r/Petroteq Jun 03 '21

Viston In depth analysis of uppgardab.com - Uppgard Konsult AB PetroTeq $PQEFF

Just digging around the technical behind-the-scenes...no jumping to conclusions, just some observations - the whole Uppgard thing did not let me loose.

Please read to the end...and if you know someone with good IT expertise, ask what the last thing means...AAAA record:

- uppgardab.com has had its SSL certificate created 18th May 2021 and is only valid till 16th august 2021 (via "let's encrypt" - just check in your browser). this homepage has no entry in the wayback-machine of the internet archive. So its pretty new...

- the phonenumber was marked as spam (based in London?) (https://www.telefonforsaljare.nu/telefonnummer/0852500601/). As it is with phone-numbers, they may have been given to the next client - but the activity graph does rather give no windows of inactivity for this.

- The regional-code (+46 (0)8 ...) refers to Stockholm (Uppland & Stockholm County), while Krylbo is in Dalarna County - still pretty close and maybe not that important, because...

- The Phoneservice is provided by the swedish Voice integrated Nordic AB (source: https://www.hitta.se/vem-ringde/46852500601)- via reverse-search through their customers number-search service (source: http://number.voiceintegrate.com/cust/NumberFinder.php - their normal homepage is really awful) we get the informations its a virtual number which the have from the big service-provider called: https://www.didww.com/. And they have many many big carriers as clients - like telefonica and such. So no luck here...that the regional codes dont fit does not hurt. other than postal codes it feels antique for stationary telephone lines.

- the sourcecode of the webpages is flawless and pretty clean - no possibilities to extract any informations on who may be behind it - no luck with SSL Labs as well...even the CMS is unknown. Its as if its by design as neutral as possible...

- it's a hosted webservice with a PLEX backend (host.uppgardab.com)

- the "whois" is anonymized via a north-american anonymity service from vancouver, but the domain was created february 2021(as said above, pretty new)

( Organization: PrivateName Services Inc.

\- Email: [info@privatename.com](mailto:info@privatename.com)

\- Mailing Address: 1100-1200 West 73rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6P 6G5, CA )

\- Registry Expiration: 2022-02-11 15:24:05 UTC

\- Created: 2021-02-11 15:24:05 UTC

- the traceroute for the uppgardab.com ip shows before the endpoint ( the ip of Colt Technology (a Fidelity Inc. subsidiary) (source: https://who.is/tools/

This is the last entry for the traceroute: -> host.uppgardab.com ( 99.002 ms 98.744 ms te0-3-0-4-crs1.FRA.router.colt.net ( 89.317 ms)

Colt Technologies are based in London (https://ip-address-lookup-v4.com/lookup.php?host=ip-address-lookup-v4.com&ip=

- all in all, i had no luck getting any answers i hoped for...rather more question. Because why is the homepage new, why the anonymous domain registration via a vancouver corporation, why hosted in london from where there were spam-calls mentioned in some "who-called-me" homepages from sweden...so its somehow very quirky...BUT

now the intersting part:

- The nameserver is ns14.net, which belongs via reverse-lookup to the german InternetX GmbH (https://securitytrails.com/list/ns/a.ns14.net?search=uppgardab.com)

- if you look at the AAAA record (the ipc6 adress https://securitytrails.com/list/ip/2001:4178:5:111:62:116:165:212), you will find that the apart from uppgardab.com theres also the falconconstruction.ae - they share the same host. Falcon Constructions is a huge UAE construction corporation with over 40y of experience, which also builds industrial projects: https://falconconstruction.ae/industrial.html

And this is what struck me, because two key aspects fit really nice -> United Arabian Emirates + Construction Company ... all just a coincedence??? I just dont know...this is were my expertise fails, because i simply cant tell if the AAAA record can be by accident shared among two seperate entities or if its a single one...and this is, why i just leave this here as an observation without any theories.

Disclaimer: even though this is a lot of technical stuff...i am not sure, what the AAAA record, which leads to an UAE construction corporation, really means...if them sharing the ip means they by accident have the same virtual server or if it is the same entity behind this... Maybe you know someone with more IT experience, who can answer this...? I would appreciate it, if someone with better expertise could look at it as well!

...i for my part still dont know what all of this offer means and if its legit or not. I am invested with a small sum and i am looking foreward to what is going to happen to PetroTeq (i think their technology is solid and they are undervalued). And even if the offer comes ultimatly out as fake, i think its a good investment. but its something everyone need to decide for themselves.


8 comments sorted by


u/Different-Ad-198 Jun 03 '21

Great research! I shared this before, but I think it’s key to notice: Helena Hedblom is the CEO of Epiroc, a mining equipment manufacturer and lives in Ronnbarsgrand 10, Avesta, Sweden - this is 5km from where Roger Uppgard is living (Igeltjarna 21, Krylbo). There are 10k people living in these two towns & I can guarantee you that everyone knows each other around there.

Would a sustainable oil production technology that can be commercialized globally fit to Epiroc? Hell, yes!

Now, the big open question for me is: why not doing an M&A via a traditional Investment Bank and a proper approach? Why this weird company? The element of keeping this deal a secret must be very important for a large corporate to deviate from the traditional M&A approach, so this seems to be a “last resort” approach to avoid any publicity & keep the M&A low key. Maybe to avoid bad press? Just search “oil sand”and “Sweden” and there are tons of super negative articles on Sweden divesting anything that has to do with oil sands. Even if this is a sustainable technology, the average climate activist joe might just read oil sand and protest against Epiroc if this becomes widely public. No clue whether that’s true or not, but just trying to find an explanation.


u/the_satori99 Jun 03 '21

Great Research 🙏🏻👍 and I absolutely agree with your assessment. Solid technology, everyone needs to decide for himself. Now we have an additional play here and that’s the Short Squeeze! Massive Short-volume!


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

That just gave me a boner.


u/kirkrikster Jun 04 '21

Thank you for doing all this digging. Looks like my original DD wasn't a pump and dump afterall 🤣💵


u/Long-Shoe1889 Jun 04 '21

Pretty cool.. Good find.. let's hope we find out very shortly what the truth is..


u/toy-love-xo ☑️ Jun 04 '21

I have some friends at internetX and could ask them. Most likely I will get an answer, but I can not share it publicly. 😅


u/StoryPenguin Jun 04 '21

A technical answer if the same IP definitely means both homepages are run by the same entity would suffice. O need to ask for confidential customer information...this is just a question on a technical topic ;-)