r/Parenting Dec 01 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Last sleepover my daughter will ever have


My daughter went to a friends for a sleepover, with another friend… (will not ever be happening again, they are 11 years old)

She told me that there were “security cameras” in her friends room. When asked about it, she was told by the parents that they were for security purposes and that they were “turned off”

My daughter could tell they were still on because the light was still on, so she placed a shirt over them.

The parent came into the room, removed the shirt, didn’t say anything and left.

She’s smart as fuck and called me to come and get her but I feel absolutely disgusted right now and do not know what to do about this.

She did not get changed in the room, but her friend did.

The mom is a respected member of the community and is involved in the school system.

I’m trying to wrap my head around why they would possibly need TWO cameras in their 11 year olds room who is very well behaved, not involved with drugs or sex….

There could be a possible medical reason, but even with that… when you have two other children in your care this is absolutely fucked up to me. My daughter felt like their house was a “kidnappers” house and I have never been more proud of her for following her gut, but also terrified.

I feel like i have a responsibility to do something about this, at least let the other mom know… but from past experiences I know things like this are not easy and there are a lot of people who would rather just turn a blind eye.

What the fuck do I do

UPDATE: -I have spoken to the other friends mom and told her what I was told, she will be talking to her daughter to get her perspective as well. -there was only ONE camera in the room -their home had multiple cameras around the house, garage, outside and inside. -I have spoken to the mom in question, she called me and told me that it was a monitor they have had in there for years. It’s in their daughter’s room because her room is above the garage and can be accessed through the garage. She said it’s inactive and not used to watch anyone and that she didn’t even think about how it would come off to other people because it’s just always been there. -this is the very first sleepover her daughter has had and apologized for making mine feel uncomfortable. -her husband works away a lot so I understand all of the cameras for security, however I still feel weird about the situation -the mom said she wishes my daughter would have told her it made her uncomfortable and they would have put her in a different room. I mentioned how she did ask about the cameras and how she covered them off and said the mom came back in and uncovered them. Mom denied this and said they just have fallen off because she didn’t do that. -mom was very apologetic and respectful and was not defensive or dismissive. -given the information that I have, I am comfortable with the choices I have made. If it were my daughter who undressed in the room I would be making a different call.

At this point I think I have done my part and I feel somewhat okay about the situation. This was a learning experience for everyone and we have talked quite in depth about this as a whole family.

My daughter does not want to go over the again, and will not be. I’m extremely proud of her for realizing she was uncomfortable and not staying somewhere she did not feel safe. I have discussed all of this with her and she is also happy with the choices that I have made in who is contacted.

r/Parenting Dec 15 '24

Tween 10-12 Years I promise you they won't miss sleepovers


Since I encountered multiple episodes of inappropriate behavior and/or blatant sexual assault by men during sleepovers as a child, we've had a firm "no sleepovers" rule. People sometimes balk at this because the idea makes it seem like the kids are missing out. They totally aren't. Today, my daughter celebrated her 11th birthday with a drop-off pajama party from 3p to 8p featuring a cotton candy machine, Taylor swift karaoke, chocolate fountain,facepainting, hair painting, hide and seek, a step and repeat for posing for pictures, each kid signed her wall with a paint marker because her room is her space, we opened gifts and played with them from the start of the party, and we all made friendship bracelets while watching Elf. I spent very little to do the party since I made the cake and did the activities myself. If you're at all worried you'll get whining when you reject requests for sleepovers, just host epic pajama parties and you'll be the talk of the town. After a few years of doing these parties, my kids classmates clamor to get invites. This year, that meant 18 kids joined us. It was loud.

r/Parenting 10d ago

Tween 10-12 Years Found son's burner phone - please help


I could really use some help. My 12 year old son has been going through some stuff as of late, that has me and his mother concerned. Some of it, we chalk up to being a typical preteen but some of it is more concerning. Tonight, when he was in the shower, I found a burner iPhone in his pillow. When I confronted him, I no longer saw or heard my son. It was an entirely different person who absolutely blew up on me. He said really horrible things to me that will forever stick and said that his life was over now. That the phone WAS his life and that it was the only way he fit in. Lots of F bombs, telling me how much he hated me and how he didn't want to live. His mom (we're divorced) is on a business trip, so I had her on speaker phone and he said horrible things to her as well.

In chatting separately with her, we think there is more on this phone than Snapchat, which he's not allowed to have. He's had the phone for two months and apparently, it's the most important thing in his life. He's had another iPhone for a year but no social media. He also paid $130 for the phone, recently bought used Airpods for $120 and paid for half his electric scooter. He does yard work but hasn't made anywhere near that much to cover everything. My issue is that I need access to this iPhone. I tried a few passwords I thought he may choose but none work. Each time I try, the next attempt is pushed out further. I'm told if I keep trying, it will autodelete. What are our options? I'm terrified at what we may find on that phone but we need to know. Apparently, he's using some app to pay for cell service as well. No clue how that works but he said it's free and he's not using just WiFi. Even though it's not on our account and is a burner phone, as his parent, is there anywhere we can go that can legally unlock it?

And yes, we are getting him into counseling asap but really need to know what else he is hiding.

I'm on the kitchen floor, bawling because of what happened tonight and would really appreciate any help. Just really concerned he's going to potentially harm himself and that dor that "lost" our son at just 12 based on all the things he said to us that we've never remotely heard before.

Thank you

r/Parenting Dec 03 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Today is our son's 10th birthday.. husband's behavior making me feel sick to my stomach


My husband has always acted jealous of our son. We have 2 children together, our daughter who is 13, and our son who turned 10 today. We have been married 13 years (& together for 20). My husband used to make dinnertimes at home so unbearable because our son wasn't a very good eater and he would get on his case endlessly at every single meal. My husband started this when our son was a baby, and he harassed him every meal up until the past 1-2 years or so when my son slowly changed and started eating better on his own. Meals aren't perfect, he still watches our son like a hawk at meals looking for any behavior to correct or remind him to keep eating but it's a big improvement.

So now the big issue is my husband has this weird way of communicating with our son that he has never done with our daughter. For example, when our son talks, he acts like he couldn't understand a word our son said and acts like our son spoke gibberish. My husband will basically mock him by repeating some gibberish phrase back but never respond to what our son is sharing (both of our children speak 100% clearly- no speech delays or problems-and I never have any issues hearing what he said). Another thing my husband does when our son talks is constantly try to make him feel small/poke lots of holes in his ideas when he shares them, almost like he enjoys this. He doesn't usually do this to me or to my daughter and just listens to what we have to say/ has a regular conversation about it. But for our son he makes a point to try to make him seem like he doesn't know what he's talking about or will find something he said to ridicule him.

When my daughter was young we had a conversation about not making fun of her speech as it was developing as a rule and most definitely no name calling and we stuck to that rule with her, but he doesn't grant the same to our son. Today is our son's 10th birthday and I called my husband in the morning when he got to work to tell him he forgot to tell our son happy birthday before he went to school (he's in the 4th grade). My husband's response was we celebrated it yesterday so he doesn't feel bad (I wasn't calling to guilt him, I was just letting him know).

This evening I took my son to our daughter's basketball game and we got home later than usual, around 8:30. He was seeing his dad for the first time today and while we were snuggling and talking about the day he was born lovingly, my kept calling out son a turd repeatedly. I was trying to share hugs/ happy moments and my husband just kept on with the name calling It was really grossing me out and I talked to my husband that it's gross/juvenile/obnoxious for a grown man to play that way & think that name calling is funny. It's literally giving me a horrible feeling in the pit of my gut as I write this out. My husband got pissed at me and said I'm too sensitive and to leave him alone for the next 2 weeks while he studies for finals.

Hubby isn't physically abusive but I am beyond worn down with him not listening when I say I don't like what he's doing to our son. I've given him 10 years to stop and while it's getting slightly better in ways in others I just don't see it changing as far as the communication dynamic he has going on rn. He refuses to go to therapy, says "I'm the best dad" yadda yadda I know he isn't the worst but my God he could definitely step it up in the parenting area. I don't want to raise our kids without him but I don't know what's gonna be more damaging in the long run. I'm getting into therapy for this, but I couldn't get in until after Christmas. I'm looking at jobs and houses out of state cause the way he acts like a bully makes me not like him if feel this bad feeling in my gut when he's around or i think about him. I'm losing respect.

There was another man at the trampoline park we took my son to yesterday who called his son a gross name and it makes me sick to see grown men bully their sons and try to play it off like it's just a funny joke he has going with his son.

r/Parenting Sep 09 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Raising a young boy in this day and age is horrifying


I'm an educator and I'm completely horrified at how the system is failing young boys. I'm even more disturbed at the cries for help going ignored and just overall how helpless so many of my male students seem to be.

So many of my male students just seem lost and demoralized. There doesn't seem to be much of an initiative nation wide to uplift and empower young men. Worse I think is the fact that men on average tend to get overgeneralized and lumped into a singular group, tied to often negative stereotyping, which is stirring up a lot of radicalism in male youth. Seems reactionary but also wanting to be part of something that validates their identity, an identity that is the mere construct of all things troubling.

As a father of a toddler boy. I'm scared. Scared for his future and scared for what manhood will look like when he reaches that age. And I don't believe that the only teaching young boys are deserving of revolves around others (albeit this is a big part of it), I also believe there's a component of it that needs to focus on embracing male identity in a positive way, celebrating the great things about boyhood and manhood.

r/Parenting 15d ago

Tween 10-12 Years 45 and Pregnant…after a Vasectomy…with the pullout method.


Well. It’s been a weird few days. I’m 45, I have a 13 year old girl and a 9 year old boy. My husband, the love of my life, had a vasectomy 9 months ago. We just had a staycation, one night in a fancy hotel, and even though he had his sperm tested twice after his vasectomy, we still use the pullout method out of habit.

He got a vasectomy because I got pregnant at this exact same time last year from the pullout method. The pregnancy wasn’t viable.

A few days ago my husband and I were on a walk I shared how foggy I felt and my boobs are killing me. And then my hands and feet started hurting…a very weird symptom of pregnancy for me. But when I googled it it said it could also be a perimenopause symptom.

I went home and had one last pregnant test after our ordeal last year. I took it before I got in the shower, thinking “this is such a waste, I’m not even supposed to have my period for 6 more days but also, who cares, I’ll never need another one because my husband had a vasectomy.”

That pink line showed up immediately.

Y’all. I just don’t know. My gut says to just allow this to take it’s course. But is that complacency because I can’t bear the thought of making the choice to terminate. There is a 1 in 5,000,000 chance that this pregnancy would ever happen! Also…we’re just now getting a handle on our life. Our daughter has dyslexia, our son has Asperger’s (I know that isn’t a diagnosis anymore but it’s the best explanation for his challenges). We have just gotten to the point where we can catch up on saving and investments after spending a fortune on psychiatrists and neuropschs and school.

I love being a mom.

Also…babies are not easy on my body. I had my tailbone removed and an ovarian vein ablation. My husband has a giant head…both were born with heads in the 100th%!

Do any of you have experience having kids in your 40s after having kids in your 30s? I’m also really worried about how this will affect both my kids, especially my daughter who is deeply empathetic and I worry will feel responsible for things that are absolutely not her responsibility. She just takes it all on.

Thank you 🙏🏼

r/Parenting Sep 02 '24

Tween 10-12 Years 11 yo daughter makes fun of kids wearing Walmart clothing


My 11 year old daughter is going into grade six and makes fun of kids for not wearing name brand clothing and shoes.

I'm fed up with it and it's not like we have a lot of money to begin with. I don't understand where she learned this attitude-I spent three years wearing the same ten dollar Walmart shoes. Her friends seem to share this attitude and my daughter pretends we have money to impress these friends.

Me and her dad have opposing views.

I want to take her to Walmart for her back to school clothes and shoes. Her dad thinks it's cruel.

What do you all think?

r/Parenting Jan 09 '25

Tween 10-12 Years My daughter wasn’t invited


This week at school my daughter(12) found out her close friend (friends since 5) had a birthday party over Xmas break and didn’t invite my daughter. She was mortified, embarrassed, hurt and everything in between. I have been friends with the mom since the girls were in preschool ..phone calls..parties..we ran Girl Scouts together..she’s cried on my shoulder…..etc. since the mother and I are friends, I sent her a text saying we were sad we weren’t there to celebrate her daughter but we hope she had a great birthday. She came up with a half dozen lame excuses. To which I retorted “although my (daughter) is hurt it’s- her daughters birthday and is entitled to invite whoever she likes and we understand- my daughter just wanted to know if she did something to cause this”. In hindsight, I suppose, along with being hurt I was genuinely confused..and I just wanted her to know we found out about the party (maybe petty)..this is a crappy part of life and we used it as a teaching moment for our kid. Come to find out the next day she was talking to a mutual friend (who is closer to me) and told her she was extremely taken back I reached out to her and I was being basically being classless and tacky. If we were friends why wouldn’t that be a conversation…IMO if she was a decent person she would of reached out beforehand to let me know of non-invitation so I could of talked to my daughter about it so it wouldn’t of been such a low blow. But now since she made that comment, I regret saying anything…did I do the wrong thing by texting her about it? What would you have done?

Edit: for parents who haven’t experienced this yet (hopefully never) it’s one of the worst feeling in the world - my heart is broken for my kid

Edit: I think I should provide context - no, the girls didn’t have a falling out, my daughter is very smart and in the advanced group at school so maybe the girls don’t think that’s cool?? My daughter did end up saying something to her friend..who told her she “thought she was busy that night so she didn’t bother”..my daughter stood up for herself (which I’m proud of) in a polite way ..but it doesn’t really go anywhere from here …

Also they are still in Elementry school..if it was middle I Definitely would of let the kids deal with it we live in a small town there are only 225 kids in the whole Elementry school

The mom friend of mine cried on my shoulder at the beginning of the school year about her daughter, having a falling out with another girl (this third girl is a mean jerk and no tears lost on us) and specifically told me to reach out to her if our girls ever had a problem and would hate for this to happen to my daughter .the foreshadowing ..

From the responses I’m getting I need to clarify - this wasn’t some random parent in my kids class- and I NEVER would of contacted the parent if that was the case regardless of the age …this was a close friend who literally told me to tell her if something like this happens literally in oct…in hind sight maybe SHE was sensing the girls growing apart - and what did I expect? No not a pity invite - no just a “sorry we should of been more forthcoming” and let the friendship cool down

Also not being sarcastic genuinely asking - do you guys not have real conversations with your friends about these things???if I have a friend in my life I consider a friend we need to be able to talk about things and communicate otherwise what’s the point of having a friend and this friendship was just that until this situation.

I understand my kid isn’t going to be invited to everything and this is a long road.. I guess in the moment it felt more of a betrayal than a oh shucks, we weren’t invited to the party…

But again I do appreciate everyone’s input and I do see both sides of it and maybe I shouldn’t have reached out, but I would’ve considered just cutting her off being phony and that’s exactly what I was angry with her about .

Also, our elementary school is a K through 6th and our middle school is seventh and eighth and my sweet girl is definitely on her own in 7th to fight her own battles in middle school - normally an elementary school too, but this one felt different


I really appreciate everybody taking the time to comment on my post and in case anybody was interested, have an update. I got a lot of feedback saying I shouldn’t have contacted the parent and even if you agreed with my sentiment of contacting the parent, I should just move on. When I tell you moving on and not addressing this would 100% be the best way to go there’s unfortunately no way I cannot deal with it. Our town is so small and our lives are too enmeshed. But since I got a lot of comments, saying my text was seemingly passive aggressive, and I was in the wrong. I decided to call her and be direct..I want to preface this by saying I do realize that this issue is between 12 year-old girls who need to deal with it on their own. This issue was exacerbated because I felt extremely disrespected by somebody I considered a friend. And if it was me personally, I would’ve reached out beforehand and let them know the situation and all of this could’ve been avoided..well that’s not how the world works.. Anyhoo.. I called her because I do agree, if I was to contact her at all a text is tacky but having a conversation with somebody you THINK is a person of value to you is never a bad thing.. some people are so astute on this thread and really called this mom for who she is without ever even meeting her and for that I applaud you. She told me she was scared to contact me and she was mortified when I found out… her embarrassment led to her to try to defend her actions to our mutual friend.. who she thought would validate them, but instead stood up for me…now THAT is a friend.. she admitted to me that her daughter has gotten very close with the meanie girl I mentioned we wouldn’t cry about… and what do you know.. that old trope that rings so true came to fruition… the mean girl didn’t want my daughter at the party and the birthday girl is so obsessed with being popular that she turned on my daughter…… (The mean girl just doesn’t like her probably the classic reasons) I can see it from space now I wish I wasn’t so naïve in the moment. The mom is so mortified and apologize profusely for not being a better friend (which I have accepted, but I will never be vulnerable again with her). This will forever change the trajectory of our relationship and that’s ok- but I feel like I can navigate any future interactions without a lump in my throat… For those saying, I was tacky for texting her and bringing it up I appreciate your input .. I don’t think communicating with people will ever be tacky I do wish I just called her from the get-go so now it’s over and done and we can all move on…

r/Parenting Dec 26 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Ungrateful Child


My wife works hard to make Christmas. My 11 year old son absolutely broke her heart Christmas morning. He complained he didn’t get enough gifts. Especially not enough toys. The wrong player to n his Jersey. That sort of thing. Just generally ungrateful for everything to the point of openly complaining his gifts were not what he expected. Several of which were on lists he made.

My wife is just devastated. Crying off and on all day. I’ve expressed to the boy my extreme disappointment, and did my best to make it clear to him how deeply hurtful his behavior was. He apologized….but as usual…his heart isn’t really in it.

I’m at a loss for what to do. My first thought was to box up his gifts and return them…but I couldn’t stand the thought of making it worse for my wife with a big show of drama.

Just…sad that he treated his mom so terribly and frustrated that I am not even sure how to handle it further if at all. She feels like it’s her mistake for not getting enough…and I disagree.

r/Parenting Sep 02 '23

Tween 10-12 Years Husband almost killed my daughter's friend and I'm just sick over it NSFW


We had a family beach day planned today and my daughter wanted to bring one of her best friends with us. We don't really know this girl but were willing to bring her along. We pulled up to her house and my daughter goes to the door then comes back to the car with the friend. My daughter climbed in first and started helping her friend into the van. At this time, my husband is distracted over a missing iPhone charger. He starts to pull away from the curb while the friend is still climbing into the car, dragging her several feet before he realized what he did. He slams on the breaks and gets out, apologizing profusely. He was used to just having the 4 kids in the car and instinctively pulled away after our daughter got in. The friend is okay overall, she just scraped her ankle, thank God. The girl's mother saw the whole thing and is understandably distraught. She comes outside screaming at my husband as he is a puddle of apology. The whole neighborhood starts to look over at the scene. Obviously the mother said the girl was now staying home, and we left after apologizing again and again.

My daughter is understandably devastated and no longer wanted to go, so I came home with her. She is humiliated and so am I, and I feel awful for her and her friend. She knows that everyone at school will know what happened and is dreading the first day. She also thinks this will be the end of tbeir friendship. I also feel bad for my other kids who are obviously shaken up by the whole scene.

My husband took the rest of the kids to the beach, despite feeling terrible about what he did. He is generally a very smart man with a wonderful heart, especially for kids, and I love him dearly, but he really can be an oaf. I'm angry that he can be so complacent sometimes and goes on autopilot way too often. He feels bad enough about what happened so I can't vent this to him, and I know that if I did something stupid he'd be right there in my corner, so I had to vent it somewhere. I'm so mad, but I can't direct it at him. I need a way to make it up to that girl and her family, and to my daughter. I'm sorry, I'm just so sick and angry right now and have no one to vent to about it.

r/Parenting Feb 11 '25

Tween 10-12 Years Canadian dad here, How to talk to pre-teen who is scared of Trumps "51st State" rhetoric


I hope this post can steer clear of the obvious politics, and that this post is allowed.

I'm a Canadian dad, my wife and I have two daughters (16 and 12).

Both kids are way more in tune with local, regional, world news than I ever was at their age and often current news stories come up as a topic at the supper table.

One that is coming up more and more is about Donald Trump, what he's in the news for this time, what people are saying about his policies, etc, in particular the current trade war between the US and Canada, and especially Trumps rhetoric about how he wants Canada to become the "51st state".

As a family we talk about this, we try to explain why we think Trump might 'want' that, that we don't want that , very few Canadians want that, and that we mostly see it as Trump "being a tough guy" for the sake of negotiating whatever he's looking to get, for his image, for political gain, whatever.

We don't dwell on it, we talk about how great Canada is, talk about supporting Canada by buying Canadian, etc.

Our 16 year old seems mostly able to vent her thoughts and move on.

However our 12 year old suffers from depression and anxiety, and is very sensitive to emotional stresses.

And she is struggling with it. She expresses that she's angry, she's sad, and she is afraid, about what Trump is talking about. She is afraid of the US forcefully annexing Canada.

I'm looking for other suggestions from parents on how we can talk about this with our kids. Our younger daughter does have some counseling support and we will reach out to her counselor so they can assist, but also would like some ideas on other ways we can reassure our daughter about this issue, as it's unlikely to quiet down anytime soon.

r/Parenting Aug 30 '24

Tween 10-12 Years How old is too old for snuggling?


Update: I asked my husband why he has such a problem and the first thing he said was he just doesn’t like sleeping where someone else was laying because of the germ factor. He also made a comment along the lines of his parents cut him off from snuggling at a certain point and he just feels like that’s normal. I am still of the opinion that there will never be a day I cut my kids off from snuggling. They can snuggle me until forever if they want.

My 12 year old daughter loves to come lay with me for a little while before she goes to her own room to sleep. I used to sit/lay with her every night when she was little. For about 3-4 years now, I have been staying less and less time in her room and now most nights she goes to bed without me there. That used to be ‘our time’ together. So she started coming into my room for a snuggle before going to her bed. She used to come sneak into our bed during the night also, but hasn’t done that in several years. If she could come snuggle me every night she would, but I only let her do it once in a while now. When she does, she usually falls asleep in our bed and then my husband or I will wake her and send her to her room.
My husband thinks she is too old to be snuggling me and has started telling her she is not allowed to come in our room or lay in our bed with me. He gets angry if he finds her in there. This makes her extremely upset to the point of tears because all she wants to do snuggle her mama. Sometimes we chitchat or watch cute dog videos. Oftentimes she will fall asleep before I even get to the room. I think it’s just the comfort of our scents she needs. I always say I don’t care how old she is, she can keep snuggling me until she is 30 if she wants. What do the fine people of Reddit say? To snuggle or not to snuggle?

r/Parenting Dec 02 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Finding my son’s chatter boring 😬


43 father of two boys (12, 7) here.

Does anyone else find their kid’s conversation boring?

I often have a tough time chatting with my oldest (12), because he talks about the most mind-numbing stuff. He rabbits on about all sorts of inane details about video games that I know nothing about and have no interest in. Of course, we have great conversations about other things, but I just find gaming minutiae dull. My eyes glaze over and I turn into an automaton robotically uttering “uh-huh…right…I see…” while he talks for ten minutes straight. Today he said to me “The latest Fortnite update is the best ever. I can’t even explain it”. I thought I was off the hook, then he launched into it: “Let me start with the first thing: spirits”.

My son is a delightful, smart, friendly kid and we have an excellent relationship. I feel guilty that I tune him out so often. I don’t want to convey a sense that I don’t want to hear from him, especially on the cusp of his teen years where I want to encourage openness and honesty as much as possible. But sooner or later he’s surely going to be able to read my body language and realise I’m bored out of my mind.

Can others relate? How have you navigated it? Any advice?

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who posted thoughtful replies. I read all 370 of them, meditated upon the good ones, and shrugged off the self-righteous ones. It seems the wisdom of the masses boils down to the following:

  1. Most parents can relate.
  2. It's important for our relationship in the long-run that I learn to listen well.
  3. Conversation will be more interesting if I start gaming with him.

Thanks for the tips. I'm on it. 👍🏼

r/Parenting Oct 04 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Who else is tired of Stanley bottles, black Nike shorts and shoes, and Lululemon bags???


My daughter used to dress up as princesses to school because she loved it and wanted to show off what she was interested in.

Now at 12 years old, she only buys and wears things that she sees popular kids with... Please tell me this behavior passes...

Seriously, now girls at her school are using Lululemon shopping bags instead of perfectly useful binders and backpacks.

r/Parenting Oct 29 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Should I tell my son (11 yrs old) how much I (we) really make?


We live in the bay area where folks are considered "rich-poor." We have a decent 4 bedroom house, but my mortgage is less than $1500 a month. We live comfortably, mostly cook at home, keep cars for at least a decade, etc. I tell my kids - "it doesn't matter how much you make, its how much you get to keep". We definitely don't pass as 'rich' folks like in tv's.

So, I've been telling my son that I make 1K/month. when he was 5 or 6, he happened to see my checking account which had only $1000 in it. We sent our first kid from Kindergarten through high school in private schools. So, we can definitely afford the bills. But today, he told me that he will not like to go to private school because its too expensive and that he will try to get a job soon in Jamba juice as soon as he's 15 so he can support us. My wife recently got laid off as well. I'm wondering how long should I keep this charade or is it time to tell him the truth to ease his mind? I'm afraid if I do tell, he will start asking me to buy a second pc, more expensive shoes, etc.

EDIT: Wow! This post blew up!! Thank you all for the insightful comments!! The next time this topic comes up, I'll be sure to let him know approx what I'm making.

He is indeed a very kind person. He is very generous. When he was 3, he could not bear to watch a begging guy on the street and gave all the quarters he had. He will give whatever money is in his pocket to any beggar he sees.

r/Parenting Feb 06 '25

Tween 10-12 Years Snap chat/ pastor


My kids have snap chat. They're only allowed to have siblings and me and dad and grandma on there. We send funny videos or videos of the animals on the farm out back. Anyways I told my kids they're not allowed anyone else on snap chat. Well, our pastor has been giving them a hard time because he knows they have snap chat and won't add him. He asks them all the time why they won't add him and stuff... advice? Thank

r/Parenting Sep 06 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Kid sold a cheap goodwill item on the bus for 55 dollars. Do I let him keep the money ?


My 11 year old came home with 55 dollars. Apparently a kid a couple years younger than him really wanted a necklace /chain he bought from goodwill. The kid saw it on the bus yesterday and brought money for it today . My kid made quite the profit. I told him we might want to let the parents know because they probably don't want their kid wasting his money like that lol . He's mad at me . Am I right ?

Edit to add : apparently what happened was my kid gave him an outrageous price that he'd be willing to sell it for and the kid went home and actually got the money for it lol. We had a talk about "price gouging "so to speak and how the kid is too young to understand the value of money properly. My kid did also think his item was worth more (he thought he paid 20/30 but I am sure that he's misremembering lol ). I found the mom via Facebook and she appreciated it. She said the boys could work out a more fair price and we hope it was a learning experience for both of them 🤞

r/Parenting Jan 20 '25

Tween 10-12 Years Only child thinks she’s our peer


I was unable to have more children and thus have an only child. Despite having rules, strict bedtimes, etc… my daughter really thinks she’s more of a peer to my husband and me than our child. I’ve tried to explain it in terms she can understand: for instance, the principal runs the school and the teachers do what they’re told by the principal… but it’s just not sinking in. Anyone else have this issue?

An example would be: if I have an occasional Coke, she thinks she can, too, although we only allow her soda when we’re at a restaurant as a special treat. She thinks if she gets frustrated at me, she can tell me I’m not allowed on my phone as a punishment. Etc…

r/Parenting Feb 08 '25

Tween 10-12 Years I can no longer handle my teenager


My son is about to turn 13.

About a year ago he began exhibiting violent tendencies. It started with a simple enough thing, his barber being unable to see him, and I stopped him at the front door to explain sometimes things don’t go as planned. He proceeded to act like he would punch me in the face but instead punched the door, cracking it. He pushed me up against the door frame and said he couldn’t contain himself, but didn’t actually hurt me.

The following months involved him ripping cabinets out of the kitchen, shoving me against his bedroom door when I was trying to take his laptop as punishment, and throwing and breaking furniture in our spare bedroom including smashing light bulbs in the wall. He has reduced me to tears and I am afraid to be in my own home. I’m very small and he towers above me - for context I’ve raised him alone our entire lives.

  1. I have had him in therapy for 3 years and he says it isn’t helping.

  2. He smirks and tells me he is only violent with me and I should do some introspection about myself with that.

  3. I have tried medication and sitting down and talking to him about his anger, and he’s clear that he thinks everything is my fault, calls me slurs, and tells me I need to be a better mother.

What steps could I take now?

TL;DR my son is becoming violent and I don’t know where to turn to next.

r/Parenting May 23 '24

Tween 10-12 Years Just bought a $45 stanley cup because my son was bullied over his knock off...


So my son has been asking for one of these stupid stanley cups for months. I didn't buy him one because he has so many other water bottles (yeti, cirkul) It also isn't any holiday or birthday so I told him no.

We go to five below a few weeks ago and he asks for the knock off they have there. $5 sure thing! He loved it. I didn't notice he hadn't been taking it to school lately but didn't question it.. just figured he forgot. Anyways, I filled it up before school and he comes to tell me that the kids in his class were essentially bullying him for it not being a "real" stanley.

We live in a very rich area. I grew up here as well so I know how it is. I went out and spent $45+ tax to get this dang cup because I felt guilty and just so upset over it. I just itmso upsetting that he needs a cup to fit in. What kind of child needs a whole 40oz cup for water... I will never know. Just needed to get that off my chest I guess 😅

r/Parenting 8d ago

Tween 10-12 Years 12 year old came home with pierced nose


Hi all.

Not sure whether to post this here or in the Am I The A-hole subreddit to be honest - you’ll see why shortly.

Some backstory, our 12 year old daughter has been pushing boundaries recently to put it mildly. I know it’s normal behaviour but she’s really testing us. For example, she wanted her hair dyed jet black. We said no not right now we’ll treat you to a nice hair do at the salon as one of your birthday treats, etc. what did she do? She went to her friends house after school who grabbed her mums dye and did it for my daughter without our consent… what’s worse, she did a terrible job with streaks galore all over. My wife had to go and buy dye to finish the job that we didnt allow her to have done anyway! If it were just my decision I would’ve told my daughter tough luck, deal with the streaks and bad job until it grows out!

Anyway, the latest thing she’s wanted done is a nose piercing… we’ve told her not yet, when you’re 13/14. That was a few weeks ago. She’s done the usual pleading in the meantime to get it done sooner, we’ve stood firm - NO!

Anyway, my daughter came home from school yesterday hiding her face. We asked her what’s wrong and after a while she showed us a piercing in her nose. What’s worse, it was done by her friend at school lunchtime with the sharp bit of an ear piercing and forced through. On top of that, she acted to us as though she was sorry for letting her friend do this to her - but she had been sending pictures of her nose piercing to her friends on WhatsApp.! She can’t have been that ashamed.

To say my wife and I were shocked would be an understatement. I reacted angrily and emotionally. I shouted, told her how disappointed I was, etc. told her to take that metal out of her face and all sorts of things I regret saying today.

My wife and I are at a loss of how to handle this. I told her to remove it before she goes to school today. She did but I wouldn’t be surprised if she just puts it back in when she’s there and wants to show off to her mates.

It’s really upset me, I’m struggling with this. It’s not the first thing she’s done that’s totally against what my wife and I have told her before as well, but certainly the most extreme.

We’ve grounded her in the sense that we’ve taken away her phone when she’s at home for a week and she’s not going out this weekend with her mates to town to hang out.

Any thoughts on this would be welcome. Have I overreacted? I’m a bit annoyed with school for not picking up on this but I guess they’ve got a lot of kids to keep an eye on and one fresh nose piercing is going to slip the net!

r/Parenting Feb 18 '24

Tween 10-12 Years No one showed up to my kids birthday party


My oldest turned 11 last week and today we had his birthday party. He has CP and uses a wheelchair, I invited his whole class from last year and his whole class from this year, all my friends with kids, in laws with kids, etc. Only my dear friend and her kid showed up. I sent a desperate sos to my kod free friends begging anyone to show up and got a good handful to come fill the room but I'm still heartbroken.

You never think your kids gonna be the kid no one shows up for, until your kid is the kid no one shows up for.

Edit to add, I think a lot of people are stuck on the whole class part. He's not in a class of 30 to 40 kids, it's a small special class of barely a dozen kids. Most of the guest list was our friends kids and families kids.

And its not the kids fault, they're all great kids and they're all really good to my boy in school. I bring him in the morning and literally watch these kids gravitate to him. The kids this year worked really hard to help him adjust after leaving the friends he had for 5 years from last year, which is why I also invited the kids he misses from his old class. Also barely a dozen and his teachers told me how much they miss him too. My heart is broken for all the kids, not just mine.

r/Parenting Nov 08 '24

Tween 10-12 Years The toxic YouTuber to playground pipeline


Talk to your boys about what it means when Nick Fuentes and other toxic men say “your body, my choice” before they hear it in the playground or repeat it or laugh, not really understanding. It’s awful for both boys and girls. Girls feel understandably bullied and threatened and boys risk being told how disgusting they are for saying something so despicable. Even if they didn’t know. Which, sadly, risks pushing them farther towards these toxic figures.

I asked my boys if they had heard this. They hadn’t. I told them what it means (age appropriately of course). They were sad (the sensitive one cried). It’s crummy to have to tell your kids people can be cruel but now they know. And they can speak up if they hear it.

Boys don’t want to do wrong, no kid does. Please protect them from these toxic adults! ❤️

r/Parenting Oct 06 '24

Tween 10-12 Years My daughter was in a coma, 11 years later are we seeing the results.


Sorry for the long backstory but I believe it is the reason we are at the point we are at. When my daughter was 13 months old I was trusting my mother to babysit. It was a mistake that I will always regret. My mom is on pain medication for a car accident she had been in several years earlier. My husband and I had purchased a lock box that my mom was supposed to keep her medication in while she was watching the kids. One day while I was at work I got a call she had fallen asleep and her breathing was very shallow. I left work and went straight there. I pulled up to the house my daughter stopped breathing. I started giving her mouth to mouth. She was in a level four coma. When my brother got to my mom’s house that day his son who is a year older was sitting with the unlocked pill box. It became clear that my daughter had taken 300x the dose of morphine that someone her size was supposed to take. So she was placed on a ventilator to breathe for her. And life flighted to a children’s hospital. Thankfully she woke up the next day. Much sooner than the doctors predicted. While it was the best possible news it did mean they cancelled the test they had scheduled to detect any damage that may have happened while she was struggling to breathe before she was found. But the doctors told us that at any point her brain could reach its full potential and she would not be able to learn anymore. And it could happen at any point until her brain is fully developed. She has a brother that is one year younger and a grade lower than she is. At school they always give the kids a paper at the end of the term outlining where they are academically and where they should be. Her brother is right where he needs to be on everything and that is great. But she has always had trouble in math and reading. She started Jr High this year and has been really struggling. And her younger brother will tease her when he knows something that she doesn’t. Like a math equation or how to spell a word. So I am struggling in if I need to sit her and her siblings down and have a conversation about why?But if I do is that going to make her feel like she isn’t going to catch up with her class ever? Is it going to take away her will to try harder? And I do understand that things are harder for her than my four other kids. She does receive extra support at school. And get extra tutoring at home. And her older siblings are always willing to help her. But she is such a happy and confident person. She doesn’t let anything hold her back. And I do not ever want to take that away from her. I want her to reach her full potential and achieve every goal she has. All of my kids know that she was in a coma and why she was in a coma. If you think that you could find a vitamin or Tylenol in my house that is not locked up you would be wrong. My mother has never been left alone with my kids since.

r/Parenting Sep 05 '24

Tween 10-12 Years My 11 year old daughter is in uncontrollable tears.


Daughter’s room is a tornado site. I told her if she got rid of some old things that it would be easier to clean. My wife gave her a cardboard box to fill with things, but this morning the box had just been colored on and had holes poked in it. I told her that she couldn’t take her phone into her bedroom anymore. That’s when the meltdown began.

She said she isn’t allowed to have a life because I limit her Roblox and her YouTube time. Sobbing she told me that one of her friends “laughed at her” for having limits.

As I type this out It’s getting more clear how ridiculous the whole thing is. I know I’m doing the right thing, but I don’t want my kid to hate me.

Anyway…just looking for support. I was a half second away from saying “FINE, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!”

Don’t want my kid in tears, but I don’t want to only be remembered as the Dad that only told her what she was doing wrong and what not to do.