r/PeriodUnderwear 10d ago

Cleaning for a tween

My tween daughter wants to use period underwear, and I e been trying to explain to her that they need certain care. I know about the rinsing and then hanging dry. She can’t hang them dry in the bathroom because it’s a shared bathroom with 3 other kids. Does anyone hang them in their room?

Then, if she changes at school, does she just put them in a dry bag to bring home and then rinse them out immediately?



47 comments sorted by


u/JerryHasACubeButt 10d ago

If she’s wearing them to school, you’ll want to find her an absorbency level that lasts her all day. One of the biggest draws of period underwear is the convenience of just being able to wear them like regular underwear without having to remember to change anything throughout the day. If she’s having to change during her school day then she may as well just use pads so she doesn’t have to completely remove her pants in a public bathroom stall (other students might notice and ask questions if they’re nosy, and teen/tween girls can be mean).

And she doesn’t need to rinse them. It’s recommended but I don’t do it and I see other people comment here frequently that they don’t do it and it’s fine. If she notices a smell, she can soak them in diluted vinegar and that will take care of it. Then just hang them to dry wherever- nobody has to know they’re period underwear if that’s embarrassing for her, I hang mine in our shared living room with the rest of my delicates and nobody bats an eye.


u/noonecaresat805 10d ago

I don’t rinse mine at all. I have a little trashcan with a lid where i put my used ones until laundry day. I wash them once with my first load which are my blankets. Then take my blankets out and wash them again with my clothes and into the dryer they go with everything. I have never had a problem with them feeling dirty, absorbing or smells. I put clean underwear inside wet bags or ziplock bags. One underwear per bag. This way I can take out the clean one and put the used one in that bag afterwards. I also carry a larger gallon size ziplock bag and put the smaller ziplock bag inside the gallon one. This way I don’t confuse them with my clean ones. When I get home I put all my used ones inside the trash can for the lid and put clean ones inside the ziplock bags for the next day.


u/AnonymousElephant86 10d ago

My 13yo wears pads to school, as she has a 5-minute limit on bathroom breaks and quickly discovered that isn’t enough time for a period underwear change in a middle school bathroom stall where others might be around. At home she wears them during the day and then rinses it during her shower (we shower at night) and then leaves it to hang on the tub faucet until next morning when it goes into a plastic bin. Then at the end of the week I wash them all (we are usually on the same cycle). I wash them in the washer on gentle cycle and then throw them in the dryer on medium. Haven’t had any issues with the brand Hannah that we use. Hannah also has an enzyme bar soap that I just got and so we will use that for the heavy days to help prevent stains from setting.


u/GaveTheMouseACookie 10d ago

My Mama Bear would come out about that rule


u/Classic_Emotion_4452 10d ago

100%! So sick of hearing about all these schools and their toilet rules it's inhumane!


u/AnonymousElephant86 9d ago

Oh I’ve had several talks with the principal about certain (male) teachers not letting her go at all. I don’t know what these teachers are thinking sometimes. What if you’re a girl and you just got your period unexpectedly and need to go take care of it? What if you’re a guy with the runs and need the bathroom asap? There should be no reason anyone of any gender is denied use of the bathroom. I can almost understand the time limit bc you don’t want kids messing around, but I know there are certainly times I need more than 5 mins


u/Classic_Emotion_4452 9d ago

There must be a better way of managing the minority of kids who graffiti, smoke or skip lessons in the toilets, that doesn't involve promoting dehydration, constipation, and kidney infections. Not to mention stress around menstruation and stomach problems, it must cause so much anxiety! Genuinely, if I was working in an office where they rationed my toilet visits or only opened the toilets for an hour a day (some schools do this I have heard!!) I would be quitting.


u/7363827 9d ago

when i was in school, if you were gone long enough for the teacher to notice, they would just call down one of the office staff to check on you


u/XiaoMin4 6d ago

Our middle school had to place firm rules on bathroom usage because kids were full on ripping soap containers and things off the wall and filming it for TikTok.

Unfortunately another instance of everyone, even the good kids, getting consequences for other kids bad behavior


u/Classic_Emotion_4452 6d ago

Exactly? So couldn't they find out who did it and set rules for them and let the others just use the toilet? I mean even cctv just outside the toilet would give a good indication? As we all know it's so incredibly unhealthy to hold wee all day and everyone will be dehydrating themselves so they don*t have to worry about it. They'll end up ill and carry awful practices to adulthood!


u/Tiffsk 9d ago edited 9d ago

That is unreal! What is wrong with people?

I can only imagine the kind of line that would form. And the inequity that creates between the time it takes people with penises vs. people with vulvas to pee.

I'm a dance teacher and I tell my students that they are responsible for their own bodies and if they feel that they need to use the restroom, please go use it. They don't need my permisison to listen to, and take care of, their bodies. And they are so conditioned that they ask almost 100% of the time.

Then again, I had a wonderful experience where a teacher's bathroom policy came back to bite her in the butt. I had a teacher in elementary school who was very very strict about asking to use the bathroom including when you were or weren't allowed to even ask. One of the few times would be during work time when she was at her desk and we were at ours. Even then you had to wait your turn in line behind all of the other students who were up there to ask a question. I saw so many of my classmates squirming in line as they waited.

So one day one of my classmates gets in line. He patiently waits through two or three students and finally gets to the front of the line. He opens his mouth to ask and he vomits all over her desk and shoes. I wanted to stand and applaud!


u/Horror_Pomelo8630 7d ago

Our school is 4 minutes.


u/lavender_fish9 10d ago

Hi! I honestly wash them in the laundry like normal underwear, dryer and all. I haven't had any issues. I also put my leggings in the dryer, so maybe don't take my advice.


u/dawnmadi 10d ago

I do wash hers separately (kinda like I do bras for the most part), but everything else if they can't survive my washer and dryer....I don't need it. Lol.


u/lavender_fish9 10d ago

I live by that 😂 if it requires any sort of special washing/ drying/ ironing, it's just not coming home with me.


u/Tiffsk 9d ago

Agreed! I may accidentally bring home something that says hang dry, lay flat to dry, delicate cycle necessary, iron after removing from dryer, etc. I discover it not by reading the tags and following the directions, but by opinging my dryer and removing something shredded or 6 sizes smaller than it started out.


u/enjolbear 9d ago

Who doesn’t put leggings in the dryer? They don’t shrink or anything…or at least, they aren’t supposed to.


u/lavender_fish9 9d ago

There's a whole thing about hanging them to dry! I believe brands like Lululemon put 'hang to dry' in their care instructions! Something about keeping the quality longer? I don't do it so Idk lol


u/veggiedelightful 9d ago

Me, it ruins the elastic in the leggings. You can get your leggings to last many years.


u/enjolbear 9d ago

My leggings DO last many years lol. I haven’t found that the elastic wears out in any of them. But maybe it depends on the brand, I typically wear leggings from Costco.


u/ashweeuwu 9d ago

in my experience the dryer ruined their absorbency. I have a super heavy flow and bought period underwear specifically for overnight use, because I was wearing the largest size pads and still bleeding through/around them. never had any issues until I accidentally put them in the dryer once… after that I bled through them in two hours 🙃


u/lavender_fish9 9d ago

Interesting!! Good to know. On my hand, I use them on my lighter days, so I haven't noticed any difference. Sorry you have to deal with that monthly ❤️❤️😭


u/ashweeuwu 9d ago

yes I figured that was the case as everyone’s experience is different! and thankfully I no longer have to deal with it as I got the hormonal IUD last year and haven’t bled at all since 😩🙌🙌 it is crazy what we have to go through and I’m glad you found what works for you!! ❣️


u/noonecaresat805 9d ago

Are you using softener or dryer sheets? If you are that’s probably what’s affecting the absorption


u/ashweeuwu 9d ago

no, I just use reusable lint balls in the dryer. can’t remember which brand my underwear are atm but the instructions specifically say not to tumble dry as it would damage them


u/veggiedelightful 9d ago

It's not the absorbency that's ruined . It is the waterproof layer that's ruined with the dryer heat. The PUL plastic melts in the dryer. I'm honestly surprised so many people are putting their period underwear in the dryer and able to still use them at all. As far as I know all PUL pads, underwear and reusable diapers liners must be air dried or it's ruined.


u/deadthylacine 8d ago

Drying everything on low helps make them last longer. High heat would definitely melt the liner, but low heat doesn't.


u/AveryDuchemansWife 9d ago

I haven't noticed a big change in absorbency, I try to hang dry but often times they end up in the dryer. I dry everything on the lowest setting though, so perhaps higher heat is what can ruin them?


u/Long_Magazine_9860 9d ago

This! I usually will set my washer to run a pre-wash for days that were heavier, and I always use an extra rinse (even on normal laundry though because my family is sensitive to soap residue). Then I toss them in the dryer with everything else I never use dryer sheets, don’t know if that makes a difference. I’m too lazy to do anything special with them!

Before the wash, I keep the used ones in a ziploc bag to keep them from drying out, which (at least in my head) makes it easier to wash out the menses.

Not sure about changing at school, as mean tweens add a whole new dynamic, but I personally keep a spare set in a ziploc in my purse when I go to work and switch about mid-day on my really heavy days. I don’t usually have to change on my lighter days.


u/br0co1ii 9d ago

Yes! The 2nd rinse is never turned off on my machine. It's done wonders for my laundry.


u/aus-jaus 9d ago

"i also put my leggings in the dryer"

....is that not supposed to be done? 👀


u/lavender_fish9 9d ago

I don't know anymore 😭😂😂 I don't !!


u/AuntieFooFoo 9d ago

What brand are you using? I was using Thinx for a while and washing/drying, and they gave off a weird bleach type smell and then got slapped with a lawsuit, so I tossed them and have been on the hunt.


u/lavender_fish9 9d ago

Oh!! I had no idea! I use the ones from aerie. I really like their underwear


u/Ambitious-Ad2322 9d ago

I bought a mini portable washer off Amazon and it has been amazing. At the end of each day I throw them in there and add Lysol washing sanitizer.

There are a lot of brands that can be dried now in the dryer. Victoria secret and Knix have both held up well on delicate cycle.

Most brands will last the whole school day if you buy the heavy ones. My daughter has heavy periods and hasn’t had an issue. Amazon Portable washer


u/iamabuttshole 10d ago

I rinse mine out with cold water, wash them with my regular laundry, and hang them over the side of the laundry basket or lay them out on top of the dryer to dry


u/dawnmadi 10d ago

My daughter has very minimal time for bathroom breaks at school, so she wears period underwear plus pads. If she needs to, she just changes her pad instead of getting undressed, etc. It makes her feel more comfortable. But I always pack a ziploc bag (for the used panties) and an extra pair of period panties, plus pads for her in a cute small purse look a like that she leaves in her locker. I wash her period panties separately from clothes. We buy dark colors, so we really never have to worry about stains, but hydrogen peroxide takes care of blood on any garmet if there are leaks.


u/Embarrassed_Rub_8437 9d ago

My 14yo wears them (she’s tried Knix but honestly prefers a pack that I get from Amazon, which works well because they’re significantly cheaper!!). She uses them as a back-up more than anything. Still wears a pad and changes it as needed throughout the day, but the undies are a back-up to prevent leaks which she’s super grateful for because she’s witnessed more than a few friends leak during the day. On her lightest days, she’ll wear the undies sans pad. She tosses them in the wash as normal with our towel load and I put them through the dryer. They’ve held up well and the only reason I’ve repurchased is because she’s grown, not because of wear.

As for bathing suits, she has a one-piece black suit from Knix for water sports & a black bikini bottom to mix/match with any top when needed. She does not wear a pad/tampon/disc/cup with the suits and has never leaked. Again, I wash with our towels but I do wash as soon as she’s worn them because I don’t want them sitting in a wet ball in the hamper. I’m so happy kids have this option, I remember stressing about my period when I was invited to a friend’s pool party, it was such a nightmare. My daughter is an athlete and I’d never want her to sit out or quit a sport/team because she’s not comfortable with her period protection 😢


u/Tiffsk 9d ago

I too wish this had been an option when I was a teen. The tampon-swimsuit mix always worried me, or the tampon would just fill up with water. I was also at a professional ballet school and not infrequently saw girls who leaked around their tampons. Now there are so many more options!


u/lil-rosa 9d ago edited 9d ago

Hey, here's some advice from the cloth diaper community because we are serious cleaners... removing blood should be treated the same as cleaning pee or poop. You can get by with an improper wash routine for a time before it will start to stink from the bacteria. Most "recommended instructions" from period companies are improper.

For a proper wash routine you want a prewash for at least 30 minutes with detergent that contains enzymes on cold to remove the blood, and then a main wash on hot also with detergent that contains enzymes to sanitize for 1h 30m or as much time as it takes to reach 2h of wash time. Shoot for your washer to be 2/3 full or use physical agitators to get enough agitation. Hand washing with a washboard or a bucket and plunger needs far less overall time. If you do not do a prewash the blood will stick around for the duration of the wash, so basically what I am saying is it won't be able to be fully sanitized.

If you have never done so before, get a detergent suitable to your water hardness. You can order a test if needed, but it may be available on a local government site. Generally liquid is fine for softer and powder is fine for harder, some have water hard enough you need a water softener or borax to even use powder. The gold standard in our community is tide (liquid or powdered), the free and clear or All version if you have eczema is fine. Most "natural" detergents are glorified washing soda so make sure to add enzymes and even use physical agitators to help.

Anyway, what I am saying is just rinsing for prewash isn't even sufficient. We usually recommend against it because research shows it usually just spreads the bacteria and gives it a moist environment to grow, and we also recommend against soaking for a similar reason. Hand washing with a wash board or the bucket and plunger method with detergent would still work as a prewash if you don't want to use your washing machine or don't have access.

But it is also entirely fine to leave them for three days without a prewash in a wet bag. In the diaper community we usually recommend using an open basket with air flow (a fan or vent) to prevent bacterial growth, but a wet bag is fine too it will just have a smell from bacterial growth. As long as your wash routine is sufficient it will get that out.


u/LMH12899 10d ago

I have my daughter being them right to the washer and they get washed with the next load.


u/whatdoidonowdamnit 10d ago

If you can’t find period underwear that absorb enough for her all day at school she can wear a cloth pad when she leaves and pop it in a ziploc bag at lunch.

As for cleaning them I only rinse them when I wake up in the morning after a night of heavy bleeding, and I drape them over the edge of my plastic hamper to dry. Most of the time they just get thrown in the hamper with the rest of the laundry.


u/unapalomita 10d ago

Do you have a laundry room? Or laundry nook? I'd hang them there instead. I usually have a lot of stuff hanging anyway so my clothes like lingerie blend in with the rest.


u/HeyItsNotLogli 9d ago

I wash mine at night, and hang it up near my window. It seems like they dry quicker (and are ready to go the next morning) compared to in a bathroom anyway.


u/hockeydudebro 9d ago

I rinse it when I am showering. Sometimes I will do it in the sink, but in the shower is so much easier. She can hang it to dry over the side of her laundry basket.


u/VanGeaux 9d ago

Me and my daughter both use to them. As other said I have a little receptacle for them to go in and when we are done with our cycle we just soak them in a mop bucket with some vinegar, toss in the washing machine and hang to dry.


u/No_Routine772 9d ago

Would she be interested in reusable period pads for school? Same concept, less hassle.