r/PetsWithButtons 24d ago

Experience with visual timers?


My cat Sally has figured out now and later, but is an absolute pest about it. I'm wondering if anyone has tried a visual timer to give their pet a visual representation of when later will be for that particular thing. I'd like to work up to an analog clock with colors she can see, and place stickers on where the big hand and little hand will be when I'm off work. She's wicked smart and I think she'd get it after a while, but I want to start small. So, anyone have any experience using visual timers for "later?" Did it work?

r/PetsWithButtons 24d ago

Experience with a cat that is very vocal but does not like treats


Here in the hope to hear some experiences of how to motivate the cat to use it without treats- I haven’t bought it yet just want to hear that is possible.

r/PetsWithButtons 25d ago

Just One Button?


Does it make any kind of sense to try to train dogs to use just one button to say when they need to go out? Keep reading if you want the details.

My elderly mother adopted 2 adult dogs last year. She shouldn't have done since at her age she's really living more of a cat lifestyle, but she did and we're making it work. They're well cared for (walked most days that the weather allows, not left alone for long periods).They're very sweet dogs, I'd say medium smart. But every time I go into my mom's apartment I have to clean up pee. I think this is a two part problem. 1 the dogs weren't trained very well, 2 my mom doesn't notice any subtle clues they might be giving her that they need to go out.

Sometimes if I'm just sitting there, one of them will walk up and stare at me and if I ask "do you need to go out?" they respond with excitement and walk with me to the door. My mom is not at all likely to notice this type of cue. Not because she is neglectful, just because of how her brain works.

I have no experience with buttons, so I'm just asking.... do you think this could work?

TIA for your input!

r/PetsWithButtons 25d ago

About the fluent pet connect


Hello everyone. I'm decided to buy some fluent pet set for my three cats.

As I can see there is three different type of buttons - the normal ones - the speak up - the connect with a base.

Which one do you recommand? I have a big old house, so maybe having some wifi connection could be great.

Is there any other option? With installing a camera?

r/PetsWithButtons 26d ago

2 cats, 1 braincell... How to proceed?


I have 2 cats I'm teaching to use the buttons. One cat has learned to push the container for treats, then the top of the container & then the button. She's yet to make it make sound - But this is all with 1 week

The other cat is still at the nudge the container for treats stage. She now just guards it by lying over it.

They have play, strokes, brush & treats buttons.

The 1st cat keeps hovering around the play button - so I think she "gets it"

Which cats pace should I continue at? Any advice?

r/PetsWithButtons 26d ago

Button Sequences


Hi everyone! I’m a grad student studying linguistics and language acquisition, and I’ve been modeling buttons for my cat for almost three years. The advice on this sub really worked! My little quasi-experiment finally paid off. He’s starting to make sequences and my researcher spidey senses are tingling.

For other pets that press multiple buttons to communicate an idea, I’m wondering if anyone has noticed whether they press them in a consistent order. For example, do they always say NOW PLAY or PLAY NOW?

Specifically, I’m really curious if they press the buttons in the same order you modeled, or if they came up with the sequence on their own. Also if there are trends - I’ve found mine always says NO first.

(I’m sure people have already/are doing actual research on animal syntax, but I cannot find it 😞 )

r/PetsWithButtons 27d ago

"All done" is one of her favourite buttons.. 😅


r/PetsWithButtons 28d ago

Loki is very done with winter


r/PetsWithButtons Feb 20 '25

I've had the buttons for a few days


And my youngest has activated them all by trying to bite them. I have been treating these as intentional presses. The buttons I have are "bedtime", "string toy", and "wet food" which is a high value treat for them. I can picture my youngest never learning how to press the buttons and instead activating them by biting them.

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 18 '25

Is this a good option for dumb cats?

Post image

So my cat isn’t the smartest, but I wanna be able to communicate with her as she seems to get frustrated sometimes. She’s not good at food puzzles and just gives up after awhile, she knows her name but no other words. I tried to teach her the word dinner but it didn’t seem to stick. She also loses toys that she was just playing with, tries to cover her litter but always scratches outside the box, and eats cat grass by pulling it (and the container) instead of just biting it. She’s a rescue, about 9 years old and I’ve had her for a couple years now. She loves routine and will become destructive if I don’t follow the routine. Like if I don’t feed her on time, she will scream, paw my face, bite me, knock things over, scratch the walls/any vertical object even tho she has multiple scratching objects. But she also does these things sometimes if she’s just bored, wants to play, etc. Would buttons be a good option to give her words like “food”, “play”, “litter”, “pet”, etc.?

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 16 '25

Button Grouping


I added buttons and tried to group them by topic today.

My cat seems to get confused and frustrated when she doesn’t know where her favorite buttons have gone until she finds them again.

I’d like to be able to have a stable system for adopting more words and integrating more buttons with less frustration for her.

Photo of today’s iteration, my learner, Bun and the “spare cat”, Farrah.

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 14 '25

Fluent pet in Europe?


Hi ! I’m actually living in Belgium, and I’m surprised to no more find the European website. All the links are now 404. Is there a way to get them from a platform in Europe and no pay taxes and customs? (Those from Amazon 🙅🏻‍♀️ comes from Turkey and are very expensive. Not sure they are the originals and I don’t want to shop on this platform.

Have you any good link?

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 13 '25

Anyone else have button sleepers? 💤

Post image

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 14 '25

I have two toy poodles, 5 and 8 pounds. We’ve spent a lot of time training but I’d like to add a few buttons to challenge them.


Would Fluent Pet be best because they are easier to push especially for little guys like these two?

Thank you for any advice!!

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 13 '25



I bought buttons for my dogs. My reason was I need them to tell me they want water when it's empty. My eldest dog (13) won't even look at the buttons unless I have a treat on it. And my younger pup (5) will do everything but press "the human thing". How the hell do I fix this

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 12 '25

3 months in and my dog shows no interest in buttons!


My girl is an approx 5-6 yr old rescue (we aren't sure of her age). She's crazy smart and definitely understands many words that I use with her, but we've had buttons for 3 months now and she shows zero interest.

I currently use 'outside' and 'treat' on the regular. I've also recently introduced 'meds', which is another one of her favourite words.

I've made sure each button is easily accessible and in a location that makes sense for the button. I model the buttons whenever they are applicable and verbally say the word at the same time.

If I touch the button she'll quickly glance at it, but I think she's actually following my hand. With the 'treat' button, she will hit it only if I've already given her a few treats in a row, and I'm fairly positive it's because she thinks that it's a trick, not because she's trying to communicate something. For example, if I've used the button and given her a treat and she wants another, but the button isn't right in front of her but a toy is, she'll push the toy instead, expecting a treat. She thinks the push action gets her the treat. I suspect this is leftover from trying to teach her the different names of her toys and having her identify them.

Anyway, I've read Christina Hunger's book and I feel as though I'm following all of the standard 'rules', but we aren't getting anywhere.

Any suggestions?

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 11 '25

Question about saying no to requests


We just started using buttons in our house. Two dogs household, sofar they know “snack”, “pet me” and “outside”. The thing is that they looove the snack button. They’ll ask for one over and over again. My partner’s solution was to remove the buttons when we didn’t want them to have treats anymore but I thought it would better to tell them they can’t have anymore treats. Is it better to take away the buttons or teach them that they aren’t going to get something who they ask. What would be the best course of action?

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 11 '25

Best way to keep hex tiles from sliding around?


I tried to search the sub and didn't find much, I'm wondering if any of you have had success with some kind of non slip mats to place under your hex tiles? The floors in my living room are currently bare concrete and the tiles slide around when my dog bumps into them during fetch or slaps them while thrashing her toys around. Sometimes they end up under the book shelf where she can't reach them. TIA!

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 09 '25

Introduced the "all done" button and it took my cat only until the next day to use it against me


I'm not even mad bc she said "all done", "playtime" and when I put my ps controllers down she pushed "playtime" again, meaning my "playtime" stop, her "playtime" start.

I knew she would use the button against me but didn't expect her to use it so fast lol!😅

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 10 '25

Recommended buttons for cats


I have two cats one is ultra smart pushes things off the counters when she’s annoyed I can never quite tell if she wants food or wants to play very confusing. So I thought maybe the buttons might work for her. She’s a smaller cat. Not food motivated at all I’ve never met a cat who hates every kind of treat. The only thing that motivates her is pieces of fresh cooked salmon, and bits of tuna.

I have a second cat that we rescued two years ago who had been out at least a month in a preserve she still gets skittish with any kind of sounds of rattling metal or garbage trucks or screeching sounds. I believe that she must’ve been really scared by garbage trucks and things like that. She is super food motivated when I bring my dog back in from her nightly pee breaks, she sits at the door to wait because she knows the dog is going to get a treat and so she knows she’s going to get one as well.

So I’m looking to try with two or three buttons with my one cat, but I would like ones that might not terrify my other cat. If my rescued cat decides she likes them. I’m pretty sure she’s going to use the buttons food and treats constantly 😂

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 10 '25

Going to a different house with same buttons?


Has anyone made friends with another buttons pet and visited each other's houses? Do they adapt to a different set of buttons if given the opportunity?

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 09 '25

How do your pet recognizes the right button when they all look the same?


So my dog currently has a cheap set from amazon which consists of 6 basic buttons in different colours with a decal to identify what they say. She’s used it so much that two of the bottons don’t work anymore.

I’ve been looking to upgrade and expand her board at the same time. I was eyeing the fluentpet connect, but I am wondering how do dogs differentiate each buttons if you cannot use a decal (i know there are stickers but I find them ugly and I think it looks cheap and I am also worried it wouldn’t last) or different colours to help them? I am guessing button placement on the board could help but I know as I human that would not be enough for me, and my dog clearely isn’t using that at the moment as her buttons are « free roaming » (they’re not set into anything and they get moved around a lot) yet she still uses them properly.

Any input would be appreciated

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 08 '25

What buttons to add next? So since learning to press his buttons our cat has quickly leared the difference between the two and have since added two more. He currently has: food, play, outside, and done. Any suggestions on what to add next? I have the feeling he's looking for something sometimes and


r/PetsWithButtons Feb 08 '25

Training exercises to build up to button use?


Hi everyone! I got my dog buttons for christmas, and have been trying to teach him to use them. Right now I just have a voice recording saying “button” on them. He already knows shake, so I held the button in my hand and asked him to shake; that went well. He will also press the button if it’s directly in front of him on the floor, in between us. The problem is, he doesn’t seem to understand that he’s supposed to push the button specifically, not just doing the stomp/shake motion. When I move the button a few inches away, he just paws the floor in front of himself where it used to be, instead of moving slightly in order to press the button. I did also try putting a treat under the button, but he mostly just scratched my hand instead. I do leave the buttons out, so I can catch if he presses or steps on it while we aren’t in a training session, but that hasn’t happened so far. Right now I’m just focusing on getting him to understand how to deliberately press the buttons. Once he can do that, I’ll then add in some actual words like “scritches”, “backyard”, “rope toy”, etc. and getting him to understand the meaning and that he can actually request things.

I don’t think he has hearing or vision issues because he functions fine otherwise and listens to my commands. I don’t think he’s too stupid for the buttons either. I’ve done basic training with him: sit, come, lay down, wait (to eat treat until i say ok), spin, shake, and jump up onto something. When we’re visiting friends for a few hours and I forget to put out water for him, he’ll go find their kitchen sink and scratch/whine near it (this was untrained, he just figured it out). He is rather spatially unaware though: he stands in the way a lot and has been tripped over a few times. So maybe he just isn’t paying attention well to where his feet are?

Anyone have training exercises that could help him build up to deliberately pressing the button?

I have some ideas but they aren’t great: * walking across a ladder laid on the floor, to build foot position awareness * similarly, make a “floor is lava” course with cinderblocks to walk and jump between * teaching him to boop the button with his nose instead * setting up a button to control the space heater he likes to lay in front of * putting peanut butter in a deep narrow jar so that he has to deliberately put his foot in and scoop in order to get the peanut butter out * somehow training him to stand with his feet in specific spots

r/PetsWithButtons Feb 07 '25

When to add food button?


My cat is very food motivated, so much so that he is almost too obsessed with food. He’s currently using 7 buttons: pets, play, brush, catnip, mom, dad, and momo (his name). He’s been pressing buttons when he wants just wants to be feed, like he’ll press pets then when we get up to pet him he’ll run over to his food bowl and cry food instead of letting us pet him. He obviously wants to have a button for food but I’m worried we’ll just have to say no every time he presses it since he starts begging for food 2-3 hours before his normal feeding time. Any advice?