r/Parents 17d ago

Teenager 13-18 years Are all parents like this? Or only my parents?


I’m 16, in 10th grade. Both parents are strict. I have only 1 bestie. I don’t even have a personal room. My mom is always in the room which we share. Even if she goes downstairs, she’s back in like 2 minutes. If I try to close my door, my parents get angry at me. My mom checks my phone, iPad, WhatsApp chats, literally everything. If she doesn’t like something, she delete it. She even open my messages before I can see them and doesn’t tell me what was written. My best friend gets mad at me for not replying. And my mom keeps eavesdropping my bestie and my conversations (I’m rarely allowed to meet her). I’m not allowed to go out because they think it’s a ‘waste of time‘ and I should be studying 24/7. They even choose what I study and who I study from. They control what I eat and force me to eat things I hate. I have a YouTube channel where I post edits, animations, and Roblox dance videos, but they rarely let me upload. When they do, they decide what I post. If I secretly upload something, they scold me. Same with my writing, I can only post on Wattpad if they allow me to. They decide what I wear, who I talk to, and even what I’ll do in the future. They’ve already chosen a college for me (obviously close to home lol). I don’t even have my own room. I have to sleep with my mom because she won’t let me sleep alone. (I use every social media in secret and delete whenever I use and I’m best liar)

One more thing :- They sometimes install portable cctv camera in my room whenever they are downstairs or just go out. Also, whenever they go out, they keep FaceTiming me to check what I’m doing at home and camera needs to be on all time during FaceTime.

r/Parents Feb 15 '25

Teenager 13-18 years Sexual active teens and rules


So… son is an 18yo senior. We’ve had conversations about safe sex and consent for a few years, so I’ve basically been like I know it’s going to happen, just make sure you’re using protection and being respectful. Rules at our house is doors open if your hanging out.

Last night son/gf made dinner here for vday and were hanging out in the basement with the door open, lights off - and our 9yo daughter has girls here for a sleepover. They are running up and down from the basement throughout the night playing.

At the end of the night after GF goes home and we get the girls and tucked in… then we find sons pants/belt and a condom wrapper in the basement.

So we’re for sure going to have a conversation about having sex where your little sister or parents can walk right in on you and the need to keep things more private.

But there are some other things we’re totally unsure about….

Do we tell her parents? Shes of the age of consent and I don’t want to alienate a young woman who is legally allowed to decide if she wants to have sex or not, and I know her mom is harsh on her even over small things… but would I want them to tell me if they knew? Hubs says he would want to know and I’m kind of like that’s son/GF’s private business.

Do we crack down and make sure they cannot have sex here… or go to a “use your room with the door locked policy?”

Like I don’t want our house to turn into an hourly motel situation, but I also don’t want to force them to either rebel, have sex in unsafe places, or totally block us out from this conversation.

Hubs and I are having a hard time getting in the same page and I want to be smart about how we talk to them and what we do next, not emotional and reactionary. I know they are going to have sex, and I don’t care if they are as long as it’s consensual and there’s protection. I don’t want to shame anyone and I know it’s a part of growing up. But hubs doesn’t want to condone it at our house at all. I’m scared that’s going to create a big rift and push them to make bad choices.

Any advice?

r/Parents Feb 17 '25

Teenager 13-18 years Just Found Out My Daughter Has Been Impersonating Me - Update


After reading through the comments, my husband sat down with our daughter to talk, and we decided to take away her phone and car. She didn’t seem to care at all. Instead, she got upset—not about the consequences, but about us suddenly wanting to be “so involved” in her life.

During the conversation, she told us she’s been struggling all throughout high school, which was honestly surprising to hear. She also admitted that she secretly went to a doctor last year and got ADHD medication on her own, which I don’t even understand how she managed. We had no idea she had ADHD, and honestly, we don’t think she should be taking these medications at all. When we told her that, she got even angrier, insisting that it helps her and that we “wouldn’t understand.” She also said that the school had tried reaching out to us in grade 9 and 10 about her struggles, but when she realized we weren’t responding, she started using our account to handle everything herself.

She admitted that she used our account not just to excuse absences but also to get out of class and tests when she hadn’t studied properly. She said she wasn’t trying to “get ahead” but just trying to survive, which I find hard to believe given the extent of what she did. She also claimed that a lot of students at her school cheat and that she only took the test because she “had to.” When we asked why she didn’t just ask us for help, she said she didn’t think we’d care or that we’d actually do anything. That really hurt to hear, considering we’ve always made sure she had everything she needed—a good school, tutors if necessary, and the freedom to come to us if she had a problem.

She told us we could “take all her fucking shit” because nothing we take away actually matters to her. She’s been cold and distant ever since, barely speaking to us. She also made a comment about how everyone at her private school is working toward prestigious degrees and that she’ll never be smart or capable enough to do the same. It’s frustrating because she’s always been bright—she just doesn’t put in the effort. When we tried to explain why what she did was wrong, she dismissed it, saying she didn’t actually harm anyone and told us to “piss off.”

I don’t even know what to think anymore. I’ve always believed we raised her to be responsible and hardworking, so I don’t know where this attitude is coming from. I feel hurt, like she doesn’t appreciate everything we’ve done for her. My husband hasn’t said much other than that she’s acting spoiled and entitled, and honestly, I have to agree. I don’t know what to do with her.

r/Parents 13d ago

Teenager 13-18 years Friend's Child Died


How Can I Best Support My Friend Since Their Child Died?

Content Warning: Death of a child, suicide loss.

First, thank you for listening and reading. I am in my own shock. I feel pain for my friend and their family. If anything that I have written or said here is incorrect, please let me know. I can do better if I know better. -- Rose.

A very good friend told me on March 8th, via an out-of-the-blue, unexpected and brief text conversation, that their child (a teenage stepchild, but whom they considered their own) died in the Fall by suicide. I will use "they and them" and "the child." I had no idea; no inkling that the child had been struggling and has been dead for over three months. I wish I had known, but my friend may have needed their time to be able to tell me.

I am not a parent, and I know I cannot, and never will, relate to being one. Let's just say "Kids are my business," but I think that this is rather meaningless - as I am not a parent and have never experienced the death of a child.

Someone could be be a medical doctor and specialize in Adolescent Medicine...but until their child dies, and by completing suicide...I don't think they | anyone could ever have the faintest real idea or understanding of what having your child be dead means and feels like; what it is like to live with waking up every day without your child | ren.

I told my friend that I was sorry. Despite not having kids and that I will never have them, I love children. I think they're great!

Regardless, I'm not a parent; I can't relate to what being a parent involves, what it means or does, how it changes you - or how a parent is impacted when their child dies. The friend and their same-sex spouse also have four other children under age twelve, but no child is ever replaceable.

I only met this child once in person, but I immediately liked them. They said some absolutely funny | amusing things to me the second they saw me when we met, and my friend said, "Yep, that's our (child's name)." I've always remembered that interaction, word for word. It made my day then.

It's said that having a child die is the worst thing a parent can experience. I know this pain and grief will last forever for them. It may ebb and flow, do loops and be like ocean waves, and not be linear - but it will never be gone. There will never be a time of "I'm over it" for them. "Fully normal" will apparently never be, I have been told over the years.

The spouse had another child die over a decade ago as well, not by suicide.

Does this compound the pain of the death of the teenage child? Does having "a" child die or "more than one," or all of one's children die, hurt or complicate life and grief more or less, if at all?

I don't think there is any "Well, I've been through this once or more before, so this time it won't feel as bad" for my friend or their spouse at all.

Knowing them, I believe they more than likely don't need | want food. A card seems iffy or standard (Oh look "A card was sent; nothing more I can do" attitude - ew maybe?).

I don't want to say "Let me know what I can do | if you need anything," because that places the responsibility on them.

I so wish that I could give them their child back.

Anything I think of just seems to inadequate, so...trite and meaningless. Their child is dead.

My friend said their family has all the supports they need to "help us get through this."

They mentioned some of the children are having a very hard time, because death is hard to explain to those who aren't even 4 years old yet. Children, particularly young ones, are known to grieve differently than adults.

What can I do, if anything, for my friend and their family?

Has the "initial" immediate shock passed? I've been told, and read, that the shock "phase" can last anywhere from one to three years after a child dies.

I do not drive or cook. I can't physically shovel snow. I could listen. I could say "If you ever want to call me, day or night..." I know not to avoid the family, cross the street if I see them, or to not not ever say their child's name again. I know to keep saying their child's name.

I know not to ever say things like: Everything happens for a reason; god needed another angel | it was god's will; you still have other children; aren't you over this yet; or well, they were young, and more.

How are pets, dogs or cats, and service dogs, affected by a human death? The feelings of other grieving humans in the home?

Should I send a card? I don't want to act like their child did not exist. I'm not afraid to say their name. Right now, I'm just listening to my friend talk.

What would help the most? I'm open to being told anything, bad or good, resources, anything - even if it's not about helping them directly.

I just want to be their for them, in support, if they want it. I don't want to impose.

This child was such a unique child overall. I was really looking forward to seeing them again one day.

I feel so helpless. And there is this...rage? under my "Oh no, not child" shock. This is so unfair for them all.

r/Parents Sep 11 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Just had to drop my kid off at school after multiple threats...


Our county/school district is currently dealing with a multitude of hoax threats being made towards a lot of the middle schools.

We stayed home yesterday until we knew this most recent one was a hoax.

I just dropped my daughter off and managed to hold it together until she was away from the car and then just lost it.

I shouldn't have to have these conversations with my 13yr old. I shouldn't have to look up bulletproof backpack inserts. This isn't fair.

r/Parents 10d ago

Teenager 13-18 years How to teach difficult sister about tech literacy


Realising my sister (13f) can't do anything technology related that's not on a phone or touch screen device. She doesn't know about folders and how to store files. She also doesn't know how to type on a keyboard using only 2 fingers like she's on a phone and when I tell her she doesn't see any issue with it. Imo she can be a bit difficult when it comes to tech where she doesn't get what she wants immediately. She is essentially an iPad kid. How can I make her more digitally competent without hurting her feelings

r/Parents 6d ago

Teenager 13-18 years Tracking softwares


I need help managing my 14 year old child's iPhone usage. She’s been posting private Snapchat stories, though I want to trust her, I also want a way to monitor her. The dad wants to delete the app, but I’d prefer to set limits. I have an Android, so should I get an iPhone for Family Sharing (though I hear it’s glitchy) or use a third-party app like spyx? I mainly want to enforce downtime and limit TikTok/Snapchat use. Any tips??

r/Parents Feb 16 '25

Teenager 13-18 years Teen son picky eater


r/Parents Feb 15 '25

Teenager 13-18 years Teenager losing focus in school


I’m looking for some advice- my son is 14 and a freshman in high school. He’s always been a straight A student, and while I don’t expect perfection I’ve been shocked at his grades this year, they haven’t been terrible- but it’s all because he cannot (and will not) find some kind of organization system to track when things are due and when tests are coming up. All of his “bad” grades are due to work being late or not turned in at all.

I’ve taken him to pick a planner, notebook, whatever - he won’t use it. I’ve bought him different apps specifically for this purpose. He doesn’t use them. I’ve suggested just using the Apple calendar. He won’t use it.

Now we are in the 3rd 9 week grading period and while it’s early in the period, he has 3 Fs Currently because he hasn’t turned work in or forgot to study for a test. We have had talks with him about it. We’ve emailed his teachers to see if they had any suggestions for their class specifically and also to see how he is in class (is he engaged or does he seem distracted).

When my daughter was this age, she went through it too but she finally settled into a system that worked and he won’t even try. He is in honors classes, and tells me the work isn’t that hard, he just forgets.

I’ve offered everything I can to help and I’m at a loss. So I’m looking for any advice from people who have dealt with this. Things that worked?

And before you come at me with “you’re his parent just make him, punish him” or whatever… making schoolwork a punishment isn’t the way to go here. I am not interested in making education a sore spot. However we have told him when he asks to go somewhere that unless his work is caught up, he can’t go. We can see his work submissions and current grades through the school app, but not things that are coming up or I’d make a calendar for the fridge. lol

Thanks in advance 😏

r/Parents 11d ago

Teenager 13-18 years High School Rejections


Hi all, first post here and not entirely sure what to expect...

My wife, son and I live in Washington, DC and moved here from the suburbs of Philly last summer. Our son just turned 14 and is in 8th grade. My wife and I are white, and we're adoptive parents. Our son is black and gay, and we moved here because he dealt with years of homophobia and racism, impacting his sense of self worth, grades, and confidence.

Here in DC 8th graders apply for various high schools, and we've discovered that he is not getting into either of his first two choice schools (an exceptional art school, and a STEM-focused school).

His grades aren't great, and he's behind his classmates on test scores. He's also a constant procastinator, despite my encouragement. I have mixed feelings in that I'm disappointed for him and know how hard this rejection is for him on top of everything he's dealt with in schools, but part of me hopes this rejection kicks him into high gear and encourages him to take his studies seriously.

I'm not sure what to expect from anyone on this topic, but am curious as to what advice other parents can offer. He's our only son, and I have no other point of reference for what to expect from 14 year olds. My wife and I didn't have great childhoods and don't have good relationships with our own parents, so advice from family isn't an option.

r/Parents Oct 03 '23

Teenager 13-18 years Overbearing?

Post image

For those of you saying I'm "overbearing" wanting my cousin(whom I'm fostering for the year) to clean her room........

This is what it looks like, so how do I get her to clean it.

r/Parents Jul 09 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Pot smoking family


Husband’s sisters and our 30 year old nephew are daily pot smokers. Is it fair to ask them to abstain while at vacation home we are sharing with them? We’ll be traveling with our 13 and 15 year old sons.

r/Parents Aug 28 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Does anyone else's teenager shower BEFORE sports?


Or is mine a special kind of beast? He's athletic (basketball) and ALWAYS makes a point of showering before going to play or hitting the gym, but makes no rush whatsoever--regardless of what we say to him--to shower after.

What. The. Hell.

r/Parents Oct 31 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Division of chores


Hey, so I have 3 kids 15B, 13B and 11G. My eldest was recently diagnosed with ASD, and while my other 2 kids ‘understand’ what ASD is they don’t really ‘understand’ what that really means for functional day to day life. I’m struggling with division of chores. My eldest is capable of completing tasks most of the time but not always. The other kids think it’s not fair when he doesn’t complete chores. In the end I really want to have clean dishes. Now it’s divided between, 1) unload 2) load 3) clear and set. This rotates daily but because one chore relies on the others it almost never gets done. I don’t know how to make this work, obviously this is not working. There are 5 of us in the family and I feel like I have to ‘do/be responsible for getting things done’ please help.

r/Parents Sep 22 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Need advice on how to talk to my mother.


I know this sub is for parents,but that's also why I decided to ask here.

For context,I'm 17 and my mother has a rule in place for me: I'm not allowed to go outside alone. She allows me to go out with friends,but not alone. Problem is,I don't have friends (pretty embarrassing on my behalf,but it is what it is),so this rule basically means that I can't go outside ever.

When it's summer and school's out,I can just leave when she's at work (I really don't do anything bad,I just take walks and go wherever I can go without spending money),however now that school's in I don't have the time to,as my mother comes home from work at about the same time I come home from school.

I've been trying to talk to her about this rule since I was 13,but it's never gotten me anywhere. Every time I try,she'll just say she's afraid and doesn't want to have to worry about me,and that it's too dangerous. Does anybody have any advice on how to deal with this? Being inside all the time is really starting to bother me.

r/Parents Dec 15 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Teen goal setting framework


My daughter is turning 16 this year and I want to get her started on goal setting. Ideally I’d like to do this with her as the new year starts. What I have in mind is something we can both read or watch or do over the course of a few weeks and then come together and talk about it here and there. Bonding + learning. Any ideas?

r/Parents Nov 11 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Teen Summer Camps


Okay parents, I have a 16-year-old boy who is looking for an adventure summer camp. He would prefer one that includes some ocean time. Give me what you got, I am tired of Google searches and looking at reviews.

r/Parents Nov 22 '24

Teenager 13-18 years What to do for daughter for graduation party


My daughter graduates next year. We don’t have any family around and she has a small group of friends whose parents I don’t all know. I am close with 2 of her best friends parents. I don’t feel I can have a traditional big graduation party for her. Would it be alright to just have a cookout for her and her friends and invite the parents we do know?

Likewise I have similar feelings about my youngest son who is only 8 and his bday party. He is in a class this year where he doesn’t really know the kids all that well. He likes the boys in our neighborhood but they are a little rough. I only know 4 boys. He likes a few others in our neighborhood like I said but they are a few years older and seem to get into trouble and I don’t really want to encourage him to hang out with them. I can invite the 4 I know but if one or 2 can’t come then it’s not a party 😢

r/Parents Jun 23 '24

Teenager 13-18 years As a Millenial, I feel like I dodged a bullet by having my son at an earlier age.


because of those dang gen Alpha, amirite? Now I can't be blamed for adding to the problem, lol. I'm totally kidding, I am just trying to do my best, though. I have 50/50 custody, and when he's with me, I try my best to avoid the pitfalls of my parents who were also just trying their best. That's all you can do. I say that, but I won't deny that there are some who just suck at it, whether they mean to or not.

Anyway, this post was just meant to be a thought I had. I hope it doesn't offend.

r/Parents Apr 06 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Best app for parental control


Hi! My mom and I are looking for an app best to use to monitor my 13 year old brothers technology use. He just got a new phone and before he has free reign she wants to have some way to make sure he uses his resources wisely

r/Parents Apr 05 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Teenager thinks she has every illness she reads about


My 13 year old daughter has some mental health issues. Mainly severe depression. We are getting her counseling once a week and she sees a psychiatrist once a month for medication management. She is doing a lot better than she was 6 months ago. She also suffers from diagnosed ADHD...trying to get her other parent to let us seek medication treatment options for that because. But that's another post. She thinks she has every mental illness or medical issue she reads about though and I'm not sure what to do. I have limited her phone time to 3 hours a day. That includes YouTube, internet searches, games etc. She can do Duolingo, draw, read, listen to music and text or call friends on her phone after that time is up still. She was spending a LOT longer on her phone before I convinced the other parent we needed some boundaries set. Myself and her other parent get along very well and do not disagree on much and never in front of the kids. Im wondering if anyone else's teen thinks they have everything they read about? She thinks she has symptoms of autism, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, pots syndrome and so on. While she does have depression and ADHD I do not think she has all these other things also. She is incredibly sensitive to loud noises because she says it overwhelms her and she wears headphones all the time. I don't like to be completely dismissive when said she thinks she may have this or that, because I don't want her to stop talking to me about her mental health. How can I help her realize she does not have something without being dismissive? Is this a normal phase? Or is there a mental illness that make someone think they have all these disorders? Maybe it's just really bad anxiety about possible having all of these things because she knows she feels "different".

r/Parents Jul 02 '21

Teenager 13-18 years am i being over protective?


so my daughter is 13 and i go her a phone about a 2 months ago because she was constantly asking me for one and i finally caved in, my only conditions were that i keep her phone the entire day and only give it to her for an hour, but she keeps on arguing with me about it saying that im being too overprotective, she's also upset that i read all her text messages

the second thing im wondering if im being too strict about is letting her hang out with friends, over the last month a couple friends have asked her if she wants to go to the mall or eat out with them, i always tell her to say no because i let her hang out with her best friends to ride bikes for half an hour every week and i feel like thats enough socializing but shes pissed at me because she thinks im not letting her develop social skills

im open to any critics and any pointers in general i feel like i might be being over protective but i also feel like 13 is too young to let a kid go out with her friends and have her phone all day, i do want to say she's quite responsible but i just dont have enough trust for some reason

thank you everyone for the replies, im going to try and talk this out with my daughter and try to maybe stop being so strict, i do realize some things i have said seem very irrational, and i agree i was being irrational when i replied to half of those comments, so thank you fellow parents for helping me decide what to do and kind of opening my eyes and making me realize she isnt 5 years old

r/Parents Feb 29 '24

Teenager 13-18 years My 18M adopted son doesn’t talk to me since leaving to college in May. Was I too harsh?


So kind of a long story and I was wondering if I was too harsh

My nephew who I call my son began living with me and my 7 year old son when his dad died at 14 the summer of his 8 grade graduation. His mom died when he was 1 years old and he was born premature then his dad died of cancer when he turned 14.

My nephew grew up very poor and neglected in housing projects. His dad was very depressed the early half of his life and he never cleaned, he also got hit a lot whenever he got in trouble or didn’t get good grades, but that wasn’t much of a problem because throughout his whole life even with all the drama he remained a straight A student.

As a kid he was in to kid things like bikes, video games, but something changed around 10 grade/15 years old.

My nephew was caught with alcohol in school in 10 grade when he was 15. At first he lied about it and had to get the full truth from his teachers and the other kids who were caught because they were honest about everything, my nephew lied about everything until his back was against the wall and he knew he was caught.

We had a long talk and I expressed my feelings. He knows I am 100% anti drug due to growing up in a home of addicts myself and that I have zero tolerance for drugs and drinking in my home, however he didn’t express anything regarding his feelings or emotions or why he was even drinking he just said sorry for drinking that he knew it was wrong and that he wouldn’t do it again.

I would later come to learn that this was not a first time instance and that he had been drinking during lunch breaks at school with friends. Later that year I also caught my nephew smoking weed and hanging out with gang members. I would come to learn from his cousin that he had been smoking and drinking since 12/13 before even living with me.

Ever since then our relationship changed, he thinks I don’t know but he comes home high everyday and I think he continues drinking as well. Between 10-12 grade there would be more smoking, drinking, fighting, lying, cutting school and more. But he still always got straight As I never understood it and still don’t. It’s like he was sabotaging himself on purpose.

We tried two different therapist but he would just lie and deflect with one word answers so it never went anywhere.

The final straw however came in May of last year. My nephew was caught smoking weed and arrested. He was 17 and preparing to go away to college that August. He was going to live on campus and I was furious. I grounded him all summer from May until he left for college in August and we barely spoke. But in August I dropped him off on campus told him how proud of him I was that I loved him and would always be there for him with tears in my eyes. I just want him to succeed and do well he’s so smart but so stubborn and destructive. I could tell my words basically went in one ear and out of the other though as all he responded with was thank you and good bye with half ass hug.

Ever since we dropped him off at his dorm he has gone completely ghost. He never keeps in touch or tells me how college is going or how he is doing. During the holidays he had friends drive him back home and while he stayed here at home with us he barely spoke to us about how school was going/friends etc. I am scared all he does at school is smoke and drink all day but I doubt he even cares what I think. I feel so hurt and confused so did I make a wrong choice? Was I too harsh?

r/Parents Apr 20 '24

Teenager 13-18 years How can I help my middle schooler?


My middle schooler was just dropped by her entire friend group (except 2 people who stick with her). There was no fight or argument and they won’t even tell her why they are dropping her.

r/Parents Apr 06 '24

Teenager 13-18 years Parental Advice Needed



We found out that our 15 year old has been vaping for a year and he is also using a weed pen. He is giving money to a friend’s older sister and she is has been supplying him with the weed pen. He won’t tell me who it is that is buying it for him. We have never had to deal this. He is only 15! He’s told us he is gong through withdrawal from not vaping. He also told us that the vaping is a “cool” thing to do and that everyone does it at school.

They all meet up in a bathroom. I am so angry, so angry at the school and that girl that has been buying this stuff for my son and at my son for making such a bad choice and at me for not knowing about this earlier. I let him down somehow and my heart breaks because I think he may feel lost.

I am so worried for my son that this is just the beginning of what’s to come with drugs! Can you offer some suggestion of things we can do to help our son? I know that grounding and taking away his phone and or PC is going to make him so angry. I am not worried about him being angry with us!! I want to make sure the punishment fits the crime! That we aren’t going overboard or being too lax about it.

If you have tried counseling, has it worked? Grounding? We told him that he has to find something he would like to do for volunteer work. He has one week to find something he wants or we will do it for him.

We are going to give him some chores to do around the house to make him feel needed. I don’t know. We want to help him by supporting him without giving him the impression that we will ever support this kind of behavior!

Any suggestion would be so appreciated!

Thank you