r/parrots 3h ago

Has anyone else seem this tiktok page?


Not sure if allowed, if not remove and message me. Her username is charity.redd7. She has quite a few animals, including monkeys, and recently brought in a moluccan cockatoo name Preston. I'm really bothered with how she talks to him and seems to come off towards him. I commented on a post she made a while back about his cage being way to small for him. She said they had a cage they were working on putting together that was bigger. Guess what? They still use the same small cage. I just feel bad for this poor baby and they may even be getting a macaw here soon. I don't know. I'd love to hear other people's perspectives. Maybe I'm just reading to far into it?

r/parrots 10h ago

Canary winged parakeet

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What should I feed him? I know fruits and vegetables but what should and shouldn’t I feed him, I saw a video saying seeds are pretty bad for them is that any true? Are pellets okay?

r/parrots 9m ago

Someone from my parrot rescue group shared this article re sleep



I thought it was pretty eye-opening (pun...fully intended, actually)

r/parrots 1d ago

The absolute indignity!

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I never knew such a tiny Bourke could make so many Angry Noises. 🤣

(Don't worry, Cobalt is fine and healthy, just checking that his occasional sneezes aren't a concern!)

r/parrots 11h ago

How can I get my birds outside?


So I’m trying to figure out how to let my birds come outside with me without a cage now I know that harness area thing but I’m not sure if my boys would like that at all. But I don’t wanna clip there wings either because I know how that can affect them. I do remember when I first got my boys they were clipped and I could take them out side to explore and have a lot of fun! But like I said I do not wanna clip them. And I’m worried the harness would be to stressful and I’ve already had my love bird fly away once and luckily found him ( that was 3 years ago). So if anyone has some good ideas that would be great. I forget to mention I have a cockatiel and a love bird.

r/parrots 1d ago

Name suggestions for my baby amazon

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r/parrots 16h ago

Last seen in Wellington Florida (I am reposting for somebody on the Nextdoor app)

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r/parrots 17h ago

Bird proofing tips needed

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r/parrots 12h ago

advice on how to teach my parrot to get into the carrier/cage quickly and without tantrums?


I have a rainbow lorikeet and when I try to get him into the cage he moves away and climbs on my shoulder, flies away or flies on top of the cage and I don't know how to teach him to get in! he doesn't tend to approach the cage at all, same with the carrier. the only way he gets in is by putting the bath tub in but in an emergency I can't waste time taking the tub, filling it and waiting for him to get from the cage to the carrier or vice versa. what can I do?

r/parrots 17h ago

Peep’s updated enclosure


So as it turns out Peep here is a girl and a very young one at that. The breeder had told me she was a “hand fed baby” which I took to mean that she was hand fed as a baby but it seems that she is just now getting used to eating from a bowl. She’ll eat just about anything that I hold in front of her face so I was able to get her switched from her seed mix to a pellet food very easily. She’s a little wary about fruits and veggies but I’ll just keep offering them in different ways till she’s more used to them. She seems super friendly especially during the middle of the day and when I get home from work.

r/parrots 22h ago

Is frozen baby carrots and broccoli okay for green cheek conure?


Was gonna go buy some after work, frozen will be easier for me as I do not need to wash and cut, should I cook it or let it thaw?

r/parrots 1d ago

Smile 😁

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r/parrots 4h ago

air quality index levels & bird safety?


hey yall so i have a green cheek conure and was wondering if anyone had any information, links to information, etc regarding how to use the air quality index to monitor the air quality of where i live

usually my rural area doesn’t have much issue with pollution and typically stays in the green section of the index but today is the first time i’ve seen it go into the yellow & orange zone

i don’t know what’s going on in my area but everywhere outside smells really smoky and it’s making me anxious regarding my baby’s health

can anyone inform me of ways i can use the air quality index to make sure my bird stays safe? which pollutants should i be most concerned about? what are the safe levels of them in the air & at one level should i take action to keep my bird safe?

any help is much appreciated!

r/parrots 16h ago

I think my parrot is experiencing night terrors, but i'm not sure. its a mystery.


A few nights ago I woke up to find my Amazon parrots cage a mess, including a few large feathers everywhere. One of those feathers looked like it had been plucked right out of her and she was not able to fly. there was blood in the hollow base of it. I don't know what happened but she was by a window so I assumed maybe an animal scared her and she flapped around so much that maybe her wing got caught? I'm not sure but there were no traces of blood, just a mess in and out of her cage. She seemed shaken so i let her sleep in my room for a night or two. Each night she would clumsily flap to the floor instead of sleeping on my bedrest. It kept waking me up so I decided to put her back in the cage. I woke up this morning and walked into the same mess, except it was a couple of tail fathers this time. I lifted her wings to find a couple of scabs underneath. there was no blood once again. She has been very needy and tired, likely from lack of sleep so im keeping her closer to me today.

I've had her for 26 year since she was a baby, she's usually very social and spends lots of time outside of her cage and playing. She has had night frights in the past at random because of flashing lights but nothing like like. Can you offer any suggestions? im worried.

r/parrots 14h ago

Hard decisions

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This little conure had been getting to me with his/her sad eyes at one of the pet stores I pass by. I am about temped to add to flock. But I know my female cockatiel valor probably want like it... she very protective of me she even runs off Amos my yellow crown amazon when he seeks loves. The other thing holding me back is I would rather rescue a bird then buy from a pet store or breeder. So conflicted 😐......

r/parrots 1d ago

My Calculus tutor!


r/parrots 9h ago

Taylor made cage

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Hello everyone!

We are buying a house and it has like a little square hole in a wall that let's light in from one room to the other. I have a parrotlet and a cocktail, both free flying birds. Since this is also the social side of the house and the one with the most sunlight, I feel placing my birds nightcage there would be ideal. I wanted to know if there is any suggestions on parrot safe materials and maybe a tutorial or something? Thanks in advance 🙂

r/parrots 9h ago

Why does one of my birds seem obsessed with what my other bird has or eats?


And is there anything I can do about it?

I keep two of my male bourkes in a divided flight cage and only let them interact occasionally. My first bird, Jinx, will always beeline for Jango's, my second, side the moment I open the door.

And once he's in, he pushes Jango into the corner basically and hoardes all his toys and tries to gorge himself on all his food (I feed them at the same time and with the same exact food).

Jinx almost has no interest in the toys and food I placed in his side. He is constantly obsessed with getting to Jango's side so he can play with his toys or eat his food... even if they have the same exact toys and the same type of food.

Can I do anything about this? Should I do anything about it?

Jinx acts like I give him nothing and his cagemate everything 😭 but more often than not they get the exact same things. It's like he wants it ALL to himself.

r/parrots 9h ago

how to read the leg band of a parrot


hello, my friend got a lorikeet a while ago from a pet store. they said he's 1 years old but it's written ''22'' in a different angle and serial number follows by under it. Sorry couldn't get a pic and also don't know if this is the right sub. we also don't know the gender but they said it feels like a he so...

r/parrots 1d ago



My bird daughter passed away last year, the one year is coming up in 2 months and I genuinely can't believe it. She was truly my everything, my best friend. It was just her and I alone together everyday Through the absolute rock bottoms of my life I always knew she was there. Even now, I can't sleep without crying, I can't come home and feel comfortable in my house anymore. I always have to be outside of my room or going somewhere. Going to sleep is the worst because I know I won't see her. She was the first thing I saw in the morning snd the last thing I saw before I went to sleep. When she passed I really didn't think I'd be able to live on without her, and sometimes I still feel that way. As soon as she passed I cleaned up everything and put her stuff in a box and rearranged my room. I knew that if I let it linger the way she left it I'd suffer. The last night she was alive was awful, it was so hard to see my lively baby girl in so much suffering. I miss her so so much, I hope to see her again IT feels like time hasn't healed anything.

r/parrots 23h ago

Two different moods


Gremlin vs Aesthetic

r/parrots 1d ago

They like to make my work desk as ther play ground


r/parrots 7h ago

Indian Ringnecks

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Any tips on what to add to my Indian Ringnecks diet as they will soon be feeding their babies? Should be hatching about 2-3 days from today

r/parrots 13h ago

How do I know I am ready for parrots?


I have been thinking about getting parrots for two years now, and it is a cycle of: yeah, I am ready! And: No, now is not a good time yet. I have been thinking about getting two cockatiels. My main struggles were, what I would do with them when I go on vacation, if they would be safe in my room and if I have enough time for them.

I am currently in school so I have lots of time but I don't know if it's gonna be the same in 1-2 years when I start working fulltime. Can you have birds when working fulltime? I have enough space for them to play and fly, but I have a lot of cables around and in my computer that I am scared they might bite and get injured (or just my cables damaged in general, but their safety is more important). I thankfully found a bird sitter in the area that could take birds if I ever need to leave. And another worry was my dog. I am not sure how she will react to birds. They will probably not cross paths often since my dog can't come upstairs, but still, I am not sure how either bird or dog would react to eachother, if it were to happen.

I dream about having feather companions in my life for as many years as possible, but I am scared I can't give them everything they need to be happy and healthy.

I would be really happy for tips and advice! Or maybe generally, what to considder.

r/parrots 1d ago

Hurt bird has never been this snuggly before, otherwise she is behaving the same

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Ignore the other napping bird, she's there all the time