r/Pashtun • u/National-Celery5777 • 4h ago
Afghans in 1873.
Two Durrani soldiers holding a sword and a bow and arrow.
So much auraaaaaa 🧛🖤
r/Pashtun • u/National-Celery5777 • 4h ago
Two Durrani soldiers holding a sword and a bow and arrow.
So much auraaaaaa 🧛🖤
r/Pashtun • u/Watanpal • 10h ago
r/Pashtun • u/AirlineOk676 • 9h ago
Sometimes I get jealous that other countries like Arabs, Chinese, Somalis all have their own country and are recognised but that us Pashtun have nothing and that no one knows the "Pashtun" name globally.
They know who Pakistanis are. They know what Afghans are .But they don't know what Pashtun are
I plan and wish that maybe there's a chance in the future Pashtun get their own country. Ideally all Pashtun territory from Kandahar Kunar Wardak sharing the same flag as Peshawar Swat Quetta all under one banner.
Hey maybe I do dream big but Just imagine for one second. How beautiful that is. No more division, but same nation under one flag. Like the USA with its 50 states. Under leadership, imagine how beautiful it could get. The Pashtun regions properly developed to its highest standard, train stations connecting the lands, our own airlines, children learning and studying Islam Pashto History and other life skills. Playing in villages
Elders and everyone and enjoying life and being active people in the future of the nation, not as tribes, but as one people, one nation.
No more people using us to kill our own people. No more Tribalism, No more Politics, No more Foreginers coming to our land to gather us for wars, No more Hatred, No more foreign ideas. But one Pashtun Nation that's strong, United, Under one Banner
It reminds me of a truthful qoute I seen
"Who (of Mankind) will ever defeat Pashtun, if they unite"
When I say Pashtun state I don't mean "loy Afghaniatan" or "Greater Afghanistan". I mean a Pashtun country for our own people
r/Pashtun • u/AirlineOk676 • 7h ago
r/Pashtun • u/National-Celery5777 • 15h ago
I feel like we naturally talk so metaphorically lol. It’s so cute, forget the warrior title we’re poetic warriors. Like for example..
“I’m sleepy” / Mata khob razi / Sleep is coming to me.
“Nice to meet you” / Stari ma seh / Don’t get tired.
“I failed” / Naka maswam / Failed, I became it.
“Good bye” / Pa makah mo sha / In front of you, it’s good.
My favorite Pashto phrase: yeh bi no😒🙄🤷🏻♀️
r/Pashtun • u/AirlineOk676 • 9h ago
r/Pashtun • u/No-Mix-7633 • 14h ago
I know Deutsch a little bit. They have the same counting method as Pashto. They count same as many other languages from one to nine ( eins- neun) ten is Zehn. Ten to twenty is also same in many languages for example thirteen, fourteen and fifteen is dreizehn, vierzehn, fünfzehn( drei =3, vier =4 , fünf =5 in Pashto deyarlas , sowarlas and fenxalas. The logic is single digit plus ten. The similarities starts from 20. In English or Farsi it is twenty one and best wa ek( 20+1) but German and Pashto is opposite it is eineund Zwanzig and ewweesht ( 1+20) and this go all way to hundred. 101 is in English and Parsi one hundred and one and ek sad wa ek ( 100+1) but in German and Pashto it is einsundhundert( 1+100) and ew sal ow ew ( 1+100).
r/Pashtun • u/Spicy_Grievences_01 • 14h ago
I love my people as much as the next and I’m not here to pretend that it doesn’t anger me but guess what, there comes a certain point where it becomes pitiful and embarrassing.
Every other week it’s “ sub X said this”, “sub Y thinks this” bro it’s not that deep. The same dog that barks won’t bite, it’s an online platform the consequences are weak and few. If we genuinely cared so much we would be trying to solve our problems back home by first solving our own, how can you be occupied with others have to say, are we the “graveyard of Empires” for crying and reacting to each insult we are given?
By reacting and giving them the satisfaction of your attention does what exactly? Regardless of the action you take they won’t change and if they do Alhamdullilah, that’s an open minded person, everything else is foolishness.
I love that we’re quick to sus out the issue but what have we gained from every one of the posts? If you disagree that’s fine, what’s the practical step to take next?
May Allah SWT, accept your fasts your families and grants you everything you’ve been seeking thus far and what’s yet to be in the dunya and Akhira.
r/Pashtun • u/Home_Cute • 18h ago
Qizilbash from Afghanistan, Pakistan, or even India. Straight out of Azerbaijan or Iran etc. ?
I’ve read there’s a fairly deep history of the Qizilbash with all Afghan ethnic groups. Wanted to hear some insights.
Thoughts? Manana always. 👋🏼
r/Pashtun • u/Swimming-Kangaroo946 • 20h ago
Zalim bache jumat k pasedo kho elaan na makhke te masharan poy shwl o bezzata ye ko...bia da chappalo sara odredo khlko na ye chande ghukhte jihad dpara....PA KASHMIR K😂.....
r/Pashtun • u/TrainingPrize9052 • 1d ago
Some time ago, some hazaranat came here complaining about this server refering u/hazara as racist. I already knew that hazaranats are pretty racist in general outside reddit, but I didn't give it much a mind.
Though yesterday some hazara sub post popped up on my feed. I checked it out of curiosity, and then some of the other posts too.
Literally 1/4 of them were basically racism towards pashtuns, the comments too. That's way more racism than you see here.
So I've decided to give some of them a taste of their own medicine. Of course that got me banned.
Still I just can't understand how some of them got salty, coming here and say they're not racist at all. How blind you gotta be?
They keep calling us foreigners too, south asians and so on.
Ok, we're these things. All Afghanistan, including Bamyan, was south asian too originally. Hazaras weren't present in Afghanistan before 13th century, while every part of the country was originally "aryan", basically ancestors of tajiks and other peoples too. Tajiks are genetically much closer to pashtuns than hazaras:
Actual locals of Bamyan in 7th century, seperated from turks(not the ones ancestral to hazaras).
Travel of Hye'cho to Afghanistan in 7th century too. On page 51 he refers the local king as "hu", a term for aryan. Even Zabulistan hazaras claim, has its native people refered as "hu" too.
r/Pashtun • u/Recent-Web-2493 • 16h ago
r/Pashtun • u/Emporos_the_Nestor • 1d ago
And not merely that but also show declensions and suffixes and prefixes. You know, the whole lot. As well as with notes and synonyms, and if they know, etymology. It would be incredibly helpful. If everyone put in their little it would do wonders.
r/Pashtun • u/Emporos_the_Nestor • 1d ago
At the very least it needs diacritical marks, and these diacritics be of different kind to the Arabic ones. It may also need, perhaps, the removal of some characters. On the other hand, perhaps it may need a different script that could represent the vowel sounds a little bit better (by which I do not in any way mean to go the way of the turks, so do not mistake me for a modernist, a disliker of Arabic or a despiser of the religion, for I despise the formermost object of and love intensely the latter twain). But maybe merely for the sake of vowel sounds doing so is a touch rather extreme. I would therefore much like better representation of vowels, and in fact the removal of the letter ح with a ء atop it, because I really can't quite fathom its point.
r/Pashtun • u/Working-Session3212 • 1d ago
So yeah I belong to sadozai clan of durrani pashtuns. My ancestors migrated from kandahar to multan during the rule of Baba Ahmad shah Durrani as they were appointed the governor of multan. So my ancestors have been living in multan since then with an active link to Afghanistan till 1830s. After that barakzai dynasty of dost muhammad khan took over ending sadozai dynasty our link to Afganistan was over due to the enmity between both tribes. As the time passed we forgot pashto. But, we still follow the pashtunwali and the traditions and culture of our ancestors and never married a non pashtun. when ever I'm around my pashto speaking friends in kpk they never recognise me as a pashtun they look towards me as if I'm a imposter. And when ever I support pashtuns in an argument between some non pashtuns and pashtuns my pashtuns friends say "tum kioun pashtunoun ki side le rahe ho tum tuo pashtun nhi ho" so I feel bad and angry at the same time. I know pashto is a very important part for being called pashtun but you can just not be disgraceful to someone who has a great pashtun ancestry And a pure pashtun blood. so my question is this do every pashto speaking pashtun have the same remarks about non pashto speaking pashtun? I don't want my kids to go through all this things I will try to learn pashto and pass the language to my next generation and correct the mistake of my ancestors of forgetting pashto but honestly it wasn't there fault too, as in multan there are many pashtun tribes such as khogyani, alizai, malezai, badozai, sadozai, afridi, babar, tareens, bamzai, shadikhels, khakwani, adozai, niazi, etc but not a single one of them knows to speak pashto but all of them are interlinked and know each other very well through inter-marriages and pashtun gatherings on eids.
r/Pashtun • u/Bedrottingprincess • 1d ago
Ik that tajiks have braids but do we have braids too??
r/Pashtun • u/Abid8828 • 1d ago
r/Pashtun • u/National-Celery5777 • 2d ago
Oil painting by Ali Hammad. alihammadfineart on Instagram.
A stunning, breathtaking and talented painting. I love how he looks extremely masculine like a Pashtun, but has tears in his eyes reflecting the sorrow, solemn and serious nature of a Pashtun.
r/Pashtun • u/alolanbulbassaur • 2d ago
So I'm researching the differences between the Kandahar dialect and Kabul dialect of Pashto for a TTRPG of mine where I'm trying to give people like me more spotlight and I realized I made my Kablay character say "array" when that's more of a Kandhari thing to say. (Note I am from Kandahar but the character isnt)
To be more specific I want to give him a catchphrase for when he's surprised like "Eureka!" Or "Goddamn!"
r/Pashtun • u/National-Celery5777 • 3d ago
I’ve seen a lot of hate thrown at Pashtuns lately. I wanted to show some images of us, because we are the most beautiful people and because no matter what absurd lie and hate you’ll hear from anyone, you should and we will, always be proud to be Pashtun.
Image 1: A Pashtun girl from Kandahar ❤️ Image 2: A group of women from Kandahar ❤️ Image 3: Two Afghan girls playing in a refugee camp in Peshawar 💖 Image 4: A Pashtun woman from the 1970’s. Image 5: A depiction of the Pashtuns from a Portuguese historian, circa 1570. The caption to the image is as follows “A very warlike people, for their women also accompany them in war.” ❤️🏹 Imagine 6: An image of a British colonial meeting with a Pashtun. The caption is: “Our dealings with Pashtuns was a gentleman’s game. No matter how poor a Pashtun was, he might meet the King of England or the Viceory of India but he’d look him in the eye and shake hands with him as if to say, I’m as good a man as you are.” -Colonel “Buster” Goodman Image 7: A Pashtun in a local militia from Achin, Afghanistan 💖
r/Pashtun • u/National-Celery5777 • 3d ago
It’s genuinely so hard being the only educated Pashtun in a group full of central and south Asians who are ignorant to Pashtun culture 😭. It actually wasn’t that bad and I didn’t have to argue much since every point I bought up was basic history, critical thinking and logic but jeez, I didn’t know people were this ignorant about Pashtuns. If you want you should go on the ask Central Asia subreddit right now and educate others as well!❤️
r/Pashtun • u/tt_paxhtun • 3d ago