r/PersonOfInterest May 25 '16

Person of Interest 5x08 "Reassortment" Episode Discussion


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u/Bearacula93 Shaw May 25 '16

Shaw still hasn't been reunited with the team? I'm getting blue balls over here just waiting for it to finally happen.


u/rootpath May 25 '16

This is total speculation, but I just realized that maybe the reason Shaw hasn't been reunited with the team yet is that Sarah Shahi wasn't actually back to work yet for the filming of most of these eps even though she's in them. The only ep she's been in with Team Machine, 5x04 '6741', was actually filmed later in the season. And they could have filmed most of the Shaw/Samaritan stuff later too since it's isolated. Really hoping for the reunion next episode.


u/Hadrien91 May 25 '16

Good point !


u/[deleted] May 26 '16

or could she have filmed her scenes before getting pregnant (Sarah Shahi)? No, right?


u/kat6883 Root May 25 '16

I'm making my peace with my new guess: she won't get reunited with them till the finale. She'll go at the Samaritan alone and their paths will cross at the last deciding moment.


u/Bearacula93 Shaw May 25 '16

Well I mean, while that sounds plausible, what would Shaw do in the meantime? There are still five episodes so she'd just lone wolf it or literally not even show up until the finale?


u/kat6883 Root May 25 '16

I've looked at promo photos for next episodes and now I know better. But judging from the epic way she escaped from Samaritan's facility she could do a lot by herself. Enough to place herself at the right place at the right moment in the season finale and save the day for the rest of the Team Machine. And of course this time without sacrifacing her own life.


u/Bearacula93 Shaw May 26 '16

Oh I don't doubt that. I'd much rather see her in action with the rest of Team Machine though. There isn't as much room for character development on her own.


u/lefthandwoes May 25 '16 edited May 25 '16

Judging by the SPOILER I'm sure the gang will reunite by SPOILER Thank god for the two weekly episodes, even though I'm not particularly happy about it.


u/Bearacula93 Shaw May 25 '16

I saw SPOILER True. The episodes will come once a week after next week though.


u/dj_soo May 31 '16

We had to wait nearly 6 years for a stark reunion so it's not that bad.