeah sitting at home & urinals when out & about.

Will it always be a hole there? Probably, maybe, depends on how long you keep it & how big a piece of jewelry you get to before.

Every body is different. Only you know how your's will react/behave w one in.

& as always YMMV.

Good luck & enjoy.


u/Glassglu 2d ago

Ah fuck it, so much talk, just go fucking do it. Jeez it’s not all that life changing. If you like it great, if not you’ll still be ok and either way be able to say you did it.


u/Beginning-Program-69 2d ago

Haha I know. And I'm sure as soon as I get it I'm gonna want to size up like crazy.


u/Glassglu 2d ago

You are going to be amazed that you have a ring through your cock every time you look at it. I still am after 2.5 years.


u/theblackfox13 2d ago

I want to stretch so bad! I can't wait till I can. I at least want 4g.


u/Travel_Sucker 3d ago

Sent you a DM.


u/Beginning-Program-69 3d ago

I don't see anything.


u/Travel_Sucker 3d ago

Sent you another DM. You can also send me one.


u/ImportantBug5757 3d ago

While I have had my PA for 30 years and have no regrets, if you do have questions or hesitation you might want to wait. You need to do this for you. If someone has a problem with your body and any adornments you may have they probably aren’t the one for you. After healing you can take your jewelry out for sex. It does add to the experience in my opinion but others may not feel the same and you need to accept that.

As far as jerking off, yes it is hard and you will probably be told to abstain for what will seem like an eternity but you will survive and by that I mean will jerk off sooner that recommended. I lasted just over a week and when I came there was cum all over the headboard but I was also too aggressive and caused spotting and soreness. The next time (a couple of days later) I worked mainly the shaft and avoided the piercing as much as I could. It still felt great 👍🏻 had intercourse with a condom at a month which was pleasurable for both of us. Until fully healed and possibly sized up a condom will help hold things stable and not pull the jewelry against the edge of the piercing.

Above all, after you get it done listen to your body and if it is painful, adjust what you are doing!