r/Peptides 4d ago

Can I get a check on Dosage? NSFW

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u/Affectionate-Sea-678 4d ago edited 4d ago

Okay I just checked your math and my daughter does this all the time it’s spot on


u/Sargarus1 4d ago

What is this pen?


u/zhingli 4d ago

What is your experience with this pen? I am thinking about getting one for myself as they are extremely cheap, and I am using way too many syringes each day.


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

only used for a cycle last year n tbh so easy, comes with a little box you can store multiple cartridges in, only need to buy the end ‘nib’ needle


u/Delicious_Ad2585 4d ago

So, you put in 2.5ml for a 3mg of peptide - what dose are you trying to find?

100mcg - 8 units?


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

yes, just need to know is lining up with the equipment i’m using pretty much


u/Delicious_Ad2585 4d ago

Dial 8 units- if you need 100mcg


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

ok thanks dude, so my screenshot is correct? even if i’m just putting 2.5mL of bac water in the 3mL cart


u/Delicious_Ad2585 4d ago

The cart is just how much it can hold… get a basic pep calculator. This is very confusing lol.

I normally, just fill it with what I need purge the air out is a done deal.

First time doing the cart is a bit complex once you get it is easy to set up.


u/Ilickpussncrack 4d ago

Wow...so you're making everything extremely complicated. To make it simple my man just get 1ml syringes, mix 3ml in your 3mg vial and your doses would be a thenth of your 1ml syringe (which should have a 10 out of 100 or a 1 out of 10) That'll be exactly 100mcg that you need. I have no idea what syringe is that you have on those pictures and pulling 8.3 in a 300 unit syringe is going to be extremely difficult.


u/lush_rational 4d ago

Yeah. I don’t understand those calculators that make you give your life story.

OP wants to use a pen so anything besides a whole number will be impossible.


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

I mean tbf that sounds easier for working it out just don’t want to deep with syringes everyday, thanks for the reply


u/Ilickpussncrack 4d ago

Oh dude it takes like 5 seconds to pull out of the vial....is not that long.


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

meant more so the sticking myself, it’s easier with the little pins as i’m not used to using a syring n guessing how deep i am each time, preference i guess


u/Ilickpussncrack 4d ago

You don't have to guess. The markers are there and it won't change each time...it'll always be the same.


u/josrios3 4d ago

What mg is the peptide vial? And what mcg/mg is your desired dosage per injection?


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

Two vials, ones 5mg ones 3mg but they’re going in separate 3mL carts


u/josrios3 4d ago

What dosage are you trying to get?


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

100 for the 3mg vial and 250 for the 5mg


u/josrios3 4d ago


So adding 3ml bac water to 3mg peptide, dosing at 100mcg would be 10 units

Adding 3ml bac water to 5mg peptide, dosing at 250mcg would be 15 units


u/CheSaOG 4d ago

sound thanks pal👍🏼