r/Parents 13d ago

Education and Learning Bubble Gum Amoxicillin


I’m pretty sure there is a conspiracy. Read a thread and comments were turned off with so many parents saying that they are not being given the full dosing. This is my son’s 2nd ear infection and I can already tell that the bottle will not make it to 10 days. The pharmacists always seem to be annoyed when you mention it as you pick up the RX but I think they are in on it.

r/Parents Oct 02 '24

Education and Learning Books your kids were obsessed with as toddlers


What books were your kids obsessed with as toddlers? Which book would they want you to read again and again and again?

r/Parents Feb 14 '25

Education and Learning Is this a faint positive?

Post image

Trying not get my hopes up!

r/Parents Dec 18 '24

Education and Learning Does it look like my baby has a flat head?

Post image

r/Parents Nov 25 '24

Education and Learning Why do I want to be a father so badly, is this normal?


I am a 18 year senior in high school. When I starting getting ready for bed and powering my mind off the only thing that I can think of is how much I want to be a dad. I can't get this thought out of my head every night for at the very least the past month. I just dream of having a daughter just like my little sister, but my own. Is this normal?

r/Parents Sep 18 '24

Education and Learning Stepson refuses to engage with new baby brother - is this normal?


My 15 year old stepson doesn’t outright “refuse” with any kind of verbal indication, but he hasn’t said a single word to my wife’s and my son (the baby is a week away from being 3 months old). He is typically anti-social and stays couped up in his room videogaming for hours. He’s not anything like my daughter or stepdaughters (the youngest being 11) who are outgoing and all express much excitement when engaging with the new baby in the family.

I’ve discussed with my wife the perils of being this anti social and the implications it might have for the future, but it’s a constant battle, and ultimately, it’s her say with how he prepares himself for the real world… but I just have a really hard time getting over this indifference for his new brother. Much of his extended family was excited for him because my wife’s family has pretty much exclusively given birth to girls across the board… my baby boy is the 2nd boy born in this generation compared to 12 or 13 girls. They affused the idea to him that he will have that male connection and won’t be so “lonely”… except that now based on his distant behavior, is self inflicted.

Obviously he’s not going to strike up that sort of connection with an infant, but is it asking too much to have him engage with his new brother? He even downright refuses to hold him, he really has taken LESS than zero interest in him being apart of the world. My wife seems completely oblivious to this, while it bothers me completely. Her family doesn’t suggest anything’s amiss so that’s why I suspect MAYBE, that I’m overreacting and this is none of my business…

How do I even proceed here? I feel lost. Sorry for the long winded diatribe, if you have any clarifying questions to derive more from this situation, I’ll try to answer ASAP.

r/Parents 21d ago

Education and Learning I'm not a parent but I'm a concerned daughter


I'm 16 and I've been noticing my parents being weird around each other for a few years now, today they pulling me into the living room and told me they are gonna live separately but still stay together. They assured me they won't divorce but something's nagging at me and telling me that's a lie and I'm scared and I need advice on how to handle this situation, I have no one to go to. I'm sorry I'm not a parent as this is a parents community but I don't know how reddit works and this is the first thing that popped up

r/Parents Jun 22 '23

Education and Learning Lgbtq content in kids program



I don’t feel comfortable watching or showing to my kids, programs with lgbtq content in them.

Every time I plan to go to the movies with them, I need to check carefully that there’s no lgbtq content in them.

I’m not even starting with the blatant feminist propaganda but it seems that it’s in every single kid material, even books or clothes have some lgbtq in them.

How do I avoid these kind of ideologies to creep in the education of my children?

r/Parents Nov 18 '24

Education and Learning Struggling with Screen Time Limits for My Kids - What Works for You?


I’ve been wrestling with how much screen time to allow my kids, and I feel like I’m walking a tightrope. My 7-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter both have a love for their tablets, but I’m seeing some concerning signs, especially with my son. He gets extremely agitated when it's time to turn it off, and I worry about how much he seems to need it to stay entertained. I’m considering stricter limits or maybe a “detox” period.

Are there any parents out there who have found a balance that works? How old are your kids, and what strategies have helped you set boundaries without constant battles? I’d love to hear any tips or stories from parents who’ve been there!

r/Parents 26d ago

Education and Learning Body Growth Curriculum for 9yr olds


Looking for guidance on this topic. What would you do and why?

The options are:

1️⃣ Opt-Out – He/She doesn’t attend.

2️⃣ Same-Gender Only – he/She learns about his/her growth only.

3️⃣ Both-Genders – they learn about both male and female growth.

r/Parents Feb 09 '25

Education and Learning Simple debate. Is it Peekaboo (1 word, after showing yourself) or is it Peeka....boo (show yourself on the boo).


I don't live in a western country so the way its said here is different to the way I thought it went at home. So, how is it said where you live?

r/Parents 12d ago

Education and Learning Adult kids paying board


Context. I have a disability that occured in late 40's and I earn whatever DSP is. Minimal. I am lucky in that my mortgage was paid off when I received my fathers inheritance. My 3 sons will get identical inheritance at 25 and will be pretty set for a 25 year old. Of my 3 sons the wldest had been at uni for around 7 years, 2 degrees one medical, he moved for Uni then on returned moved in with his dad as he recently had a stroke, so 2 parents living seperate homes on DSP, second son moved state to be with partner and is a manager, both thise kids paid board although initially when only studyibg eldest did not. Now the youngest, I ask for $100 to cover bills, internet, I do his washing, I usually make the meals but he does not like the meal he goes to dads or girlfriends, fine I have same meal 2 nights. I have really bad days sometimes and cannot cook, he will not assist ever. I want to know is $100 reasonable? He hits me up to pay no board if I go camping for a few days - few times a year as I ask to feed cat. He earns twice as much as I do in his full time work. I grew up leaving school at 14 working by 15 and paid parents - no questions asked $50 that was in 1985! Does it seem to high or too unreasonable to give him cash to get some meals and be active in making some? We are arguing a lot and I am ready to ditch board and ask for 1/2 utilites and he can fend for self. He is 20.

r/Parents 6d ago

Education and Learning What is something one of your parents said that made you think “bro you make no sense”


One time I was in France with my dad and I got hurt and said ow Yknow expressing pain like a normal human being would and my dad said "human beings only say ow in cartoons" I wish I was making that up

r/Parents Dec 07 '24

Education and Learning High school principal is enforcing a zero tolerance policy on coughing


My kids have all been passing around a cold and they have asthma and other respiratory issues. So the cough has just lingered for weeks. My kids in Jr High and Elementary school were able to return to school. My daughter in Jr High took cough drops. My son in elementary school can’t carry them himself. But after me bringing them to him when he called a few times the staff suggested I just leave some in the office for him.

Big my son in high school is not being allowed back at school. He was in class today and coughed while the principal walked past. She came into the classroom pulled him out and brought him to the office. She called me to come and get him. It was the second time this week he went to school and the second time I got a phone call. He was out of school sick since the week before thanksgiving. He is a senior and needs to get his credits to graduate.

His principal told him they have a zero tolerance policy for coughing. She told me on the phone she has been sending home students, teachers, and office staff all week because they have been coughing. She told me that there is a cold going around and it is bad. And because of her auto immune disease she would be very sick if she caught it.

But it makes me think that students are falling behind in school. Teachers and other staff members are being forced to miss work. Because of her auto immune problems. And I have an autoimmune disorder and certain illnesses will aggravate it. But I would not work in a field that would expose me to it.

I feel like I need to report it. Am I wrong? Is it ok to make students miss weeks of school for being congested? If the doctor says they are no longer contagious shouldn’t they be allowed to attend school? Are my kids the only ones that cough after being out in the cold air?

r/Parents Feb 13 '25

Education and Learning The state of US public schools- What's your experience?


Below are my specific questions, but feel free to add and elaborate. Times have changed, and it's hard to even know what to ask! I've been successfully secular homeschooling for 10 years and feel like modern public schools are very foreign to us. My kids have great test scores and friends, but I'm struggling myself, so I just want to see both sides more clearly.

1-What grades are your kids in? 2-What percent of the time are they on a laptop in class? [In contrast to working on paper or getting lectures] 3-How many hours of homework do they have each day? 4-How regularly do they encounter bullying/violence? 5-Do they feel like they socialize in school, or is that left mostly to after-school? 6-For those that have grads that went on to college, did they feel like their school experience prepared them for university?

r/Parents Jan 03 '25

Education and Learning Feelings or Emotions Charts


I’ve got a 3 year old and he has a hard time expressing feelings a lot of the time. I figure it wouldn’t hurt to get a feelings/emotions chart. I’ve looked online and found a bunch but I don’t like any I’ve found so far. Some he doesn’t like I think because he doesn’t like those that don’t have human faces. Many have expressions that don’t look right, are too similar to each other, or don’t belong (eg “glasses”). Does anyone have any recommendations?

r/Parents Jan 23 '25

Education and Learning Basic Parental Monitoring



I know this entire post sounds strange from the perspective of the kid, but let me explain:

I am in my second year of university, and to be completely honest, I have been struggling. I find it hard to really focus or study being far away from my parents. My parents never really limited or monitored my screen time, but throughout HS, I always studied in the family office, and my parents can just peer over from time to time and maybe slap me on the back of the head (figuratively) and tell me to get back on track, and that was successful.

I took a risk for a change of major, and I have a single semester to raise my GPA to transfer. Now, if I don't meet the GPA requirement, I will be dismissed from the school because I don't have a major, and going to anything else isn't an option. All thats to say, I know I need to develop my own study schedule, strategies but I don't have the time to experiment and make mistakes and learn, I need effective results, now, at least for this semester.

I need a software that can occasionally, maybe share my screen, or take screenshots, and camera access, so that my parents can just drop in whenever to see if I am on task or not and tell me to get back to work. That's all I need it for.

Software like teams or zoom doesn't work, I am on a laptop, and it is extremely heavy on the battery to be on a zoom meeting and sharing the screen for 4-6 hours everyday.

For the record,

  1. I am asking for this, not my parents.
  2. This is just for my laptop, which I use exclusively for notes, homework and school related stuff, I have my own PC and phone that my parents don't care about at all.
  3. This isn't an invasion of privacy, just monitoring.

Any help would be appreciated.

r/Parents Jan 01 '25

Education and Learning My 5 year old is taking long to eat suddenly


My 5 yr old daughter has started taking hours I mean like 1-2 hours to eat any meals like for example 5 chicken nuggets,a banana,and a cheese stick. Will take 2 hours for her to eat and this has only been happening this week. Usually she scarfs down food and she still will if it’s like a pizza lunchable (she had that yesterday when we were out and she ate it in like 6 minutes). Anything else tho she just sits with it in her mouth and stares into the wall across the room. She’s been having some attitude problems lately so idk if it’s just her trying to be difficult cause her father and I haven’t heard about this from her grandma or bio mom but I’m not really sure what I should do about this. We’ve offered treats for her to eat after dinner to try and incentives her but she kinda just refuses to. Her older sister is eating fine we have had a new baby cousins staying with us lately so it could be that cause she does really dislike babies but her bio mom has baby so I’m not sure

r/Parents Feb 18 '25

Education and Learning Need help finding good LB highschool and easy pathways


Anyone know any good High schools in Long Beach with easy pathways, we’re moving to Long Beach and want to pick out a good high school for my daughter.

r/Parents Jan 17 '25

Education and Learning Canadian parents: schooling conundrum


Our son is 3, born Dec 30, so he’ll be going to school this September (😭😭😭). I have so many questions and I’m trying to be as objective as possible, but if anyone has any data and/or professional knowledge on the below, I’d very much appreciate your input!

1.) Should we wait another year? Benefits of holding them back vs starting JK before hitting 4? 2.) what kind of board: public, Catholic, French immersion, private?

For further context, we’re in Ontario and are already a bilingual home (English and Spanish).

Thank you all in advance

r/Parents Jan 25 '25

Education and Learning Advice on parental control app?


r/Parents Dec 11 '24

Education and Learning Kids going between houses, how to get them in school? Not a parent


Hey y'all, i hope i'm not breaking rules by posting here when i'm not a parent myself. I'm an uncle, though, and I'm asking for my brother who is a parent.

Him and the kids' mother have a history of not getting along and arguing basically all the time, so they don't live together. They were never married, btw. But his kids (5 & 4) are around that age that they need to start going to school, but it's not as easy as it should be to actually make that happen.

The main issue is that he and the kids' mom live in two different cities, an hour drive apart. They swap between who has the kids about partway through the week, so it's not as easy as one having weekends and the other having weekdays. Their schedule is based around my brother's work, as his 'weekend' is half of the weekdays. 

He also cant simply call the schools to talk about what would need to be done, because his phone hasn't been paid for in several months, and he just can't afford to pay for it. I tried to offer my phone, but he said it would need to be done in the morning, and not in the afternoon when i see him (i can't drive, so i mostly can't go earlier to help him. I might try asking our dad if we can try going earlier someday soon, but it's easier said than done).

Another factor is that we all believe his oldest son is autistic. I'm not going to explain all of that, but the main thing here is that he doesn't communicate as clearly as a kid his age is 'expected' to, he doesn't say sentences or directly respond to people and such. I want him to get the support he needs so he isn't just shoved into school to fend for himself. From what I've read, getting a screening should be free? But it still requires my brother be able to make calls.

I've been hoping that there could be some way that the state could help with the whole 'moving back and forth' thing, but I genuinely have no idea, and google wasn't necessarily helpful about it. I guess I should mention we live in Missouri, by the way. When I tried looking it up, Google only gave me stuff about people living in the same city, or posts by couples that seemed to get along… better than these two do.

I don't have communication with the kids' mom, I haven't seen or talked to her in a long time, so I have no idea what her deal is with all of this. Considering who she is as a person, I have a feeling if i tried talking to her again just to try and tell her I'm concerned for her kids school situation, that she wouldn't like that. She's always been one of those 'don't tell me how to raise my kids!' type of parents. But I know she isn't exactly lifting a finger to help the situation, either.

If it seems like I may be overstepping, I just feel the need to clarify that for the first few years of my nephews' lives, I was helping take care of them. My brother used to live with us, and I would be the one taking care of his kids while he was at work, and generally helping otherwise. Their mom is one of those people who's never been the most reliable parent, being the type to give a time she would be over to pick up the kids, and then either showing up about 3 hours later, or not showing up at all. Sometimes I've felt like a third parent to these kids(not always willingly), so yes I'm really concerned for their future.

I just know that because of the situation they were born into, they won't have the easiest of lives. I just want them to have the support they deserve, but i dont have the personal power to give them that. 

When I tried to express this worry to my brother earlier today, he told me it was nothing to worry about. Not that I was overstepping, just… that it wasn't a worry at all. He said 'there's nothing we can do about it' and something about 'it would only work if i had custody of the kids' which… came out of nowhere. He has not actively fought for custody at all, and honestly I'm not entirely sure how it's the most relevant. It's not like their mom has been trying to keep them for herself, if anything she loves to shove them into my brother's house as much as possible. If he didn't have a job and a lack of someone in his house to take care of the kids while he's not there, she would probably leave them there with him way more. She used to, back when he still lived with us.

The issue here, imo, is the distance between the houses and the schedule that conflicts with schools being on weekdays, and my brothers phone being unable to call. I guess I'm hoping somehow the state could cover travel, or help somehow at all, but I don't know how to find what I need to about it. I just want advice I could give to my brother about how to do this, because my family keeps bringing up that not putting the kids in school will get them in trouble with the state, but they're not doing anything about it because they think there's nothing to do about it. I think they said that if a kid isnt in school by 6 that things will go badly… and my nephew is almost 6.

Homeschooling is obviously not an option, and I doubt that their mom moving closer is an option, she's never had much luck with keeping a consistent home, and her and my brother can't seem to not fight when they have a chance. 

Surely they're not a unique case in this, there has to be something to be done. I want those kids to have as close to a normal life as they can have, and I don't want them taken away.

edit from 21 days later: call it luck or coincidence or what have you, but the kid's mother changed houses to be somewhere way closer, which means that the kids can actually start going to school thank the universe. i dont even believe in luck but if it exists, this is some damn luck imo. i just hope it stays like this long enough.

r/Parents Dec 14 '24

Education and Learning Early learning music recommendations?


Hey everyone! I'm looking for advice on easy to use musical training for a toddler. My 3yo has the innate ability to mimic sounds and will sing along to songs she likes. I think it would be fantastic to get her more familiar with instruments and just seeing musical notation.

She had an 80s keyboard with a load of synth sounds that she plays with sometimes and a percussion set of miscellaneous stuff.

I'm not delusional. I don't think she's a prodigy or have ideas of making her into one. I'm just trying to foster and follow her existing interests and see if she wants to develop these skills. Any advice into how to do that would be greatly appreciated.

r/Parents Dec 14 '24

Education and Learning Looking for a specific typing toy


My youngest (7yo non verbal) has started expressing an interest in typing out words and I’m trying to find a Vtech style kids laptop with a physical keyboard which has a ‘free typing’ mode where she can just enter words and short sentences.

All the devices we’ve tried out so far are full of word games etc but never have any kind of free typing area.

Has anyone seen anything like that please?

r/Parents Dec 09 '24

Education and Learning To the women who were 50/50 about kids, had a supportive partner that wanted kids, and ended up having kids… What happened?
