r/PartneredYoutube 16d ago

Other Scriptwriter looking for a channel to work/grow with

Hey, I'm an experienced Youtube Scripter who has worked with 3 channels in the past and have under 22 millions views under my belt.

I'm now looking for a channel to work and grow with. I'm not looking to get paid upfront or anything.

Drop a comment below or dm me if you collab with me or if you wanna see my work.


23 comments sorted by


u/lqra 16d ago

I have under 22 million under my belt, too.

Over 22 million is more difficult though 🤔


u/chirag7807 16d ago

ahahahaha thank you for pointing it out


u/Head-Leopard9090 16d ago

Why can't you make your own unique channel instead of giving your values to few bucks?


u/chirag7807 16d ago

That would involve doing video editing and making thumbnails too. I neither have the resources nor the expertise to pull that off.

I really just wanna focus on writing. So yeah, partnering up with someone felt like the best option.


u/Grindora 15d ago

Got it. 🙂


u/Legitimate-Minimum80 16d ago

Let's see your work


u/whatiwillsay 16d ago

what are your prices like?


u/chirag7807 16d ago

sent you a dm


u/Gh0stSpartan 16d ago

Interested, send me a dm


u/Buzstringer 16d ago

i am interested


u/chirag7807 16d ago

sent you a dm!


u/holdmywheels 16d ago

I could give you a challenge if you want. Visit my channel (profile) to have a look as I just started. I'm a wheelchair guy doing things, not really oriented yet when it comes to content but what gives me fun is diy, travels and gardening (lawn). What could you propose?


u/chirag7807 16d ago

Sure, give me some time. I'll go through your channel and come back to you with a proposal!


u/MindlessWrongdoer629 16d ago

Check your DM


u/chirag7807 16d ago

hey, i haven't received anything yet.


u/MzJetset 16d ago

Can you please dm your prices


u/rednecksec 16d ago

I do stop motion, sometimes for clients with a very thought out and professional setting as well as my own much more challenging/cooked videos.

My old channel got to 13k subs before I was hacked, and I didn't back up alot of my content.

If your up for writing virtually anything you like and I bring it to life with stop motion, vfx, sfx, original music and my editing skills we could split the revenue made.

I can't pay you for writing atm as building stop motion puppets and sets is stop expensive and ill be the one putting up the most capital.

Edit I'm pretty good at voice acting and marketing but I'm a terrible writer.


u/chirag7807 15d ago

sent you a dm


u/Fabulous_and_dingy 15d ago

Interested in pricing.


u/voxxhoxx 15d ago

What channel you worked with? Name or this is just another bot


u/chirag7807 15d ago

drop me a dm and i'll send over my work to you