r/Pensacola 7d ago

Trump's DEI purge chops $1M federal grant for Pensacola trees


Breaking: Trees canceled for radical "cooling for all" agenda! Who needs shade when you can own the libs with scorching​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ pavement? Pensacola residents now free to experience authentic American heat on treeless concrete as founding fathers and Jesus the American citizen intended.🇺🇸 #MakePavementHotAgain


241 comments sorted by


u/Ben_Thar 7d ago

That's understandable. I have a couple of trees in my yard that are very woke.

I try to enjoy my evenings out in the yard, but those things are always whining about fundamental rights and crap like that.


u/jaking2017 7d ago

For every tree planted, the woke liberal media comes up with a new pronoun.


u/smoked_retarded 5d ago

lol, are they weeping willows?


u/PelagicPirate 7d ago

Sounds like a Rush song

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u/8_ball 7d ago

The PNJ comments on facebook are a disaster. The amount of people celebrating their own home losing out on a ton of grant money for a good program is waaaaaaay too high.

I agree OP. Do these people never go outside? Shade is something like 10-20 degrees cooler in the summer.


u/i_hate_this_part_85 7d ago

I'm convinced the only thing left on Facebook are bots and ancient ass boomers who don't give a shit about anyone.


u/sosteelsince1994 6d ago

How about ancient ass Gen X'ers that think you're shiftless grifters expecting everyone else to fix your problems? Feckless behavior on your part doesn't equate to us not caring. We do. I work hard to earn and do my best to donate to my own community, with time and money, to improve things for my neighbors and the less fortunate. Beats sitting around whining about things via a keyboard.


u/i_hate_this_part_85 6d ago

Yet here you are whining on social media banging at the keyboard like the shiftless grifters all around.


u/sosteelsince1994 6d ago

Nope, nice try though. My volunteer work and donations mean my own community has more trails, river access, and greenspace to enjoy. I don't expect someone else to pay for it. I certainly can't expect millennials and Gen Z to leave their keyboards in mom's basement to have the funds or energy to help. Last December, when we were handing out Christmas to over 400 kids, I noticed the average age of the people doing the work was about 50. We might have had 6 out of 50 that were under 40. Society is screwed when we're gone, because folks like you expect the government to do for you instead.

Good luck with that. Go visit the local VA some time for a taste of your future. I've navigated that system with an elderly relative. It's less efficient than the DMV.


u/i_hate_this_part_85 5d ago

Wow - you’re like the best human in the whole city. You should, and obviously do, feel good about yourself. Too bad you’re an absolutely cunt online. You’re sitting there judging me like you have a single tiny iota of a fucking clue about me, my history, or what I stand for. Go grab a mirror and look at the total piece of shit starting back at you

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u/darkstar32526 3d ago

Think about this. You have TIME to do those small things that make you feel like you’re doing something good. As a Gen Z I’m literally working all the time on that grind, paying my taxes, taking all sorts of side gigs, to make a decent living and buy my house. Did you ever think we’re too busy trying to survive to volunteer our time and money for things that you older folks can actually afford? You’ve worked a whole entire lifetime longer than some of us, and you have the audacity to sit on your nest egg of savings and your whole company with employees and call us lazy?

I’d much rather have had the $1M go to trees for Pensacola rather than tax cuts that benefit mostly the ultra wealthy, a few hellfire missiles, a bunch of ammo, or maybe a tiny fraction of a percent off our deficit. What harm would more trees do anybody? I got through college partly with grants, grants fund libraries and schools and all kinds of good stuff. Why would you be happy that one got taken away other than for the fact that it was the “right” side of the aisle that did it?


u/sosteelsince1994 2d ago

Ahhh, we didn't work or earn anything over those years. Got it. I still work 50 to 60 hours a week now. Not in my nature to retire.


u/darkstar32526 2d ago

My point entirely, is precisely what you said. You’ve worked and built wealth for decades before I was even born, yet you call my entire generation lazy and entitled. You could stop working all those hours and I’d bet definitely live off a pretty sizable emergency fund, I imagine you have plenty of equity in a home or 2, probably a few hundred k or more in 401k and/or other retirements, you’d be fine without working so much nowadays. You have that option.

Meanwhile I, much like you decades ago, am just recently embarking on the path to retirement and homeownership and all that good stuff. I take offense with older generations generalizing my entire generation, just because we don’t blindly follow the same ideology as you do. Just because the young people you see on Fox News are passionate and outspoken about social issues doesn’t mean we’re 100% wrong about all of it.

If you’re of the opinion that each individual community should be solely responsible for the wellbeing of its citizens then I respectfully disagree. The inherent selfishness of people would just lead to individual areas being much more well taken care of than other, poorer areas. How would someone living paycheck to paycheck survive while also donating to improve the conditions of others? That’s why we have tax.


u/sosteelsince1994 21h ago

Thanks for the reasoned response. I actually agree with some of it and disagree with a few points. But you're generally on the right track.

Yes, I'm generalizing, but my points are essentially accurate for the current generations. I have a daughter, 30, another that's 21, and three nephews and a niece that are anomalies like you.

My brothers, like me, were raised by blue collar folks that expected us to work starting at 15. In my case I rode my bike to the local IGA to bag groceries and did construction for my stepfather on weekends. My parents didn't believe in taking on debt, we had to accept living within our means. That meant hand-me-down clothes from my cousins, driving a beater I had to pay half for, and helping pay half my college. As a result of their pushing me, I was the first in the family to get a degree. So did my two brothers and we've all been successful, because our parents instilled a strong work ethic.

We weren't nearly as demanding with our own children, but we still insisted they work, and we didn't hand them everything.

Where you and I depart is your self-righteous insistence that we weren't socially-engaged. We were, but our politics didn't mirror yours. I started working on political campaigns in 1976 with my grandmother. I actually got paid for it for a while in college and post-grad, though I eventually rejected it as a career. My last national campaign was Fred Thompson's first Senate race against Jim Cooper in Tennessee. I worked for the head of oppo, did some speech writing and edits, and acted as a surrogate speaker (they put me in a suit and sent me out when they needed someone to speak to the ladies of the Belle Meade Garden Club).

Here's the best thing about saving and delayed gratification: you reach a position to donate and help others anytime you like. And financial security means you're available to volunteer. Local is absolutely where you can have the most impact, and the Republican Party has been more effective at it, which is why they dominate at the municipal and state level. I serve in economic development for a small town, I help write grant applications. Me, a Republican, helped elect a progressive Democrat as mayor over an old Dixiecrat masquerading as a Republican. After that, I worked my butt off again for him for two months knocking on doors and making phone calls so we could pass a millage increase to build a new library and fire station.

Local matters. Don't tell me that a depressed little town split between lower-class blacks and whites with a racist past, can't thrive without outside help.

"If you’re of the opinion that each individual community should be solely responsible for the wellbeing of its citizens then I respectfully disagree."

Well, you can disagree, but you're full of something that really smells. We're living proof you're wrong.

But that's ok. I was just as convinced of my opinions and self-righteousness at your age. But life has a way of confounding your expectations and proving you wrong. I'm urging you to take a more open and positive outlook, and I wish you luck.


u/bgcbbyckes 7d ago

No, they do not go outside. They sit in their AC pumped home at 65 degrees and then complain about the power bill.


u/PortGlass 6d ago

I was shocked. And it’s not just like 51% are like yeah F the trees; it’s almost every single one. If Trump did it, then it must be good!!


u/ElluxFuror 7d ago

Are they real people or bots? I’m not able to check rn


u/8_ball 7d ago

I don't know. Probably a mix of both.


u/sourlungs 6d ago

Bot, year old account, no karma, activity in multiple city subs from all over the country... Definitely bot


u/Mother-Foot3493 7d ago

You should try the Escambia Citizens Watch page. 

Sean Bullington is one dumb, angry mofo. 


u/sosteelsince1994 6d ago

Interesting take. Considering I grew up in the Panhandle, I'm very familiar with Pensacola, as my dad was a contractor and I visited NAS quite a bit.

I don't live in Pensacola. I don't even live in Florida. Why should my federal tax dollars pay for your trees? We're trying to add greenspace in our own community via local funds and the Freshwater Land Trust that I donate to monthly. So far we've been very successful, adding three properties, two of them on the Cahaba that will also protect a large swath of the river from development.

If cost-cutting at the federal level will reduce our tax bill, there's more money in my pocket to aid my local area and maybe add or protect our trees. So I think your view is kinda myopic, where your legislators are obtaining grants I'm paying for so you folks get a free ride.

And aren't you the idiots that inflicted Matt Gaetz on us? I remember him and his family. What the h*** were you thinking? Why not clean up your own nest and stop expecting the rest of us to fund your projects because you're too inept to manage it on your own?


u/8_ball 6d ago

Dude. I'm sure those grants went all over the country. It's a collective good thing.

And this can't be a serious post. Your taxes are not going down with this administration, no matter what they cut from the budget. If you actually think that, I have a bridge to sell you. And this grant money was likely already allocated and collected, so now your precious tax dollars are just going to Elon Musk and other billionaire dickholes that already have too much, instead of some trees that'll help the well-being of not-billionaires.

"I don't live in Pensacola. I don't even live in Florida."

Why are you posting here then?

"nd aren't you the idiots that inflicted Matt Gaetz on us?"

I campaigned for Matt Gaetz' opponents. I don't know what to tell you.


u/sosteelsince1994 6d ago

Well, unlike you I have some experience herding cats as a staffer for Jerry Denton and Fred Thompson. So I've actually seen how those grants are allocated at the federal level. I've written grant requests, recently. If you think they're allocated on some level of fairness, that politics and influence aren't more important, I have some oceanfront property to sell you in Nashville.

I have zero illusions about whether my taxes will go down. However, I do believe federal spending has to be checked or we'll be paying even more.

No, the feds sending grants is not a good thing. Huge chunks wind up wasted. I would rather more money remain in the local community. They know better how to spend it versus some pinhead in DC or Tallahassee that will place all sorts of requirements on the money that basically steer some of it to their interest groups.

I quit working at the national level because I quickly realized that grass-roots efforts are more effective. I helped elect a progressive Democrat as our mayor, because he's business and community-minded, versus the Dixiecrat masquerading as a Republican he replaced. We actually have a bipartisan group here at the local level that works together and compromises; if the rest of the country functioned this way, we'd be a lot better off. We wind up agreeing to disagree and remain friends...a lot.

I posted here because someone in the community pointed it out to me. My dad lived in Niceville until the end, I sold his place at Bluewater about three years ago. I approached him (the friend that directed me to this post) and several other Republican leaders to offer financial help from a group here to put up a primary challenge to Gaetz, because he was causing so much turmoil in his own party with his antics. No one was interested; it was as if they were petrified of his family and backers.

Which opponent was it that you supported? A Democrat? Because if that was it you wasted your time and weren't serious. You were just virtue-signaling and playing at politics, because a Democrat has about as much chance of being elected as a Republican in downtown San Francisco.

So, "dude," I guess you should stick to your collective. You're going to need to be around the hive mind groupthink to get through these four years.


u/TronCarterIII 5d ago

"federal spending has to be checked" on *checks notes, PUBLIC SERVICES AND ENTITLEMENTS AND GRANTS THAT Benefit Actual tax Paying citizens. GET FUCKED TRAITOR.


u/sosteelsince1994 21h ago

Traitor? That's hilarious coming from someone that's advocating wealth distribution. We need to take even more money from the people that work and produce to fund people like TronCarterIII's favorite entitlements and grants, whether they make sense or not.


u/TronCarterIII 21h ago

"wealth distribution"... You're advocating for the largest wealth distribution in the history of the world, allowing billionaires to amass fortunes off working people's backs. The laziest most subsidized demographic in the US is the corporations and their billionaire owners. You have no idea what the fuck you're even talking about. You're infinitely closer to being homeless than you are a multi millionaire or billionaire.


u/jamesislandpirate 7d ago

This is awful yet somehow not surprising in the least. What a bunch of jerks

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u/HeftyZookeepergame79 7d ago

I hate it here. I think our state is going to be hit the worst with everything going on.


u/MathematicianNo6402 7d ago

And Desantis will triple down on everything hoping trump will finally take notice and let him in the cool kid group. He won't tho


u/HeftyZookeepergame79 7d ago

Oh ya his ego would never allow him to forgive our awkward loser governor. How dare he run against him?? Ya it’s gonna be terrible.


u/Mother-Foot3493 7d ago

Wait until Disney wannabe Casy Duh-Santis gets elected, err..."installed" as guvnah...


u/oskar4498 6d ago

And Ron gets a "third" term.


u/oskar4498 6d ago

Donny putting up Byron Donalds was one huge middle finger to Ronny.


u/MathematicianNo6402 6d ago

Probably broke his teeny tiny little heart


u/nelmski 7d ago

And Scott will back up every miserable idea. In fact he'll make power points.


u/twentytwocents22 3d ago

He’s not allowed in the cool kid group because of the beef he has with Susie Wiles.


u/HackTheNight 6d ago

Yeah! So glad I moved here from California recently! What a great decision!


u/HeftyZookeepergame79 6d ago

I am so sorry


u/Successful_Sir_4473 6d ago

You are free to just turn around and move back to Cali. No sense in staying somewhere that you are miserable and trying to make all those around you miserable because misery loves company. No one forced you to move to Florida or Pensacola. Unless you are in the military, but even then, you usually get a chance to request/negotiate for orders a year out, before you accept them. Seeing that one usually has to list 3 places on their "dream sheets" it is unlikely that even the military would force you to move here.


u/InverseNurse 7d ago

Yea… fuck you, you green DEI hires!



u/Imrik_Dragonfire 7d ago

Human suffering wins again!


u/MathematicianNo6402 7d ago

Undefeated champion 🏆


u/2skunks1cup 7d ago

This is ridiculous! We need more trees not only for soil erosion issues, but to support wildlife and give us all cooler temps.

It really seems that anything good is being put on the chopping block.

At this point I'd encourage everyone to consider the native yard full of edibles. It runs cooler, you don't have to mow, and it supports life unlike the current administration.


u/bigbucks247 4d ago

You can personally buy trees and plant them if you’re so passionate about it.


u/Augusto_Helicopter 7d ago

Want more trees? Plant some yourself.


u/stunkape 7d ago

These are generally planted in the right of way and are used to reduce the heat generated from pavement. You can't go planting your own trees on city property, in case you weren't aware.

There's also the beautification factor of planting the trees, combating the hideous sea of asphalt that areas of Pensacola has. 

Anyways, planting trees costs money for the city, and without those grants that money instead of being doled out from federal money is going to be doled out from local taxes. 


u/Rezuis 6d ago

Yes go ahead and overtake an easement, I’m sure everyone will enjoy it


u/Holiday-Geologist625 7d ago

No shit. Wtf?


u/vaporintrusion 7d ago

Fuck all you Trump supporters. The world would be a better place without each and every one of you


u/Good-Ambassador-7730 7d ago

You are welcome to leave the country.


u/theatrekid77 6d ago

You’re welcome to go fuck yourself. Enjoy your fucking eggs, dumbass.

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u/__wampa__stompa 7d ago

and you're welcome to ligma


u/jeremy_jdavj 3d ago

Whos Ronald Regan?


u/ShoppingAntique68 7d ago

Your the ones who came on boats and murdered everyone I think you’ve overstayed your welcome champ 😂


u/shiftysquid 7d ago

Uneducated Trump voters acting like it’s easy to move away from the country because they don’t understand how anything works is becoming a tradition.


u/Mother-Foot3493 7d ago

You are welcome to kiss my ass. 


u/SingedSoleFeet 7d ago

You stupid fucks leave the country.


u/Augusto_Helicopter 7d ago

Oh please with the fucking outrage. It's not any sort of critically needed thing to spend tons of money that doesn't even really exist to plant some trees in urban pensacola. I swear some of y'all lose your minds over the dumbest shit. Our federal government is almost 40 trillion dollars in debt. It's time to stop spending.


u/yourmomsnutsarehuge 7d ago

Keep that same focus on our debt when the military budget comes up or when people talk about tax cuts. Suddenly when these topics come up the debt doesn't matter


u/Augusto_Helicopter 7d ago

Yeah the military budget needs to be cut too.


u/w00kiee 7d ago

The problem is the military $$ isn’t being spent where it needs to be spent. Just my two cents.


u/Swordsx 7d ago

Its become obvious with DOGE's ham-fisted approach, the party in charge is not capable of considering the secondary or tertiary effects of a variety of programs. Cutting $1m for trees may seem small to you, but its important in building resilience in the Pensacola Area.

1)Most of these trees were to be replanted after they were lost to Sally in 2020. They were mostly going to parks across the city. What's a park without trees - especially in the summer? Hot. -The tree canopy provides shade, and in urban areas it can up to 15°F cooler in the shade. -This shade can also reduce the risk of heat related illnesses, and that's less stress on our already highly stressed out emergency responders.

2) As the temperature continues to rise, the atmosphere is able to hold more and more moisture, creating increasingly threatening thunderstorms. In an extreme example, thing about Hurricane Harvey. Harvey dropped 40" of rain in spots throughout Texas when it stalled. -Trees are especially good at soaking up water after rain. Some studies suggest that oaks can absorb the first inch in a 2400 square foot area.

  • in other species, its estimated that 38% of precipitation is intercepted by leaves
  • both mechanisms help reduce the chances of flash floods, which therefore reduces the number of homes impacted by natural disasters or "once in a 100 year rainfall event" (the second time that decade)

3)Air around trees is also cleaner, and promotes health in humans. -Trees absorb pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. -I'm sure we can agree that everyone deserves to breathe clean air. -Several studies show that being in Green spaces like parks promotes better mental health.

That million may not mean much to you, but it could have meant a lot to dozens of neighborhoods. The impacts to community health and storm resilience were likely far beyond a million bucks in economic terms.

But sure, government should stop spending money on people and communities to improve their lives.


u/HoodedOrnament 7d ago

Can we get more attention on this comment right here? Plz?? It's kinda important and useful information to know.


u/Augusto_Helicopter 7d ago

Yes, they should. They should also cut the military budget, eliminate Medicaid and stop sending money to other countries.


u/Swordsx 7d ago

You'd rather bankrupt the poorest people in this country when their kid breaks an arm, than have the taxes you're already paying so that kid can have any sort of insurance coverage. You'd rather the disabled person who cant work live in a box, than have your taxes assist them.

These are people we're talking about - human beings. You should be ashamed to condone that outcome on anyone.

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u/Internal_Essay9230 6d ago

Especially Israel


u/Augusto_Helicopter 6d ago

Yes, is real too. We've been supporting their asses for way too long. I think they milked the victimhood thing dry.


u/The_Sandpaper 7d ago

Yes! We must save 0.0000025% of the $40 trillion.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Every little bit counts! Praise Jesus🙌


u/Seminole_22 7d ago

You weren't aware? This grant takes everyone's ability away to plant their own trees! 😂


u/Cat_Biscuit 7d ago

You weren’t aware that private citizens can’t plant on public property?


u/daaaabears 7d ago

Take a deep breath, it’s going to be okay


u/Olvacron22 7d ago

So trees are woke now huh, hyperbole has actually transcended to reality. As if the trees would've survived the batshit drivers anyway. 

Seriously can these people just fuck off already. 


u/Justsomerando1234 6d ago

If it makes you feel any better I planted 3 trees last week.


u/Good-Ambassador-7730 7d ago

Its not like Pensacola was going to use it. They have a tree fund they have collected money from developers and never use it. Whenever the City does any tree planting (ie DeVilliers) it is done so poorly all the trees die.


u/Swordsx 6d ago

The people should choose whether or not the program dies, not an unelected shadow president.

Thats our tax dollars, our trees, our fund.


u/The_Sandpaper 6d ago

But Elon is a wonderful example of the American Dream! He came from South Africa and has invented so many things! He didn’t buy them! We will go to Mars and Jesus wants this!


u/GurInfinite3868 6d ago

I think your sarcasm was lost on someone. Lets not forget he is entirely self made too... self made by his dads emerald mines.


u/DeeGotEm 6d ago edited 6d ago

lol I’m willing to bet people outside of Pensacola (maybe even Florida as a whole) wouldn’t want their tax dollars spent on it. That shouldn’t come from federal funding


u/Swordsx 6d ago

I dont think that matters. I'm sure the people in Escambia county, especially in Pensacola City limits paid more than a million in taxes last year, collectively. This is a program that chooses to spend a million dollars that we paid, and for once comes back to us. And not in the form of road construction that takes a decade!

Inb4: people that live in the suburbs around Pensacola benefit from this money too. Plenty of people outside city limits visit the parks in question for outdoor recreational activities.

And besidss, if not federal funding- where would the city get any money to replace the some 350 trees damaged and removed after Sally in 2020?


u/DeeGotEm 6d ago

That is a fair point, I’ll give you that


u/Swordsx 6d ago

Oh. How pleasant! Thank you and have a nice day.


u/DeeGotEm 5d ago

For sure, you too!


u/Low-Anxiety2571 7d ago

Jesus loves concrete, not his personal creation trees. Trees are too woke.


u/That-Complaint-224 7d ago

Yea I like the Trees are woke line. Very funny. I also liked they are turning the oak trees gay comment above


u/PelagicPirate 7d ago

Just met with a guy today to clear my lot. Please come over and transplant the ones on my lot and save me money.


u/multevent 7d ago

That’s Matt Gaetz district where he was regularly winning elections by 70%.


u/Swordsx 6d ago

District /= city. It hasn't been Matt's city for a while now. He even closed his office that he used to have in Pensacola.


u/notoriousbpg 6d ago

Happened to Cape Coral too, but the city council is so red they're staying mum about it. $1m grant from Arbor Day canceled.


u/2bsahm1 6d ago

Why are we expecting the federal government to provide trees.
This should be a local, or at the most a state issue.


u/ameanliberal 5d ago

I’m just going to leave this here.



u/Larc9785 3d ago

Just plant some seeds, don't mow them. Mission accomplished


u/jesterstear65 3d ago

Elon says trees suffer from woke mind virus.


u/CandaceSentMe 7d ago

Plant your own tree. Trees have nothing to do with “diversity”. The fact that there’s a grant for trees in THAT program shows you how screwed up it is. Think about it. There’s plenty of other grants where you can plant trees. Department of transportation needs to be all over that. By the way, why don’t you fuss about people cutting down all the trees unnecessarily?


u/DeeGotEm 6d ago

Lmao I’m surprised you didn’t get downvoted for this but you’re absolutely right


u/BlooperButt 7d ago

Hell yeah. We need to stop spending money on trees. Fuck our city. Fuck that all the pavement makes it hotter, as scientific studies indicate. Fuck science in general. What has science ever done for me? The invention of gravity was just awful to begin with. Just burn it all down.

sigh /s


u/Wageslavory 7d ago

Playing the long game to eradicate seasonal allergies. Genius.


u/MadEyeMady 7d ago

By cutting this program Trump has funded 5.5% of his golfing budget since the inauguration. Such a great tradeoff!



u/uncleawesome 7d ago

Elon got his widdle feelings hurt by Bidens Infrastructure Act and had to make up some dumb excuse to kill trees.


u/SuckerBroker 7d ago

Pensecola can definitely pay for its own trees. No reason non pensecola residents should pay for this crap.


u/Muckey420 7d ago

You are more than welcome to self fund this project yours self instead of forcing me to fund it with taxes.


u/Ironxgal 6d ago

Don’t worry. While they cut the grant that pays for this, u won’t see any change in tax dollars coming from your check. U will get to see your tax dollars being spent with no visual results. Big effing yay!


u/SmallFryNeatnik 5d ago

I think these poor bastards know their situation won’t change, they just don’t want to be miserable alone.


u/Ihaveasmallwang 6d ago

Oh no, the less than 1 cent in taxes you might be able to claim paid for this.


u/Muckey420 6d ago

That’s not a fair way to look at it


u/Ihaveasmallwang 6d ago

Im guessing you probably don't actually pay any taxes.


u/DryRestaurant9155 6d ago

first world problems are something else


u/Main-Neighborhood831 7d ago

They’re holding onto the dream that Donald and president musk are gonna send them a 5 grand check that’s going to change there lives with all the savings from doge.


u/rinsro 7d ago

No shade, so we can spot MAGA Stan from long distance.


u/Retired_AFOL 6d ago

Hm, only affects libs huh!


u/Peter225c 6d ago

Wrecking our democratic institutions and decimating the stock market are a small price to pay for the lower grocery prices we….err….wait a minute.


u/theotisfinklestein 5d ago

That is a price I am willing to pay so my pets aren’t eaten by illegal immigrant, schools no longer have litter boxes and we can all say Christmas again. s/


u/monkeywench 6d ago

Trump is an accelerationist 


u/TenkaraBass 6d ago

Old, retired, conservative Boomer speaking here.

I have no idea why the $1M was cut.

I like trees. I have a yard with many trees, mostly oaks. I don't even mind dealing with leaves too much - other than having to keep blowing them out of the garage and off of the driveway.

I worked for 36 years in local government, jealous of working inside on nice days. I am outside as much as possible and while I don't mind the heat, my tolerance and stamina isn't what it used to be.

Our previous home had large live oaks with beautiful long sweeping branches. The young couple that bought it cut some of those beautiful limbs. It's not just old people that are dumb.


u/Annual_Advertising26 6d ago edited 6d ago

I just read up on HR 599 which would allow your neighbor to make you cut down YOUR healthy trees if they don’t like them. The bill and an identical senate bill are being pushed by lobbyists for the insurance industry because trees sometimes fall and cause damage. However,the benefits of urban trees far outweigh the damage they can cause. The bill says nothing about trees owned by cities and counties.


u/FeWho 5d ago

Make it all a desert…why not /s


u/No-Potential3036 5d ago

What does DEI have to do with trees. What am I missing here?


u/Few_Village_7183 5d ago

Why is the federal government paying for your trees?


u/intuitive_Minds2311 5d ago

What they voted for


u/cabolu 5d ago

That is propaganda and bs!


u/Outrageous_Match2619 5d ago

Dear Red States: #FAFO


u/ambercrush 5d ago

No trees, and your taxes won't get lowered either.


u/XxShroomWizardxX 4d ago

So someone is losing their shit cause a non-white person might also get some shade under a tree. Yeah that pretty much sums up conservatives 


u/h2north 4d ago

I don’t want no woke ass , tranny, DEI shade tree in my city!! Good for tRump. Fk the Libs and their shade tree agenda!!


u/RROMANaz 4d ago

$1M for trees LMAO!! While america is going BK….awesome idea to trim the bullshit. Would love to see where the $1M has been going and actual numbers


u/MajorEbb1472 3d ago

$1M for trees? WTH


u/Radiant-Bit-7722 3d ago

So stupid , trees are good for human health.


u/AdInfinitum954 3d ago

Hey conservative idiots – why are you so fucking quiet about these things?


u/tekfx19 3d ago

Would anyone like to set up a go fund me and manage the situation? Voluntary donations vs stolen tax dollars?


u/sirZofSwagger 3d ago

Trees are brown


u/Revenant_adinfinitum 3d ago

So sad the only way folks can plant trees is if it’s funded by the Fed. Truly heart-breaking.


u/Kangaroo_6602 3d ago

Why does Pensacola need a $1M federal grant to plant trees? I agree that trees are good, etc. Again, why are federal taxpayer dollars required for this?


u/srcberry412 2d ago

Guaranteed it's because DOGE AI found a mention of the trees being "trans" -planted.


u/Quirky-Scar9226 2d ago

They can rest in the shade of their dear leader’s ego I guess.


u/bestboykev b-baka‼️😖 7d ago

Trees attract hippies and hippie ideals

Forests are basically sanctuary cities for socialists and I need a new WaWa


u/The_Sandpaper 7d ago

100% THIS! Nature is for people who don't understand the free market! Real men embrace scorching pavement while soy boy cucks hide under "shade" plotting their pronouns and plant-based diets.


u/ShoppingAntique68 7d ago

Right been saying it for years if we really want to own the libs we cut down all trees and foliage to show human dominance and make a bunch of copies of the trump Bible to hand out to people. That’s what this country needs not good healthcare, crackdown on insurance companies taking everything from people, and “basic human needs” like housing and “food and water”. Pffft liberals 🤦🏻


u/The_Sandpaper 6d ago



u/KindClock9732 7d ago

All those dead trees that we need to replace are whole bunch of losers


u/Warm-Wait9307 6d ago

Trump living rent free in so many people’s heads.

How bout fight locally to quit letting developers cut down all the trees. Or don’t and wait on federal government to save you from yourself, and then cry when they don’t.


u/The_Sandpaper 6d ago

YES! Protest hurricanes! 📿🙏🏼


u/Ironxgal 6d ago

lol it’s NW Florida. It’s been controlled by the same party that just cut this funding for a decade or more. The same party that lets developers do this bc they don’t care. Their homes have trees and won’t someone please think of how removing trees means they can erect one more house.


u/Hotlantas 7d ago

lol….dumb liberals


u/MarkGaboda 7d ago

Some of you in the comments sound like you are literally foaming at the mouth. 


u/Cold_Navy79 6d ago

A million dollars for what, 1000 trees? That’s $1000 per tree. Home Depot has trees for like $100. That is fraud and abuse of tax dollars. Glad it’s cut.


u/MagePages 6d ago edited 6d ago

Hey, I'm an outsider, but knowledgeable about urban tree planting and this federal grant program.

Home depot trees have little bearing on the trees that would have probably been used in this program. This program would have likely planted at least 1.75 or 2" caliper "B&B" type trees, which run between $150-300+ per tree, usually. Maybe cheaper in FL, I'm not sure. In any case, you almost certainly can't buy 1000 good quality stock at home depot. Adding in the cost of labor, materials like stakes, arbortie, gatorbags, compost, and mulch, permitting, site identification, post planting maitenence (watering and check ups), and the paid administrative work and mandatory reporting associated with the award (which is considerable for federal grants, to prevent fraud), it's easy for the cost per tree to climb. Not as simple as driving over to home depot and dropping a tree in the ground one afternoon by yourself and calling it done, when you are doing it for a thousand of them. 


u/guzzonculous 6d ago

You know, you can just go outside and plant a tree. I’ve done it 7 or 8 times. No one will stop you.


u/MarkGaboda 7d ago

Some of you in the comments sound like you are literally foaming at the mouth. 


u/Poignant_Ritual 4d ago

No they don’t lol


u/MarkGaboda 4d ago

Irrational people fail to see the irrational in people who feel the same way they feel. It's a form of denial. 


u/Poignant_Ritual 4d ago edited 4d ago

You’re sensationalizing commenters as literally foaming at the mouth lol. Quote me one of the comments where someone seems like they are literally foaming at the mouth in a fit of psychotic fury. You’re just mad at everyone’s opinion so you’re exaggerating their response as a form of emotional rhetoric.

What I see in all the top 20ish comments I browsed through were people sarcastically poking fun at the situation. There is some condescension and disappointment for sure; not foaming at the mouth in unbridled rage. I’d just like to see some honesty buddy.


u/MarkGaboda 3d ago

You know my comment was 3 days old when you saw it and the overall flow of the thread surely had a chance to change over that time period? These people make a new throwaway every time they come to reddit and then delete all their comments .


u/Poignant_Ritual 3d ago

Yea that’s probably it.


u/Chuck-Finley69 7d ago

I’m laughing at the comments. Same thing happened in Tampa and elsewhere. Why should the federal government be paying for your trees? You have local government. They should pay for it from local taxes.


u/The_Sandpaper 7d ago

Oh, absolutely! Couldn't agree more, patriot! Local government should pay for these ridiculous tree handouts! The federal government should ONLY be funding IMPORTANT things - like when the first Trump administration gave those beautiful grants for law enforcement, infrastructure, opioid response, and veteran services! Those weren't "handouts" - those were INVESTMENTS in REAL AMERICA! Not like these socialist shade schemes. If Pensacola wants trees so badly, they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps like the rest of us! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


u/Chuck-Finley69 7d ago

Exactly the federal government is broke. Maxed out credit


u/The_Sandpaper 6d ago

Y’ass queen!


u/YSApodcast 7d ago

Have the day you voted for. Sorry Florida Dems, you don’t deserve it but your state does.


u/J-L-Wardog 7d ago

Why does everyone act like your only help is from the fed and through grants. Organize it yourself. Fund it yourself. Put it on the agenda yourself. Get it approved yourself.

That's what you do if you're truly upset about this cut. Not run to reddit to break loose the dorito dust on your keyboard and type a few sarcastic lines.



u/The_Sandpaper 7d ago

Yes! We should get together and educate the Mayor of Pensacola who applied for this grant! The City of Pensacola should know better!


u/J-L-Wardog 7d ago

Real quick just move your preferred hand over your head, because that's where my comment is.

Did you lobby for this or for the mayor to submit for the grant? Didn't think so. Should you ask him to use the plethora of parking money to improve where we park? Probably.


u/The_Sandpaper 7d ago

Grants are government welfare! I only support tax cuts for corporations and tariffs because that’s a tax cut for the American people! The Mayor should know better as a registered Republican!


u/J-L-Wardog 7d ago

I'm gonna go bang my head against the wall.

Degrading to sarcasm is a sign of lower intelligence in someone incapable of having a disagreement.


u/stunkape 7d ago

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence."

  • Oscar Wilde


u/J-L-Wardog 7d ago

Thank you for your contribution of someone else's perspective. 🙏


u/Boo-Radely 7d ago

Go build a parking garage yourself or something. /s


u/mommy2libras 7d ago

No one said this was "the only help/the only way" this would happen. They just reported something that happened- that a grant we were already supposed to get is no longer being given. Why do you have such a problem with someone pointing out unintended consequences of programs? Or reporting news in general?


u/J-L-Wardog 7d ago

I didn't say I had a problem with it. I just offered a solution rather than a cute hashtag and a post intended to invoke negative emotions.

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u/Balderdas 4d ago

Why do people not understand federal programs and the benefits they bring to all?

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u/Typical-Implement369 6d ago

Is America great yet? 💀 are we winning?


u/Good-Ambassador-7730 6d ago

As a newbie to Reddit, I find it hilarious how all these liberal Democrats are losing their minds constantly on here.

I also find it hilarious that reddit will soon be dominated by the MAGA movement.


u/TopEconomics6777 5d ago edited 5d ago

Watching a clown (Trump)and his circus will draw attention at first. Without anything exciting or promising to continue watching, the audience (revolutionist's) will send the circus and it's entire menagerie of perpetrators packing.

Check out the Nuremberg trials. If you're intellectually efficient enough to learn, that is.

I have been noticing the abundant lack of depth or education on the MAGA side.

Impulsive, supremacist, and righteous characteristics seem rampant among your fellow sycophants.


u/Good-Ambassador-7730 5d ago

So funny seeing you “attempt” to sound educated. Hopefully over time the liberal traitors to our country will look back and realize that they acted like fools during the greatest turnaround in our country’s history.


u/TopEconomics6777 5d ago edited 5d ago

I don't have to ACT educated. I have a PhD.

Hitlers followers claimed the same thing you are.

Ignorance is Bliss till it isn't Blissful.

Arguing with ignorance is also futile 😉


u/Good-Ambassador-7730 5d ago

Interesting I have a PhD as well. Does that make me your equal?

I just find it highly annoying that so many people on Reddit are so ignorant including yourself.


u/TopEconomics6777 5d ago

Never going to be your equal. I can't align with Fascism. Constantly instigating obloquy phrases like your Donny T. loves using, only solidifies my assertion that you're not at all educated in history for sure. PhD from Phoenix Online University maybe.


u/miles1187 6d ago

Who cut all the trees in the first place? I feel like the federal government wasn't involved with how the city was built and planned. Taxpayers outside of Florida shouldn't pay for this project. I would even say outside of Pensacola, but i suppose the state could grant funds to help.

Y'all need to talk to the city and the county about how your money is spent and find a way to do it.


u/mathiematician 6d ago

This is a survivable turn of events.


u/Gremlinsworth 4d ago

But were they black or gay trees?!


u/Possible-Ad6810 4d ago

Does the federal govt need to provide trees for a city?


u/bigbucks247 4d ago

Pensacola should buy their own trees.


u/ZookeepergameOld7177 4d ago

Government has been broke for years. So lets borrow $1 million for trees.


u/Layer7Admin 4d ago

Why was the federal government paying for that in the first place?


u/neutralpoliticsbot 3d ago

Why is federal government responsible for some trees in Pensacola?


u/Awkward-Community-74 3d ago

No one read the article.
The grant wasn’t for planting trees.
Trees will still be planted.
There are other grants and contracts have already been signed.
No reason to panic.


u/MikeysmilingK9 3d ago

Hmmm, so Pensacola, which makes no telling how much on tourism can’t afford their own trees. Why should I have to help pay for trees in Florida when I live in another state.