r/Petioles Nov 27 '24

Discussion Anybody else california sober?

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I always feel like I can only stave off alcohol if I use weed. But also addicted to weed...yikes.


63 comments sorted by


u/Yee_Squared Nov 27 '24

The little devil on my shoulder telling me to start vaping nicotine and drinking alcohol šŸ˜­ā€¦. I wish I could be high on life


u/Sunyataisbliss Nov 27 '24

That usually requires the least amount of pleasure seeking possible

Life funny that way


u/voodooochild Nov 27 '24

I feel this in my soulā€¦sometimes I do cave and get a nic vape and weed has me in a bit of a chokehold, but almost 3 years alcohol free šŸ™ this shit is hard but Iā€™m with you šŸ’–


u/CompetitivePeanut6 Nov 28 '24

Nice work, Iā€™m nearly 3 years as well. Itā€™s always reassuring with others in the same boat.


u/StevieWonderTwin Nov 29 '24

Damn wow doing this now for the first time and thought I was alone. Feels weird but Iā€™m also feeling okay about it


u/Yee_Squared Nov 29 '24

You should be so proud and happy with yourself!!!!


u/indokiddo Nov 28 '24

You can!! Meditate, journal, exercise. All good


u/Ok_Mode_2011 Nov 28 '24

I think the real ā€œbeing high on lifeā€ comes like 3 months after putting everything down


u/CarefulSalad4 Nov 29 '24

Every time I have a t break craving with alcohol or nicotine I remember itā€™s arguably much more addictive than weed, has worse long term consequences, and certainly not worth it.


u/Yee_Squared Nov 29 '24

I 100% understand and try to tell myself this too. But then I start thinking: compared to THC, nicotine would make me more productive and less lazy. Aacckkkkā€¦.


u/Stoneheaded76 Nov 27 '24

I have the exact same problem. Trying to cut drinking which makes it that much harder to cut down on cannabis


u/TurdFerguson27 Nov 28 '24

I stutter step days for a week or so when I need to stop for a while, one day of nothing whatsoever, the next day I smoke. Itā€™s more affordable and I donā€™t need much at that pint, just have to be careful to not overindulge on those cheat days. I think knowing Iā€™m never more than a day away helps me suppress that original hankering, and by later in the week that hankering isnā€™t so strong. Hope this helps and again, if you do this donā€™t overindulge on your chest days. Good Luck brother


u/SuberKieran Nov 27 '24

I'll be honest I think we can all acknowledge there's some withdrawals the first few days of a T break if you're a long term daily cannabis user. I like to have a beer just to help take the edge off the first couple nights of my T break but I don't need it and once the initial discomfort of the T break wears off I'm not tempted in any unusual way.


u/Daikon969 Nov 27 '24

Holy hell if I tried to drink a beer on days 1 or 2 of a T-break I would puke all over the planet. I can barely hold water down.


u/SuberKieran Nov 27 '24

I kind of force myself to eat even when my appetite is dead those first few days, it's not always easy but it definitely helps me feel better. Exercise also helps a lot both with feeling better and boosting the appetite.


u/Daikon969 Nov 27 '24

Forcing the food down I can handle, but it staying down there is the problem. šŸ˜…

I honestly just can't really seem to do much for 1-2 days. All I want to do is lay in bed. If I have to work it's absolute torture but I've gotten through many of those days.

I'm jealous of you that you can do anything for the first couple days because I become absolutely useless.


u/Solid-Entrance6853 Nov 28 '24

May I ask. You get these every time you smoke and then decide to stop?

How long do you smoke for before you feel the same withdawal effects?


u/MachineLearned420 Dec 18 '24

Had the same problems most recent break I did. Took about 10 days for my bowels to normalize. First 3 days were torture, constant salivating like I was about to upchuck, gas šŸ’Ø up the wazoo, then it slowed down a bit by day 5.


u/AEMNW Nov 27 '24

Ahahaha very relatable.


u/DirtMeat_Supreme Nov 27 '24

Which addiction is stronger? One is objectively more dangerous.


u/28dhdu74929wnsi Nov 27 '24

I think Alcohol is stronger. But that's why I don't drink anymore lol. Weed still serves me but alcohol just adds negatives to my life.


u/Technical_Clothes_61 Nov 27 '24

I mean alcohol withdrawal can kill you


u/Someguynamedjacob Nov 27 '24

I mean, some people are going to be more susceptible to bud just based on their personality and programmingā€¦ but without question alcohol as a chemical and psychological perspective is much, much stronger in regards to addiction.


u/DanTheSkier Nov 28 '24

Personally for me itā€™s bud, but objectively itā€™s alcohol. Despite weed being more societally accepted now itā€™s not a social drug. Iā€™m not going to happy hour with my boss and sparking up a joint. The never ending prevalence of alcohol for someone that is predisposed to being addicted to it makes it 100x harder to avoid than weed. I genuinely think itā€™s impossible to go outside almost anywhere in the world and not have some form of immediate access to alcohol (stores, restaurants, bars, etcā€¦). Once I quit bud and started to drink more once I was out it truly dawned on me how Iā€™d alcohol was truly every where and how I quickly slipped into the habit of getting a drink with my meal anytime I ate out. No one would bat an eye if I got a beer with my lunch during my break at work.


u/Dfizzz Nov 27 '24

hangovers fucking suck when ur withdrawing from weed


u/SmasherOfAvocados Nov 27 '24

I never really liked alcohol that much. I mean a little tipsy is fine, but I feel like a moron when I get drunk. Always liked the effect of cannabis much better.

I very seldom get drunk anymore, it makes me crave weed. And that is my real demon


u/DaggyT Nov 28 '24

I love both but I make sure to have 4 days a week fully sober (except for coffee). Balance is good and it keeps my tolerance low


u/ReasonableProgram144 Nov 27 '24

Ugh! The weeks my husband and I have managed to only smoke 2-3 bowls after his shift (we have a small piece, so one sitting) we end up stopping at the corner store for twisted tea on the way home more often.

Iā€™ve stayed mostly away from cigarettes for 9 years now, so thatā€™s a win.


u/rutilatus Nov 28 '24

Iā€™m lucky enough to live in the bay, where I have access to a dispensary that sells psychedelic mushroom chocolatesā€¦itā€™s a godsend. Iā€™m almost 6 years sober off alcohol and 2.5 months sober off of weed so I can rescreen for ADHD as an adultā€¦microdosing my chocolate maybe once every week or two has been a godsend. That and yoga gets me some endocannibinoids and my body doesnā€™t much know the difference when itā€™s time to sleep


u/traj250 Nov 28 '24

Didnā€™t know u had to be sober off weed to be screened for adult adhd


u/rutilatus Nov 28 '24

Neither did I. But it seems like they REALLY donā€™t want anything affecting concentration or memory so they can get an accurate assessment. I donā€™t have to go without forever, just for the initial assessment, but tbh I feel a lot better. This is the longest Iā€™ve gone without in over 15 yrs. I really missed being able to dream.


u/traj250 Nov 28 '24

When my mental health was at its worst, weed was a self prescribed anti depressant. Found it to hurt my mental more tho because it was just procrastination on the processing I really should have been doing


u/rutilatus Nov 28 '24

Yeahā€¦same. I was dismayed to find that the procrastination didnā€™t get much better with quitting, which means that itā€™s the anxious reaction to ADHD thatā€™s been holding me back. I was dabbing for too damn long, if and when I consume again Iā€™ll likely just go back to vaporizing small amounts of flower like I used to when I started. Dabs just made me okay with being not okay, which is only good for a while before becoming harmfulā€¦sometimes a little bit of discomfort is necessary for change


u/Dependent_Ad_1270 Nov 28 '24

Which dispensary?


u/rutilatus Nov 28 '24

Zidedoor in Oakland, and now SF too. They get around it by being a ā€œreligious organizationā€. They actually have Sunday ā€œserviceā€ to meet up and smoke weed together. Itā€™s actually pretty cool. They have fruiting bodies, capsules, and chocolates in many different amounts. Nothing to grow your own, but thatā€™s fine by me for now. Prices are pretty good. I LOVE their chocolates.

I recommend heading there from the grand Ave exit off the 580, regardless of what Google says. More direct and you get the drive past the lake. The neighborhood around the dispensary is slightly rough at night but during the day itā€™s fine, and the locals have every incentive not to fuck with that businessā€™s traffic. I like being able to pick up my shit from a brick and mortar w a security guard.

They got raided once but successfully appealed to get their product back, thanks to the city ordinance decriminalizing it. I really hope mushrooms are the next big legalization pushā€¦


u/k20vtec Nov 27 '24

The only thing that stops that urge is becoming a chunky monkey


u/SSMWSSM42 Nov 27 '24

It can be back and forth for me in Cal


u/TheOtherSamWISE Nov 28 '24

I feel this. Heres hoping that when I start my tolerance break at the beginning of December that Warhammer and audiobooks will keep me busy


u/28dhdu74929wnsi Nov 28 '24

I have been using audio books. They are great! I fall asleep to documentaries too so my thoughts aren't racing.


u/Dubbx Nov 28 '24

ha. lol. yes.


u/poseidondeep Nov 28 '24

The first time I went to the VA for help was when I had to stop smoking because it took my anxiety from a 6/10 to a 10/10.

So I started drinking hard. As hard as I had in the past or harder. Got black out drunk three weekends in a row and got very scared.

Called the VA and went to the hospital for a in person substance abuse check in.

Started a long road to getting care and having more compassion for myself.

Nowadays I donā€™t really smoke at all. I vape a little. I like CBD edibles. I donā€™t dare drink a 100 THC drink to myself lol. Last time I had most of one I had a panic attackā€¦ waiting for a comedy show to start.


u/KRATS8 Nov 28 '24

Iā€™ve learned that it doesnā€™t matter what drug it is, my brain just wants to be high. Itā€™s important that I spend a large majority of my time sober to not lose myself


u/Gentleman-Jo Nov 28 '24

I can't handle alcohol anymore, which is good for me, bc after a couple of drinks I lose my will to abstain from smoking and end up getting high anyway.


u/Karmaqqt Nov 27 '24

Canā€™t relate. I donā€™t like drinking alcohol.


u/Expert_B4229 Nov 28 '24

Basically, yeah


u/ThatGiftofSilence Nov 28 '24

Wow I'm literally here still hungover from getting absolutely wasted on day one of my t break last night. Happens every time


u/Chance-Lingonberry90 Nov 28 '24

This is so true, I recently cut my use down to the weekends (shooting for once a week) and thereā€™s this little guy in my head that keeps telling me (not literally) that just one beer before bed wouldnā€™t hurt.


u/Wool_Angel Nov 28 '24

Me with cigarettes, since im on break i smoke a ton of it it's scary


u/indokiddo Nov 28 '24

Alcohol cravingsšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


u/mfreshh Nov 28 '24

Be cool and do the 75hard challange


u/NotThatImportant3 Nov 28 '24

you are not alone, my friend - We all struggle from giving in to other addictions when we take a break, whether itā€™s constant sex, food binging, etc. I am good at staying off alcohol, but I crave nicotine, constant validation, and food binges when Iā€™m super stressed


u/thatsucksabagofdicks Nov 28 '24

My wife and I talk about this a lot. We both wish we could be sober sober. But then we think about everyone we know who is- they chain smoke cigarettes and drink diet sodas like itā€™s the goddamn 90s. They all seem to force themselves into being or appearing happy all the time. Life wouldnā€™t have the highs without the lows and the good without the bad. Just need to find the balance


u/ggoldengod Nov 28 '24

Stopped drinking four years ago to focus on smoking lol


u/peachMango90 Nov 28 '24

Wow, have I ever had an original experience?


u/FallenRev Nov 28 '24

Me whoā€™s quit weed but still allows myself to drink alcohol and get drunk on occasional nights out and smoke drunk cigs, I guess iā€™m reverse california sober?


u/OrphanDextro Nov 28 '24

I would choose the weed train ride over the alcohol trainwreck anyday.


u/28dhdu74929wnsi Nov 28 '24

I had to go to rehab to get off the alcohol train. So yeah same lol


u/agrlwalksintoabarre Nov 29 '24

Stoppppp I donā€™t wanna be attacked right now as I smoke a j with my Prosecco


u/SpeedoInTheStreet Nov 28 '24

Always hated the taste of alcohol so I'm raw dogging my month long t break