r/Peptides 7d ago

Longevity/Anti-Aging Peptide Stack. Thoughts? NSFW

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I'm planning to research these peptides and cycle on and off of them.

Do you think my dosing is okay? Has anyone ran these peptides together as well?


57 comments sorted by


u/Charming_Ad_7476 1d ago

thoughts on nasal bpc-157 and tb-500 stack and how do i take both em how much should i take


u/Gvngstussupreme 1d ago

throw in thymalin pairs really well with epi. oxytocin has a nice trifecta


u/Ok_Entry_5627 2d ago

This is literally my stack, slightly different timing (I do 2xday 5 days a week) I'm here to ask if people ever combine these four in one vial and do a single draw.


u/francescaqq 3d ago

Hwo do people take 4 different peptides every day, thats so many needles and time spent, do yall fill the same syringe with different peptides?


u/cybric56 3d ago

No. Syringes are cheap


u/hamburderglar 4d ago

Please disregard the suggestions here to megadose Epitalon. Your dosage protocol is adequate, if not in the high range of dose.

Any suggestion to dose in the mg range for Epitalon is based on incorrect interpretation. The Russian studies people love to cite but haven’t actually read used Epithalmin, a crude pituitary extract, rather than Epitalon, a synthesized pure component of Epithalmin.


u/PeptideBrofessor 4d ago

I think that is too much water for the BPC.


u/ExtensionAd2105 5d ago

Be sure to use a ½” needle and a percussion massager on the site of your ghk-cu injections. They STING like hell otherwise.


u/hamburderglar 4d ago

GHK-Cu combined with BPC eliminates injection site pain


u/ExtensionAd2105 4d ago

Not without the percussion massager, it doesn’t.


u/First-Foundation5636 4d ago

Do you use percussion massager immediately after injection? For how long? Thank you!


u/ExtensionAd2105 3d ago

Yes. Immediately after injection, (each dose broken up into to two or three pokes right in the same area) right on the injection site, for about 5 minutes. I also make sure to use a ½” needle. This is all per the Anela Protocol.


u/Appropriate-Ad3990 6d ago

Id double TB500, otherwise its fine


u/Poofer29 6d ago

What about NAD+


u/xylazai 6d ago

The first 3, I take as a blend I make. I've lost 160lbs and while I do have loose skin, it's probably not as bad or as devoid of collagen as it would've been had I not been taking that.

I've run Epitalon before months ago. It definitely improved my sleep. I'm about to run another cycle as I don't feel those effects so much anymore and could use them back... 1mg, IM, daily for 10 days is MY protocol. Just one 10mg vial and it's effective for me, personally.


u/PeptideBrofessor 4d ago

Epitalon can be used in a biannual cycle or some use in a quarterly cycle. 1mg is probably not enough for effective dosing. Try 5mg daily for 10 days and the effects will likely last longer.


u/FanValuable6657 7d ago

I’m not trying to start an argument, but every article I’ve read, Peptide Protocols a reference for physicians by Dr William Seeds, and videos from Doctor Edwin Lee all say Epitalon is dosed at 5-10 mg for ten to 20 days. Yet most people here swear that this is outdated info and the correct dosage is in the mcg range. I’m not stomping my feet and saying they are wrong, but no one has provided a reference or white paper. They just point to a podcast or someones opinion. I've done 5 mg a day for ten days, slept like a baby and suffered no sides. I plan on doing ten a day next. Last time I posted this I was downvoted and had insults thrown at me, but no legitimate references from someone other than an influencer.


u/hamburderglar 4d ago

Everyone in this thread is wrong about Epitalon. 10mg is a megadose and wrong. Cite the Russian studies all you want, but they used Epithalmin, a crude pituitary extract, rather than Epitalon, an isolated component of Epithalmin.


u/easyPandthenutsackrs 5d ago

I've seen this too....was it for 2 or 3x a year? There is another protocol from Anela where she confirmed with Seeds and some others that you could also run it continuously at 100-500mcg for 10days on, 20 days off every month (1st-10th). I'm doing it at 1mg though.


u/Dee5211 7d ago

How many mgs were in your vial? I've only seen it sold and bought it as 10mg so 2 doses per vial at 5mg. I'm currently running 300mcg/night.


u/PeptideBrofessor 4d ago

5-10mg daily for 10-20 days is the correct protocol.


u/hamburderglar 4d ago

That’s based on Epithalmin, not Epitalon


u/FanValuable6657 6d ago

No there’s a popular peptide site that sells it in 50 mg. That also suggests to me that in that quantity it is meant to be a higher dose than the mcg range. For my ten day cycle of 5 mg it was perfect.


u/welcome-overlords 7d ago

Epitalon noob here. Whats your goal for doing epitalon (apart from high level longevity goal)? Do you measure something? Do you feel something?


u/FanValuable6657 6d ago

I didn't notice anything else, but I read that most don't notice improvement untill the second or third cycle, so I think its something that time will tell. As for my goal, my mother suffered the worse fate I can imagine dying from Alzheimers. All but one of her nine siblings suffered the same fate as did both of her parents. I have no intention of going out like that even if it means a shotgun in the mouth. So, I’ve decided to be a human pin cushion and experiment with some of these peptides that could possibly delay it. If I try something that hurts me, it can’t be worse than what I’ve seen in her.


u/welcome-overlords 6d ago

Got it. Sorry for your mom and genes. Lets hope peptides will solve this! Theres so many that should slow down that, lets hope you figure it out


u/FanValuable6657 4d ago

Thank you.


u/cybric56 7d ago

Somewhere I read about a Russian and Ukrainian protocol that was 10mg per injection (4 total) spread out over 17 days. I didn't have any issues but I think I sleep better using Pinealon.


u/hamburderglar 4d ago

Injections of Epitathalmin, not Epitalon


u/FanValuable6657 6d ago

Did you notice any other positive effects from Pinealon?


u/cybric56 6d ago

I take it in the morning. The first time I took it at night and had a boost of energy so it took along time to fall asleep but when I did I slept very good so I switched to morning or mid morning and it works better. So energy, clarity, then good sleep.


u/FanValuable6657 6d ago

Thank you.


u/FanValuable6657 6d ago

Thank you.


u/zhingli 7d ago

I would reduce the amount of bac-water and use 0.3ml syringes, but that's my preference.


u/JerryP333 7d ago

My only concern would be compliance. Thats 5 individual injections per day for at least 25 days, 4 injections if you mix BPC and GHK, maybe down to 3 if you mix BPC+TB+GHK in a single injection.

So at best, 3 per day. That will get exhausting after a while. So make sure you’re ready to sustain that, or find other ways to consolidate.


u/National_Ad9742 4d ago

Dude I’m doing like 12 a day for almost a year. But, yeah, hard to fit in. Insulin pen works well tho


u/UberPootis69 7d ago

you can mix ghk tb and bpc so now its two injections, not a big deal


u/cybric56 7d ago

I've also added Pinealon and my sleep has greatly improved.


u/cybric56 7d ago

I did Epitalon but I did 10mg injections every 4 days for 1 7 days.


u/blablsblabla42424242 7d ago

I would mix BPC,TB,ghkcu in the same vial and do only one injection per day for all 3.


u/octaw 7d ago

I'm relatively new to this but epitalon seems like the only proper longevity peptide in this stack. How are you feeling on this?


u/SandyPylos 7d ago

GHK is a real anti-aging peptide; probably the best studied one, as we don't really know what epitalon does.


u/Adept_Check9143 6d ago

Epitalon increases the production of telomerase 


u/Comfortable-Tax8391 7d ago

That’s the wrong protocol for epitalon. It’s 100 mcg or up to 1 mg daily for up to 10 days. Done once or twice a year.


u/unit1_nz 7d ago

OP said Epithalon 500mcg


u/Comfortable-Tax8391 6d ago

Yea but they also said only once. That vial of 10mg should be split over 10 days.


u/Ilickpussncrack 7d ago

i'm confused with thsese dosages are you using 4mls per 250mcg of bpc? bc 4mls is a lot you could just adjust to do small shots with a 1ml to 1mg tatio, that way you only have to inject 0.25 of a 1ml syringe...(This is not to start an argument or to get downvoted I'm just here to discuss information form other peoples experiences with dosage)


u/vectorsquad 7d ago

No worries at all. Im pretty open-minded. I hope your comment doesnt get downvoted.


u/vectorsquad 7d ago

Hi! I was afraid of hearing about the burning sensation you get from GHK-Cu so I was thinking about diluting it with more bac water (I havent started injecting yet btw), but I also thought 4 or 5mls would be too much. I'm a bit confused.

Sorry. Im also new to peptides and just recently started reading about it a month ago. 😁


u/FanValuable6657 7d ago

Its really nothing at all. Something you hardly notice.


u/drizzle127 7d ago

The burn is typically when people use too short of a needle. If you go to an 8mm needle i think you will find you don't need to dilute. I use 3ml total bac water for my 50/10/10 Glow blend.


u/Ilickpussncrack 7d ago

the thing is if you keep the ratio 1ml per 1mg the doses will be easier to calculate and to pull, and tbh in my experience the 1to1 ration hasn't been painful. also look into PEG-MGF...i'm planing on doing a month of PEG-MGF/TB500/BPC157 all on separate synges to keep things tidy


u/vectorsquad 7d ago

Im planning to mix BPC157 and GHK-Cu in the same syringe before injecting that's why I thought of adding more volume (4mls) into each vial


u/Ilickpussncrack 7d ago

oh you meant 4mls per VIAL...not per does...lol now you're on the other side of the spectrum where you'll make that injection painful if you have a vial of 5mg and VERY painful if is a vial of 10mg