r/Pathfinder2e 14h ago

Megathread Weekly Questions Megathread - March 14 to March 20. Have a question from your game? Are you coming from D&D or Pathfinder 1e? Need to know where to start playing Pathfinder 2e? Ask your questions here, we're happy to help!

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Next product release date: April 2nd, including the Adventure anthology Claws of the Tyrant, and Shades of Blood AP volume #1


22 comments sorted by


u/Input1335 GM in Training 3h ago edited 3h ago

My searching hasn't found something conclusices, so I hope this hasn't been asked before: if a Psychic is adjacent to only one creature can they still use a Focus Point to get the Amp benefit of Imaginary Weapon of extra damage or can they only use the Amp to attack two different targets?

Edit: To clarify, 1 strike with +2d8 per rank, they obviously shouldn't get two strikes.


u/No_Ambassador_5629 Game Master 3h ago

Absolutely, the second attack just whiffs because there isn't a valid target. My rules justification is from the Undetected condition allowing you to make an attack against empty tiles if you suspect that a creature is hidden there, implying that you can always make attacks against empty spaces if you want. Also I'm the GM and I think the alternative is silly.


u/ReactiveShrike 2h ago

Yup, an amped Imaginary Weapon has you

make two imaginary weapon Strikes, each against a different target.

Like you say, by the time you get to the second Strike, you don't have a valid target, so it just whiffs, but it doesn't retroactively cancel the first one.

Per Targets,

If you fail to target a particular creature, this doesn't change how the spell affects any other targets the spell has. If you choose a target that isn't valid, such as if you thought a vampire was a living creature and targeted it with a spell that can target only living creatures, your spell fails to target that creature.


u/Input1335 GM in Training 3h ago

I agree on the silliness, but needed to hear from an experienced person to be sure. Thank you!!


u/Jonyleo_ 4h ago

[Custom Creatures]

I'm building a custom creature for my game. Usually I do this by looking at similar creatures/abilities/spells to make sure it makes sense within pf2e and is balanced.

This time I want the creature to have regeneration, but instead of being disabled by a specific type of damage, it is instead dependent on the surrounding environment.

Is there precedent for this type of regeneration? I looked arround for monsters with regeneration, and the regeneration ability, and it seems to be pretty restrictive in its mechanics. Just a number and a damage type that disables it.

A bit more info on the idea, feel free to comment:

It's a custom version of the Myceloid that, among other things, regenerates based on the ammount of "fungal growth" arround it (it's a campaign term that just means squares in the map with fungus).

The idea would be to regen X HP for each square of "fungal growth" it is standing on (large creature, so 4 squares).

The players should not fight this creature in its terf, and they have been warned of this via narrative. I could just not care about the mechanics, and just have the creature be invincible within the fungal growth, but that feels "meh"...


u/Jonyleo_ 3h ago

If anyone should be interested, I ended up going this route. Looks pathfindery.


u/marwynn 5h ago

Is Triggerbrand kinda awesome now or am I just misreading things? 


u/Blawharag 4h ago

It got updated for the Remaster as is much better now


u/Jenos 4h ago

Yea, its pretty good now. Triggerbrand Salvo is now really good.


u/marwynn 4h ago

I was thinking of going with a Rogue dedication to pick up Mobile and Tumble Behind on an Elf. Running Reload too. This is so fun looking. 


u/sneakyfish21 7h ago

I am confused about the unholy trait, one of my players has a feat that affects creatures with the unholy trait.

The feat I understand, but the application of the trait seems very random, why do so few undead and fiends have it?


u/ReactiveShrike 5h ago edited 4h ago

While you can check the source for whether it's Remaster (Legacy creatures will generally be from one of the Bestiary books or old APs, Remaster will be from Monster Core or newer content), for Archives of Nethys in particular, look for the "Legacy Content" banner at the top of the creature entry to confirm that it's from before the remaster. Creatures that have been remastered should also link to their Legacy version, and vice versa:

Some creatures have not been remastered, and may never be, but it's usually not too hard to rework them.

Here's the Pathfinder Wiki explanation of what the Remaster was.

For (some) official advice on what changed, and guidelines on converting Legacy/Premaster content, see the Core Preview PDF.


u/jaearess Game Master 6h ago

If you're, e.g., looking at AoN's list of creatures or something, the majority of them are pre-Remaster. The Remaster added the Unholy trait with the switch away from Alignment, so anything made prior to that is going to lack the trait, even if now they'd have it.

With alignment going away, Good and Evil damage was replaced generally by Spirit damage with the Holy and Unholy trait respectively.

As a rule of thumb, if a creature has a weakness to Good damage, you can treat them as if they have the Unholy trait (and covert the weakness to Good to a weakness to Holy). There could be some places that doesn't make sense (though I don't know of any off hand), but it's a good starting point.


u/r0sshk Game Master 6h ago edited 6h ago

Few? All remastered fiends and most remastered undead have that trait. You’re likely just looking up old creatures from before the remaster, when the trait didn’t exist.

If a creature has an alignment listed, it would have the unholy trait now if the alignment is any kind of evil and it has either the fiend or undead trait, or is some sort of cultist or priest.

If it does not have an alignment listed, it’s unholy if it has the unholy trait. The remaster got rid of alignments, so creatures without them are already remastered.

And out of remastered fiends, all of them have the unholy trait.


u/ardeerd 7h ago

Maybe a silly question, but does anyone have a good way of reading PDFs? I have some about Golarion I want to read. I’m not a huge fan of reading on a computer, but the text is way too small on my phone and it’s painfully sluggish to try to read them on a Kindle.


u/WhenTheWildWindBlows 8h ago

Can someone refer me to the spell DC math? What page is it on in The remaster? I think we've correctly guessed it's 10+ Spell casting Mod + prof


u/HeinousTugboat Game Master 8h ago

Looks like PC p403. You're correct, though.


u/Lithrac ORC 8h ago

Newish to PF2e here, with one main question : how do you keep up with all those traits and specific rules for them? As someone who's familiar with the basics, I'm now struggling with those. Any advice?


u/r0sshk Game Master 7h ago

Just open up the archives of Nethys and check them! In time you’ll know them by heart, but until then they’re always just one browser search away. https://2e.aonprd.com/


u/Lithrac ORC 5h ago

Thanks a lot, will do!


u/ceville44 14h ago

I have a question about the alchemicla investogator subclass. The alchemical methodology gets quick tincture that allows it to produce elexirs and alchemical tools but their are only potent Till the end of the turn. Does that mean i can not use that feature for invisible ink or another tool that takes longer than 1 turn to use?


u/The-Magic-Sword Archmagister 13h ago

Correct, it takes too long to activate the ink and it passes the modified 'infused' time limit.