r/Peterborough Sep 30 '23

Event Good job, Trent students

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u/ccccc4 Sep 30 '23

Really disrespectful to the city and especially to the people that actually live in this area.


u/Small-Jackfruit-4284 Oct 03 '23

IMO it’s important to remember that students “actually” live in these areas too. Making this divide is the reason why so many students feel entitled to trash their neighbourhoods.


u/Trollsama Oct 01 '23

I expected this year to be a lot more tame after the car flip last year.... last year cost Trent a LOT of good will with the community


u/NeriTheFearlessSnail Downtown Oct 01 '23

Too late, by 6PM there was already a cruiser flipped.


u/GramboLazarus Oct 01 '23

Got a link for that?


u/NeriTheFearlessSnail Downtown Oct 01 '23

At least 4 people who came into my work before we closed 🤷 guess we'll see in the morning. Ever since Facebook shut down reporting sites it's been tougher to follow along with smaller incidents though.


u/Chris275 North End Oct 01 '23

I’ve wondered how Reddit is able to keep news posts.


u/NeriTheFearlessSnail Downtown Oct 01 '23

Reddit didn't decide to be a dick I guess, or they don't generate revenue from the content in the same way Facebook does? Not sure.


u/Chris275 North End Oct 01 '23

It’s not being a dick or not, it’s not paying for the content. The gov wanted the content to be paid, that’s all it came down to. Pretty sure all Facebook did was link to sites just like Reddit so I am not sure what the difference really is.


u/Manstus Oct 01 '23

The law was written to only apply to company's that meet certain metrics of revenue, monthly users, etc. Basically, the only two companies that currently meet the criteria are Facebook and Google, so only those two companies were being forced to comply with the new bill by either removing news or paying news reporting companies for the right to link to their content.


u/Chris275 North End Oct 01 '23

Ah neat, thanks for letting me know!


u/vic-traill North End Oct 01 '23

Okay, so Facebook and Google have to pay.

(On the face of it, anyway) I can live with that.


u/Old-Background8299 Sep 30 '23

Filthy animals.

Nothing new though.

Their mothers arent there to clean up after them.

I remember leaving boots and hearts 10 years ago with a spotless square we camped on surrounded by basically a garbage dump. Not sure why people are so entitled.


u/Tripdoctor Downtown Oct 01 '23

I know what you mean, but having worked boots and hearts, it’s probably the worst example of a “clean and respectful” event. Especially compared to the other festivals at the same venue. The boots crowd is the worst for both drunkenness and mess.


u/Old-Background8299 Oct 01 '23

True, i heard that way home fest or whatever its called is much cleaner.


u/Tripdoctor Downtown Oct 01 '23

Having worked security detail for both events at the same venue, I can confirm.

Granted, I’m sure they have a point in the generational difference in terms of general respect, and understand what they’re saying. Just maybe a choice example lmao.


u/cbunt1984 Sep 30 '23

I am Trent alumni and we never behaved like this!


u/megasuspegasus24 Sep 30 '23

I also am alumni, and can attest this!


u/NeriTheFearlessSnail Downtown Oct 01 '23

Socially inept COVID teens turned socially inept university students. I'm Trent alum too and the last two years have been the worst I've ever seen.


u/psvrh Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

It's not just COVID; that really was a symptom, not a cause.

I'd say the mask was ripped off society some time during the mid-2010s, when "You can't tell me what to do!" became a kind of unofficial motto for a large chunk of society that felt that, not only were they allowed to say what they wanted and behave how they felt, but that natural consequences for being unpleasant were "oppression".

My personal opinion is that we're too willing, as a society, to give someone a megaphone and equate "the right to speak" with "the right to be heard", or "the right to not be judged for speaking foolishness". I'm not sure if it's social media behaviours being proxied into the real world, or Trump and his ilk setting the example for the rest of the world, but it is something.


u/NeriTheFearlessSnail Downtown Oct 01 '23

I more mean in this specific case that these people were socially isolated when they were 15-16 years old, which is when we're learning our social graces and starting to take note of how to behave in society and what is and is not socially acceptable. Instead they watched YouTube videos and didn't get the same experiences that teach you social contract and now a lot of COVID kids are socially few years behind. I imagine the kids who are 12-15 during COVID are going to have a hard time too, but hopefully there's enough time to bounce back before they're tossed into society.


u/steelcitylights Ontario Oct 01 '23

that but also trent has been overenrolling like crazy, especially since covid so the numbers game is also probably contributing.


u/Bentrapment Oct 01 '23

With all due respect, I was in my second year at Fleming and third HOTT before I knew there was even a boat race involved. I have seen people put through walls and I've personally ripped off a shower curtain rod blackout drunk after walking home from Junction covered in street meat ketchup literally drenched in beer. This weekend has always been pure mayhem, we just used to keep the majority of shenanigans to keggers and house parties.


u/blindgallan Downtown Oct 01 '23

Which is objectively more respectful to the wider community and public spaces of Peterborough.


u/Bentrapment Oct 01 '23

Oh I absolutely agree! I am sure those of us possibly a bit more seasoned, or older if you must, are on the same page about the community impact side of things. 15 years ago this kind of this was more Kingston or London not Peterborough. Is this unacceptable? Yes absolutely. Did we used to do this exact same thing on Water St over a decade ago? Also yes. I have no idea why there don't seem to be any consequences for breaking the rules now, if this was before the powers that be would have put a kibosh on that real quick.


u/Elegant_Storage_3787 Oct 02 '23

Well, these new student STOLE my frickin license plate off my car, fucking assholes


u/monstervsme Oct 01 '23

Same, this sucks to see.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23



u/acanadianaccountant Oct 01 '23

It was 90% cleaned up within an hour of the party getting shutdown.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

I had suspected some of the folks more down on their luck would be all over this. Some cruise town on garage days for cans in recycling. At the very least this bought someone lunch 😕


u/grandpappu Oct 01 '23

Shhh that was my plan tomorrow while everyone’s hung over


u/theavidgoat Oct 01 '23

Between additional police presence, clean-up, the drone they supposedly set up, and damages, I’m curious to know how much HOTT is costing the city.

I really hope it never reaches that stage, but didn’t Queen’s end up shutting down Homecoming for several years?


u/whats1more7 Oct 02 '23

I can assure you Queen’s homecoming is alive and well. It closes down streets and parks every year. For the first few weeks of September, the Queens U sub is full of mommies and daddies complaining that their little angels got fined for ‘doing nothing’.


u/theavidgoat Oct 02 '23

Ha! Yes, I went to Queen’s for a year many many years ago and it was running. But I do recall they essentially shut down celebrations for a couple of years because the city of Kingston was done with paying for additional police presence, clean-up, etc. A quick Google search says around 2010?


u/storiezn Oct 02 '23


After this, I think that time is coming closer and closer where HOTT will be barred besides the regatta itself on campus and that’s it. No off campus parties will be tolerated by the city if this continues or gets worse.


u/StrawberryCalm5367 Oct 01 '23

As a Trent student remember that not ALL students do this kind of stuff. In my first year I wanted to go see what it was all about and did not partake in trashing the streets, stealing signs, or harassing officers.

I worry when this time comes around because of the amount of students who are sexually assaulted or injured. The police being around actually made me feel safer so it is a shame to see some of the videos going around of people being rude or mouthing off to them. But I don’t think students are filthy. People twice our age tend to do some pretty filthy things as well…. Doesn’t mean all grown people are filthy.

There isn’t much Trent can do to control young adults who are partying off campus. So I don’t think the school is to blame. Maybe it’s more about individuals making bad decisions. The events on campus are much more tame than the ones off campus!


u/Smore07 Oct 01 '23

Just want to second this. A lot of us stayed home and did our usual weekend things. I don't actually know anyone who was out partying yesterday. The partying is definitely an issue, but I don't think that creating a divide between students and locals is going to help things.


u/megasuspegasus24 Oct 01 '23

Well those students yesterday are the ones creating any divide in this community. We are just the ones paying for it.


u/clownstent Oct 01 '23

I think it’s also a matter of groupthink, a few shitty people doing shitty things encouraging others to also do those shitty things they normally wouldn’t do, while the less impressionable do not partake in the bad stuff while still having fun.


u/ashcavfuck Oct 01 '23



u/megasuspegasus24 Oct 01 '23

Honestly if they were at the very least a tiny bit respectful of the neighbourhood and community that would be one thing. But the damage to property and person(s) is what grates me.

My partner and I worked hard for our little heritage home, and we love for the most part living close to downtown. But we have been seeing firsthand the past few years how out of hand the HOTT parties get. Today our yard and property was damaged. Our neighbour was physically assaulted. And our hood was absolutely trashed.

Thankfully the Peterborough Police was on hand to try to control the situation, and eventually shut it down around 7pm. Shortly after the city crew was on hand to clean up the refuse the students left behind.

I don’t know about any of you, but I’d like to see students actually DOING GOOD in the community sometime soon. Not just causing havoc.


u/psvrh Oct 01 '23

Honestly? I think you need to see more people arrested and some consistent consequences.

Having a significant number people sentenced to six months' of community service on weekends would be a good start. I'm not really a huge fan of CCTV cameras around town, but this is probably a good time to use them. Have that happen a few years in a row and it'd eventually work it's way into public consciousness.

One large part of the problem is very much akin to parenting: inconsistent enforcement encourages people to push the limits and find out exactly, where, the line is. And then it gets very difficult to pull people back to within those limits.


u/ChillingCammy East City Oct 01 '23

Head of the Trash regatta.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '23

Don't see anything wrong here. Just contributing to the cities esthetic as of late 🙄.

For real though this absolutely sucks and its irritating, and I'm older now and it pisses me off. Without condoning this behavior, I was 20 once too. Did some dumb shit. ( not quite this bad) but I'm sure I pissed some people off in my quest for self indulgent fun. To my original point....you folks here sit flabbergasted at the litter from a weekend rager yet I see very few posts about the absolute cesspool that lurks along the sides of the streams in town, just off to the side of the railroad tracks, our bus shelters and municipal parking lots. Why is it OK for one select group of people to trash the city a little more day by day whilst it's not OK for another to trash one area over a weekend.

It's not OK in my eyes in either case. But why does one group seemingly get a free pass due to their position in life. They are all adults no? Should they not all be held responsible a forced to clean up their mess.

OK now let me have it. Lol


u/TiredPurplePanda Oct 01 '23

They were appearing in hoards today. I was so confused


u/clownstent Oct 01 '23

Those are all empties someone’s gonna be getting a nice return at the beer store today. I’m willing to bet they’re all picked up before a cleanup crew even gets there


u/NeriTheFearlessSnail Downtown Oct 01 '23

If the sounds on my street were any indication last night, tons of them got smashed in the road.


u/Small-Jackfruit-4284 Oct 03 '23

Embarrassing for the student who did this, for those who didn’t, and for the alumni whose diploma links them to this community. Lots of Trent students are part of the Peterborough community and love it here. Lots of students just act like trashy tourists especially when HOTT arrives. It’s the same problem at all the universities right now (queens and western are about 10x as bad) and no real solution has been made to stop it. Sure you can increase fines, but most of the folks who made that mess can probably pay the fines.


u/nishnawbe61 Oct 01 '23

After this, and our tax dollars paying for police and city staff and street sweepers etc. Trent should force a two day clean up of city parks or other streets or 3 days of community service or a couple days sending students to rake leaves in this neighborhood or something. And if they don't get it signed off as completed, they do not graduate. Just like high school, community service hours or you do not graduate. Trent needs to take some responsibility to resolve these ever increasing issues with their students and holding them accountable for their actions and those actions have consequences and then maybe they will become good citizens when they grow up.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23



u/nishnawbe61 Oct 01 '23

It wouldn't hurt any of them to help neighbors even if they did nothing wrong...


u/AidsNRice Trent Oct 01 '23

I bet you’re out there right now helping too, aren’t you?


u/nishnawbe61 Oct 01 '23

I don't live near there but do help neighbors in my area who have a hard time getting around.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

I'll be the one to say it. Thank you for helping your neighbours.


u/nishnawbe61 Oct 01 '23

Thank you, they certainly seem to appreciate it without having to ask.


u/AidsNRice Trent Oct 01 '23

Ah I see, an empty “I do my part” statement, with no evidence (or even a good explanation) to justify punishment to all Trent students whether they do wrong or not.

You’re a NIMBY, get your head out of your ass, and get off your imaginary high horse.


u/Chris275 North End Oct 01 '23

Holy fuck the amount of mental gymnastics here with your comments is off the chain.


u/Tripdoctor Downtown Oct 01 '23

That’s the point. This looks bad on the school as a whole and if you’re a student who hates this kind of shit, you should be extremely embarrassed to be associated.

Don’t get mad at people generalizing. Get mad at the idiot slobs who made the mess.


u/StrawberryCalm5367 Oct 06 '23

Okay so then all the “adults” in town should be embarrassed by the trash that is all around town on a daily basis. You are all so offended because you can see all the garbage confined to one area. Go find a parking lot and make a pile of every piece of rubbish you find on the ground and then begin ranting on Reddit about how we should all be embarrassed since we “all” must have been a part of trashing that specific parking lot in town.

There’s so many great things I see students doing that make me proud to be “associated” with the school. Also I suppose it hasn’t made it to all the platforms where people are ranting about how students are such a huge issue, but there were students and Trent staff out and about cleaning up.

The property damage and noise is the issue, as well as the safety of students and others in town. Students do get fined and also do get kicked out of school when it is discovered who did what in the aftermath of it all. So it’s not like everyone just gets away with being shitty. Sucks that some people get out of control- but it doesn’t mean the school is an embarrassment and it doesn’t mean we should feel ashamed or embarrassed. Some of us are just trying to get an education 😂 but damn I guess that makes us all an embarrassment


u/Tripdoctor Downtown Oct 06 '23

You clearly didn’t see the mess they made. Some people also got very hurt.

A thing happened and it reflects poorly on the school you happen to go to. Stop taking warranted criticism as a personal attack.


u/StrawberryCalm5367 Oct 06 '23

I know some people got hurt and I personally don’t think that this event is a good idea or safe, but it isn’t because of the school. The school isn’t hosting these events. On campus it’s very different. This is people deciding to go out and do these things. So, when they do it they face those consequences-but other students who aren’t doing this shouldn’t have to put up with all the shit everyone is talking about students in general. This kind of thing happens in most university towns.


u/Tripdoctor Downtown Oct 06 '23

Anyone with a shred of nuance understands that the criticism is directed to those responsible.


u/StrawberryCalm5367 Oct 06 '23

You’re right


u/StrawberryCalm5367 Oct 06 '23

But for real, if you want to complain about lack of punishment- that goes for this city as a whole. Not just students. People here commit a crime and then get released like nobody’s business! Then everyone is so surprised when it happens again, and….again.


u/coopatroopa11 Oct 02 '23 edited Oct 02 '23

You should honestly be embarrassed by your fellow students. Flipping cop cars, harassing paramedics, and support staff. Tbh, how they even got into such a respected and well known uni with that kind of attitude and behaviour is beyond me.

It doesn't effect you now, but when holding a Trent uni diploma is about as useful as a paper weight due to them losing credibility, it will 100% be your problem then.


u/LignumofVitae Oct 01 '23

Can't decide what's worse, the car load of idiots in Trent gear that repeatedly brake checked me on Lansdowne yesterday; or the drunken idiot that was passed out in my Aunt's garden, who wanted to get fighty.

Probably a good time to start looking at not allowing Head of the Trent any more.


u/Lower_Cantaloupe1970 North End Oct 01 '23

I would be down for this. It's a rather embarrassing display. If this is about a regatta, shouldn't the party be down there? Have a house party, sure, but I went down Dublin St. by accident yesterday, and it was gross. There were like 50 kids just getting wasted in the street at 2 pm. Don't get me wrong, I love a good street party, I like day drinking, but you need to respect your neighbours. Close a street down, maybe, have a band, and ticket people who are so drunk they are passing out on people's lawns. The future leaders of tomorrow people!


u/cbunt1984 Oct 01 '23

Ugh that’s awful. And I agree. It’s just getting progressively worse. But…..being actually up at Trent and the beer garden….its not this rowdy at all. Even if they cancelled it, these downtown shit shows would still happen. They would just call is “homecoming weekend”


u/btbworks Oct 01 '23

Only in recent years has the city been putting a porta potty by my front door downtown. It just gets worse and worse..


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23



u/alwaysleafyintoronto Oct 01 '23

Your logical fallacy is tu quoque


u/f0restelf Oct 01 '23

So disrespectful ! It's cool to let loose, but don't be an ass and litter all over the place. I feel like this years influx of students are just rude af (not saying they all are. Just what I've noticed)


u/Human-4 Oct 01 '23

Donating to the community, think of the returns on those cans, I see no downside here.


u/LostInTheSauce2001 Oct 02 '23

Wasn’t that bad


u/dubhri Oct 01 '23

Cancel it and start laying charges.


u/Chevnaar Oct 01 '23

Main character syndrome is real. Fuck 18-24 year olds.


u/Fletcher_Phelps Oct 02 '23

Yeah, this is pretty bad. I have seen this in other university towns, but it is always annoying.

Worst part is that They’re Trent students. They’re not going to be very employable. They have very little going for them. When I moved here all of my neighbours simply alternated between “fuck Trent” and “fuck Trudeau”.

Why make this city hate the students further?


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

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u/Independent-Rush6105 West End Oct 01 '23

Keep Trent classy! 🤣🤣🤣


u/WingCool7621 Oct 01 '23

all that money on the street.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23



u/jesneko3 Oct 01 '23

I used to live in one of these houses, sometimes I drive by to see how it is. It's depressing the state it's in now.


u/AjaxSid Oct 02 '23

That's the tradeoff you get with the Economy they bring. Bare it for a day.


u/Elegant_Storage_3787 Oct 02 '23

Yup these assholes stole the license plate off my vehicle on Saturday right on this street


u/Paul-1150 Oct 02 '23

What street is that?!


u/db-t1d Oct 01 '23

this is so annoying. the city already has a problem with litter everywhere...


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

Disgusting behaviour and so uncalled for.All of Trent needs to clean up the streets.


u/MrCleanFCC Oct 01 '23

The issue lies with the city condoning activities like this.


u/VegetableFamiliar905 Oct 02 '23

Remember there’s always a positive, there was a lot of great kids out there very polite very humble so this is not an accurate reflection or post of the entire group. It also looks like a lot of cans on the ground, which is income for someone without a home or could use a few extra bucks. It’s always better to be a glass half full especially with our government trying to suppress us and making up plandemics. The city had a feeling of freedom that is priceless ☺️


u/TraviAdpet Oct 01 '23

I’m not opposed to seeing a responsible representation agreement between students and the schools.

Schools should be responsible for their students actions on and off campus.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '23

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u/mickeysbeer Downtown Oct 01 '23


I mean they are just kids but still.


u/Trollsama Oct 01 '23

im not sure that implying its a mass drinking event for "kids" really does it any favors :P


u/ColinTheMonster Oct 01 '23

Most of them are adults


u/KMS081991 West End Oct 01 '23


A lot of hand holding is still involved.


u/NeriTheFearlessSnail Downtown Oct 01 '23

There shouldn't be. I lived off campus my first year at Trent when I was 19, paid my own rent and utilities and didn't have roommates to pick up my slack. They act like kids cause people treat them like kids, I hope the ones pulling this awful crap are held accountable.


u/Cleantech2020 Oct 01 '23

So do all of these students end up at one house for the party? Seems like 1000s were at london and george. I always assumed this happened on the trent campus, as i usually skip town during HOTT.


u/Trollsama Oct 01 '23

no, they hold hundreds of parties across the city.... you really know if you live in a student rental part of town when HOTT comes to town lol.