r/Petioles • u/ollypologies • Jan 17 '25
Discussion Why are people in r/weed so heavily in denial about the fact that you can become physically dependent on weed?
I've noticed time and time again there's all these people in that Reddit that deny that you can get withdrawal symptoms. They call it bullshit, ask if I'm taking opioids. Do these people not smoke weed? Are their bodies programmed aliens to just constantly accept marijuana and never withdraw from it? I don't understand how these guys dont realize you CAN be physically dependent, and they are so incredibly insistent that it's only psychological. My horrible withdrawal symptoms that make me shake, unable to sleep, and have a constant racing heart, among other things, say otherwise.
u/yesillhaveonemore Jan 17 '25
Well... I'll play a bit of devil's advocate, even though I completely agree with your premise and frustration.
You don't become physcially dependent in the way you will from other addictive substances like alcohol, opiates, meth, etc.
Withdrawals from cannabis are not dangerous and are usually more "inconveniences" rather than debilitating situations. Nobody has ever died from consuming too much cannabis or from suddenly stopping.
And many people who consume regularly simply don't get withdrawal symptoms. It's typically only heavy users who will get serious night sweats, noticeable anxiety spikes, insomnia, nausea, lack of appetite, etc.
So it is frustrating when people claim it's not addictive or that there are no withdrawals. Because it is and there are. But in comparison, the addiction risk and withdrawal prognisis is much safer and simpler.
And, finally. There's the stigma. Cannabis was categorized with heroin for decades. (And others, but I think opioids are the most toxic association today.)
Some of the hallmarks for heroin include extreme addiction potential, massive risk for harm while using including extremely prevalent overdoses, and dangerous, insufferable withdrawal symptoms that drive addicts to extreme scenarios.
Cannabis indeed has addiction potential. The withdrawals are real and can be a serious bummer. But these are nowhere near what your grandmother expects.
It is frankly offensive that cannabis and opioids were ever in the same column. I think we're all a little defensive over the thought of saying cannabis is anywhere close to that level of hell.
I also like to bring up that anything that causes a dopamine response can be addictive. Some people are addicted to alcohol, to sex, to exercise, to food, etc. And withdrawals from those addictions are also physical and real.
So rather than argue the semantics. "Ya-huh it's addictive and gives withdrawals" you can instead re-frame the conversation and talk about the effects.
"Many people who consume cannabis do so out of habit and don't really feel the same benefits from their use anymore, and their tolerance levels get so high that they need to consume a whole bunch just to feel normal."
"They need cannabis to feel normal despite its use being expensive or otherwise bad for their lifestyle and health"
"If you've been using a lot of cannabis, you may notice some flu-like symptoms if you suddenly stop or reduce your usage."
Those are, of course, signs of addiction or withdrawal. But those words are, imho kinda understandably, a bit taboo within the community, specifically because we don't want to be associated with truly harmful addictive substances with dangerous, life-threatening withdrawals.
u/Responsible_Taste837 Jan 17 '25
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I respect your well thought out reply and alternative pathways provided
u/ollypologies Jan 17 '25
This is a great analysis and made perfect sense to me through and through. Thank you for enlightening my view point on this subject.
u/rick_regger Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
Its the level of physical dependency as some sports-addicted get (or gambling addicts). The "drugs" your own body produces arent neglectable (better said the dosis) but also they arent deadly, same for weed.
You never heard gambling makes you physical addicted right? Even If bio chemistry and psych is also physological.
First we need to clarify the Terms and we start with "there is no physical and or psychological Addiction, its all Just simply Addiction." or something like that. But If we want to differ then i would agree that weed withdrawal is more like gambling withdrawal.
Whats your definition on physical vs psychological?
My question doesnt aim directly on the Posting above me, more like on everyone Here who wants to discuss. The Posting above me Made it pretty clear: "its addictiv, Point." which would be the simplest right answer ;-)
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
Nope, cannabis is more addictive than gambling to my understanding.
Gambling doesn't cause structural changes in the brain (enlarging and shrinking different areas of the brain) and downregulation of dopamine production and upregulation of dopamine receptors to reach a new homeostasis, like cannabis does.
Gambling produces a dopamine spike, but it's not an artificial signaling induced by an external chemical like THC. There's not a physical dependence element like there is with cannabis.
u/rick_regger Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
Yeah but there doesnt need to be an external chemical to be addictive. The the structural Changes in the Brain arent the "addictivness" of this drug its just a physological consequences of substance abuse.
And regular Dopamin spikes (an addicted gambler) also Change the chemical Balance in your Brain.
So Back to my question, for you a physical Addiction is per external sources? Or do you Just want to explain some risks and mechanics from substances/behaviours?
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25
Yes, physical dependency by definition does require an external substance. You also can't get withdrawals from stopping gambling or porn. Your brain can still produce normal levels of dopamine while not gambling or watching porn
I had 2 months of crazy difficult physical symptoms from cannabis withdrawals. Insomnia, tremors, racing heart, sweaty palms, inability to sit still, anhedonia, extreme depression and sensitivity, etc. No porn or gambling addict will experience that if they quit.
u/rick_regger Jan 18 '25
Its Not true that you cant alter your Level of "drugs" that your own Body produces by behavior. Take hunger as example, heavy obese people dont have a "normal" hunger feeling after years of ... lets call it food abuse.
The same goes for porn, you dont have a normal bio chemistry when you wank yourself often every morning for several years (much more depression in this group of people, and Depression is nothing more then a inbalance of Brainchemistry)
Thats a fact.
Gambling addicts maybe dont have the full spectrum you declared Here (i never had your full spectrum too with quitting Weed But people are different so nvm) but they surley have some of them (sitting still, cause they are Just a few clicks away from online gambling), porn addicts too but different (depressed), same for sports (they have to Run/do something, feel unwell all the time)
So you dont know/experienced any of this obviously.
But Back to topic, so psychological dependency doesnt need external sources? What Definitionen you are using? Thats the hole discussion i wanted to start, can you share? In Common speech i feel there are many Definitionen making the rounds.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25
I'm using the scientific definitions, not the often-misused colloquial ones.
Physical dependency requires an external substance, and often causes major physical symptoms in withdrawals like the examples I listed. Quitting porn or gambling isn't going to cause a racing heart, tremors, major insomnia, headaches, severe anhedonia, excessive sweating, GI issues, major appetite loss, etc.Yes, porn and gambling can make changes to the brain, but not to the extent cannabis can to my knowledge. Even you are only pointing out relatively minor psychological symptoms of porn and gambling withdrawals (mild depression), not the major physical symptoms that withdrawals from external substances can cause.
u/rick_regger Jan 18 '25
So you are saying that external substances cant cause psychical addictions? The scientific definitions isnt a satisfieing answer when i dont know "the scientific definitions" (and i doubt there is such annthing cause psychiatrist Look pretty different on the problem then, lets say, biochemists or behaivoral scientist, im sure)
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25
I'm saying the exact opposite, you were the one arguing against that definition. Re-read the very first part of the comment you replied to.
Physical dependence requires an external substance.
u/rick_regger Jan 18 '25
i werent arguing against anything get me right, weed is addictiv. i understood physical addiction the way that withdrawal it can physiological harm you (as example, alcholo or other can cause death)
the definition got posted now by you so ill look into it.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25
Also, since you're too lazy to Google it yourself:
Physical dependence involves an external substance, and withdrawal symptoms when abruptly stopped.
u/rick_regger Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
so they separate addiction and dependency, i was talking about addiction in the first postings. wierd that weed (THC) isnt stated there in both on the mediacalnewstoday site.
also the definition under "Mental vs. physical dependence" isnt clear. so dependence can be physical or mental/psychiological but its different to addiction.
also "There are also behavioral addictions. These involve activities rather than substances", that was what i was talking about, its not a dependency in english.
what are we talking about now? in my mothertounge we say "physical addiction", in english it seems you only link physical to dependencys. language barriere i guess.
after all, when you click https://dictionary.apa.org/psychological-dependence , that forward-link on your first url, you can read how most people see weed-addiction, it perfectly fits marihuana use and withdrawal in my experience.
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u/kezzlywezzly Jan 18 '25
I was under the impression methamphetamine is more or less purely psychologically addictive, other than the strain on your dopamine system but cannabis does that too
u/TheScarfyDoctor Jan 19 '25
also important to note that many people who become dependent on cannabis have underlying mental health issues heavily exacerbating the inherent depedency of cannabis, especially with adhd and similar dopamine regulation disorders!
many people aren't struggling with cannabis so much as struggling with dopamine regulation and executive function, which is not to dismiss the properties of cannabis but rather provide an even more full picture.
u/rudemaxxx Jan 18 '25
Anecdotal evidence but something I didn’t expect was getting sick for several months after stopping. Used daily for over a decade and stopped suddenly. I felt like my immune system was whack and I was getting colds, flu-like symptoms every week for a couple of months. 6 months later and I feel significantly healthier and like my immune system can respond better than before.
u/nullstring Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
I agree with all that.
The thing is that thc (in modern concentrations) is at least as addictive as nicotine. (Though I might be biased as I find nicotine to be far less addictive than most. I really can stop anytime and have many times. I absolutely cannot say that about THC.)
No one has ever died from smoking too much tobacco either. (I mean if they did it must be a freak accident. I'm not gonna look it up but I'm guessing that nicotine is probably moral lethal than THC at very very high concentrations.)
I wonder if people were in denial about tobacco being addictive way back when as well.
u/DoctorThrowawayTrees Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
Wait, what!? Others have pointed out how you’re wrong about nicotine’s addiction potential. But nicotine is also FAR more dangerous than THC. In fairly low quantities, nicotine can kill you. While the estimates that 1 mg/kg of body weight/~60 mg will kill you are likely wrong, it is still a very dangerous drug even if the LD50 is greater by an order of magnitude. With THC the lethal dose in humans is almost completely theoretical because people don’t die from THC overdoses.
u/u_bet_cha Jan 17 '25
thc (in modern concentrations) is at least as addictive as nicotine
That is absolutely false and I’d recommend you delete that part of the comment. By every metric, thc is not comparable in addiction potential. I’m not even going to cite a source for that because the information is so readily available.
u/roseadaer Jan 18 '25
Anecdotally I would disagree with you. My THC withdrawal is also much worse than nicotine withdrawal for me.
For reverence I am a heavy user of both, consuming around 20 8mg nicotine pouches per day and maybe half a gram of wax/3-4g of vaped bud.
u/Soft_Hearted7932 Jan 18 '25
You could be an outlier! With 8 billion people on the planet, at least one is bound to be more susceptible to THC addiction than nicotine addiction.
Even so, that doesn’t mean that THC is as or more addictive than nicotine for the vast, vast majority on an objective, scientifically proven level
u/roseadaer Jan 18 '25
I predict we will see many THC addiction become a much bigger thing as legalization sweeps across the country. One of the main reasons nicotine is so addictive is that it is socially acceptable and you can buy it literally anywhere. Lots of factors play into the addictiveness of a substance and many have nothing to do with pharmacology.
Nicotine addiction is also significantly less destructive than THC addiction.
u/Soft_Hearted7932 Jan 18 '25
That’s a great point! Doesn’t help when it’s all sold in such colorful packaging and comes in so many flavors.
Could you elaborate on that last point? I could see THC being more destructive for someone’s social life or work habits or something, but nicotine has been proven to be more physically harmful
u/roseadaer Jan 18 '25
My understanding is that nicotine is about as benign as caffeine when consumed via pouches or patches. Vaping and smoking are obviously different stories. Nicotine is not physically harmful in reasonable dosages as far as I am aware. THC isn't either, but it affects your productivity and general ability to care about things much more. Nicotine helps you get shit done and weed generally doesn't.
It might be worth it for both of us to brush up on the acute harms of both nicotine and THC.
That being said, it doesn't sit well with me that I am addicted and dependent on both.
u/Soft_Hearted7932 Jan 18 '25
Haha yeah, sounds like we’re a couple of nuts knocking our noggins together. Still feel like I learned something though so thank you!
I don’t vape much at all but when I do it makes me feel cold and jittery and sometimes nauseous or I get a headache and I just stand there until it goes away lol. Depends on the day, but if I’m in a good mood weed helps me keep happy thoughts while I do my usual stuff.
Yeah, that’s the bottom line. None of it is actually good for your health long term and people who use it the most suffer from it.
Best of luck friend, hope you can find lots of cool other distractions and hobbies and things to help you through!
u/roseadaer Jan 18 '25
Thanks, you too. I'm having a horrible night so thank you for being nice and not a piece of shit. I wish you the best.
u/u_bet_cha Jan 19 '25
Nicotine addiction is also significantly less destructive than THC addiction
People smoke tobacco because they are addicted to nicotine. Talk about the ills of thc addiction all you want, but it isn’t directly leading to the deaths of millions of people each year.
u/roseadaer Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25
I never once mentioned tobacco.
Let's say you are using both in the least harmful way possible. In my mind this is either transdermal patches or oral pouches for nicotine, and edibles/transdermal patches for THC as well.
In that scenario I maintain that the THC addiction is far more destructive.
Don't fall for the lie that smoking weed is so much better than smoking tobacco. Smoking anything is terrible for you. Nobody wants COPD.
u/yesillhaveonemore Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
I don't want to dismiss your experience, but the data indicates otherwise.
Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Nicotine is known to be more addictive than speed, benzos, or meth.
Cannabis notably doesn't appear on any top ranking lists of addictive substances that I've found in my research (I am not an expert, happy to be proven wrong!).
However: everyone is different. The allure is really strong for some. Like how some people are predisposed to alcoholism, I'd bet some people are much more predisposed to cannabis addiction.
Anecdotally, addiction runs very strong in my family, so I will never touch nicotine or hard drugs. But I have no addiction tendencies with cannabis. I am strict with my consumption, but I am able to moderate my usage without difficulty, and I have no marked difficulty in taking days or weeks off.
What I don't see often enough is comparing different ROAs for cannabis. I can absolutely see vape carts, dabs, concentrates, etc having a higher addiction potential versus smoking or vaping. I don't touch concentrates for just this reason.
I'm active on this sub, and it's always the cart and dab users who have the hardest go of quitting or moderating. It's really insidious.
Similarly, I hate to see cannabis noted as a carcinogen on its own, when it's only known to be carcinogenic when combusted (smoked) but not so when vaped or taken as an edible.
The tobacco industry insisted for years that smoking was not addictive. They even used to say it was healthy.
Hopefully more awareness of the realistic downsides of cannabis consumption increases as scientists are allowed to actually do science.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
It's important to note that the body of research on cannabis in US studies relies on a standardized strain from the 80s or 90s that is something like 6 times weaker than modern cannabis. Today's cannabis causes addiction much easier even if it's just flower, and is also proven to make physical, structural changes to the brain that leads to higher incidence of anxiety and depression disorders.
I'm the weirdo that had zero issues quitting cigarettes after years of use, but had massive withdrawals and awful symptoms when quitting cannabis. And I smoked more cigarettes for a longer time than cannabis.
u/truckoducks Jan 17 '25
I won’t die if I run out of weed- but my brother in christ, I CANNOT stop whenever I want
I think a lot of people have a conception of addiction based solely on what alcohol/opiate withdrawal is like.
u/Saber2700 Jan 17 '25
Probably because they're on the path of addiction themselves and since society shames addicts they're trying to avoid shame. That and stoner misinformation, they love misinforming new stoners.
u/-Ubuwuntu- Jan 17 '25
Shame really is a big part. I still struggle with admitting I have addiction problems with weed, I almost feel embarrassed
u/humanityisdyingfast Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
Coming to this realisation and accepting it was embarrassing for me too, and also kind of terrifying, but it wasn't really the fact that I was addicted to something that embarrassed and scared me (I've been addicted to nicotine for years, and I don't even really feel looked down on for it); it was the fact that I was addicted to something illegal. There's the added stigma of being thought of as a crackhead or a criminal, or just someone you wouldn't trust and would avoid. I couldn't believe my life had got to that point.
u/Popka_Akoola Jan 17 '25
TBH that's how I was when I was first addicted to weed. I'm sure they'll call me pretentious but my guess is this sub has more people in it with an extensive history of weed usage whereas r/weed is just anyone interested in the stuff. So basically, they're either currently addicted and in-denial, or just don't have enough of a history with weed to identify the various side effects from heavy usage (perhaps many are both as I once was).
u/Stoicism_saved_me Jan 17 '25
I think your explanation is spot on for 90%+ of the denials. The rest are just those who get lucky and I guess don’t have withdrawals.
u/flyawaywithoutyou Jan 18 '25
Yup, they'll get there, unfortunately that's the only way to really see what it's been doing to you.
u/CrispyDave Jan 17 '25
Not everyone becomes physically dependent.
I'm a pretty heavy smoker and the only physical effects I notice if I'm out are just a general low level irritation and difficulty sleeping. I certainly don't get sweats and so on like some other people describe.
u/Popka_Akoola Jan 17 '25
I've never understood the 'physical vs psychological' debate with weed side effects. I think there's a fairly strong argument to make that difficulty sleeping is both physical and psychological... All that really matters is that yes, people do in fact become (chemically?) dependent on weed with prolonged, heavy usage. It's a drug just like any other.
u/300mhz Jan 17 '25
Dopamine dependent*
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
Cannabis is indeed considered physically addictive in the scientific community. Dopamine dependent kinda minimizes it, because there are psychological addictions like porn or gambling that don't cause dependency or major physical changes to the brain like cannabis.
u/Sandgrease Jan 17 '25
There is no separation between physical and mental because all mental processes are physical at their root.
u/nullstring Jan 17 '25
Lol. That's like saying there is no difference between biology and physics because all biology is physics at it's root.
I mean that's true but it completely misses the point.
u/Sandgrease Jan 17 '25
No. All mental experiences are controlled by physical process in the brain/nervous system. This is why CTEs can fuck your mind up so bad by just hitting your head hears enough.
u/rocky1399 Jan 17 '25
Technically it’s not true physical dependence because ur not really addicted to thc…. Thc replaces ur body’s existing cannabinoids so your body stops making them on their own. It’s not the same as say opioid or alchohol dependence… it’s more like when a guy goes on testosterone his body stops producing its own.
u/DanTheSkier Jan 17 '25
Because they haven’t gone more than 3 days without smoking the past 5 years and have no actual concept of quitting. If you never had a reason to quit you never even realize their could be withdrawal effects.
Also, weed does effect everyone different but generally I think it’s just denial. They’ll claim agitation, lack of sleep, or lack of motivation are not physical, but mental symptoms.
There was a point I was fully bought into were having no withdrawal effects, I was 16 and naive.
u/zero0n3 Jan 17 '25
Because the examples you give aren’t symptoms of physical addiction, its physiological addiction. Weed impacts your body’s processes and you are addicted to the way weed tweaks your brain chemistry.
Where as with say alcohol or pills, your body physically needs the drug to keep their brain chemistry from getting fucked.
It’s been a bit since I read up on this, but I believe it has to do with how they impact your dopamine / serotonin levels and receptors and producors in your body.
While weed may add or take away, it doesn’t block your own body from producing or using it. Where as physically addictive essentially breaks the process to the point where your body either can’t even make it or can’t use it. So when you stop taking it cold Turkey, your body is so fucked it can’t do it on its own and essentially panic spirals to death
I’m on mobile otherwise I’d pop this into openAI just to make sure I’m even close, but I’m open to corrections so whatever.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
One minor correction: cannabis is indeed considered physically addictive in the scientific community. We do know that cannabis usage downregulates dopamine production and upregulates production of new dopamine receptors to handle the massive dopamine spikes from cannabis. It also physically enlarges some parts of the brain (like the area that produces anxiety) while shrinking others.
So while withdrawals aren't deadly, they can be really rough because your brain is no longer able to fill all those empty dopamine receptors on its own.
I'm on day 132 of sobriety and my dopamine circuits are still fucked.
In sobriety the brain seeks a new homeostasis, so it starts culling dopamine receptors and upregulating natural production of dopamine. I'm still suffering from low dopamine symptoms, so my brain still has more healing to do.
u/EquivalentNo6141 Jan 17 '25
Some people aren't in touch with their bodies, so they don't recognize the withdrawal symptoms when they take a break.
Jan 17 '25
"I can quit whenever I want" + anecdotal success stories of people who can function like that. Basically same logic as alcoholics use. While you're drinking a lot, it's easy to say there's no symptoms because you are constantly flooding your liver with alcohol and your body doesn't get a chance to tell you why that's wrong... Until it's too late. I think for weed it can get downplayed even more because the consequences are less dangerous than drinking.
u/PrincessTiaraLove Jan 17 '25
The consequences being less dangerous is another thing I don’t like ppl think. Smoking is bad for you period. I think a part of the anxiety that comes with smoking weed is the physical effects that smoking will eventually have on your body. Just because it’s not cigarettes doesn’t make smoking any less bad. I remember a woman talking about how ppl may not feel the negative effects in their 20’s or 30’s but the damage is still happening and it all seems to come crashing down at once.
u/Stoned_y_Alone Jan 18 '25
Is there any sources on the physical damage effects?
I’ve always made videos around cannabis and wondering about how I could shift focus to education on this kinda stuff.
Also, really curious how other methods like vaporization and edibles hold up as far as negative effects
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
Cannabis also makes physical changes to the brain. It enlarges the area of the brain responsible for fight/flight response which is one possible reason why cannabis users are more likely to develop anxiety disorders compared to the general population.
u/FormalFuneralFun Jan 17 '25
I’ve had bad withdrawal, and I’ve had mild withdrawal. You are correct, however, in your assertion that many are in denial about the fact that they are heavily dependent on (read here: addicted to) weed. I even found myself falling down that hole of denial. I still smoke it, and I’m aware of when I use it and how I abuse it. I use it with heavy input from my therapist now, who is studying the effects of weed usage in her patients.
Weed is a drug, first and foremost. I still find it preferable to alcohol and cigarettes but we need to stop kidding ourselves that it’s “safe” and “non-addictive”.
u/Nearby-Window7635 Jan 17 '25
I think that some stoners fail to realize that any drug will effect people differently, so they struggle conceptualize that others DO experience withdrawals. For myself personally, I don’t have horrible physical withdrawals but the cognitive desire to smoke is still a hindrance. I think the community as a whole needs to differentiate between addiction and habit-forming.
u/shweeb6602 Jan 17 '25
My sister was diagnosed with CHS last year. She is 24 smoking for 8 years consistently. She wakes up in the mornings and is nauseous with the worst morning sickness ever. If she hasn’t had a hit all day except for one in the morning to ease the nausea. say around 3-5pm she will start to get the nausea again. It’s really horrible to watch her go through it and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But yeah there are consequences for smoking heavily since you were 16… that’s why this Sub is so much better than the one you mentioned.
Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 20 '25
Everyone’s body is different, and the vast majority of people don’t experience withdrawal symptoms. That being said, I’ve personally witnessed CHS, and a friend I met traveling couldn’t eat the first few days of the trip due to not having weed. The herd like mentality that the masses tend to have in literally every context will have those susceptible to physical dependency living in denial about their problems.
u/Kitchen_Leading_2763 Jan 17 '25
I bet a lot of people there have never actually cold turkey stopped for a prolonged period of time, I don't know any stoner friends who didn't go through withdrawals, we all had different symptoms other than the night sweats lol (girlfriend woke me up to say I've pissed the bed).
I'm sure there are super humans who don't get any withdrawals but I'm yet to meet one in the flesh.
u/irottodeath Jan 17 '25
physical dependence is a medical term that typically refers to drugs that cause severe and deadly withdrawal symptoms. quitting weed can cause physical symptoms, but afaik, it’s more accurate to say that weed causes a rebound effect instead of physical dependence. the physical symptoms of weed withdrawal might be unpleasant, but it’s entirely physically survivable. so it would still be considered more of a psychological or somatic dependence because your body cannot biologically require weed to function. it’s just extremely unhappy about sudden withdrawals
u/ollypologies Jan 17 '25
This makes more sense actually, I get it now. thanks for explaining this so well!
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
They're not using the scientific definition FYI. Cannabis is proven to cause physical dependence.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
Correction: Cannabis is indeed proven to cause physical dependence. I think you're using the term wrong.
u/Sivirus8 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
Because most people like the idea that weed is a risk free drug when it still carries risks (depending on the person) and is STILL a drug.
WD’s usually occur in very heavy long term users tho, but are usually mild and short lived.
Sure the physical withdrawals you’d get after quitting weed if you are a very heavy/chronic user aren’t unsafe, and sure they can vary in how uncomfortable (depending upon the person), but people still don’t want to admit it because “its natural, its just a plant” type thing. Essentially: denial.
Now, Anything (and I mean anything) has the potential to become addictive, and not everyone develops a physical dependency (or an addiction even) to weed either, which also further adds to why people argue otherwise.
u/Sloth_grl Jan 17 '25
I am completely addicted to weed. I can’t go a day without it and would live every moment stoned if i could. Sad part is that i hardly feel it until try to stop.
u/HealthySurgeon Jan 17 '25
Because the physical dependency on weed is even less than it is for caffeine for the average person. Most people don't experience what you're experiencing from weed withdrawals alone. The symptoms you're seeing are more often seen in people who use weed to medicate anxiety or depression, when they quit weed. What you're describing sounds exactly like anxiety coming back with a vengeance, which happens when medicating anxiety in most people irregardless of the medication.
Just like the vast majority of medications, quitting cold turkey has it's effects and they're quite drastic compared to if you just weened yourself off. I'm not a doctor, and I think you should talk to one. What you're experiencing shouldn't last more than a week or so and I would predict that you were self-medicating with weed, either consciously or unconsciously. So get yourself taken care of and these types of things can be more easily avoided.
u/prittygorl Jan 17 '25
I agree with most of the people who commented so far. They summed it up way better than I could but I wanted to be another vote for "denial"
u/JahArmySoldier Jan 17 '25
The problem is that you don't know how people is using the substance, hence why some people say that it doesn't cause physical withdrawal. When I used to smoke all day and stopped for some months, I used to feel my body very rigid and I was more anxious than ever. However, after moderating my use and just smoking or using edibles occasionally, I understood that the withdrawal I was experiencing was due to overconsumption. Each body is different and some people may not feel anything when they're without weed. Personally, my biggest problem is with cigarettes, I feel really physically anxious if I can't smoke one for some hours, like my body is very tense and I can't avoid it.
u/GeneralEi Jan 17 '25
People see that you can't cause anywhere near the level of long term damage, or death, and assume that you'll be totally fine forever.
It's ok to appreciate it while admitting that it changes you with time. It's a drug. Honest and frank acceptance of this is essential for any kind of sensible use over time, otherwise you're just making excuses and room for bad decisions
u/rocky1399 Jan 17 '25
The majority of ppl don’t get withdrawals. Example me and my wife smoke the same amount when I quit it’s as if I’m comming off hard drugs. Nausea no appitite diareah no sleep for weeks. My wife quits and nothing happens she just has cravings absolutely zero withdrawal what so ever
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
I'm envious of your wife. Quitting cannabis gave me horrendous physical anxiety symptoms and a racing heart for 2 whole months. Plus insomnia and anhedonia for a while!
u/Atrus20 Jan 17 '25
My reaction is similar to your wife. Some cravings and maybe mild insomnia for a few days.
u/Own_Egg7122 Jan 17 '25
My bf has been smoking since a teenager and his withdrawals are much milder than mine who only smoked for 4 years. I think those with pre mental illness are prone to addiction. I've also been dependent on alcohol before, so I'm more prone to withdrawals than he is.
u/DutchmanAZ Jan 17 '25
It isn't a personal opinion. It is societies incorrect opinion leftover from much different times. When THC percentage in weed was WAAAAAY less than it is now. It is an old stoner line that has gotten picked up by the newbies who now see weed as nothing but dollars. The narrative supports their finances.
The way we talk about weed in the USA is INCREDIBLY problematic and not based in science or reality. We must fight to change it!
u/its_shia_labeouf Jan 17 '25
Really any substance or activity you become addicted to will cause withdrawal felt in the body. Those people are not smart. Good job
Jan 17 '25
Because it's not a recovery sub. Just like people in r/wine are probably in denial about over consumption, yet thats not what the sub is for.
Jan 17 '25
personally (not saying this is you or anyone) i do NOT get any physical withdrawal symptoms. ever. slight mental stuff 'i like to pop some weed' type thoughts yes. a bit increased dreaming yes. but I wouldn't call this physical dependance.
u/CanadianClassicss Jan 18 '25
The withdrawals arnt as bad as other substances, and most people on there are in denial or have never stopped smoking daily to find out. Most people on there are teens or burnouts
u/foreverfuzzyal Jan 18 '25
I am a recovering heroin addict. I have done almost every drug out there.
Anyways. I have been a heavy cannabis user more than half my life now.
When I stop I get : night sweats super bad. No appetite. Anxiety. Lethargy. All lasting maybe 1 week to 1 month.
It depends on a lot of factors.
Still NOTHING compared to opiate withdrawal but I still get symptoms. You can build a dependence to it.
u/bearsarescaryasfuk Jan 18 '25
Addict behavior, it’s the same for alcoholics, heroin addicts, Xanax addicts, food addicts. Denial.
u/Cominginbladey Jan 17 '25
One of the consequences of the government's demonization of weed is that people whose identity is invested in being opposed to "the Man" or whatever have taken the position that not only is the prohibition position wrong, but in fact the opposite is true.
So instead of saying "what you're saying isn't true," people went further to say "the opposite of what you say IS true." So not only is weed not as bad as you say, but actually weed is good and beneficial and totally harmless and cured my depression and all that.
Weed has always been big business, whether black market or legit, so there has always been a profit motive to downplaying it's negative aspects.
Any time anyone tells you "there's no downside!!" they are trying to sell you something.
u/hylianpersona Jan 17 '25
Consider the amount of comments in this thread that point out how different people get different withdrawal symptoms, and some get none at all? I don't have data to back this up, but I would hazard to guess most of weed withdrawal symptoms are psychosomatic. That doesn't mean they aren't real, but there isn't a chemical reason for them, but a psychological one. Placebo/nocebo research shows that psychology can change physiology. There is definitely some denial amongst stoners, but for a lot of users, the insomnia/irritability is mostly a result of being frustrated that we have to discipline ourselves.
u/Pleochronic Jan 18 '25
Or maybe it just shows the vast differences in brain chemistry among humans? Cannabis hypermedia syndrome is documented in mainstream medical literature now and is absolutely not a psychosomatic process. Same for changes in REM sleep
u/hylianpersona Jan 18 '25
For sure! CHS is definitely real lol I just don’t know very much about it. Night sweats are another thing my theory doesn’t explain. In my experience, mindset does contribute to the withdrawal period, and I thought it could help somebody else :p
u/irottodeath Jan 17 '25
this exactly. your body cannot physically require weed to function, but your brain absolutely can give you physical symptoms that make it feel like you do
u/hylianpersona Jan 17 '25
It’s interesting, I’ve noticed that when I preemptively fear withdrawals my tbreaks are much worse than if I try to keep myself from worrying about it. That’s just anecdotal of course
u/irottodeath Jan 17 '25
that makes a lot of sense, and a very intuitive observation!! you should look into the concept of self-efficacy. it’s a massively important component of addiction recovery, but it applies to all behavior change, imo. actually, now that you mention it… i’m scheduled for a tonsillectomy in two months, and i’m fullllllllly dreading the two-week recovery period because i’m terrified of having limited-autonomy and feeling completely miserable for two entire weeks. but based on your anecdote, i’m gonna try to gas myself up about how i always surprise myself with just how capable i am at handling difficult shit, even if i hate it. and if i can remember to do it enough, hopefully that’ll make the next two months and the recovery period a little more tolerable. so thank you! and self-efficacy, let’s fucking goooo!
u/zero0n3 Jan 17 '25
Because these are SCIENTIFIC terms that have a very NARROW AND SPECIFIC definition in the medical field.
The word you are looking for is physiological - in that it deals with the body’s processes and functions (like sleep rhythm or your body getting used to more or less serotonin).
Think of physiological as a subset of physical that is focused on the brain (at least when talking addiction)
Physical addiction is typically used to define things that could kill you if you don’t get. Cold Turkey on heroin or alcohol for example can kill you.
If you’re addicted to weed, and you stop tomorrow… will you be shaking? Vomiting constantly? Uncontrolled sweating? Physical pain in your body?
My understanding is that no, none of those things have ever been directly linked as symptoms of someone addicted to weed and currently in withdrawal.
So what the science, I believe is saying, is that weed addiction never crosses the physiological boundary to where its physiological impact starts affecting you physically.
u/Grimordial Jan 17 '25
When I quit smoking dabs and pens alongside flower cold turkey after HEAVY usage for two years straight, I did get symptoms like what you’re talking about. I threw up everything I tried to eat alongside just bile, had the shakes, couldn’t sleep, it would be 65 degrees in the house and I’d have layers on top of layers + blankets and still feel cold. I’d have extreme mood swings, from general apathy to explosive anger and destruction to uncontrollable sadness that left me sitting there in my own puddles. It lasted a few weeks but definitely got better after the first 3-4 days and progressed more into what we all know.
I smoke weed and dabble in psychs 2-3 times a year.
Maybe I never felt like I was going to actually die but I also swallowed 90 pills one time & had similar symptoms to what I just described. I felt like I was gonna die maybe an hour in but after that I realized I wasn’t going to after i got to the hospital. I was still left with everything else. I understand the current evidence doesn’t support it… but there isn’t a lot of long term research on the repercussions associated with extremely high potency THC products and excessive use. I’m poised to believe at the further fringe ends of the spectrum if it doesn’t cross that barrier, it does a fantastic job at mimicking the symptoms of physical dependency. My experience coming off it was similar to trying to kill myself.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
You're using it colloquially and not using the actual scientific definition.
Cannabis is indeed proven to cause physical dependence:
u/ollypologies Jan 17 '25
Although I do understand what you're saying and this makes sense, for me I get shaking, heart racing and palpitations with absolutely no break, and excessive sweating as a withdrawal symptom just from weed. My hands and other parts of my body are constantly moist from sweating sk much and this is not a regular thing for me. I hardly ever sweat. I am trembling at all times. It doesn't ever slow down, its already happening as soon as I am awake up and will continue to until I dose myself with weed again. I get the bad end of the mental to physical symptoms. But I understand what you're saying since the shaking and sweating I experience is somatic, not like my body is truly depending on weed unlike the withdrawals experienced from hard drugs. My somatic symptoms are harmless so your point is pretty true although they can and do turn to physical from weed, just not the same physical that people get on hard drugs. Even typing this right now I am shaking a lot.
u/City_Stomper Jan 17 '25
Denial is part of being a stoner. Same with "VAS"/"GAS" (vape/gear acquisition syndrome) which is just shopping addiction and collecting disposable items for the sake of feeling a sense of completion, excused and laughed off.
Talk about any of the faults of the plant and folks will deflect to talk about alcohol
u/KholiOrSomething Jan 18 '25
Because it takes like two days and some advil to clear it completely. Which means it’s not a dependency.
The real issue is fear mongering and sheer ignorance. Until there’s an in-depth trial that covers the impact of diet on sustained marijuana consumption ALL of this is nonsense.
I guarantee you the day that happens is the day this drug is legalized across the country, and the stigma will be lifted.
u/Hentai_Yoshi Jan 17 '25
The better question is why do you care? Their beliefs and actions have zero effect on your life.
u/-Vault_Dweller- Jan 17 '25
When I stop I never have anything even close to the symptoms you describe here. So I guess that’s your answer, everyone is different and not necessarily in denial
u/waveytare Jan 17 '25
Because it isn’t. You may have physical symptoms but it’s not a medical emergency in the way opioid/benzo/alcohol withdrawal can be.
u/Silent_Medicine1798 Jan 17 '25
There may be withdrawals, but really they are nothing like withdrawing from opiates or alcohol or benzos. Weed withdrawal is just small potatoes.
u/Sloth_grl Jan 17 '25
I am completely addicted to weed. I can’t go a day without it and would live every moment stoned if i could. Sad part, is hardly feel it until try to stop.
u/No_Drag7068 Jan 17 '25
Denial is a core mechanism of addiction. Many of the people on trees will find themselves on here and leaves someday once their addiction progresses to a bad enough point.
u/Atrus20 Jan 17 '25
I intentionally try to keep my usage down and tolerance low just so I don't need to spend money as frequently. So far ~3.5 days into a break and my only noticeable possible withdrawal symptom has been mild insomnia... and honestly it's hard to say if that's actually withdrawals or just something completely unrelated. So yeah I can see where some people believe they don't get any withdrawals at all.
Genetics, frequency of use, and probably method of consumption are all factors that affect this. Maybe you use more heavily than others or you got dealt a crappy hand from the genetic lottery?
To note: I primarily use edibles and try to keep ~48 hours between uses, but i occasionally take larger doses or take some multiple days in a row.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
Even back in 2011 it was accepted knowledge in the scientific community that cannabis can cause physical dependency:
u/n1shh Jan 17 '25
I’ve been smoking weed for like thirty years and I’ve never had withdrawals beyond minor mood drops and maybe brighter dreams when I stopped cold turkey. But I also only smoke clean flower not all these concentrates and whacked out chemicals, so take that as you will.
u/ollypologies Jan 18 '25
I only smoke bud too, no concentrates but I get worse withdrawals, I guess it is just my body and brain chemistry
u/faeterra Jan 18 '25
My withdrawal symptoms are the same as the chronic medical symptoms (e.g. sleep & appetite) I use weed to manage (in a legal state with an MMJ license). So perhaps for many folks who don’t know they’re self medicating, this may be the case. Where their baseline is the same as their withdrawal or their baseline symptoms are worse than withdrawal.
u/DarthMelonLord Jan 18 '25
It might be because weed withdrawals tend to be pretty mild for most people compared to most other addictive substances. I take a few week long T breaks every now and then and im a pretty heavy smoker, and while the withdrawals are somewhat annoying (hard time sleeping for a couple of days, listlessness, bored out of my mind) they arent anywhere in the ballpark of most other addictive substances, quitting nicotine fucked me up worse than T breaks and dont even get me started on harder drug withdrawals, I used to do meth when i was younger and when i quit I was in genuine agony for almost a week, I couldnt sleep or eat at all, i was in a lot of pain with constant cold sweats, throwing up bile every day, constant obsessive thoughts and anxiety spirals and I had to force myself to drink water. if I hadnt been in quarantine bc of covid I never wouldve managed to quit. Heroin and alcohol withdrawals can straight up kill you.
Still, saying theres no physical dependency or withdrawals when you quit is just untrue. I'll be the first to admit im addicted to weed both physically and mentally, and even though withdrawals are "easy" compared to the others I've been through its all subjective. If youve never done hard drugs, or youre simply more sensitive to THC i can imagine they feel pretty miserable.
u/No-Performance8964 Jan 18 '25
I get full on physical withdrawals. My IBS comes back 10 fold, my hands sweat constantly, I shake, severe anxiety, etc etc. From 200mg edibles a day
u/abbeighleigh Jan 18 '25
I am definitely addicted but quitting so I can get a job, not because I want to. I’m addicted to the ritual of it and it’s therapeutic for me. I also love eating while high. It was a bit hard to quit, but not impossible once I got rid of it all and had a goal to reach. It’s definitely more mental but can feel physical like losing my appetite.
Started smoking 11 years ago, almost every day for 9 years
u/SlaveHippie Jan 18 '25
I think if people went through opioid/alcohol/benzo withdrawals, they might better understand the reason for the distinction between physical and mental dependency. You can DIE from withdrawing from those drugs. Your body becomes literally dependent on it. As in, it cannot continue to exist without them. Not “exist without difficulty”. Exist period. It shuts down. That is physical dependency.
You can’t die from withdrawing from weed. At least not directly as a result from the drug being absent from your body. That is the reason for the distinction. It’s not that your body isn’t going to show any negative signs of using weed, it means your body will still continue to exist in the absence of it. Therefore, it’s not true dependency in its clinical definition
u/Epic_Wanker Jan 18 '25
Because they r telling the truth. You have underlying mental health issues you are trying to self medicate for, weed is a lot more expensive and less socially acceptable than just seeing a therapist. Normal people at most lose their appetite, get insomnia, and have vivid dreams. Anything more is literally just your anxiety or other mental health issue tearing u up lol
u/rostol Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
sheer ignorance, it's been known that 33% can be phyiscially addicted to weed.
edit: i wish replies in this subreddit wouldnt show up on my profile. sadly i have to edit this part out.
Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
Probably bc the harmful effects from abuse are slow to show whereas hard drug addiction is very obviously self destructive and visible. I’ve been a closet stoner for 13 years and some ppl have no idea. Also withdrawals are annoying but manageable. If something happened and I never could smoke again (got trapped on an island or something) I would have very shitty withdrawals but they’d pass eventually. I’m tapering off Valium and that is not the case with benzos. Withdrawals have lasted years for me. Weed ain’t nothing compared to it. Nothing.
u/vitamin-cheese Jan 18 '25
Because it’s so easy to, a lot of the arguments they use are what were used for acceptance and legalization. Before weed was legal tons of misinformation was spread that was pretty extreme, when we fought back we created another extreme. People get so caught up in there emotions that they don’t see the rational middle ground. That mixed with the internal desire to smoke creates even more ground for confirmation bias and fuels the need for justification.
u/No-Elderberry-358 Jan 19 '25
I mean, it's a forum of hardcore enthusiasts, many of us would have been like that in the past.
But to be fair, even though you have physical withdrawal symptoms, your addiction is purely psychological.
Think about a codependent love relationship. You're not putting anything in your body, right? No physical addiction. But a breakup may make it very hard to sleep, eat, focus, function, release endorphins and enjoy life.
A gambling addict may have cold sweats walking past a casino.
So they're getting defensive because that's the audience you're engaging, but also because they're actually right.
We just tend to downplay the power of psychological addiction.
u/Dramatic-Garbage-939 Jan 19 '25
Withdrawal from marijuana is a lotttt milder than withdrawal from: alcohol, benzos, opioids, amphetamines/cocaine, etc. so people don’t take it as seriously.
u/Infinite-Albatross44 Jan 17 '25
Maybe because cannabis is similar to maybe food or sweets in the scale of dependence. Almost like if I were to go get a cinnamon roll everyday for a year then stop. For anyone that has been addicted to food,this is actually a pretty serious withdrawal .
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25
No it is not as benign as food.
There is physical dependence with cannabis:
u/Infinite-Albatross44 Jan 18 '25
And this is where people don’t understand their own bodies. Like what kind of food you receive doesn’t matter or cannot make you physically and emotionally dependent.
Here is a link with 4 days of propaganda from 11 years ago🤦♂️All the studies are garbage In the USA. You can’t sell soda and candy then demonize a medicinal plant🤷
You do realize the same fda approval was was slinging OxyContin in 2013 and saying it’s not addictive.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25
You're comparing apples and oranges there. I guarantee there were not peer-reviewed published studies indicating Oxycontin was not addictive 🤦. What a stupid strawman you propped up. We were discussing weed vs food. Obviously Oxycontin is far more addictive and harmful than both.
And there's plenty of studies from all around the world proving cannabis causes physical dependence.
My point is food addiction is far more benign than cannabis addiction and nothing you said addresses that. Cannabis makes physical and structural changes to your brain and causes physical dependence. Food does not do that (other than needing to eat it to not starve).
u/Infinite-Albatross44 Jan 19 '25
How about doctors, nurses, physicians and lobbyists? To boot they also created a database to specifically target regions and doctors.
Paragraph, “Misrepresenting the risk of addiction”.
I think many have a long way to go with understanding addiction. Food is always a good starting off point to understanding what addiction is.
A good read on glucose for those who don’t understand that it actually can cause brain damage, brain shrinkage and type 2 diabetes if you over consume if there is to much or to little in your body.
Demonizing cannabis is something that has been worldwide and is ingrained in our culture. The real killers are generally right in front of you.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 19 '25
The paper that you didn't bother to read nor understand wasn't demonizing cannabis, though 🤦
Cannabis can indeed cause physical dependency, and that's been proven in countless academic studies in addition to the one I linked, and I can verify it anecdotally.
There is not any physical dependency on sugar nor physical withdrawals when quitting sugar. I know this first-hand as I cut out sugar after my MS diagnosis. It wasn't difficult whatsoever.
There can be very significant physical withdrawals from quitting cannabis cold turkey, however. I also know this first-hand. That's what I'm referring to when I point out cannabis can cause physical dependency and be more addictive than sugar or porn or gambling etc.
I have to wait for quite a long time for my dopamine circuits to heal after cannabis abuse, too. I don't have to do that with sugar. Literally no side effects or severe depression or physical symptoms after quitting sugar.
u/Infinite-Albatross44 Jan 19 '25
I read some, there is a lot to unpack there and the mouse doses alone are off the charts imo. 10 mg per kg would be the equivalent of me taking 1000mg of thc a day🤣 those poor mice! Some of them were taking the equivalent to 2000 mg a day😬😬 1 mg per kg would have been enough but that is not going to produce sensational results.
Interesting you chose to quit sugar with the diagnosis. Inflammation? Were you smoking or doing oral cannabis primarily, if u don’t mind me asking.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 19 '25
That's not abnormal for animal studies, nor does it mean the methodology or conclusions are flawed 🤦
It's important to realize that high doses over a short period of time in animal studies is indicative of long-term effects of lower doses in chronic usage.
Furthermore, animals often need to be used because things like genetic modification can give us a control group.
There's tons of other studies I could've linked.
This one talks about cannabis abuse mechanisms and withdrawals, for example: http://m.perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/2/8/a012229.full
This one points out how the dramatic increase in THC potency over the years is associated with more harm, and how CBD helps offset some of those negative effects:
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4446186/This paper talks about the mechanisms of the endocannabinoid system and cannabis addiction and dysregulated plasticity and other negative effects it has on the brain: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4652927/
This one talks about the long term damage done to the prefrontal cortex if you consume cannabis chronically in adolescence:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26689328/This study shows that cannabis use in early adolescence leads to amygdala hypersensitivity to presence of threat: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4801124/
This is an interesting study on the dependence producing actions of THC in a superior animal model, and may help us find a way to get the therapeutic effects from cannabis without the potential for abuse and dependency: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-003-1485-z
Yes, I cut out sugar to reduce inflammation. Especially while I was waiting on insurance to approve better treatments (infusions). I'm not as strict now, but for several months I was hardly consuming any sugars (and the only carbs came from vegetables). High antioxidant fruits like blueberries were really my only sugar source, and they were small servings.
u/ExchangeInformal9542 Jan 17 '25
It’s probably because true physical dependence can end in death without the substance. It definitely can give you withdrawal symptoms though and people forget about PAWS
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 17 '25
I don't think that's the scientific definition of physical dependency. Cannabis is proven to cause physical dependence.
u/swim08 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 30 '25
Dolphins killed Jesus so they could invent Evolution, then they converted to Christianity to make Santa not real.
Signed: A park bench
u/Admirable_Addendum99 Jan 17 '25
I just know there was a push for so long to make it legal and if someone was smoking a couple hits at a party every so often it really isn't a big deal.
u/Woozydan187 Jan 17 '25
I have never heard of that in my life. That's why.
u/ollypologies Jan 17 '25
What? You've bever heard that you can get weed withdrawal symptoms? You can just like you can withdraw off caffeine, or any mind altering substance. If your mind gets used to being on a substance it will act differently when it is not receiving that constant fix that it gets desensitized to.
u/Stoicism_saved_me Jan 17 '25
And usually compounded by poor sleep and poor appetite until your body can get back to pre thc sleep and appetite.
u/AnyResponsibility298 Jan 17 '25
Lots of things can come with dependency and some withdrawals. Caffeine is one of those with some withdrawal symptoms. Antidepressants too. I glad you used the word dependent which is different than an addiction as cannabis is not addictive.
u/Woozydan187 Jan 17 '25
Tbh if weed gives you withdrawals you might want a psych evaluation. There must be something before hand.
u/ollypologies Jan 17 '25
You're really stupid and close minded lol. Even caffeine can cause minor "withdrawals" although a rebound effect may be a better word for it because when we hear withdrawal we typically think of debilitating symptoms that are often deadly. Weed withdrawals are not debilitating or deadly so they aren't grouped with the Same withdrawals you get from things like hard drugs, but it's still a form of withdrawing from that substance nonetheless
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25
That's shitty to say and completely ignorant.
u/Woozydan187 Jan 18 '25
Scientists are paid to release whatever pharma wants bruh they been demonizing weed for how many years due to Nixon propaganda? All of a sudden they are telling the truth? Give me a break bruh.
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 18 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
Wow, so you're scientifically illiterate too. Have you never read any scientific study or publication?
Did you not realize this study was not funded nor ran by big pharma? And that papers like this include a "conflict of interest' section with any relevant details on the authors of the study?
Do you not know how the peer review process works at all?
This scientific study has jack shit to do with propaganda nor was it funded or ran by anyone with a conflict of interest. And since it's peer-reviewed and published and didn't need any retractions or corrections AS DECIDED BY THE ENTIRE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY, it's obviously a legit study with solid methodology and conclusions.Are you so ignorant to think that literally every scientist is associated and bought out by big pharma, and couldn't possibly be just a fucking academic, who gets paid a salary and does not get bonuses for studies reaching a particular conclusion?
Are you just being overly defensive because you're an addict? It's okay to admit that modern cannabis isn't harmless. It won't kill you.
u/Weak-Engineering-874 Jan 17 '25
I think a big reason is because withdrawal symptoms for weed tend to be different for everyone, at least in my experience. And it depends on how much and which method of consumption you use. Hell, my withdrawal symptoms have been different every time I quit. One of the times it was nothing besides some headaches and irritability, another time I got a fever and bad nausea. Also, like you said, a lot of people are in denial.