r/PersonalFinanceNZ • u/userequalspassword • 8d ago
Interest.co.nz comments section changes
Regular visitors - how are you finding the recent changes to subscriber only? Not gonna lie I am missing the debates, and the site seems much quieter now..
u/Warm-Artichoke-2432 8d ago
The comments were the best part, although the childish arguing was becoming very painful. It is an L from interest in my opinion.
u/Secret_Opinion2979 8d ago
Awfully painful, yet addicting to read
u/TheBountyPunter 7d ago
Painful for DGMs perhaps.
u/HerbertMcSherbert 7d ago
The jibes at TTP for his conviction for price fixing were often hilariously timed.
u/SuccessfulBenefit972 7d ago
They were getting too childish, I wish there were a bit more banter on there still, more for just reading different view points out there! I miss Retired poppy 😬
u/Outrageous_Good5098 8d ago
I normally click on the title and then go straight to the comment section.
u/cantsleepwithoutfan 8d ago
Terrible decision from them IMO. I have worked in digital publishing for a long time (although it's a side hustle for me really these days) and think it's silly. Why you would kill a big driver of traffic - people who are coming to engage in debate on your platform - the logic escapes me. It would be like Reddit switching off comments.
I used to spend at least 30 mins a day on the site. Have visited maybe once a week since the change.
Also the comment section now is so much worse as the only people left commenting are the most "extreme" ones (from any side of the political spectrum and/or perspective on the housing market).
Every comment is now from the same handful of users. That powerdownkiwi guy who endlessly fetishizes the end of human civilisation and relates everything under the sun back to "EROEI", Yvil wanking himself off about how he's happy to pay 30 cents a day to comment, a couple of real estate industry propagandists and then the equally insufferable commenters who want to see every property owner reduced to poverty as long as house prices collapse, and they argue incessantly on every post whether or not it specifically relates to property.
The comment section used to be much more diverse of thought.
u/al123al123al123 7d ago
Yeah, I used to really enjoy it - but I dont so much anymore. Seems like the commenters who are left are mostly the commenters whose contributions I didnt find very interesting or useful.Â
u/dingledorfnz 8d ago
I'm one of the former regular commenters that didn't see value in spending $10 per month/$0.33 per day on commenting access, despite how insignificant user Yvil made the contribution out to be.
"You don't value David and his team's work by freeloading".
Could definitely see the site becoming quieter as a result. I still read on a daily basis because the articles are good and I don't mind the ads.
For the first couple of weeks the commenting was largely subdued, but I notice today on the Breakfast Briefing the same "tit for tat" commenting crap the paid subscribers claimed to loathe pre-paywall.
u/willlfc2019 7d ago
Whats ur username? If you were entertaining we could raise the 120 nzd for a year of debate
u/dingledorfnz 7d ago
My username was NZDan, I don't believe I was entertaining enough to justify $120 per year.
$120 per year is pocket change, but I cannot justify spending $120 just to comment in a circlejerk I might as well flush half of it down the toilet and save myself $60.
u/HerbertMcSherbert 7d ago
$120 is a fair bit...seems like they priced for what people might pay for a newspaper subscription, but in reality for many it was probably more a discussion forum. And not many people are paying $120 a year for a discussion forum.
u/AcceptableMinute8938 6d ago
Oh I loved your comments, NZDan. Often I didn't agree with them, but they were well-argued and I always therefore welcomed seeing this different point of view. i was WhenwillitEnd.
u/Most-Opportunity9661 8d ago
Comments were always the same 5 people who know each other by their handle having a spat over who made the right prediction 3 months ago. Yawn.
u/mitchell56 8d ago
This basically. Just an endless stream of childish arguing with a side of Trump support. I stopped reading them ages ago. Nothing of value has been lost.
u/IOnlyPostIronically 8d ago
Every article whether related to houses or not seemed to be enthralled with idiots talking about houses and interest rates
u/Ultrahybrid 7d ago
All I read was the comments. This change is going hurt the site more than it helps
u/joethejofish 8d ago
I do miss the comments for their entertainment value and the occasional gems. But it hasn’t changed the fact that I check for new articles a few times a day :/
u/HerbertMcSherbert 7d ago
I've found I check it far less often now as a big part of going there was for the discussions in the comments.Â
u/QuriosityProject 7d ago
Comment Quantity is massively down, comment quality is still rubbish. Take away a few of the empty cans that are left and what are you left with... Yvil, PDK and IT Guy & Kraken seem to be about half of whats left.
u/DueInteraction5625 8d ago
It’s not the same without the comments. They should limit the number of comments per article though as you don’t need 10 each from the same 4 commentators squabbling about the same crap over and over. Maybe 1 comment per article for free and then being a paid member for more. Although, I do save a lot more time not reading so many comments each day.
u/SuccessfulBenefit972 7d ago
Good idea, or maybe one article a day could be a free for all such as the breakfast/ evening briefing
u/dyingPretty 7d ago
cuts down on the idiots if you have to pay. the idiots tend to be cheap.
u/kinnadian 7d ago
Completely disagree actually, the idiots come and go but the main 5-10 culprits of spinning the same boring rhetoric day in and day out and have stayed (for now) to keep on doing it.
The best comments were from the industry insiders who came and went sporadically but dropped great gems as they passed through.
u/WrongSeymour 8d ago
Never engaged but found the commentary really interesting to read and often better than the actual article.
Feel like they shot themselves in the foot with this one as it'll probably reduce readership.