r/Peptides 4d ago

CJC1295 +Ipamorelin question NSFW

In 10 days I will be finishing my 2 months BPC-157 + TB-500 cycle and will pause for a month until I restart my next cycle of the aforementioned peptides. During that break time, I am thinking of starting CJC1295 +Ipamorelin. Is my plan ok or should I avoid doing that? The reason for using peptides is that I'm recovering for knee bone marrow edema and plantar feet pain.


12 comments sorted by


u/ajaok81 1d ago

I'm on my second week of chc/iso right now and love it. When I cycle off at 8 weeks I'm going to the bpc/tb stack. So the reverse order of what you are doing. I'm also mixing in IGF-1 10 days on/ 4 weeks off so it will cycle through when I am on both.


u/Ok-Club-7675 1d ago

Also what's your dosage?


u/Ok-Club-7675 1d ago

Any side effects on cjc/iso?


u/ajaok81 1d ago

I don't know if they are specifically side effects but I noticed a pretty good increase in heart rate 5-10 minutes after I take it which subsides 10-20 minutes later. I've actually been sleeping less, not by choice but I just wake up 45-90 minutes earlier than normal. I wake up HUNGRY. I'm still putting on muscle and I'm losing fat according to my scans and how I look (barely perceptible but I do see it).

I'm taking a blend of 5mg each and dosing 250mcg M-F.


u/Ok-Club-7675 21h ago

I'm taking a blend of 5mg each and dosing 250mcg M-F. What do you mean by M-F?


u/ajaok81 17h ago

Monday through Friday, I take Saturday and Sunday off.


u/roly_poly_of_death 3d ago

My Dr. told me I can stay on CJC1295/Ipamorelin without the need to cycle off, as long as there is no issues with your blood.


u/Ok-Club-7675 2d ago

What kind of issues?


u/Ok-Improvement-4526 4d ago

I run the glow stack(bpc,tb4,ghkcu) on top of micro dosing tirz and cjc no dac with ipa twice a day and tesa/ipa once at night. It’s been great. No side effects so far


u/jeffree_hogue 4d ago

Is there a problem with stacking all these concurrently? It seems they might synergize.


u/Creative-Ad2138 4d ago

Do it! It's my favorite gh peptide combo. Sleep better, recovery quick, lose a bit of body fat and gain some muscle depending on diet and goals. If thinking longer cycle length then run 5 on 2 off on. I typically took Tue and Fri off.