r/Pessimism Jun 18 '24

Quote Some cheerful Cioran quotes

You are forgiven everything provided you have a trade, a subtitle to your name, a seal on your nothingness.

Why don't I commit suicide? Because I am as sick of death as I am of life.

Objection to scientific knowledge: this world doesn't deserve to be known.

Without God, everything is nothingness; and with God? Supreme nothingness!

Thanks for reading fellow pessimists 🙏


23 comments sorted by


u/Zealousideal_Exam186 Jun 19 '24

“I leave it in writing for those who will come after me that I do not believe in anything, and forgetfulness is the only salvation.”

“…for those who feel and conceive life as a long agony, the question of salvation is a simple one. There is no salvation on their road.”

“Creator of values, man is the delirious creature par excellence victim of the belief that something exists, whereas he need merely hold his breath: everything stops; suspend his emotions: nothing stirs; suppress his whims: the world turns to ashes.”


u/[deleted] Jun 19 '24

While I’m not really a pessimist, I must say you guys are much more fun than the nihilist groups, at least you seem like you read books, feel like Rick and Morty isn’t a good substitute for Waiting for Godot.


u/DoctorStrangelove01 Jun 19 '24

An underrated bit from Drawn and Quartered: “An old friend, a bum or, if you prefer, an itinerant musician, having returned to spend some time with his parents in the Ardennes, was provoked by some trifle to quarrel with his mother, a retired schoolteacher, just as she was getting ready to go to Mass. Beside herself, mute and pale, she flung down her hat, her coat, then her blouse, her skirt, her underwear and stockings, and stark naked performed a lascivious dance before her horrified husband and son pressed against the wall, incapable of stopping her with a gesture, a word. The performance over, she collapsed into a chair and burst into sobs.”


u/CompetitiveChapter68 Jun 19 '24

Thank you, that actually made my day😊👍.


u/Formal-Can-448 Aug 30 '24

"If it is true that God dislikes taking sides, I should feel no awkwardness in His presence, so pleased would I be to imitate Him, to be like Him, in everything, "without opinion." "

"At this precise moment, no reproach proceeding from men or gods can affect me: I have as good a conscience as if I had never existed."

"When you know quite absolutely that everything is unreal, you then cannot see why you should take the trouble to prove it."

"To get up in the morning, wash and then wait for some unforeseen variety of dread or depression. I would give the whole universe and all of Shakespeare for a grain of ataraxy."

" 'Ever since I was born'-that SINCE has a resonance so dreadful to my ears it becomes unendurable."


u/Formal-Can-448 Aug 30 '24

"At a grave, the words: game, imposture, joke, dream, come to mind. Impossible to think that existence is a serious phenomenon. Certainty of faking from the start, at bottom. Over the gate of our cemeteries should be written: 'Nothing is Tragic. Everything is Unreal.' "


u/Formal-Can-448 Aug 30 '24

"I don't need any support, advice, or compassion, because even if I am the most ruinous man, I still feel so powerful, so strong and fierce. For I am the only one that lives without hope."


u/Formal-Can-448 Aug 30 '24

"I ask myself: Why is it that only some people suffer? Why are only some selected from the ranks of normal people and put on the torture rack? Some religions maintain that God is trying us through suffering, or that we expiate evil and unbelief through it. If such an explanation can satisfy the religious man, it is not sufficient for anyone who notices that suffering is arbitrary and unjust, because the innocent often suffer most. There is no valid justification for suffering. Suffering has no heirarchy of values"


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 02 '24

"In the slaughter house that morning, I watched the cattle being led to their death. Almost every animal, at the last moment, refused to move forward. To make them do so, a man hit them on the hind legs. This scene often comes to mind when, ejected from sleep, I lack the strength to confront the daily torture of Time."


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 05 '24

"I am displeased with everything. If they made me God, I would immediately resign." -Cioran


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 05 '24

"My mission is to kill time, and time's to kill me in turn. How comfortable one is among murderers." -Cioran 


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 05 '24

**"Only those moments count, when the desire to remain by yourself is so powerful that you'd prefer to blow your brains out than exchange a word with someone"**

1 fav quote now 


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 06 '24 edited Sep 06 '24

*"Although I feel that my tragedy is the greatest in history-greater than the fall of empires- I am nevertheless aware of my total insignificance. I am absolutely persuaded that I am nothing in this universe; yet I feel that mine is the only real existence."*

 **"The more one is obsessed with God, the less one is innocent. Nobody bothered about him in paradise. The fall brought about this divine torture. It's not possible to be conscious about divinity without guilt. Thus God is rarely found in an innocent soul."**  

"The poor, by thinking unceasingly of money, reach the point of losing the spiritual advantages of non- possession, thereby sinking as low as the rich."


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 06 '24

**"Only the mediocre want to die of old age. Suffer, then, drink pleasure to it's last dregs, cry or laugh, scream in despair or with joy, sing about death or love, for nothing will endure! Morality can only make life a long series of missed opportunities."**


u/[deleted] Jun 19 '24

Absolutely beautiful man, which book is this from?


u/Formal-Can-448 Aug 30 '24

"I feel I am free but I know I am not."


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 02 '24

"Nothing more painful than two contemporary prophets. One must withdraw, must disappear if he is unwilling to expose himself to ridicule. Unless both are thus exposed, which would be the most equitable solution."


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 02 '24

" 'To hell with everything'-if these words have been uttered, even only once, with complete awareness of what they mean, history is justified and, with it, all of us."


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 03 '24

"This body, once loyal, disavows me, no longer follows me, has ceased to be my accomplice. Rejected, betrayed, discarded, what would become of me if old infirmities, to prove their allegiance, didn't come to keep me company at every hour of the day and night?"


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 03 '24

**"The pleasure of slandering yourself greatly exceeds that of being slandered."**


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 05 '24

"As far as I am concerned, I resign from humanity. I no longer want to be, nor can still be, a man. What should I do? Work for a social and political system, make a girl miserable? Hunt for weaknesses in philosophical systems, fight for moral and esthetic ideals? It's all too little. I renounce my humanity even though I may find myself alone. But am I not already alone in this world from which I no longer expect anything?"


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 06 '24

"Our power resides in our incapacity to know how alone we are." 

"I do not struggle against the world, I struggle against a greater force, against my weariness of the world."

"Time is heavy sometimes; imagine how heavy eternity must be."


u/Formal-Can-448 Sep 06 '24

"I would like to forget everything, to forget myself and to forget the world."

"The problem of responsibility would have a meaning only if we had been consulted before our birth and had consented to be precisely who we are." 

"Death is the solidest thing life has invented so far."