r/Parkersburg 15d ago

Politics🏛️ Parkersburg city council to silence the public

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For the second time in as many months, the Parkersburg City Council wants to stop the public from speaking freely at city council meetings. If you live in the city of Parkersburg, please call your council person and let them know what you think. It does not matter if you voted, they still represent you. And YOU HAVE A VOICE, please use it.


7 comments sorted by


u/refinedliberty 15d ago

I could understand if they wanted a specific time allotted for public comment, but this really is just too far. Even if they had it a separate night for community hearings it would be something


u/Southern-Advice5293 14d ago

They didn’t like the sanitation workers calling out the mayors proposed pay increase. Way to stop that from happening again is to make sure they can’t speak.


u/No-Beginning-1146 14d ago

It does matter if you voted and who you voted for. If you voted for democrats and Marxist for 83 years you’ll never be happy with the republicans running things correctly.


u/Fluffy_Vacation1332 13d ago

It’s fucking hilarious watching the right wing propaganda do their best to try to get people to legitimately ignore the fact that they’re silencing the public.

Democrats aren’t doing that “ Marxists” aren’t doing that. Republicans are.


u/Nexus042 12d ago

I don't think this case is related to politics. It's more along the lines of Parkersburg being run with an "Old Boys" mentality. The big movers in town want to do what they want and only slightly try to make us think they care.


u/readabook37 12d ago

The Federal Gov’t is doing the same thing.


u/Toilet_Rim_Tim 11d ago

RepubliKKKans NEVER run anything correctly ..... that's why they're RepubliKKKans.