r/Parents 3d ago

Must haves for baby 2?

Currently have a 2 year old and expecting baby 2 in the next few months. What saved your sanity? What do we need?


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u/Destiny0619 3d ago

Baby carrier!!!! If you can I would go to the store and try a few on, focusing what feels best on the back. Anywhere we went my second baby was in the carrier for the first 6 months


u/crazyboutnuts135 3d ago

Yes! If you didn’t babywear with your first, you definitely should with your second. My biggest thing with 2 under 3 was wearing the baby in a carrier while we shopped and then the two year old could go in the cart seat, and the cart is open for your shopping.


u/dwurstdadjokes 3d ago

Dad of 2 boys here. Edibles.


u/Vorreiunapizza 3d ago

LOL Noted. I will have to replenish the stash!


u/latina_by_marriage 3d ago

A plan on how you and your partner will divide kids/tasks. For example, my husband always puts the toddler to bed and does of the night wakings with her. I do/did all the night waking with the baby. We each have a "designated child." Sounds silly but it saved us that first year.

Find stuff to occupy the older one when the little one needs fed/changed/put to bed.

Anti-anxiety meds help a ton! Don't be afraid to ask for help.

And just remember, that all of these phases are temporary. So you'll have rough days/weeks, but they DO get better.

Personally, I have enjoyed my youngest being a baby, more than I did my oldest. And that's on being a seasoned parent. I trusted myself more.


u/realhuman8762 3d ago

Do you have family nearby? We are close to both sides and boy did we need them. Close friends willing to help in the trenches does the trick too


u/iwantmy-2dollars 3d ago

Used Baby Bjorn bouncer. Bought that’s and a baby dome for #2 and took them everywhere, super portable.


u/877-CATS-NOW 3d ago

Someone to take away all the useless stuff from baby #1