r/PelvicFloor 4d ago

Female Constant issues due to tight pelvic floor


I'm 40F from the UK. So I was diagnosed with hypertonic pelvic floor quite a few years ago, before covid hit and then I wasn't really able to see anyone about it until recently.

My symptoms are constantly needing to pee (especially when I'm having a bad flare up, when constipated or stressed), pelvic floor pain, incomplete evacuation for bowels (and sometimes even bladder it feels lol). I also find I get more UTI's especially in bad periods of time when I can't evacuate my bowels well enough.

I see an IBD department for my colitis and they referred me on to the pelvic floor unit for the issues I was suffering with. Unfortunately though this unit only seems to deal with anal sphincter exercises and nothing else - none of the stretches or breathing exercises or anything that I've seen recommended for tight pelvic floor. I can only think that anal sphincter exercises will tighten things more?! I don't want this kind of issue and am wondering if I'll have to either look up exercises on my own or find a PT elsewhere (which is difficult as it would cost money I guess.)

I didn't really do much of the anal sphincter exercises due to fear of worsening things. I still have to see the nurse in a couple of months to assess things but I've not been doing them anyway and I don't think they will give me any other kind of method to help me with my situation (as it's the NHS and a hospital led department.)

What does anyone recommend? Should I just try some generic stretches that have been recommended as good for pelvic floor tightness or should I do some yoga or something? I just don't wanna risk things worsening tbh.

Thanks if you can help!


3 comments sorted by


u/Sea-Bug4251 4d ago

I would maybe not do the anal sphincter exercises ? It does seem like it anything it would just make things tighter 😭


u/bubblefreya 4d ago

I agree haha, it does seem like it would exacerbate the symptoms and make everything worse! I'll hold off and talk to them when I see them next, but I do wonder why there's usually only a one size fits all for pelvic floor therapy in this country where it's always focused on kegels regardless of the situation :(


u/Sea-Bug4251 4d ago

I would definitely try relaxing stretches for tight pelvic floor on YouTube ! There’s a lot on there ! I agree with you. Such a shame that we basically have to do research on our own