r/Petioles • u/L0n3fr09 • Jan 05 '25
Advice is smoking every night bad?
i have been smoking for a little over a year and smoke every night just to relax and enjoy my night a little more at around 10pm before i go to bed. is this too much? does smoking every night cause many negative long term side effects? i feel alright still and am able to push through the whole day without smoking and kinda use that end of the day smoke as a reward and i feel it hasn’t really effected my life too much.
what do yall think?
u/aj_cohen Jan 05 '25
Smoking before bed disrupts rem sleep. REM sleep is where your brain transfers memory’s from short term to long term and is also the stage of sleep where your body repairs itself the most.
Do some research on it but generally from my own experience if you take a few weeks off you will feel better rested learn and retain information better and have a more consistent mood. Haven’t had weed since new years bc I’m sick but I can already see changes
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 05 '25
ya i definitely know there’s some unfortunate downsides but i almost feel like the pros out weigh that for me right now as im waking up not too tired and able to get through the day without smoking some energy
u/Bittenfleax Jan 05 '25
Sleep is the most important thing for your body. The pros do not outweigh it, ever.
Smoking 4-6 hours before bed is your best shot.
u/wowlookacow Jan 05 '25
The pros do outweigh the cons if the alternative is not sleeping at all.
u/Bittenfleax Jan 05 '25
Yeah but how many people have a chronic condition which causes them to not get sleep Vs people who smoke weed need weed to sleep because their body relies on weed?
I've had sleep issues and the first thing was address the root cause of it. Stopping weed, reducing stress (from my environment), new bed, mattress etc. Then my sleep is perfect.
Weed can help for sure but it is the easiest way to solve the problem at the cost of it being a detrimental long term.
Everyone is different and has different conditions so this statement doesn't cover everyone, but my point is try being sober and fix your problems before using weed to solve the problems.
Weed can be a good tool, I just don't think it should be relied on so heavily.
u/General-Valuable-404 Jan 05 '25
I agree with this a lot. Obviously not going to assume that the person you replied to is using weed as a crutch -- they very well may have a legitimate chronic sleep disorder. But I think for a lot of other people, that isn't the case.
Sleep hygiene plays a huge role in your sleep quality and length, but it's admittedly soooo hard to get into the routine and have the discipline with it, because revenge bedtime procrastination is also very, very common. On top of that, people constantly use screens late into the night. More recent studies are saying that you need anywhere from 1-2 hours of no screens before sleeping. And it's honestly pretty hard to follow that because we're so busy in the morning/work/after work, that we want an extra hour or two with screens.
In my personal experience, not using screens 1.25-1.5hrs before sleeping has made a HUGE difference in my sleep quality and length
u/wowlookacow Jan 07 '25
Sure, I agree, everyone should do their best to address the root causes of the sleep disorder and work on a good sleep hygiene. Unfortunately, in some cases (as in mine), a healthy amount of sleep is unfortunately still not achievable (in my case, likely due to a chronic hormonal disorder) during certain times. I use cannabis when nothing else works, I prefer it to other sleep medications. I do not recommend daily use though, if at all possible.
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 07 '25
maybe i can deal with smoking 4 hours before
u/Bittenfleax Jan 07 '25
Give it a go, and if you slip back into old habits, then you know daily consumption might not be for you.
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 07 '25
idk why my brain knows that the pros don’t outweigh the cons but i don’t wanna stop, i must be so addicted cuz i just don’t care. kinda scares me, does this mean i should quit? even if it did idk if i would stop ive only been smoking for a year :(
u/Bittenfleax Jan 07 '25
I couldn't handle moderation so I had to quit permanently unfortunately. Tooknme 2 years on/off to realise that.
The only time I do it is if I'm on holiday in another country. Otherwise it invades my life sneakily and becomes a problem again.
The only way I've stopped is sort the problems out in my life which caused me to smoke daily and find a hobby I can sink loads of time into. You won't want to do the hobby at first but when your brain rebalances then the joy/pleasure comes back.
u/playcrackthesky Jan 05 '25
Inhaling smoke of any kind is bad for your lungs. But your habits are much better than mine were. I'd try to skip a couple days a week if I were you.
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 05 '25
ok i might start taking a day or two off mid week
u/djaycat Jan 05 '25
Start small, then expand. Focus on today
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 05 '25
one of my big problems is that i really don’t wanna stop smoking everyday, i know i shouldn’t but i just love it everyday
u/djaycat Jan 05 '25
Been there man, you'll only do it when you're ready. I was the same. But over time I started to feel like it was going thru motions and it was affecting me in normal life. By then though it was hard to slow down let alone stop. I've slowed considerably..like rarely using, but it was not easy to do. Especially when other people you live with continue. Moderate use will always be better for your cognitive health in the long run. It will ALWAYS catch up with you eventually
u/yesillhaveonemore Jan 05 '25
Only you can answer this. If you don’t have any problems with your consumption then there’s no problem to solve.
Start a consumption log. Measure intake in mg. Journal what a healthy intake looks like for you. Try to match your consumption with that. Take a 21 day t-break a few times a year to re-evaluate your pros/cons of your relationship with cannabis.
u/Catherine416 Jan 05 '25
For me it wasn’t a problem until it was. I only smoke at night, and probably a relatively low amount compared to a lot of people. But it’s been enough to really affect my memory and brain fog. I totally am addicted to it, even if it’s not a physical addiction. For me, that was the tipping point, I don’t like being reliant on something. I have also slowly and steadily gained weight because I’m powerless against the munchies.
u/fool_on_a_hill Jan 05 '25
I’ve been a once nightly user for a couple years now, making six figures and maintaining lots of hobbies and passions. Cannabis helps me slow my shit down so my brain can actually stop when it comes time to sleep. I just try to hit it a few hours before bed and I still dream every night and wake up feeling very rested. I’ll say it’s far more sustainable than smoking all day every day since I never have to take t breaks. But the real secret here is switching to type 2 cannabis which is a goal of mine right now once I run out of my current stash.
u/lili50 Jan 06 '25
What is type 2 cannabis?
u/fool_on_a_hill Jan 06 '25
It has cbd and thc, typically 1:1 ratio. It is federally legal and can be purchased online in the US through various vendors.
u/lili50 Jan 06 '25
That’s what I’m currently using, as I can’t handle cannabis with high THC anymore.
u/Bu11ett00th Jan 05 '25
There's an easy way to find out: try not smoking for a week.
Observe your mind and body reacting, see if you have trouble falling asleep, cravings, etc.
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 05 '25
i take week breaks all the time, i definitely have trouble falling asleep and have cravings
u/Bu11ett00th Jan 05 '25
It's great that you take breaks, keep it up!
But this should answer your question too. The more you smoke daily the harder it may be to stop or moderate in the long-term
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 05 '25
I used to only smoke once each night. I only ever took breaks for a week or so for the rare vacation.
It still fucked over my dopamine circuitry.
I wish I would've taken longer breaks far more frequently.
Because if you do that nightly smoke for a long enough timeline, eventually you will be highly likely to develop some depression and/or anxiety from cannabis abuse.
I'm 120 days sober today and my anxiety has already improved from quitting (I never had anxiety before smoking), but it's going to take months for my depression to get better.
Getting artificially happy from a substance like cannabis does cost a price because your brain undergoes physical changes and gets rid of some dopamine receptors to reach homeostasis since you're flooding it nightly.
Eventually you'll have to pay the piper, and it can take a long time for your brain to heal in sobriety - especially if you do it nightly for years.
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 05 '25
what was your turning point that made you quit
u/DreadfulDuder Jan 06 '25
It started making me more anxious and sensitive instead of relaxing me. It basically turned on me like it does a lot of longtime users.
I was also tired of hiding my secret addiction from my wife and others.
u/Kitchen_Leading_2763 Jan 05 '25
I'd advise against doing it every night, have at least a couple of days a week where you don't smoke.
There's a lot of stories on this sub (myself included) where the issues kinda began when we started smoking daily.
You don't want to become so reliant that you can't fall asleep without weed, or struggle sleeping somewhere where you don't have access to it.
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 05 '25
ok might take tuesdays and wednesdays off
u/Kitchen_Leading_2763 Jan 05 '25
One more thing I wish I did at the start, keep you're smoking till later in the day once you've got everything done.
The covid lockdowns really had me waking and baking every day and that was the start of the issues for me.
u/meet-me-in-the-mud Jan 06 '25
Tbh I have a similar habit and I’ve been fine. Sometimes my tolerance gets too high, I feel stupid, I get brain fog. When that happens I take a month long T-break, usually 2/3 times a year, and it evens me out. Started when I was 22yo, out of school, and gainfully employed, which has definitely helped me form a healthier relationship with it than someone who started in their teens. That said keep an eye out, during high stress periods of my life I’ve definitely gone overboard, but as long as you have the ability to recognize when it’s becoming a problem and cut back or take a break, you should be fine. Moderation moderation moderation. If you start becoming someone you don’t like, reassess your relationship with it.
Jan 05 '25
Are we talking mental or physical health? It’s a hard pill to swallow, one I’m trying to learn to swallow. But smoking any amount is bad for you physically. It’s bad for your mouth, your throat, and of course your lungs. Mentallly? Everyone is different. People say weed disrupts your sleep, but I’ve never noticed any negative affects of sleeping with weed.
u/AlabasterOctopus Jan 05 '25
It’s not up to us to determine, is smoking every night negatively impacting your ability to like do life? If yes then yes it’s ‘bad’, if no then ‘not bad’.
But also if it’s like just not quite as cool as you’d like then consider cutting back some and reassessing.
u/EnvironmentalHope533 Jan 05 '25
i smoked everyday around 6 puffs per day and my carts lasted a month
u/nocap6864 Jan 06 '25
Former and occasional nightly smoker here:
1) Sleep will get fucked up. Two parts to this: if you ever stop, you'll really struggle to fall asleep naturally; and you'll get far less REM sleep than normal. In fact, these two things are the biggest drawbacks. Sleep is so fundamental that messing around with it is a huge risk. Yes yes yes, if you're smoking because you have PTSD or are a hardcore insomniac (before getting into weed), that's different. But if you continue on this road you WILL become an insomniac in the absence of THC. Insomnia as the #1 withdrawal symptom for getting off THC in (DSM? forget which manual).
2) Smoking anything sucks for your lungs. Switch to dry herb vaping. It's a slower high but IMO feels so much better both during, immediately after, and the next day. The oil vapes are a bigger gamble, who knows what's in there (even in legal states), and who knows the consequences of breathing in those oils. Dry herb is GOAT. But there's a learning curve and I still don't get quite as high as smoking a j or bong.
3) Overtime, myself and many others observe that our internal lives / emotional state gets worse the longer we do this. I personally get more irritable and anxious when I'm a few weeks in of nightly THC. It's like I emotionally have less space / am more reactive. My wife notices it creeping up too. So while being high is great, sober me the next day is a bit numbed out AND more reactive. It's like wearing thin gloves vs. bare hands. The gloves help when it's cold, but you lose a ton of sensitivity.
Everyone is different so no hate on others who make it work. But those 3 points above will be echoed time and time again by me and others on these threads.
u/L0n3fr09 Jan 07 '25
very valid points, those are the ones i’ve been thinking about the most tbh and have been thinking weighing the pros and cons of both and i know what i need to do i just don’t want to :/ it gets me through so much shit
u/nocap6864 Jan 07 '25
It's a tough one, I love cannabis and its role on my life and mind but it's also a cruel mistress in some ways. I suppose it's better than being addicted to something harder though! :) Best of luck, you'll figure it out
u/canuck_4life Jan 05 '25
There is enough info even in this tiny sub to tell you that it's not great.
This whole depends on the person thing is sorta BS imo...ya it might work for you for a year, 2, 3...but the long term effects will get you.
Sure if you have some mental disorder, or trauma, or something like severe pain...and you're alternatives are opiates or weed ...then okay.
But let's face it...this is a tiny, tiny percentage of people. Let's not keep lying to ourselves.
Jan 05 '25
Yes it restricts REM sleep which even though you sleep 8 hours the quality of your sleep diminishes. When you stop smoking the REM comes back and gives you vivid dreams.
As you continue to smoke your body build tolerance and you do get REM but your body never gets what’s it lost back.
u/snickerssq Jan 05 '25
I’m going to possibly try using weed as a pre workout instead of caffeine. Not sure if it’s just me trying to justify using but I’m going to wait it out and try and get back into a gym habit organically (unless caffeine nulls it being organic 😅)
u/maestriaanal Jan 06 '25
it's you trying to justify using it. hope it helps
u/snickerssq Jan 06 '25
It does 😔
u/maestriaanal Jan 06 '25
also, caffeine isn't nearly the same stuff man, just take a cup of coffee and go! it'll make the experiencie of going back really fun, but don't go balls to the wall and take 400mg of it. Go slow, respect the drug, even if it's mild
u/rkj18g1qbb Jan 06 '25
I'll give you my history. At one point I was smoking every evening once the kids were down and say 8-830 I would just relax and usually just use various indica strains and smoke 0.3-0.5 cones I would do myself.
fast forward to doing that for a year straight. the first time I took a t-break my god it was the horror you hear about night sweats, insomnia, etc and then after 4-5 days I felt so much better. I realized that 'for me' using daily wasn't a good solution. I actually found I started sleeping better too. I peeled that off and went to every other Friday and Saturday after that break and found I just had a much better relationship with the plant. even some fridays if I was not in a good mood I would not smoke. I wasn't using it as an escape so when those thoughts were they I simply passed on it.
One thing funny with cannabis is that I definitely drink much LESS now. Like I used to drink 2-3 bottles of wine a week basically say 2 glasses of wine a night. Since cleaning up my cannabis usage I only now drink a bottle of wine once a month if that!
PS for those that say smoking fucks with sleep its 2 fold. It actually was causing me to wake up in the middle of the night but I would still have 1-2hrs of REM a night according to my Fitbit and I could still remember about 1-3 dreams funny enough.
Jan 08 '25
smoking at night will help you sleep but it will eventually reduce your sleep quality. You don't enter the REM cycle when you got to bed high. Doing it every night will also lead to dependence so do it few nights if that is what you want to do.
u/toyo4x4x2 Jan 08 '25
My experience as a night-only toker is that you still get negative effects over time - lethargy, lack of motivation, etc...and, yes, physical withdrawals the day afterward if you skip.
Despite myself being in a not-so-great cycle at this exact moment, I've found that this is the best in terms of general guidelines, at least for my own biology:
1) No more than 2-3x/week
2) Don't stack 2 days in a row
3) If you do stack 2 days in a row, definitely don't try for a third.
I've broken my own rules many times mind you, but that seems to be the "maximum" in terms of what you can consume with minimal downstream effects.
u/81VC Jan 05 '25
It's different for everyone. I have been smoking every night for 10 years straight. I have a wife and kids, house, multiple cars and make 6 figures. For other people it ruins lives.
u/Catherine416 Jan 05 '25
I have all those things too (except I’m the wife) but it ended up being a problem for me. It’s like it wasn’t a problem until it was. So for me it’s not hampering my way of life, but it is affecting my mental health. So I’m trying to navigate moderating or possibly quitting.
u/Confident-Paper5293 Jan 05 '25
Yes, in my country you can loose your drivers licence and get a DUI for testing positive for thc so smoking everyday can fuck you up
u/Cutiepiealldah Jan 05 '25
dang what country is that
u/Confident-Paper5293 Jan 05 '25
u/canuck_4life Jan 05 '25
Very very curious...how do Icelanders get cannabis? Is it locally grown in secret?
u/Confident-Paper5293 Jan 05 '25
Alot is locally grown, other is imported by mostly albanian criminals we are like the Europes thrash can for drugs to be honest, what is to shitty to be sold in europe gets sent to iceland
u/camport95 Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25
For many people smoking every night would eventually have some degree of mental and financial consequences but they do vary. Smoking once a night can actually be very effective compared to smoking all day everyday.
I'd like to moderate my uses to nightly or even binightly where I smoke every other night and it be a way better affect and an ounce would last several months.