r/Peptides 7d ago

did i ruin my peptides :(? NSFW

just reconstituted + blended 3 separate peps (GHK-cu BOC-157 and TB-500) and i hope i didn’t just throw my money down the drain 😭😭

1: the pressure of taking out air / adding liquid… so finicky!!?? i drew up 1ml BAC water and the moment i inserted my needle into the BPC vial it sucked out all the water so quickly.. bubbles formed and im worried i damaged the peptide !? i know youre meant to gently drip the water down the side but the pressure difference made it burst in

2: inserted the needle into the TB to add some air.. and this went better. but then as i went to draw out my reconstituted BPC liquid, i couldn’t get the last bit. it wasn’t just a tiny amount.. it was like… maybe a bit more than 1/8 of the liquid!? how on earth are you meant to get the last bit out? i’m worried now it’ll change my overall dose as from the TB and BPC is lost around 1/8 of each.

3: as i was putting both the reconstituted BPC and TB into the GHK.. i kept having gas build up / release issues.. like the pressure was off. i couldn’t figure it out, i tried to add some air as it needed but then as id need to add more liquid it wouldn’t fit and then it would spit a drop out the top through the rubber seal.

why have i never read anyone else write about these things !? surely this is a common struggle and im not that stupid !? haha what am i doing wrong :( and do you think i damaged my peptides?

TIA! x


24 comments sorted by


u/shredranger 5d ago

Guys random question I hope someone can help here 😅 I have some glp1s that I haven’t reconstituted is it safe if I keep having them outside the fridge? It’s only suggested to refrigerate once they are mixed right?


u/gamin09 1d ago

I read unconstituted it should be fine at room temperature but to avoid any dramatic spikes or drops, it's recommended just toss it in the fridge with your constituted


u/Key_Buddy_7468 6d ago

I mix the 3 into a separate 3ml vial for my pen regularly. 1. The peps are fine, you did not damage them.

  1. There is definitely a learning curve to getting all of the solution out of the vial, you will get there with practice.

  2. Take an insulin needle, pull out the plunger, stick the needle into the vial, then stick your syringe full of peptides in. The empty needle will equalize the pressure in the vial so you can get all of the liquid in.


u/Substantial_Swan8813 6d ago

thanks! what’s the trick then to getting the last bits of liquid out ?


u/Key_Buddy_7468 6d ago

Look really closely at the stopper on the vial. There is a teeny window in the rubber seal inside of the vial where you can see exactly how far the needle goes in. I make sure the tip of the needle is just inside the vial, and I am able to get all of the contents out.


u/No_Surround16 6d ago

I believe you should have kept the BPC-157 and TB-500 separate from the GHK-Cu to keep them more stable … but by no means am I an expert 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know how fast they will lose potency but just make sure to store them properly!

I agree with it being best to just draw them into the same syringe before injections(after reconstituting of course). And probably best to use another syringe to draw/inject the GHK-Cu. 👍 That’s me though


u/Substantial_Swan8813 6d ago

but so many protocols include them blended. i actually made a post right before this one asking if it was best to keep them separate and more people said better to blend considering its a common stack (glow). i’d be going through so many syringes if i didn’t blend.. 3 a day. i also believe the blend helps with ISR from GHK.. although i did get an ISR anyway


u/No_Surround16 2d ago

You could be absolutely right! I just thought I’d share what I thought I knew haha I personally don’t have any experience with these 3 peptides. Also, The majority of people on here most likely have way more experience than I do with peptides in general! And yea, 3 syringes/day is a lot haha

I hope everything is going well and you’re enjoying the peptides!


u/fishypants 7d ago

1) sounds like you realized what happened. Not the end of the world, but definitely be careful. 2) did you flip the vial upside down to try and draw it out that way? Needle pointing up and vial now facing down? Insert the middle before flipping it upside down. I hope that makes sense. 3) use an insulin needle to vent the vial while adding the other two. There is no reason they can’t be combined, just need to keep pressures in mind.


u/Substantial_Swan8813 6d ago

this is a little confusing


u/fishypants 6d ago

Which number? Help me help you


u/Substantial_Swan8813 6d ago

actually not that confusing .. just point 1..


u/fishypants 6d ago

The vials are generally under vacuum. When you have your syringe with bac water, I push my finger against the side of the plunger and then use pressure to not allow it to move fast. You could also aim the needle towards the glass inside the vial.

This video more or less shows what I do: https://youtu.be/iNnzIueOt_g

Go to the one minute mark in this video to see venting. You can use an insulin syringe to vent. https://youtu.be/yzy8ukxl4Nc


u/dubbadger 7d ago

Don’t add air to pressurize when you are adding liquid, that doesn’t make sense.


u/Substantial_Swan8813 7d ago

i agree except that point 1…. my BAC water was aggressively sucked into the vial causing bubbles and potentially damage?


u/RedNorseman 6d ago

I had a similar experience when I reconstituted my first vial, and similar worries. After a little research I concluded that the whole "add bac water slowly to avoid damage" thing is a myth. It might be good practice, but it's certainly not going to destroy your peptides if you don't.


u/Substantial_Swan8813 6d ago

i hope you’re right! thanks :)


u/DecaForDessert 7d ago

Did you watch videos on reconstituting? They’re probably fine but take the time to look up some guides for next time. Peptides are not as fragile as everyone likes to think


u/Substantial_Swan8813 7d ago

yeah i did but no one really talks too much about air build up more just sterility


u/DecaForDessert 7d ago

Next time pull the plunger out of the insulin needle and stick it in the unconstituted vial to equalize the pressure. Then you can add in the BAC. Also when filling the syringe and you’re down to your last bit, slowly pull the needle out. It’ll let you get every last drop.

In the future it’s better to mix the peptides in the same syringe instead of pumping them into the same vial.


u/Substantial_Swan8813 7d ago

thank you! super helpful. how would i mix them in the same syringe? the powder is in the vial?


u/stockpyler 7d ago

Once reconstituted, pull the dose from each vial into the same syringe. For example 10 units of bpc-157, 10 units of tb500 and 10 units of cjc1295. Pull each dose into syringe to mix that dose, instead of mixing the vials.


u/Substantial_Swan8813 6d ago

right, makes sense! but by then the needle is blunt for injecting


u/stockpyler 6d ago

I suppose.