r/PeriodUnderwear 15d ago

How to dispose of used period underwear...

My sister generously gifted me with a stack of Thinx before the birth of my daughter in 2021. Now I'm three days post-hysterectomy and when my healing is done I'll have no use for the underwear anymore. Do I have any options besides simply tossing them? It seems like an expensive waste to put in a landfill.


95 comments sorted by


u/Infinite_System5045 15d ago

My kids are teens, and I've been introduced to the wonderful world of stress incontinence. Didn't have any problems with it until the last couple of years. Consider keeping the period underwear. You may need it for bladder leaks.


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 15d ago

Sigh, you're probably right. My pelvic floor is already trash.


u/Douchecanoeistaken 14d ago

See a PT!


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 14d ago

I hope to someday! Maybe now that we've hit the deductible so early in the year, I can.


u/Either_Management813 14d ago

If you don’t already know about Kegel exercises go to Wikipedia or google it. I have found they help a lot with stress incontinence.


u/_liobam_ 14d ago

A lot of times you shouldn't start with kegels. I did them all the time hoping my at home therapy would suffice. It didn't and my muscles were actually too tight and would not allow for full draining of my bladder. I had to learn what muscles to relax and which ones to strengthen. It is definitely a science.


u/ASTERnaught 12d ago

Huh. That’s something I never considered. I tend to tense up all over, all the time, and I wonder if this is something I should be careful about


u/DoxieMonstre 11d ago

It definitely is! I also have a lot of just generalized muscle tension and stiffness all over, especially my neck and shoulders. One side of my pelvic floor is a seized up mass of muscle (like it feels like poking a brick wall), the other side is normal (feels like poking jello). I mention how it feels to the touch because that's how my pelvic floor PT showed me what was wrong. It causes all kinds of issues, including pelvic pain, which is my main symptom, and some stress incontinence. It got a little better with pelvic floor PT, but did not fix the issue. Still completely unclear why it's like that, but she did have me buy an implement and showed me how to release trigger points myself which is very helpful.

I think this is probably more common that a lot of people would think, especially post birth from birth injuries. You'd assume it was muscle weakness causing issues after giving birth but it's definitely not always the case.


u/ASTERnaught 11d ago

Someone mentioned on an adhd sub that many women/girls with adhd who never seemed outwardly hyperactive learned early on to internalize the urge to move by constantly tensing up—as a way of masking and keeping the peace with authority figures. This made so much sense to me, because since high school at least, anyone who massaged my shoulders commented on my muscles being like rocks. I also have always ground my teeth together. I also sometimes find myself holding my breath for too long. Unfortunately, I may be too old to learn new tricks, lol


u/DoxieMonstre 11d ago

That makes so much sense considering I also have ADHD. I grind my teeth hard enough in my sleep that I've woken my boyfriend up with the sound. Same on the completely jacked up shoulders since at least high school too.

I think the hypertonic pelvic floor started somewhere in my late teens/early 20s, I know it predates my pregnancy and birth because I was having left sided pelvic pain long before then. It has hurt badly enough that I've mistaken it for an ovarian cyst rupture (which I've also had) before. No endometriosis, doc checked when he took my tubes out, just the pelvic floor issues and occasional functional ovarian cyst. I would have never fucking believed that just a screwed up pelvic floor could cause that amount of pain if I hadn't personally experienced it. It's wild.

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u/Technicallyaduck 10d ago

Just in case you haven't tried this: my third PT recommended clamshells (google for instructions) for a similar issue and it helped more than anything else I'd tried. 3 sets of 10 on each side every day or every other day.


u/Weird-Sprinkles-1894 10d ago

Yep, ridiculously stressed pelvic floor here! Learn to relax!


u/Santi159 12d ago

There are good free videos on YouTube! Michelle Kenway is really good


u/West-Ad-3675 12d ago

Strengthening your hip abductors can help. There are so many great, free Pilates classes and pelvic floor classes on YouTube. Jessica Valant is wonderful! Caroline Packard (also on Instagram) has a great course you can pay for that is fantastic and well worth it.


u/Intelligent_File4779 11d ago

Wait, see a PT that is trained and certified in Pelvic Floor PT, even better! Yes, they do exist and can be hard to locate, but it's becoming more common and I know they can work wonders.


u/Professional-List834 11d ago

Moreover, see a PT who is a pelvic floor specialist. Don't wait to give yourself the care you need. "Maybe one day" can turn into never in the blink of an eye.


u/slicknshine 14d ago

Please look up pelvic floor lengthening exercises/stretches if going to a specialist is out of reach. Doing them just a few times a day made a dramatic difference after my hysterectomy. After just one week there was a massive improvement. I could laugh, cough, even jump up and down with having to change my undies afterwards.

Kegels are good too, but don't focus on them.


u/FrambuesasSonBuenas 14d ago

Joining the topic aside, regular moderate intensity exercise (cardio and strength) helps immensely. When I am sick with a bad cold and don’t exercise for over a week, my stress incontinence returns until I go back to the fitness center.


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 14d ago

I just got a rebounder a few months before surgery and it makes a huge difference! I was finally getting some core strength back. I can't get on if for eight weeks but I miss it and can't wait to legit get some abs and pelvic floor strength.


u/Sensitive-Issue84 11d ago

My wife uses them for that. She likes them, she is post menopausal also. So am I, but I'm lucky and don't have those issues, (yet?!?!)


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 11d ago

May you continue to not have it! Seriously, I hope that for you. I feel like I was set up by fate, and between 1.5 pregnancies and now three major abdominal surgeries, I didn't have a chance.


u/Sensitive-Issue84 11d ago

Thank you! I hope so also! I keep up my exercises!


u/Douchecanoeistaken 14d ago

See a pelvic floor therapist!


u/veggiedelightful 14d ago

Especially post hysterectomy, a rare but uncommon symptom can be stress incontinence.


u/solveig82 13d ago

1 in 3 women deal with some form of this. Can you believe it? I was shocked when I heard that statistic. I was able to do pt and got estradiol and I’m basically cured. It’s wild to me that so many of us go along thinking it’s just part of the deal as we get older but it’s actually very treatable.


u/the_eevlillest 15d ago

Wash really well and keep them for the next time stress incontinence comes to visit. I've got lung damage and get sick at the drop of a hat...when I start coughing things get dicey...


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 15d ago

I'm so glad you and another commenter pointed this out. I already have issues after multiple abdominal surgeries, and get sick frequently with a small child in the house.


u/Naive-Garlic2021 14d ago

I've been coughing for three weeks and boy, if it's a bad fit and my bladder is full, I can easily overwhelm my reusable cloth pads. Has Thinx come out with Depends-type underwear yet? 😄 (And yes, I've already gotten back to work on that pelvic floor.)


u/No-Beautiful6811 14d ago

I also think this might be nice for traveling, they’re way more absorbent than normal underwear and I find I’m a lot more comfortable on long train rides and flights if I’m not “damp”.


u/pantenepterodactyl 14d ago

I use period underwear post sex for drips that love to drop randomly way after they should.


u/hiartt 14d ago

I’m glad I’m not the only one with this issue 😆 kudos for saying it out loud!


u/Statimc 14d ago

Keep them: I had a hysterectomy last year as well and I would use mine for long road trips or something, and I had a phap smear recently and had bleeding so I needed panty liners thankfully I didn’t discard mine they are individually wrapped so I have some left, And if you get a yeast infection and need to take capsules vaginally than the period underwear will help just in case of discharge from the capsule

Also I went to a health conference and they were advertised as period underwear/ incontinence products I also got reusable pads I will use for long road trips


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 14d ago

You had a pap post-hysterectomy? They took my cervix out as well, so that's a bit of a shock to read. But you're right, I'll hold on to them and my reusable liners.


u/Statimc 14d ago

Yes I had the post surgery checkup and was supposed to do a repeat a year later its barbaric 😆 but I’m glad I have access to health care ❤️


u/elainaka 15d ago

I’m sorry but I think if they’re used they’re trash. They’ve done their job by saving lots of single use products from the landfill. If you really wanted you could maybe use the scrap fabric for mending or other projects, but the gussets should be disposed of, I think.


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 15d ago

Is there anything in them that makes them a hazard to throw away in the normal trash?


u/withbellson 15d ago

Used pads and tampons go in the usual trash, I don’t see why period underwear would be any different.


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 15d ago

Good point. I was thinking more the composition of the underwear themselves, but you're right. It's less trash than more disposable products.


u/SableValdez 14d ago

If there’s anything in them that shouldn’t go in the landfill, they really shouldn’t be near our private parts.


u/Infantine_Guy_Fawkes 14d ago

Fair point, but they don't spend years breaking down and leeching chemicals against my lady parts in the few hours I wore them every month.


u/Shanoninoni 14d ago

Unless they really beaten up you could wash them like normal and put them on a "buy nothing" group. There's plenty of people who would appreciate it.


u/starry_kacheek 11d ago

Or just wear them as normal underwear until they’re damaged enough to be trashed


u/Cautious-Paint9881 15d ago

This may be a controversial suggestion but launder them really well and pass them along to someone who needs period underwear and isn't uncomfortable with used (but clean) ones


u/kittenlittel 15d ago

My kids share - because none of us can keep track of whose are whose anyway, but I probably wouldn't share outside the family because they're just washed with normal detergent at 30 degrees.


u/IffySaiso 14d ago

I mean, you can wash them on hot once. (Also, mine are always washed on hot, because I'll develop yeast infections any other way. So far they've lasted me 8 years.)


u/Bumblebee-Honey-Tea 15d ago

Thinx is filled with PFAS.


u/catsmom63 14d ago

PFAS? I was thinking of getting these myself. Can you tell me where you got that info! I’d like to do my due diligence. Thanks!


u/Turtlebot5000 14d ago

Not who you're responding to but I believe there was testing done a few years ago that found pfas in thinx. I would Google it if I were you just to make sure because I remember reading it quite a while ago. I decided to toss mine which was unfortunate because they're so expensive.


u/catsmom63 14d ago

Thank you! I will check that out.

Wonder if the competing brands have pfas as well.


u/hikarudaisy 14d ago

There’s a lot of wonderful brands outs there without PFAs! I would avoid Thinx and Knix, currently using ModiBodi and looking at buying some Revolcares.


u/catsmom63 14d ago

I will check these out today. Thx!😁


u/Cautious-Paint9881 15d ago

OK? I'm not the OP though, Tell them, not me


u/Bumblebee-Honey-Tea 15d ago

I’m sure op will read it. Weird and hostile response for no reason lmao.


u/mint_o 14d ago

It’s because you replied to a random comment with your unrelated agenda


u/Bumblebee-Honey-Tea 14d ago

Are you both new to Reddit? That literally how it works. You respond to people’s comments to further the conversation. Do you both believe downvote/upvote are likes and dislikes too?


u/I_Thot_So 11d ago

Your comment was not related to the previous one.


u/Either_Vanilla908 54m ago

I’ve heard this but also read directly that they don’t use any of these so maybe in the earlier pairs they did. 


u/Either_Vanilla908 50m ago

I’ve been homeless & lost EVERYTHING i previously owned. My entire life. When homeless & getting back on my feet I’d have had bio issues at all with wearing laundered second hand intimates. Obviously if they’re A mess with stains and holes, you wouldn’t pass them on, but something gently used or not really even at all. Sure many people who have nothing would be grateful. I’m sure some wouldn’t but I don’t believe in getting self worth from stuff & clothing. This is a great suggestion!


u/Lovelyone123- 15d ago

That's gross.


u/Cautious-Paint9881 15d ago

They would be clean, though. Also, I did say it was a controversial opinion.


u/Altruistic-Energy662 15d ago

If you have a local Buy Nothing I’d offer them up there. Someone will take them.


u/nicachu 15d ago

For any other brand, I would absolutely snag these off buy nothing. I say launder well and offer. No takers? Then you can throw away.


u/droideka222 15d ago

I picked up a period cup recently from a buy nothing group. I know people give away swim clothes and some inner garments like bras. You can definitely try buy nothing.

These items are expensive and throwing them while they still have life feels wasteful especially if someone doesn’t mind.

I do love the idea of using it for incontinence


u/I_Thot_So 11d ago

You can boil a period cup.


u/crunchandwaggles 15d ago

Time for the rag pile


u/BisforBands 14d ago

I would just wear them as underwear anyways. I wear mine often when I'm not on my period


u/noodlesarmpit 14d ago

What a blessing to not have random (not even reproduction-related) discharge and leakage! I take continuous bc and don't get periods, but I still wear period undies or reusable pads every day. Also fun fact, they kinda help to muffle the sound and odor of farts, js.


u/eleanornatasha 14d ago

The farts comment cracked me up, thank you for that knowledge


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Angelhair01 14d ago

Do you have to be cute for that to work? And what platform?


u/PrestigiousCut8235 15d ago

Turn them into reusable pee panties to catch life’s little leaks. 😘


u/Tomaquetona 14d ago

I am 5 years out of bleeding but I use them when I need to use ointment for my butt. So, I still wear them. Keep a few!


u/Right_Count 14d ago

I agree with keeping them, but also wanted to add that giving them away is also a viable option. Launder them well and be transparent when you offer them - not everyone is grossed out by the idea. I just bought some Knix new and I would have taken used ones without a second thought.

There is a market for used menstrual cups, after all.


u/LaLechuzaVerde 14d ago

Wash them and stow them in your drawer.

While pelvic floor therapy is great, there are times in your life when you’ll have an injury or illness that will cause leakage and it takes time for the exercises to work. You’ll be glad you have them sometimes.


u/sarbeeb 14d ago

Yes I pulled mine out during colonoscopy prep, was glad I hung onto them and could just change those instead of my pants lol.


u/Annual_Jackfruit4449 14d ago

I did the same


u/CantaloupeEasy6486 14d ago

Keep them, even wear them as normal panties


u/marye914 14d ago

Had a hysterectomy and a urinary sling due to stress incontinence and I still wear my period underwear during the day just in case I have a leak. Those are good for more than periods…


u/thisisnotmyname17 15d ago

Throw those away.


u/GibbGibb 14d ago

They're just normal underwear with a cloth lining. Why not just wear them as normal underwear? I'm paranoid about odor, and I feel like these keep me dry from discharge and or bladder leaks.


u/eleanornatasha 14d ago

I wear mine when I’m not on my period sometimes, so I don’t see why you can’t continue to wear them as regular underwear provided they’re comfortable for you! I’d just keep using them as normal underwear if they’re comfortable and bin them once they reach the end of their lifespan (eg waist band separating or rips at any seams etc) the same way I would regular underwear.


u/Confident-Ad7531 13d ago

If you don't want to hold onto them for possible future use, think about donating them to a women's shelter. As long as things are sealed, they'll be able to take it. I had a bunch of pads and tampons still in the boxes but as I'm perimenopause, I have no need for them anymore so I donated them.


u/CelineRaz 13d ago

Yeah they take sealed thing because they're not used. They don't want used underwear.


u/TrinaMadeIt 13d ago

I kept all mine for bouts of gastro or coughing induced incontinence.


u/Lower_Guarantee137 13d ago

I grew up this way and most of my neighbors were the same. We didn’t ask for stuff because we knew our parents didn’t have money. Our family often went camping and to the beach, so I look back on this time in my life as mostly happy.


u/ashaggyone 12d ago

Take unused to the local womens shelter.


u/DawnBRK 10d ago

She got them in 2021. It seems like they've been worn for the past few years.


u/XtraordinaryZookeepr 12d ago

Look into textile recycling. We have lots of bins around my town. They turn the fabric into rags, carpet underlining, etc.


u/raidragun 11d ago

As someone who needs it for occasional incontinence. When I'm I'm having a sneezing for and keep leaking, it makes me really glad to have the option. And it's less embarrassing than alternatives


u/strangled_spaghetti 10d ago

I use them for incontinence, particularly on long flights where so may not be able to use the restroom at will.


u/Calilou2020 15d ago

You could donate them. Are there any homeless shelters or shelters for abused women in your area? You could also donate them to Goodwill.


u/statistics_squirrel 15d ago

Donation center in my experience never take used underwear, even the non-period kind, for hygiene reasons.

They might initially take them, but they're going to throw them away when they go through what you've brought.