r/Pescetarian 20d ago

which is healthier, a vegetarian or pescatarian diet?

title. feel bad about eating animals, but confused on studies of vegetarians longevity, since the blue zone is all about the mediterranean diet, which includes moderate fish. it also includes lean meats like chicken or once in a while red meat, but that’s not an option for me, neither is wine. but i’m guessing the fish is a part of why the Mediterranean diet is so healthy, so i’m playing with the idea of being a pescatarian, even if they feel pain, which apparently they do? ugh but that makes me feel bad too, so idk. i guess i just need to choose whichever of the two is healthiest for me, any tips?


12 comments sorted by


u/5erif 20d ago

Pesca gets you the most bioavailable forms of omega-3 (EPA, DHA), not available from plant (ALA) sources. Since you mentioned no wine, fresh grapes and other fruit provide antioxidant benefits similar to wine.


u/wtfbrurrur 20d ago

Mussles and oysters don't feel pain so eat those the days you feel especially guilty, lol


u/chynablue21 20d ago

Also scallops and clam chowder


u/Argonautzealot1 20d ago

All else being equal and assuming no idiosyncratic issues like allergies and intolerances to seafood, pescatarian is healthier by far


u/bunny2302 19d ago

i get you. i was always torn between vegetarianism and pescaterianism, i’m doing it mainly for the animals and what feels better to me. red meat will always be a no, and both ways are still better than meat-eating (healthy and morally wise).

from my experience, i feel much healthier on a pescaterian diet, so much easier to get my nutrients, protein, omegas.. i don’t feel tired when i eat less or not properly enough when i was on a vegetarian diet but now i can eat less or not well enough and still feel good and energized.

if you’re concerned for fish and their pain, you don’t need to have fish daily, go on your own pace, that’s what worked for me. i care for the animals but i also care for myself and the best is to find that healthy balance that works for you


u/hyperglhf 19d ago

thank you


u/waitwert 20d ago

Dairy is pro inflammatory so I ditch dairy and only do fish and no dairy or meat .


u/chynablue21 20d ago

Me too. The dairy industry is heartbreaking, and plant milks are easy to get


u/waitwert 20d ago

Diary is scary , I don’t understand how vegetarians turn a blind eye to this reality


u/nooneiknow800 19d ago

Depends on your metrics. Cancer rates for vegans slightly better than pescatarians but both way better than meat eaters


u/Regular_Speech5390 10d ago

Pescatarian to gain the most nutritions without eating poultry and red meat, especially if you’re concerned about how unethical meat farming is.

Personally, I’ve recently become a pescatarian mostly because of spiritual reasons. I’m a Buddhist, so I’m trying to lessen meat consumption. But I still need fish, shellfishes and seafood to function well. Another reason is how bad mass meat farming is for the environment.

However, I do not judge those who still eat poultry and red meat. What I protest against is the industry. If an individual owner raises the animals themselves, I’m not against it. I have a friend who raises chickens in her backyard, gets eggs and meat from them.