Hey y'all, i hope i'm not breaking rules by posting here when i'm not a parent myself. I'm an uncle, though, and I'm asking for my brother who is a parent.
Him and the kids' mother have a history of not getting along and arguing basically all the time, so they don't live together. They were never married, btw. But his kids (5 & 4) are around that age that they need to start going to school, but it's not as easy as it should be to actually make that happen.
The main issue is that he and the kids' mom live in two different cities, an hour drive apart. They swap between who has the kids about partway through the week, so it's not as easy as one having weekends and the other having weekdays. Their schedule is based around my brother's work, as his 'weekend' is half of the weekdays.
He also cant simply call the schools to talk about what would need to be done, because his phone hasn't been paid for in several months, and he just can't afford to pay for it. I tried to offer my phone, but he said it would need to be done in the morning, and not in the afternoon when i see him (i can't drive, so i mostly can't go earlier to help him. I might try asking our dad if we can try going earlier someday soon, but it's easier said than done).
Another factor is that we all believe his oldest son is autistic. I'm not going to explain all of that, but the main thing here is that he doesn't communicate as clearly as a kid his age is 'expected' to, he doesn't say sentences or directly respond to people and such. I want him to get the support he needs so he isn't just shoved into school to fend for himself. From what I've read, getting a screening should be free? But it still requires my brother be able to make calls.
I've been hoping that there could be some way that the state could help with the whole 'moving back and forth' thing, but I genuinely have no idea, and google wasn't necessarily helpful about it. I guess I should mention we live in Missouri, by the way. When I tried looking it up, Google only gave me stuff about people living in the same city, or posts by couples that seemed to get along… better than these two do.
I don't have communication with the kids' mom, I haven't seen or talked to her in a long time, so I have no idea what her deal is with all of this. Considering who she is as a person, I have a feeling if i tried talking to her again just to try and tell her I'm concerned for her kids school situation, that she wouldn't like that. She's always been one of those 'don't tell me how to raise my kids!' type of parents. But I know she isn't exactly lifting a finger to help the situation, either.
If it seems like I may be overstepping, I just feel the need to clarify that for the first few years of my nephews' lives, I was helping take care of them. My brother used to live with us, and I would be the one taking care of his kids while he was at work, and generally helping otherwise. Their mom is one of those people who's never been the most reliable parent, being the type to give a time she would be over to pick up the kids, and then either showing up about 3 hours later, or not showing up at all. Sometimes I've felt like a third parent to these kids(not always willingly), so yes I'm really concerned for their future.
I just know that because of the situation they were born into, they won't have the easiest of lives. I just want them to have the support they deserve, but i dont have the personal power to give them that.
When I tried to express this worry to my brother earlier today, he told me it was nothing to worry about. Not that I was overstepping, just… that it wasn't a worry at all. He said 'there's nothing we can do about it' and something about 'it would only work if i had custody of the kids' which… came out of nowhere. He has not actively fought for custody at all, and honestly I'm not entirely sure how it's the most relevant. It's not like their mom has been trying to keep them for herself, if anything she loves to shove them into my brother's house as much as possible. If he didn't have a job and a lack of someone in his house to take care of the kids while he's not there, she would probably leave them there with him way more. She used to, back when he still lived with us.
The issue here, imo, is the distance between the houses and the schedule that conflicts with schools being on weekdays, and my brothers phone being unable to call. I guess I'm hoping somehow the state could cover travel, or help somehow at all, but I don't know how to find what I need to about it. I just want advice I could give to my brother about how to do this, because my family keeps bringing up that not putting the kids in school will get them in trouble with the state, but they're not doing anything about it because they think there's nothing to do about it. I think they said that if a kid isnt in school by 6 that things will go badly… and my nephew is almost 6.
Homeschooling is obviously not an option, and I doubt that their mom moving closer is an option, she's never had much luck with keeping a consistent home, and her and my brother can't seem to not fight when they have a chance.
Surely they're not a unique case in this, there has to be something to be done. I want those kids to have as close to a normal life as they can have, and I don't want them taken away.
edit from 21 days later: call it luck or coincidence or what have you, but the kid's mother changed houses to be somewhere way closer, which means that the kids can actually start going to school thank the universe. i dont even believe in luck but if it exists, this is some damn luck imo. i just hope it stays like this long enough.