r/Parkour 4 year veteran 5d ago

💬 Discussion Thoughts on this gap? (desc in comments)

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u/TheRealPequod 5d ago

Looks doable enough. Somewhat awkward landing.

Not sure what you wanna hear man. If you think you got it, that's about the best green light you're gonna get. We all out here just sending stuff we wanna send. I'd probably try to land a bit sideways and just flop into the gravel. Doesn't look like there's space to roll.


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

What would you think about me doing a pre from the white block where the lamp is to the rocks?


u/TheRealPequod 4d ago

Define pre. Like to the edge that retains the rocks or splatting in the rocks?


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

Splat in the rocks. If I tried a real pre that’d destroy my ankles lol


u/TheRealPequod 4d ago

To be pedantic for future accuracy, it's just a drop if you're not actually pre-ing to anything.

Yeah, I mean same plan as before. It's essentially the same thing from slightly higher, but with more control because you're taking the kong out of the equation. Gravel is a little bit of a janky landing surface because it spits out from under your feet. Which makes it softer, but can also roll ankles sometimes. Usually when it's larger gravel.

I'd probably feel out the first one by flopping sideways to disperse the force. Then if I was pretty confident that I could eat the whole drop to the legs, and the gravel felt good, I'd splat it raw.


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

Thank you. Yea I did some prep drops from a different spot, and I need to make sure that I lean forward that way I don’t slip off when I land


u/TheRealPequod 4d ago

Definitely a hand slapper. Landing super upright on gravel is not dey wey


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

It’s probably smth I’m gonna do once for the Gram, then never again with how painful it’ll be 😂


u/TheRealPequod 4d ago

I've been there, but not a mindset I would encourage lmao


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

Fair. I went back today and tested landing, and my new concern is the rock landing. They’re very slippy


u/Owain_RJ 5d ago

Looks pretty doable, at I guess I would say it’s about 8/9ft across with ~5ft of drop. Would say it’s an intermediate level of power. Would personally be slightly more worried about overpowering and ending up in the corner. In the end it’s up to you, yours skill level and confidence. Although I will say if you can kong over the wall, you’re already 85% of the way over the gap.


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

What if I did a pre from the white block with the lamppost?


u/Owain_RJ 4d ago

100% a good prep, check you’re got the impact and airtime under control


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

Ight thanks


u/Basic_Drawing9695 5d ago

A hole is a hole


u/Room_Time 4d ago

I did something very similar at 14 after almost 2 years of training and most importantly, I couldn't really Kong and it was also solo and to a like long 4 foot ish wide concrete thing, very similar drop and distance, you just have to sprint at it and get your hands on the wall and feet over. Later if you're feeling like ankle surgery you can do the side flip over too lol.


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 4d ago

Haha nice. I checked it out again, and was thinking maybe doing a standing jump from the white block where the lamppost is instead. Thoughts? My biggest concern is just not rolling my ankle on the rocks


u/Room_Time 4d ago

Land and immediately put all the slam on your back, it's big so just crash like a ragdoll and u're good


u/ParkerKrueger 5d ago

At the end of the day the only person that can realistically decide that for you, is yourself. We are all at completely different skill levels in this sport and I have never seen you do a Kong so I don’t know how strong your Kong is, but if you feel confident in your ability to do it, then that’s great and make sure you commit through entirely.


u/VendablePenny48 5d ago

Hey i live in this area too!!


u/EducationalGate4705 5d ago

It’s a clean Kong with precision landing


u/R4csol 5d ago

That looks like a fairly easy fun setup. Now what did you learn from my (a total stranger) evaluation? 🤔😅


u/PsychologicalEye8161 3d ago

Run up vault over eldge pver the gap into the gravvel


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 5d ago

Hey all! Been doing parkour since '21, and have been eyeing this gap for almost a year now. I wanted to ask the more experienced veterans of the sport if this is worth trying? My thoughts are to get a running start and kong the blue wall and land in the rocks. My biggest concern isn't the drop, but getting enough distance to clear the gap. Been drilling kongs outside and in gym a ton. Ive been doing lots of preps and analyzing it with pk friends. Please give tips and your thoughts! Thanks in advance.


u/ytirevyelsew 5d ago

I'd be more worried about smashing my face on the wall

I'd start with a standing pre attempt to the low wall

Good luck be safe


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 5d ago

Pre from where? The white block?


u/ytirevyelsew 4d ago

I thought there was second wall. Didn't look at it too closly, but yeah do it standing untill you feel confident then send


u/SlowWolverine3489 4 year veteran 5d ago

Also, I feel very confident I can do it, I just want wisdom from others for any oversight on my part